January, Sale. Volume V. Dryden, Ont. January 25th 1924 New Suit Ss T. PROUDFOOT The Tailor e DRYDEN ONTARIC Cash Only FRR For Amongst these are a few pairs of waterproof, solid leather WORK BOOTS DRESS BOOTS, High Cuts A few pair of :-- RUBBER BOOTS Tour or Five Pairs Of :-- BOYS SCHOOL BOOTS (Size 4 only) Don't miss the chance of getting a good pair of Boots cheap, the quality of these gQods is so wel known that they won't last long & Hk A few HOCKEY STICKS, have got to clar them out. During the 12 days of the sale, there will be 10 p.c. discount or all SKATING AND HOCKEY BOOTS AND MOCASSINS. ® RRR 1 oa C. B. CAFE (Opposite C.P.R. Station) {.unch Counter and Dining Room Meals served at any hour Cooking and Service unexcelled Clealiness & Quality Guaranteed "COBACCOS, SOFT DRINKS CONFECTIONS CHAN BING NOTICE ! Barclay, Ontario. January 23rd, 1924 To all whom it may concern:-- My wife, Bertha Illson, having left 11y bed and board, I will not be respon- ! 21 for any debt or debts contracted 7 her after the above date. Cine) WILFRED EENRY ILLSON Miss Daisy a L. CM. wil' aseept pupils for the Pianoforte-- ' Proprietor Bedworth Celebrates The proudest day in the history of Bedworth was last Friday, when it established jts position as a commun- ity by the [formal opening of its fine new school. Alfred Pitt, Mayor, and Coun: E. A. Klose, with their wives and a large number of other visitors, expressed the friendly interest of Dryden in the progress of a neighbour community. Dougald Kennedy, M.P., Peter Heenan, M.P.P., also graced the occasion with their presence and added their con- gratulations for the edifice of wood and iron that represented the idealism and self-sacrifice of the people of Bed- worth. A programme of unusual merit, given chiefly by the school pupils, filled the earlier part of the'evening, greatly helped out by the piano kindly lent by Mr and Mrs Wm. White. Addresses by Mayor Pitt, chairman the two parliamentary representatives, Rev. J. M. Beaton, M. S. Campbell and others broadened the interest, and marked the importance of the event in the pro- gress of the district. A sumptuous lunch was served by the ladies in the splendid hall down- stairs, which is one of the chief addi- tions to the building... During the course of the lunch, the arrival of the Gammon orchestra renewed the en- thusiasm, and after refreshment, the scene again moved upstairs where a perfectly enjoyable dance improved the flying hours till the party broke up about 2.30 a.m., when the guests took their several ways home through bit- ing cold weather. mane Mrs Keatley bought a pint of oyssers from Bill Kelso the other day, worth about 70c. Later she found a pearl'in one of the shells, about the size of a pea, which would make it a pretty good bargain. Bill is likely to have a run on oysters for a while. Lloyd George said lately to Dr. John Henry Jowett: "If the Churches, of England were united on anything, n 1307 government could withstand their will. Marvellous are the possibilities of Radio. Seated comfortably in the home of Mr T. C. R. Crawley the other; evening, the "Observer" listened in to" some of the finest instrumental and vocal music at various point on the Continent. Mr Crawley has had won- derful success in his experiments, and is able to connect at will with any of | the big stations, with a machine he built himself. He is offering it for sale at less than the price of a grama-, phone, so that he may be at liberty to construct a bigger one giving the bens- fit of his siboriance YOUNG CANADA NEEDS MEN | TEN DAY CAMPAIGN--TFeb. 1 to 10 will be held in Kenora, Keewatin, Ig- nace 'and Dryden. The work of the Manitoba Boys' Work Board must go on. And to en- able them to do so, money is needed for supplies, travelling expenses for the boys who went to Parliament, rent for buildings, use of Parliament build- ings, and many other things that make the expense bill rise to big figures. The first Manitoba Older Boys' Parlia- 'ment in session Dec. 27, 28 & 29, 1922, planned to pay off the debt on the Boys' Work Board and finance expen- ses for the year 1923. This plan is being used again by the second Boys' Parliament which was in session Dec. 27, 28 & 29, 1923. The plan being as vi dh : Hach Tuxis square, or Trail Ranger, is to raise, by the method of selling dollar bonds, a certain sim of money which is put upon them by the Work Board of their district. Kenora, Kee- watin, Ignace and Dryden's share is $150. Can we raise it. At the district meeting held in Dry- den Dec. 1 & 2, 1923, it was decided by the boys that District 18 keep the 1 same sum for their part of the budget this year. Last year many of the dis- tricts failed to make the. amount allotted them by their Work Boards, but District 18 went over the top and helped make up for those who were unable to do so. This year Dryden has again