Bred ne Re rons 3 RENE os HERB a 2 sevens EE te ee ge Te A L Sm = FES a SoZ PRE his SSR Sos Es Te Ed H Sr ES Zak ZZ NE: ZZ Sar LEZBEE a THE DRYDEN OBSERVER SEPT Provision in this Store has been made very largely and very wisely. Watch YO 'e have the Display op Be Lad vercoats at all all sizes ! Window want a al Scotch Tweed oUt measure, aad feel about 0zcHl oan samples. | the pricefor Tailored Suit DRYDEN, Ont. i SE fou ite psd ||CHURCH OF ENGLAND NOTES a AN WM Sunday, Oct, 14 FBAGLE BIVER ..... lic 1am, SUNDAY SCHOOL ..__._. 10.30 a.m. MINNITARE oil 3 pam, L. V. POCOCK, Student-in-charge The Kenora Distriet Teacher's In- stitute will hold their annual confer- ence in Dryden on Monday and Tues- day. A programme is being arranged for the enjoyment of visiting teachers by the school staff. TOWN OF By=law No. WHEREAS the Council of the C is of opinion that a system of w Town, including the constructi ! and including also hydrants, plant and connections ' ti ances, at a total estimated cost of ($30,000. 2 i | Dollars. A ¢ ¥ l i, AND WHEREAS the approval of The Provincial Board of Health for Ontario as required by Sub-section 2 of Section 95 of the Public Health Act thereto has been obtained and is § {dated the 5th day of Septimbier, A.D, gi | 1923. 4 iil) | Wi pos = a3 nN ' ] Ni \ 0 ¥ h SEE =% == £5 5 a "> 0% SE or p pif Ee rd 0 \ ito the amount of $30,000, bearing in- valor shall contain a provision in the VE {poration for the purposes AND WHEREAS the said sum of 71330, 000 is the amount of the debt in- fended to be created hereby, AND WHEREAS the amount of the whole rateable - property of the said Town of Dryden acccording to the last 'revised assessment roll is $1,105,831. AND WHEREAS the existing de- benture debt of the said Town, exclu- sive of local improvement debentures, amounts to $84,055.99 of which no part of the principal or interest 'arrears. 4 AND WHEREAS in order to pre- t vide for the said debt it is expedient s jbo issue debentures of the said Town | 7 terest at six per centum per annum. I pI AND WHEREAS it is expedient to' make the principal of the said debt repayable in yearly sums during the iperiod of thirty years, of such amounts \ respectively that the aggregate amount ¥/ payable for principal and interest in i any year shall be equal as nearly as may be to the amount so payable for principal and interest in each of the other years. AND WHEREAS it will be neces- isary to raise annually the sum of $2179.47 during the period of thirty years to pay the said yearly sums of principal and interest as they become due, THEREFORE the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Dryden enact as follows:-- 1 The Corporation of the Town of Dryden may borrow the said sum of $30,000 on the credit of the said Cor- aforesaid and may issue debentures of the said Corporation to the extent of $30,000 in sums of not less than $100 each, bearing interest at the rate of 6 per centunm per annum and having coupons attached thereto for the payment of the interest. 2 The debentures shall all bear the same date and shall be issued within two years after the day on which this By-law is passed, and may bear any date within such two years, and shall be payable in thirty annual in- after the issued and the respective amounts of principal and interest payable in ach of such years shall be as follows: No. Principal Interest Total 1 $ 379.47 $1800.00 $2179.47 2 402.24 1777.23 2179.47 3 426.37 "1753.10 2179.47 4 "451.95 1727.52 2179.47 5 479.07 1700.40 2179.47 6 507.81 1671.66 2179.47 7 538.28 1641.19 