Dryden Observer, 16 Nov 1923, p. 3

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i n dry ak 4 2 THE DRYDEN OBSERVER a For your winter Musical Instruments call and see Hugh Pronger, ngent for-- EDISON, COLUMBIA & BRUNSWICK GRAMAPHONES & RECORDS, also DOHERTY PIANOS SELECTION OF 300 RECORDS 0. H. PRONGER, Prop: - McCORMICK-- DEERING Pronger's Novelty Store V+¥ GET READY FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS BUYING We have just received a complete stock of :-- TOYS, STATIONERY AND FANCY DISHES Chatham Bob Sleighs Made in three different sizes: ' J Two-inch Two and a half inch Three-inch Cross Chains and Swinging Bolsters or Short Reach. : Prices and Literature on application J. S. CORNER, Oxdrift, Ont. Agent for: -- i INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY of Canada, Ltd | PE HER - Wakyte is a powerful deodorant and disin- fectant powder for use in sanitary closets, . Goal Drumbhellar (DEEP SEAM) General Election in Britain Premier Baldwin says it is desire to make Campaign as short as possible Asquith and Lloyd George get to- gether to fight tariff issue. London, Nov. 13--Dissolution of Parliament before the coming week- end was forecast by Prinde Minister Baldwin at the opening of the new session today. He announced he has advised he Crown to dissolve Parlia- ment as quickly as possible and he did not see why the date should not be next Friday. The Premier made only a brief statement in which he said a general election was always a disturbing ele- ment and should be got through with as quickly as possible. Mr Baldwin said in substance he was thoroughly convinced protective tariffs were necesary in order to solve the unemployment problem. Liberals Patch Truce-- London, Nov. 18--The Asquith and Lloyd George/factions of the Liberal party sank their differences this morn- ing and reunited to present a solid front against the Conservative Pro- tectionists, as well a s the Labor party in the coming election, The reconcilliaton' was affected at a meeting of former Premiers Asquith and Lloyd George, Sir Alfred Mond and Sir John Simon. Arrangements were made for a united campaign by all the Liberals. While such a move was not unex- peced by many political observers, 'there yet had been a great element of doubt as to whether the two bitter political antagonists, Asquith and Lloyd George, could be brought to- gether. Therefore the announcement of the re-union furnished one of the big sensations of the day. Asquith Leader-- The Evening: News states that Mr Asquith will lead the reunited party. It is recalled that Mr Lloyd George in answering interviewers when he landed at Southampton from his visit to Canada and the United States last week said he would work with any- body who would serve the country faithfully. The reconciliation between the Lloyd George and Asquith Liberals is the sequel to one of the sensational politi- cal incidents occurring during the war. The two leaders had long co-operated as outstanding figures of the Liberal party, Mr Asquith was Prime Minister when the war broke out, and when all party differences were merged by the}; formation of a coalition ministry. Mr Lloyd George was one of My Asquith's most active associates, his vp. ] RYE. . , Position as Minister of Munitions giv- ing him a leading part in the direction of military measures, the supply of guns, munitions and explosives. In DISTRICT NEWS * k Xk k Xk x WEDDING. QUIBELL--In the School House here on Sunday, Nov. 4th, by Canon Lofthouse, Miss Minnie Booi and Lawrence Langfield, both of Quibell, were united in marriage. The bride was given away by her brother, Mr G. Booi. She wore a charming dress of satin, with white veil and wreath of orange blossoms. Immediately after the wedding the happy couple left on their honeymoon. -Pulpwood Embargo WOULD KILL ONTARIO MAREET x ¥ kx Evidence Given By Witnesses Before Royal Commission At Toronto. TORONTO, Nov. 14--The general cpinion expressed by witnesses ap- pearing before federal royal commis- sion on pulpwood at parliament build- ings yesterday was that if an embargo