Dryden Observer, 11 Jul 1924, p. 4

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Between this Store and the Ordinary Country Store This sounds egotistical, but it is nevertheless a fact that may be asily proved. In the first place, volume of business enables any store to buy to greater advantage, & the wise merchant in a small town should aim first to make his volume im- portant. He may have to work for years at great sacrifice in order to do this. Having done this his stock must naturally increase in size, and (unless he combines in himself much of the wisdom of merchandising) in his large stock has a danger, because this is the danger of the largest stores, and really the reason why one sees so much bargain in the Mail Order and departmental stores is the large proportion of miscalculated buying, and the dictum or rule of the departmental store, is to carry nothing over from season to season. Now the average country store- keeper is not a specialist, nor can he afford to be. Between weighing out prunes, : measuring coal oil, and counting eggs, and keeping books, he has little leisure to sit down and scan the horizon, and so he mud- dles through with a living, and the Mail Order House takes the cream of his district's business, and this is certainly not financi- ally in the interests of the locality Perhaps by some intuition, or more likely by good luck, this store has already realized that what one store could do in a large degree, another store could advantage in a lesser, and in our stock of $75,000.00, there is very little of old or unsaleable, merchandise. It goes out, possibly with much regret at the loss, but it goes out if possible in its own season. But if not, it goes the next season with no thought of profits, and very little attention to the cost. 5 * ¥* i * So this week again we draw attention to the Cherry Tags on Boys' Clothing. If we have what suits you in style or pattern, the price is bound to be satisfactory. Every Boys Suit Cherry Tagged. New or old, four dollars is the lowest, and ten dollars the highest fora Tonge of nearly one hundred suits p All conveniences supplied at reasonable * occupying Mrs Humphries' house. , PROMPT ATTENTION Our Guests. A. R. Duncan, Fort William, spent a few days in Dryden this week. Mr and Mrs Geo. Dechert left Sun- day morning for a visit to Winnipeg. Mrs Ketchen of ¥ort William is the guest of Mr and Mrs A. Pitt. W. Neely, Oxdrift, was a visitor to town Monday. R. J. Pronger is havin a new front erected on the Novelty Store. Miss Madge Hunter returned Sun- day from Keewatin where she has been This is a reproduction The Studebaker Car Come and view the mao Showroom. Sport Vhite Shoes SUMMER aia for CHILDREN'S SOX, mn all CHILDREN'S WASH HATS Men Women and Children. Colours. on display in our New of del Iss of those who desire ser- vice and style combined with durability. This Star Touring till the favourite model visiting for the past two weeks, the guest of Mr and Mrs Jno. Duncan. Joe Russell returned to Keewatin $ Sunday. Miss Olga Erickson, Kenora, is in town visiting her parents. Mrs Robt. Johnson, Keewatin, spent & : a few days in town last week. Mrs Brad, Wabigoon, spent Tuesday | "= P in town. Ralph Davidson returned from the S: States this week. A card has been received from L. A. Bigelow at Santa Monica, Cal., an- nouncing safe arrival after a fine trip. Rev. J. M. Beaton spent some days in Winnipeg this week on business of the church. Mrs Harry McMann of Port Arthur, with her two daughters, is the guest dof her father Mr Gus. Rodtka. Mrs Weare, Minnitaki, was a visitor here today. Mr and Mrs Don Beveridge spent the week-end in Keewatin, the guest : of Mr and Mrs Hugh Bartlett. Mr and Mrs A. Burton and daughter of Dryden, and Mr and Mrs P. S. Bur- ton, left Fort William Monday on a motor trip to Duluth and Minneapolis, says the Times-Journal. Come and enjoy a pleasant day at the Beach. See Mr Erickson and ar- range for cooking meals, and camping. rates. Ask for terms for the season. Mr and Mrs Dan Hutchison are re- modelling their house, putting in a new foundation and other improve- ments. In the meantime they are Mr and Mrs Chas Kelusky, who have been visiting their daughter Mrs Wm Stewart, left Thursday morning for North Dakota, and Denver Colorado, where they intend visiting friends. IN POUND_BAY Driving MARE, branded T.H. Apply to Poundkeeper, NOTICE! A Dance will be held by the U.W.F.O,1 I hereby give notice to Merchants and Wabigoon, in the Community Hall, on Thursday, July 17th at 8.30 p.m. Admission: Gent's 75c. Ladies provide lunch or pay 25c. Good Music. Prervbody Weloome, See us for MEN, WOMEN, WHITE CANVAS SHOES, sizes in SLIPPERS, OXFORDS: PUMPS AND BAL- MORALS, in White, Brown, $1.00 to $3.50 per pair. Also see us for PATENT MEDICINE, Mus-kee-kee. A reconstructive Tonic, Hot Weather Reminder will convince you that it will do all it claims to do. oss emer: SCOTT Dryden TO THE PUBLIC all others that I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by Lena Herbana Dyzer (formerly Lena Stroich) in my name, as she has left TOM BROMSKI. my employ . A BIG Shipment Clothing Ready- To- Wear --0--0--0-- MEN'S CAPS, all colours & sizes .85 After seeing the cap you'll admit you can't buy it for double the price in any of the catalogues. Boys' Caps, nice assortment, each .75 James Statten Felt Hats, for men, black & other colours, big wide rim, at the small price of __.