2179.47 8 570.58 1608.89 2179.47 9 604.81 1574.66 2179.47 10 - 641.10 1538.37 2179.47 11 679.57 1499.90 2179.47 12 720.34 1459.13 2179.47 13 763.56 1415.91 2179.47 | i4 809.38 1370.09 217847 15 857.94 1321.58 2179.47 16 909.42 1270.05 2179.47 17 963.98 1215.49 2179.47 18 1021.82 1157.65 2179.47 19 1083.13 1096.34 2179.47 20 1148.12 1031.35 2179.47 21 1217.00 962.47 2179.47 22 1290.02 889.45 2179.47 23 1367.42 812.05 2179.47 24 1449.47 730.00 2179.47 25 1536.44 643.03 2179.47 26 1628.63 550.84 2179.47 27 1726.34 453.13 2179.47 28 1829.92 349.55 2179.47 29 1939.72 239.75 2179.47 2056.10 123.37 2179.47 i | $30,000.00 A Bylaw to raise the sum ©f $30.000 by way of Debentures for purpose of installing a waterworks system. From is in| stallments during the thirty years next, time when the same are | DRYDEN the £7 Sd of Eh Town n of Dod Street To ARTHUR STREET RIVER KIRKPATRICK VHITE STREET ARTHUR STREET KING ZING STREET . WHITE STREET EARL STREET EARL STREET KING QUEEN QUEEN STREET EARL STREET CPR. KIRKPATRICK ARTEUR STREET QUEEN STREET QUEEN STREET KIRKPATRICK EARL STREET and appurten- Thirty Thousand 3 The said debentures as to both principal and interest shall be payable at the following places, namely: The Royal Bank of Canada, Dryden, Ont- ario; Toronto, Ontaric, and Montreal, Quebec. 4 The Mayor of the Corporation shall sign and issue debentures and interest coupons, and the same shall also be signed by the Treasurer of the Corporation, and the debentures shall be sealed with the seal of the Corpor- ation. 5 During the said period of thirty vears (the currency of the debentures to be issued hereunder) there shall be raised and levied annually upon the whole rateable property in the said Town in addition to -all other rates levies and assessments, the said sum of $2179.47 for the payment of the everal instalments and interest. 6 Every debenture to be issued here- following words: "This debenture or any interest therein shall not, after a certificate of ownership has been en- dorsed thereon by the Treasurer of this Municipal Corporation, be trans- ferable except by entry by the Treas- urer or his Deputy in the Debenture 'Registry Book of the said Corporation, lat the said Town of Dryden," or to ilike effect. 7 This By-law shall come into foree on the day of the final passing thereof. DONE AND PASSED in Council, day of AD. 23, as witnessed by the hands of the or and Clerk of the said Town and ts Corporate Seal. 1 ( Mayor) (Clery ok ag ---- NOTICE -- TAKE NOTICE that the foregoing is a true copy of a proposed By-law of The Corporation of. the Town of Dry- den to be submitted to the vote of {the Electors on the twentieth day of October, A.D. 1923, between the hours of nine o'clock in the forenoon 'and five o'clock in the afternoon at the following places, namely: the Town Hall, Dryden, Ont. AND that the 19th day of October, AD. 1923, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon at the Town Hall in the said Municipality has been fixed for the appointment of persons to attend at the polling places and at the final sum- ming up of the votes by the Clerk. AND that if the assent of the elec- tors is obtained to the said proposed By-law, it will be taken into consider- ation by the Municipal Council of the said Corporation at a meeting thereof to be held after the expiration of one month from the date of the first pub- lication of this Notice and that such first publication was made on the 21st day of September, A.D. 1923. TAKE NOTICE further that a ten- 'ant who desires to vote upon said By- law