received her alloted amount of $50.00 and from the 1st to the 10th of February the Direct Current Tuxis boys will be selling these bonds to the men of Dryden who helped them in this work last year. : The C.S.E.T. movement in Canada is doing great work, and Canada being still young, needs men--and the right "ind of men. Canada's wants are four- fold. Four-fold men are Social, Devo- ALBERT ST., Dryden tionl, Physicial and Intelluctual. { days with her parents Mr and Mrs F. { Pinkerton. Coun. Jas. Winterbottom is in Win: § Pall interested and hope to hear a good cover for a week. This accident directs Straight Dope . M. Angus, Benoa, ig in town oe lt Mrs T. H. Lewis, Oxdrift, was among the visitors to town Friday. Miss Emma Latimer spent the week- end at her home in Oxdrift.' Miss Lily Brignall, Oxdrift, was in town Wednesday. 7 Mrs J. Cross, Eagle River, was shop- ping in town Wednesday. Irs Ponton, Wabigoon, was Dryden Tuesday. Mrs Robt. Foote left Tuesday morn- ing for a short trip to Winnipeg. D. Lane left Wednesday for a short Jusiness {rip to Ignace. Mrs Gardiner, Eagle River, 'was in town on business Monday. Mr and Mrs Payne, Eagle River, have taken up residence in Dryden in the Franklin house. J. Hartnett left Wednesday for a short visit to Fort William. Capt. Geo. M'Pherson, Kenora, was in town Monday on business conmected with the Keewatin Lumber Co. License Inspector Parfitt, Kenora, was: a visitor to the head of the Lakes this week. Miss Luella Crosier, Oxdrift, was among those who visited Dryden on Wednesday. Mrs Thos. McGowan and daughte: Kathleen of Ignace were visitors to Dryden Monday. Mrs W. J. Fleming returned home Wednesday after an enjoyable holiday spent in Winnipeg. Mrs Pat Myles came down from Kenora® Weddesday to spend a few up to nipeg this week attending the annuai convention of the Retail Lumbermen's Association. 'Waldhof Farmers' Co-operative Cluh will hold their annual meeting Januar) i 26th in the community hall. We are report. After you've Tead this column take "a look at the article on page. three, which appeared in the Magazine "Footwear", by the son of Mr J. V. Johnstone. The Fort William hockey team pass- ed through Dryden Tuesday on their way home from: Winnipeg where they played the Selkirks and the Falcons. were all smiles despite the fact that they lost both games. Frank Porter, manager of the rink, i left yesterday for Port Arthur to at- tend the games between Port Arthur 'and the Selkirks on Friday, and For William and the Selkirks Saturday ght, : An Stan to the nl fi power service, due to the burning oul of a transformer, obliges us to hold the report of Dryden Agricultural Society attention to the general excellence of the service over the last few months. PL SN a LOR WERT a Ya © UWL a The first meeting of Dryden Brass Band was held in the Oddfellows' hall, Tuesday, when officers were elected: -- Pres., D. Reid; Secy, J. A. Pitt. The feelng of players is that the band is off to a good start this time and sure to succeed. If you waht to join, see bandmaster 'Le Baron at the hall on Tuesday night before eight o'clock. Leonard Weare, Minnitaki, is just back from attendance at the Agricul- tural College, Guelph, where he took a short course in seed and stock judg- ing. The Course is given yearly under the ayspices of the Doapartment of Agriculture, as first prize in the Standing Field Crop coimpetition ar- ranged by the representiative, M. F. Cook. As prize winner last year, Leonard has had the benefit of instrue- tion in"an atmasphere of knowledge in one of the finest agricultural schools in the world. Ladies Hockey. One of the best Ladies' Hockey games staged since the present rink has been opened was played on Tues-' day night from 7 to 8 o'clock. We did | not let the public in on this for the | simple reason that some of the girls | are shy and we did not know how an| audience would affect them. But to say the least it was a humdinger of a game and kept the fans, who were | fortunate enough to come early and! see it, applauding and laughnig (for of i course it had its funny points too). If! the Bachelors think for a moment that, they will get away as easy as they did | last year with a tie game, they got the wrong dope. It was just a work-out for the both' teams, but it could not have been any' bettey if they had been practicing all | fall. The end to end rushes were bot spectacular and well worked and some of the stick handling was also good. Miss Lucas' team came out on the long end of a 4--0 score, Miss Newcombe and Miss Lucas both scoring two gaals apiece. LUCAS GANG BOURNE GANG E. Louttit z. .. J. Offer Newcombe ..__..__ r.d. __..._ A. Berrey LE A Sa 1 Ne I) EE Lucas Ln, Bourne Hawking en EW. Beddome Johnson Lw. Self Ward Sen 2234 Don't forget the lecture on "The Art of Pre-historic Man" in the Union Church Auditorium Tuesday evening. Dr. O'Donoghue, the lecturer, is con- sidered one of the best on the list of Manitoba University Sxtonyion Serie: THE« UNION CHURCH 11 am.