Dryden Observer, 30 May 1924, p. 2

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THE DEYDEN OBSERVER ab The Store that led the campaign for Prices Leave your orders with us For ' SEES & PLANTS of all kinds. Our intention is to give the best possible service in these lines, when orders are given in advance. DON'T FORGET OUR COOKED MEAT COUNTER where the most tempting of Meats are on display, clean dainty and delicious. ESTAB. 1914. STILL GOING STRONG. The bank pays you interest on the money you save. We pay you interest on the money you spend. Return $25.00 in these cash - sales' checks and get 50c. in trade--Free ! Face value of 2 per cent. ER SR EN RR AR : 3 NOTE--We give 5 per cent on all cash grocery orders of $10.00 or over. 8 ive Qrocery =e Si Son Shi > 5 Sheriff's Sale of Lands 'For Arrears of Taxes. SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS FOR, ARREARS OF SCHOOL AND STATUTE LABOR TAXES, TOWNSHIP OF MUTRIE, DISTRICT OF KENORA, PROVINCE OF ONTARIO, TO WIT: By virtue of certain Warrants given under the hands of the Chairman and Secretary-Treasurer of the School Board of School Section No 1, Township of Mutrie, and the hands of the Chairman and Secretary-Treasurer of the Township of Mutrie Road Commissioners (and in accordance with the Assess- ment Act, the Unorganized Terroitories School Act and the Act of imposing Statute Labor in Unorganized Townships) for the collection of Taxes due ou the undermentioned lands, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that unless the taxes together with the lawful costs and charges be sooner paid, I SHALL AT. THE SHERIFF'S OFFICE IN THE TOWN GF KENORA, IN THE DISTRICT OF KENORA ON MONDAY, THE 30th DAY OF JUNE, 1924, AT THE HOUR OF TWO O'CLOCK IN THE AFTERNOON PROCEED TO SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION the lands below mentioned, or so much thereof as may be sufficient to discharge such arrears of taxes and charges thereon. TOWNSHIP OF -MUTRIE wD » md ou a 2 2 Cm 8w., SEud8% 88 un 8 5 SRE RE ERE RR EE DH 2] = S88 wa % RE STR 8 a Eng a S > S65 Ade B53 E2 BE Q & S 4 a hupEl BES AB Amo. S 1% Lot 8 1. Eo 559.30 £2920 $6.68 $95.78 Pat John Robertson ; Chippewa Falls, Janet Robertson & Catherine Rose ; vear, T'ronto Ont Nis Lot3 2 160 59.30 29.80 6.68 95.718 Pat Fred Armstrong, BE QE : Mulholland, Trnto § 1% Let'7T 2 160 59.30 29.80 6.68 95.78 Pat Philip H Hambly, : k Belleville, Ont. $1 Lot 3. 3 160 59.30 29.80 6.68 95.78 Pat Norman Parsons, : 'London, Eng. N % Lot 9 4 160 59.30 29.80 6.68 95.78 Pat Mrs Catherine ~ Rolls, Detroit,Mch N 1% Lot 5 5 160 59.80 29.80 6.68 95.78 Pat Mrs Mulvina E. ] M'Cracken, B'rkly Sg 1 Lot9 5 160 59.30 29.80 6.68 95.78 Pat Jos. Wilson c|o 5 Cl Robertson, Tor N i Lot 3 4 160 59.30 Fo 573 65.08 Pat Albert R. Tonkin, clo Jno. Harvey, Sherwood, H"mltn JOHN W. HUMBLE, Sheriff, District 'of Kenora. Jon Company SUCCESSOR TO ANDERSON & HARRIS Contractors and Builders Full Stock of LUMBER, Sash and Doors, Shingles, Wood Fibre, Brick, Lime and Cement. Estimates Freely Given Sherifi's Office, Kenora, Ontaro, March 15th 1924 istiqua River on the | pesides the Baptist way of getting to Grants are Announced Nearly two million dollars will be ex- pended by the Ontario Government within the next twelve months in the Districts of Thunder Bay, Rainy River and Kenora, according to figures given out by Frank H. Keefer, K.C., M.L.A., Seeretary for Northern Onaario. A total of $1,654,450 has already Would: Stop Immigration Armed with statistics obtained from sources in the Twin Cities and other centres, Alderman J. W. Looney, of Fort William, is considering laying be- fore the City Council an objection to