must deliver to the Clerk not later than the tenth day before the day appointed for taking the vote, a dec- laration under the Canada Evidence Act that he is a tenant whose lease extends for the time for which the debt or liability is to be created, or in which the money to be raised by the vroposed By-law is payable, or for at least twenty-one years and that he has by the lease covenanted to pay all municipal taxes in respect of the property of which he is tenant other than local improvement rates. Dated at Dryden this 21st day of September, A.D, 1923. fT, F. GIBSON Town Clerk he Boots and Shoes Mens' high top Boots, fall wear .. 4.50 A good, wide, comfortable Work Anes welted sole, vamp, all around shoe, | @ 4.65] Calfskin leather Work Shoe, without toe cap, brown or black _..__.. 3.75 Chocolate colour Work Shoe, double sole, iron shod heel ...___. __ 4.65 Heavy Army Shoe lem 4.75 Black Work Shoe, water proof, welted sole 2.99 Shoe Packs 2.95 Men's Havy Work Shoe, lareg sizes only, big special la 2.95 Men's fine Dress Boot, medium toe, (7 ER A I a OL 4.25 Same Boot in bull dog toe ..._._ - 4.50 Half round toe Dress Boot __.__.. 3.95 Men's Black Oxfords ..__.__.__.. 3.95 Men's Brown Oxfords __.__.__. 4.25 Ladies high top kid leather Boots with military heel, big special __.._ - 2.40 Ladies high top brown calfskin leather Boots, low heel, 3-E width ____ 3.95 Ladies' high top Boots of black calf- skin leather, low heel, good wide fit, Ladies' high top pointed Boots wi French heel ....ciicisismme - 1.25 ----.Ymt h.MaB d3V A w AO thr by Keeping your Feet Drs. The wet weather is here, therefore it will pay you to come in and look over our stock of men's and ladies' Boots, most of which are water proof. Prices you can see for yourself. Cotlonade Pants wr. ol iim ins 2.95 Cotton Pants 2.28 [Corduroy Pants i in... 2.575 Khaki Pants 1.95 t Navy Blue Dress Pants ----....__ 3.93 Navy Blue Serge Pants with a neat stripe .._ --u 4.60 Same quality in a good brown color and-a neat stripe 0... 4.60 Whipcord Breeches, size 32 to 44__3.50 Khaki Breeches --_.__.__._..__. 3.00 Second hand Khaki Army Breeches, per pair 2.50 Pulleen, er pale. .65 Second hand Pants in good serges, per pair 2.50 Blue stripe Overalls, 1.50 to __... 1.95 Plain Blue Overalls __.__.._.._.. 1.95 Blue Overalls, without bib __..__.. 1.60 Smocks in plain blue or stripe __.. 1.85 Second hand Army Smocks --_.__.. .75 Army Jumpers 2 775 Boys' stripe Overalls __..__..__.. 1.25 Boys" Bloomers, .95 to 1.95 New Sheepskin Coats, whipcord top, each 8.50 6.75 Mackinaw Coats 00 Suits Good supply of men's second hand Suits, all colours and sizes; from 7.00 Ladies' brown calfskin Slippers at a cleaving price of coil, 13.50 Ladies' black kid 3-strap Slippers with military heel, 3-E width... 3.75 Patent leather one strap Slipper with suede trimming, regular __.._. Spetdnl a a 3.95 Black 4-strap house Slipper ._.__ 3.26 Ladies' black Oxfords, iow heel, good fit and heel, black fur trimming, red or ~ brown . 1.95 Boy's Shoes, black or brown, from 2.65 to « 8.50 Children's high top Felt Boots, from 2.25 to) 3.10 Children's. patent leather slipper with cushion, from .95 to __.._.__... 1.40 Chidren's button or lace soft sole. Se, from 05 foi. ER LBB Men's brown Rubbers ..__..__..__.. 1.25 Ladies' Rubbers, all sizes __....__ .60 Big supply of our well-known Second Hand Army Boots, all sizes __.. 