weer placed upon pulpwood it would be detrimental to timber farmers of Ontario. One constructive suggestion was made, that the embargo might be put on in a few years' time, thereby giving United States buyers an op- portunity to erect pulp mills in Can- the Ontario market if it was decided to impose an embargo in the near fu- ture was the emphatic statement of another witness. = TORONTO, November 14--James Thompson, manager of the Hyland Lumber Company, Toronto, a witness today at the pulpwood commission investigation, "here, said that there were 252,000,000 cords of poplar in Ontario. He pointed out that poplar reproduced itself every fifteen years, and detoriorated in thirty years. "My 'opinion is," le said "that nop- lar will reproduce itsel? from three to five times 'as fast as we can get a market for it." Since 1917 his firm had not exXpors- ed any rough wood. The export of unpeeled wood going into the United States from the 'province of Ontario with the exception of Fort William and Port Arthur to the United States went by sea or Niagara Falls and were a total loss owing to there being no demand. 9 Pronger's Grocery We carry a full line of :-- Oil-Cooled Engine The only Perfect Engine on the market TRACTORS CLOVER HULLERS SEPARATORS OIL PULLS BURNS - KEROSENE Lowest Operating Cost on Test A. J. GARDINER Eagle River, Ont ada. That it would practically kill : For Junior Misses Golden Star Lod ro amounted to about 25,000 cords. He estimated that 100,000 cords = year | RACHIN & TEASDALE Barristers, Solicitors, etc., IMPERIAL BANK BLOCK KENORA Oni. The right clothes mean so No, 48s much toc a girl Of high school AF. & AM. G.R.C. age. And this year to be hi Ne right, they need not be ex- Meets in the Masonic Hall, Dryden, pensive. These new winter the Second Tuesday of each month. frocks, for example, are de- Visitors Cordially invited. lightfully girlish and pretty, yet they're as simple as can be and amazingly moderate in price. A. E. BERREY, W.M. A. BURTON,, Secy. .O.O.F. DRYDEN LODGE, Hs 417 meets at the To: Hall every 1st and 3rd Monday of eat * month at eight o'clock. w ps ; HERB WILDE, N.G. : H D. ANDERSON, Secy PICTORIAL Visiting Brethren Cordially Invited, REVIEW : L.0.L. DRYDEN LODGE No. 15 meets the first Wednesd..: of each month, at eight p.m., in the Town Hall. Visiting Brethren cor- PATTER "x an e ; : : GROCERIES, FRUITS, etc. : dially invited. § * kk this he gained wide-spread popular ap-§ + hh Mrs EVA NS J. E. HARRIS, W.M. I =z al proval as a man of intense energy ro k BADEN SMITH, Secy ; FLOUR. and FEED tiie ANTHRACITE whereas Mr Asquith gradually be- came identified in the public mind A modern. high-power disinfet~ fficially ad d th h St d N t ith the spirit of caution, hesitation 93-16 Purity Flour coms $3.65 | Mail orders will receive special $y tant, officially adopted throughout ove an u > I 5 49-1b Purity Flour __._..._.._ 357 attention. v the British Empire. Used in all Coal gig A Pte Plan Corl rem | Jy JS, GIBSON, hospitals and public institutions, oa a : 98-1b Purity Flour (barrel)..__.. 8.70 at a lap NOTARY PUBLIC ospita p ¥ The clash beween these two oppos- 10-16 Whole Wheat Flour, 80 <5 AMES Mel ADY CONVEYANCER, &:. Eko ing interests came December, 1916, hd - : Esa nem .8 / : ' 5 : E when Mr Asquith retired and Mr a Sie 3 2 REAL ESTATE Agent for "WE HAVE BOTH IN STOCK J Winterbottom Lloyd George took up the._duties of] 50-10 Rolled Oats - 330 ee AR § N I Prime Minister. This was followed by gh : TTT only INSURANOE Ty COMPANY : LEE = Lumber, Coal the Sdontien of i i a in --- hy BYR ] aay. a OHA Q3E | nd Bultus Sagulies. Lmao h ne sha genial petted 0 Oe et rte 1) J a a . A. DE Agent for-- o Ply Ni | division 'bet 24-16 Corn Meal ooo. 55 / L itter persona lvision between or ; The Dependable Hardware HARTFORD FIRE INS. Mr Asquith and Mr Lloyd George re ih ip Si Cpe A - -- mr - grew out of the change." Each had his 100-15 Barley Chon Hi T TT 167 or ' 5 loyal band of followers, Mr Asquith] Rh Bie 175 ROBT. SWE ENEY ANDERSON & HARRIS retaining the leadership of the old 7 itil i : fl pA : - . : Liberal