the immigration program of the Do- mainion Government, Discussing the matter today Alder been provided for in the estimates, not including the apportionment for road building which should be around $100- : 000. Nor does the total provide for, the construction of the mew jail at Port Arther which will cost close to: $200,000 when complete, { b Hydro Development-- ! The big item in the estimates is} $1,088,650 for Hydro Electric Develop- ° ment, at Cameron Falls which includes - $250,000 for the fifth and sixth units, } $100,000 for a dam at Virgin Falls and : 198,000 for transmission lines. ! A total of $9,000 is to be expended on the District's drainage systems, $2,000 being allotted to .the North Branch storage dam; $2,000 for Ken- . ora drainage and $5,000 for Rainy River drainage. It is estimated that the expenditure in roads by the Northern Ontario De- velopment Branch and Colonization Branch will amount to about $100,000, but this amount has not yet been ap- portioned. New Bridges-- The Government is Constructing new bridges in the three districts. The Kaministiqua Bridge at Stanley is to cost $10,000. The Keewatin bridge will mean an expenditure of $45,000: Thunder Bay District Bridges $13,0004 Rainy River bridges, $11,000; Kenora bridges $12,100. There is also another bridge to be built across the Kamin-~ Dawson Road which is to cost $15,000: Other New Buildings-- An amount of $35,000 is placed in the estimates for new buildings, equip- ment and machinery for the Ontario Industrial Farm, which is located at the Head of the Lakes and an addition- al amount of $5,000 is provided for re- pairs to all present buildings at the Farm, including maintenance, ! With regard to education, special orants totalling several thousand dol- 'lars have bsen made to assist seven township schools. There has aso been evied an additional amount of $5,000 for hospitals in unorganized terri- tories. = Practically the whole of the amount is to be spent during the next twelve months, said Mr Keefer, who is in control of the three districts which the man Looney said Canada has a big problem on hand to absorb the immi- grants who have already arrived and to secure employment for those who have heen out of work for mouths, without, he says giving sanction to the policy of the railroad companies in "their apparent determination to flood, the country with more immigrants, the majority of whom, he believes will not be. able to get work with the possibility of a large number being de- pendent. on public charity for a liveli- hood. g «Unless employment can be guaran- teed for the 300 Italians held at Hali- fax and whom the Government is talk- ing of landing, they should be imme- diately returned to Italy. 1t is both unfair to them and to people now resident here to allow them unless they are to have steady employment. What good can result from stipulating that they must be given employment for a year only? What is going. to occur when the twelve months are up?" the Alderman hsked. "The matter of un- employment is not to be thrown aside lightly; there is plenty of it and one cannot point to the cutting of wages to the bone without giving the matter of immigration careful thought." FARMERS WILL 3 TAKE ITALIANS. Cavalier Emilio Marino, Italian Con- sular Agent at the Head of the Lakes, today expressed belief that he will be able to place a goodly number of teh 300 Italian immigrants now held at Halifax on farms in this district. The Dominion Government proposes to al- low the Ttalians to land if employment can be found for them and Mr Marino General in Canada to use his efforts in locating anumber here, has been asked by the Italian Council Z FOO For all t in town, and see what you are buying. after giving them a fair examination if not satisfactory, we will gladly give Boots & Shoes Men's Black Dress Boots, @ ..