--"The Church--Its Supreme Objective." | / Boys' and girls' talk: a7 7 7 p.m.--"The Law of God." 2.30--Sunday School. 3.30 p.m.--J.0.Y. Bible Class. "Success and The Pleasant Hour: -- At. 8.30. pm. Sunday, the J.0.Y. Bible Class will deal with that old wonder that occurred at the Red Sea. Read Exodus 14: 21-31. "They despoiled the Egyptians" Exodus 12:36 and 3:22. Was that right. Consider God's Providence as illus trated by this lesson. Tsrael was saved from the Egyptians at the Red Sea; the Russians at Tan- nenberg were driven by the Germans into the Masurlan Lakes. Are we to infer that God cares more for Israel tes than for Russians? EL TENDERS FOR WOOD Tenders will be received by the Town of Dryden for the supply of 20 cords of dry tamarac wood in four foot lengths, piled at Town Tenders to be addressed to Town Clerk: and marked "Tenders for Wood: Tenders to be in by Feb. 4th and wood | to /be delivered not later than March 15th, 1924. A. G. RIPLEY AUDITORS WANTED Aplications will be received by the undersigned until February 4th, 1924, for two auditors for the Town of Dry- den for the year 1924 at a combined salary of $100.00. J. E. GIBSON, Clerk # Dated at Dryden this 16th day of Jan. deed Grain NOTICE TO SETTLERS Registered patentees or locatees may obtain Seed Oats, Wheat and Barley, not exceeding $1060 in value for each settler. ed from™Crown Land Agent or the District Representative of the Depart- 'ment of Agriculture, or from the Northern Development Branch, Parlia- ment Buildings, Toronto. FOR SET complete with Tubes, Headset, B. and C batteries. Price $120.00. This; set is remarkable for its clear and true® tones, easy tuning any distance. Wills demonstrate to anyone interested by appointment.--apply, TCR. CRAWLEY, Box 172 Municipality of Machin ASSESSOR WANTED + Applications for the position: of Assessor for the Municipality of Machin and unorganized portions of School Sections for the year 1.924, at. a salary of $150.00 will be rece ived by the undersigned up to February 12th. sale, kindly leave samples and prices ta 12/24 GEORGE RUETE, Clerk SALE-- RADIO RECEIVING! Applications in regard to Patented lots will not be entertained unless ac- ' companied . by Certificate of Search tfrom the Local Registrar or Local "Master of Titles, Showing that the i Applicant is the Registered Owner. i Applications in respect of Unpatent- fed lots will riot be entertained if the Applicant is not registered as the T.ocatee or Purchaser in the Records "of the Department. i The applications must be forwarded to the Local Crown Lands Agent not later than March 1st, next. 1/2]24 JAMES LYONS - Et JTOWN OF DRYDIiIN. | Hall. | | tained sisters Whitaker, P.D.D.P., Joxr- Forms of application may be obtain-? that can be { for Coughs, 8 Wampole's Tasteless Extract | of Cod Liver Qil .. Buckley's Bronchitis Mixture J Nyals Creophos ¥ Always carry with you a box of Wampole's Throat Ease' or Paraformic Throat Lozenges. . They Keep the mouth and throat in an antisepic condi- J tion and relieve hoarseness. Colds, etc. relied upon Wi f NY . ? Sink SEE SSI SSS 3 § We have just received a fresh Phat shipment of : PICARDY CHOCOLATES & CANDY. also PICARDY PECAN ROLLS HES 2ebekah Social r Lily Rebekah Lodge enter- { den, P.N.G., Colbert, D. D.P., Installing |- { Officers from Kenora in the Oddfel- lows hall, Wednesday. Following the ceremony, a very enjoyable social evening was spent by the Rebekahs and their visitors. The sisters installed in the various offices are as follows: -- Louisa Gough, N.G.; Eliza Bailey, V.G.; Blizabeth Ingall, R.S.; Janete Scott, F.S.; Cora Harris, Treas.; Dor- othy Madder, War.; Lilian Sweeney, Con.; Alma Withrow, 1.G.; Gladys Davis, 0.G.; Mary Pinkerton, n S.N.G. Lilian Larson, L.S.N.G.; Martha Clem- en R.S.V.G.; Ethel Wice, I.S. V.G. Resolveto-dayto carry svificient Fire Insurance! mn 1924 TOMORROW DIAY * DRING REGRET 1Je have the remedy =e] 1. E.GIBSON, DRYDEN ONTARIO 4 t= mm esi a ar man Minister of Lands and Forests Farmers having above varieties for; at Department of Aurion Dryden. WANTED---COOX for Dryden Hodpl 1. Duties to commence Feb. 1st. 'Personal application necessary. Cc rescent Ice Cream C reations & og ok RE ESKIMO PIES The chocolate coated ice cream REN Lynden AR a a nd 05 TRE \ SUNDAE SWEETS an ice cream sundae all on its own a EEL RE NE ae SL TURE FRR ASST ICE CREAM BRICKS Buel Ne +40 mmc. HEAD LETTUCE & CELERY FRESH FRUITS ORANGES BANANAS APPLES GRAPES LEMONS GRAPE FRUITS FIGS & NUTS Agents for: -- NEILSON'S CHOCOLATES Complete Assortment - KODAKS & BROWNIES x kk Gough's Confectionery 2 C. CORNY, Mar. The Girls' Guild of St. Luke's: dag are putting on a St. Valentines darfee on Feb. 14th. Watch for the ¢ post :