organization, while My Lloyd TT General Blacksmith & ; George headed a large detachment ers - Woodworker FUNERAL DIREGTORS ony voi 39 a Uhr ov Wand ASTIER HVE ------=] BE. | i) ie : eorge Liberals. : ARRIVED ". = : -- a Day or Night Calls Promptl s rmed truce h tinued : ) : oxviecn acetrlene |" ded in in ene cus sons nai, wer] | KEROSENE, TRACTORS Welding PHONE : til the reconciliation effected today. |Pippins, Delicious, Ontario. : SAVE, YOUR HORSES »~ in connection : L By House Adopts Programme-- Per BOX ae $2.75 Le Wu i i AEA mi cone. | Day, 62 R 2; N'ght, 62 R 4 London, Nov. 13--The House of de ALKING over plowed ground all day tires your team as i : : hog well as the driver. How about pulling a load besides? fi : Commons, after a brief discussion, y SIE : adopted a motion by Prime Minister | SERVICE QUALITY] . 1 In these days of scarcity of horse end man power the ° ° \J ; : ati : ; : heavy farm work such as discing can be done most speedily \ Baldwin appropriating the whole time % be : i i ioe KY '} WA : f the House to the Government for| and economically with a Case Kerosene Tractor. The 10-18 [J : General 1 Terc rant, Complete Li i) 3 Ai : i 11a "session, Tha or smallest Case Tractor can pull an 8 ft. double action disc ry OXDRIFT, ONTARIO Opis Ling TIZEN e 2 Phy £) oh Li 2 TOWNSHIP OF M ACHIN harrow set to full depth. Busy farmers can work the "iron [HB ! ' POR -PARMER: or CF 0 was a le River, Oct. 12th. 1923 horse" day and night if necessary. Don't forget that Case dag Special for Summer Season:-- Dlr hati Brosh By vi a ily fru SY , traciors operate over dusty fields without dust entering cyl- Dry Goods Groceries FLY OIL & PADS, DISINFECTANT _ London, Nov. 13--Since the late{By virtue of a 44 [ inders. The Air washer fully protects the Motor. The all cut bel x romi if Reeve and Council under the Seal of ETICS OF ALL KINDS Bonar Law had promised there would 2 2nd "Co: : £ gy be no fundamental change in the Gov-}|the Municipality of the Township of a ernment's fiscal policy during the life! Machin bearing the date of the 29th : oft he present parliament, said Prem-{day of September, 1923, commanding DAD ROWLAND, Retailer ier Baldwin today, his only course asjme to levy on the parcel of land there- FBR ALS Boots and Shoes Hardware and Farm Produce Frost & Wood and y Cockshuit Impicments steel spur gears are, fully enclosed and run in oil. The weight of the Case 10-18 is only about 8,400 Ibs. this, with the liberal ; sized tires prevents soil packing. Other important features. kL explained in full descriptive literature sent out for the asking, | Let us tell you more about the 10-18 or larger Case Tractors, SUMMER DRINKS : 8 3 "an honest man" was to place. hisfin described, for 'taxes respectively 0 : riews x country. due thereon, together with the costs pi v 3 - | : kb d P tr ee ps a him from | incurred, I hereby give notice that, un- I ° di BRI GNALL a es an as ¥ a Ww led e and gave him a}less the arrears and costs are sooner : ng TE 2 | te V An non EN in mext{paid, I shall proceed to sell by Public OXDR'FT . ONTARIO : vear's budget such measures as he|Auction, the said land for the pay- ; deemed necessary. ment of the said taxes and costs, on EL EE ga ; © [the 19th day of January, 1924, at three FOR SALE-- One MARS WOOD]o'clock in the afternoon at the School HEATER, practically new. Also onelHouse of Eagle River, in the Town- QUEBEC HEATER--apply, ship of Aubrey, in the District of 9|11)22 J. WINTERBOTTOM. Kenora. ~~ WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF WEDDING ~~ CAKES, AND BAKE CAKES OF ALL KINDS ~ TO ORDER FOR EVERY OCCASION. OUR BREAD IS SWEET AND NUTRITOUS QUALITY GOES INTO EVERY LOAF ; i Cl \ , : Township of Aubrey : Sea . = 2 FOR SALE--Thirty tons of baled' Assessed to George Wear. E side Lot s The E DR Y DEN B AKER Y HAY, prime quality. Also small 22. 14 acre. Taxes and arrears $22.74 ! : : a Wn stack of loose hay at $17.00 per ton. together with the costs incurred. FH. BALL, Proprietor R H. PRONGER, Dryden GEORGE RUETE, Treasurer 1

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