---$2.75 Men's Buldog Toe, Dress Boots, black or brown from 3.95 to ~.. 4.40 Men's Kid Leather, black Shoes, very comfortable, with elastic sides, @ Men's Black Kid Leather Boots, with out toe caps, @ --..----. 4.50 Men's Black Cushion Sole Boot, very comfortable, @ 4.75 Calfskin brown Boots medium toe 4.40 The latest style of Men's Brown, Black Dress Boot, a very good fitting, @ 4.40 Black Oxfords, @ ----mmmmmmim--em _ 350 Brown Oxfords, in different styles @ 4.75 MEN'S WORK BOOTS Black Cowhide Boots, welted sole with or without toe cap, @-- 3.95 Regulation Army Boots, brown only, @ 4.50 Chocolate colour Boots, double sole 3.50 iron shod heel, @ --mucmmmivnns 4.50 Brown Work Boots, with or with- out toe cap, @ --mmmmim mmm 3.75 Good Heavy Work shoe, in 7-in. top, double vamp, welted sole 4.25 9-in. high top Boot E.E. width, at ; Black Kid Leather, E.E. width - 3.95 estimates apply to. «It ig the intention of the Govern- ment to give more attention to North- velépment than has been given it in the past. The Government is being kept in close touch with the needs of this section of the country and its Ministers will make visits of inspec- tion during the Summer in order that they may become = better acquainted with this big section of the country. ETRE ¢ Go to 9" 3 LH] 32 k 2 " HAMBURGER STEAK EACH PORK § ANDERSON & HARRIS! FUNERAL DIRECTORS Day or Night Calls Promptly Attended to, PHONE-- Day, 62 R 2; N-ght, 62 R 4 WATKIN'S PRODICTS Complete Line Tor Farmer or Citizen REMEDIES, SPICES, EXTRACTS, SOAPS, TOILET PREPARATIONS. HOUSEHOLD SPECIALTIES Best for over b0 years E. T. (PAD) ROWLAND Stood by His Religion: -- In a city not a hundred miles from Boston lived a certain Baptist, one of the hard-shell kind. One day a friend of his who was a Methodist remarked: "You know, John, there are other ways heaven." The strict Baptist drew himself up: «There may be," he said, with with- ering scorn, 'but no gentleman would take advantage of them." KELSO'S for FRESH KILLED VEAL COOKED AND SMOKED MEATS. BEEF PORK LAMB ; GROUND F RESH DAY. AUSAGE. Gasoline For the convenience of Motorists, we have put in a New Gasoline Pump. Drive in and fill 35c. per gal We can also fix you up for TIRES, TUBES, PATCHING MATERIAL MOTOR OIL FRESH GROCERIES, FRUITS, FLOUR, FEED, DRY GOODS, western Ontario in the matter of de-3 I Brown, good wide fitting, @ ----.. 3.95 'Black Oxfords, E.E.E. width, @ 3.50 Black Slippers, 2 or 3 straps, in E.B.E. width, @ ----mmm mem 3.50 {patent Leather, Roman Sandles, 8.95 1 Grey Suede 1-strap Slippers @ 2.95 comfortable toe, flat heel, @ 1.95 Any woman that can wear size 3% to 4%, will be able to buy a pair of A good Assortment of beautiful Slippers, @ ----..--------wm 2.75 GIRLS. and CHILDREN'S BOOTS Girl's Brown, 1-strap slippers, from 11 to 2, @ _ 2.65 x 8 YA wide comfortable Boot, in brown tonly-- From 4 to 6%, @ --ceeimmrimme 1.95 From 7 to 10%, @ R220 From 11 10.2, @ iim mmiimen 2.95 Same in black, @ orem --. 2.65 ;Children's black, patent leather is Sandles, from ..__....-- 1.40 to 1.60 Children's Bunnfoot Boots, from i sizes 1t0 5, @ Wee 1.40 Soft Sole, Bahies Boots, __..------.. 95 Children's Bunnfoot patent leather SHPDers, ©. -- mmm mriimmensie 1.40 Men's Black Rubbers, round toe, 1.26 Boys' Bubbers,! @ meme memicemmmiis Li Rubbers, to fit any Shoe 1, YOM oi ie ilies 65 to .95 yLadies Brown Rubbers, @ --------...- .95 Children's Rubbers, sizes 6% to 10%, also half sizes, @ ----...- .80 From 11 to 13%, @ ----eeue .90 Children's Rubber Boots, @ --.. 