__.__. $3.50 Men's White Panama Hats, will al- ways keep in good shape. In case of rain you can fold it up and put itin your pocket; after taking it out will still keep its shape, @__.__..__.. $2.75 Men's and Ladies' Cotton Sox and Stockings, per pair --_.__..__.u__.. .20 or-twopalr for... 35 Men's Work Sox, wool and cotton, mixed dark grey, per pair__.____ 25 Men's & Ladies' Silk Sox and Stock- ings, from .35 to .60 Children's Stockings, from .20 to .30 Girls' & Ladies' Underwear, per" garment, from .15 and up. Boys Underwear Drawers, garment .25 Boys Jersey Sweater, each .50 to .60 Boys Tweed Bloomers, dark grey 1.45 = | Boys Khaki Bloomers, extra heavy qualty, good roomy make, @__..__ 1.385 Men's Cottonade Pants, all sizes 2.25 Khaki Drill Pants, @.oo 2.10 Dress Pants, __..._.from $3.95 to 4.60 Men's Work Shirts, all colours and Slee oon -- from .85 to 1.60 VERY NICE SELECTION OF DRESS and SPORT SHIRTS At a Low Price, Men's Overalls, stripe blue, plain blue khaki and black, all sizes $1.45 to 1.95 i ¥ } MISSES and CHILDREN'S and BOOTS, All Styles and and Blue. Prices ranigng from & Blood purifier. One bottle QE a VT 36-in. White Flanelette, per yard .32 27-in. = 33 " " .25 Ladies Cumfy Cut Vests, each __ .19 THOS COLLISS. -- Shoe Repairing I have opened a SHOE Reramm BUSINESS No. 4, Duke St. All Orders Receive Prices Strictly Moderate Bias Tape, assorted colors, each __ .20 ' Pink Nainsook, 35-in. wide, per yd .26 * Lingerie Baptiste, assorted colors, I. GREPNHILL, Shoemaker. Tax Sale Pot The Sheriff's Sale of Lands for Arrears of School and Statute Labor | Taxes in School Section Number 1, of : the Township of Mutrie, which was advertised to take place at the Sheriff's i 40-in. Factory Cotton, per yard __ .24 Variety Store Prices mean economy prices per yard _ .55 Ae cos a i mt am emma Pronger"s Variety NEWS STAND OPEN TILL Big Special In Men's Bulldog Toe, wde fitting Boots--brown, only, regular $4.75 BADE PRICE. $3.75 CANVAS & LEATHER SHOES FOR THE FAMILY. Every pair of Shoes, after examning them at your home and comparing prices with others, if not satisfactory, Money will be Gladly Refunded. We expect a large shipment of CANVAS SHOES to arrive FOR SATURDAY Good Selection of men's New and Second-hand Suits, from $7.00 to 18.75 Men's Odd Coats, practically as good as new, from $2.00 to $4.50 You can also match some of our New Pants, which will make a nice Suit, at a very small price. Talcum Powder, large tins __.__. .10 Briay Pipes, each... ..._ 25 Clothes Pins, Spring, 4 doz. for .25 Long Brass Curtain Rods, each __ .15 Boys Bib Overalls, per pair __...... 1.00 Fancy colored Barettes, 10c. and up Pocket Combs in Case, __.__...__ a5 SUITS Made-to Measure Over 300 samples to choose from. Our Guarantee--Satisfaction or Money Refunded. From $22.00 and up. HOUSE FURNITURE New or Second-hand, before 'Buying elsewhere. You will find practically everything you need in the household. White Cups and Saucers, per pair .15{ SMALL COOK STOVES & RANGES, Envelopes, per pkte ooo. 08 Store 8 O'clock EVERY NIGHT. rycen Lum GI SUCCESSOR TO ANDERSON & HARRIS Contractors and Builders ~ You can get the best make in a Range, such as M'Clary or Stewart, which are known as good bakers. Selling new over $100. We have a few on hand which ame .. practically as good as new, Will Sell for 0. $35.00 Be noisy, while everything is quiet. Now is the time to buy a cheap Grama-. phone. We have them in all makes,, Edison, Columbia, and others. RECORDS--Columbia and Edison, im good shape. Have your choice, each .30 sompany We are also buying Rifles or any j other articles that are useless in your home. day the 50m dun of eer vee Full Stock of LUMBER, Sash and S. adjourned for lack of bidders, unt i July sith at . re it Doors, Shingles, Wood Fibre, Brick, Lime and Cement. and place. Estimates Freely Given | Dated at Kenora this 36th day y DAITER NEW & SECOND HAND STORE Goods of every description Bought and Sold ALFRED PITT DRYDEN, Ont. 5 She ve oe NJ] Jie 102 D AAAAAALDAAARAN VAAL ALAANAAA J. W. HUMBLE, Sherif.

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