2.50 Ladies, boys' and girls' second hand Boots 1.50 Sox & Stockings Dark grey wool sox, heavy weight, per pair __. Men's Cotton Socks mci 225 fancy embroidery at side _....... .65 Brown Silk Dress Sox oie. 45 Ladies' Cashmere stockings, in black, DYOWIL OF LOW iiiiuiiniicmiesimamesioasid .65 Ladies' silk dress stockings, brown, fawn, grey and white _.. .60 White silk Stockings, a special _. .40 Kiddies Sox .25 Ladies cotton stockings, all colours, each .2b Ladies' Handkerchiefs, per doz. __ .5b Men's Handkerchiefs, per doz. ..._.. . 95 Heavy Police Braces __.._.____.. 40 Mens Dress Braces, .40 to __.__... .50 Boye' Braces, 20 to oni 35 Men's Belts with nice ver buckles, each A 25 Men's hard Collars, each Soft Collars, all sizes ____. Men's Collar and Cuff Dutton Sets, per set han 15 Arm Bands i ments 10 Garters 25 Wellington Smoking Pipes El) 75 Cheaper 'Pipes oii iii id, 2b Corn Cob Pipes, 3 for... 25 Bachelor Buttons, per pkg. _ 15 Sewing Thread, 6 spools __..._.__ .25 Safety Pins, 2 cards for --_..__.__.. .0b Cigarette Holders, .05 .10 and __.... .15 Good assortment of Mens' Ties and Bow Ties from .25 to __... .65 Pocket Book with Note Bock abt hed each __. Sie 02D Suit Cases and Club Bags, en 2.50 R02 ee BBO Shoe Laces, 8 pair __ tie 30 . +2D «95 95 Shoe Polish, 2 for _.. = Mer's Wool Mufflers __... Silk Mufflers ; Pants Whipcord Heavy Pants, in a good make 3.75 Moleskin Pants 0 0g 3.75 * In the Bigslew Builing 5.50 2.15 | Ladies' felt House Slipper, leather sole! Men's grey wool sox, four pair __ 1.00] 30° Men's Black Dress Sox, English Wool, to 15.00 New Navy Blue and Brown Suits from 17.50 to 19.50 Ladies second hand Suits from 5.00 ALR 8.00 A few Ladies' Second Hand Coats Men's and Boys' Jackets, all colours } and sizes, from 2.00 £0 oo... 7.00 Men's odd Vests, new and second hand, from 30 to iil 1.25 Men's Overcoats, Sven 7.00 to__ 18.00 Sw eaters .Men's Heavy 'wool Coat Sweaters, from a. 28 to Li 4.95 {Men's Heavy Pullovers _...._.._ 3.75 Men's cotton and wool Coat Sweaters, SOON nd 2.25 Boys' Pullover Sweaters .......... 1.25 Boys® Coat Sweaters _... 125 i Girls' Sweater Dresses _ oo. 1.75 4 Underwear Men's 2-piece fleece lined Underwear, per garment .95 Army Underwear, per garment __ .75 Heavy wool Underwear __..._.._ 1.25 Heavy pure wool Combination Under- Wear, BAN toi 2.95 Middleweight Underwear, per garment .95 or per combination __.__.. 1.95 Balbriggan Underwear, garment._ .70 or per combination __.......... 1.40 Heavy Combinations ..__..__._. 1.50" Ladies' 2-piece fleece lined Underwear per garment oh 95 Boys' fleece lined Combination __ 1.25 Shirts Heavy Grey Flannel Shirts __.__ 1.95 black, Flannelette Khaki Shirts __.__... 1.35 Grey Flannelette Shirts __._...._ 1.35 Khaki Drill Shirts _....... i Blue Chambray Shirts __ Black Shirts 90 A good working Shirt in dark grey each 1.80 Flannelette Dress Shirts, with soft collar of same material __..__... 1.25 Sport Shirts 1.25 Linen Shirts ; 1.15 Silk Front and Cuff Shirt mmtnimimt 245 Mitts & Gloves Horeshide Pullover Mitts with elastic, PET PAY oan La 110 Muleskin Pullover Mitts: __.__..__.. 35 Muleskin Gloves 0... .35 Pigskin Gloves 75 Horsehide Gloves, lined __.__.__.. .8 Muleskin Gauntlet Gloves __.__.... .60 Horsehide Gauntlet Gloves __..__. 7 00 Dress Gloves for fall __.__.__... 1.60 Winter Caps all colors and sizes, from .95 to 1.10 Don't forget our well known second hand Army Shoes, as we have just re- ceived a big shipment. Also ladies', boys' and girls' second hand shoes 1.50 Now is the season that you must come in and see our supply of guns and rifles. We trade as well as sell them. New Felt Hats will sell at a big special, also a good supply of Second : ,Hand Felt Hats. ( inh Town se)