1.50 S. New and WHY Send out of Town for your Foot wear 'tthe same price of the low price of .ociemdomm 4.25 BOYS' BOOTS Boys' Black Boots, welted sole, to to size 9, @ emcees - 230 From 9% to 10%, @ ----eeuew 2.60 From 11 to 13%, @ ----mevemm 2.93 From 1 to 5, @ ~--- 2.75 and 2.95 WOMEN'S BOOTS Black pointed Boots, @ cme 1.25 ' Brown, medium toe, @ ----mmrn 2.40 iBlack, buldog toe, servicable and SEONG, @ mommies eres 3.40 1.00 DAITE e Family when you can buy them cheaper Every pair of SHOES you take home algo. comparing the catalogue prices, you the money back. Suits We have just received another ship- ment of NAVY BLUE SERGE Suits a suit worth while examining. For $18.75 You can also get them in all sizes and different styles. It's not worth while going without one, when you can get a good second hand suit for about $7.00 or $8.00 If you want anything cheaper, we have a long rack of odd JACKETS, a good assortment to pick from. New Dress Pants, in different colours, from which you will be able to match some of the odd coats. Odd Vests, all sizes and different colors, from 25¢. tO eee $1.25 You will also find a good supply of Dress Shirts and Work Shirts. Under- wear for the family. Sos, Stockings, Caps, Hats, Suitcases and Club Bags, numerous to mention. Special on Ladies House Dresses and Aprons. Ladies' Second Hand Suits, from $3.50 to 7.50 Ladies Second Hand Skirts, all sizes @ 1.25 tm ned of Furniture. ' See us first. SpE We have just received a shipment of " NEW COTTON MATTRESSES 2120.32 875, GD cities ae ~ S095 dxd%, @ $3.00 New Springs, @ $4.95 and ..... $6.50 New Coil Springs, all sizes, @ ---.. 6.75 Mattress (all felt) extra long size, for tall people. It makes a very comfor- table bed at night and folds into 2a nice Couch day time. Takes very little space in your room, at the small price of $12.90 Bedsteads, all sizes, newly painted they look practically as good as new. Prices range from $2.75 to .----~ _ $5.00 Second Hand Springs and Mattresses, from $1.00 up. You will also find Cook Stoves, Ranges round Dining Tables, Sideboards, Edi- son, Columbia Gramaphones. New Cabinet Gramaphone, the latest style, at a price you will never dream of getting so cheap. Sg We also have Rifles, Shot Guns, Traps, all sizes, and other miscellaneous articles tooo numerous to mention. Anyone thinking of leaving town and in doubt as to what to do with their furniture, CALL OR WRITE US, It does not matter how small or hew big your house furniture is, you will also other ready-to-wear, which are too Our well-known Extension Couch and always find it easy to deal with us, as, we have bought quite a few lots of furniture in this town and they were all pleased. i We don't take more than an hour i to put the deal through. We write { out a cheque for the amount, and take the furniture whenever you i leave. yin ' We are also buying Rifles or selling them on commission. Second Hand Store. GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION BOUGHT & SOLD your tank. sess ERE -- Wire Fencing & BOOTS and SHOES Soft Drinks . Give us a call. We appreciate your trade. Mail Orders promptly attended to. kK XK fl, A. JEWELL & Coy. | OXDRIFT -- ONTARIO { b 3 rg Get our Catalogue and McCORMICK--DEERING MOTOR OIL J. S. CORNER, ; Agent for :-- | INTERNATIONAL HAP tl Vg yr, | Champion Brand Wire Fencing { "Made = THE CANADIAN STEEL & WIRE CO. Ltd. CANADIAN STIFF STAY or AMERICAN HINGE JOINT, by prices before placing your order. FARM EQUIPMENT DUNLOP TIRES, TUBES and ACCESSORIES. MACHINE OIL CREAM SEPARATOR OIL Re -- Oxdrift~ _~UMPANY of Canada, Ltq Co.

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