THE DRYDEN OBSERVER SEL eine li Ea Promises 7 Editor Dryden Observer. Dear Sir,--Talk of promises, our present government is full of them. Is Sport Hats White Shoes j there one single soul in the district | that wasn't promised something ? Qur 'chief engineer even had confidence enough to have a public meeting called wherein he advised people what was going to be done inn the line of road ILDREN'S IMER UNDERWEAR for Men Women and Children. SOX, in all Colours. CHILDREN'S WASH HATS work: roads gravelled, roads opened, and all roads now halfway passable to be looked after and kept in repair by a Two Items of INTER This is a reproduction of The Studebaker Car Come and view the model on display in our New This Star Touring Is still the favourite model of those who desire ser- vice and style combined with durability. Showroom. Two Lines of Crockery directly imported are now opened, marked and on display. so-called section man. This section man though is kept very busy on what is called Transcontinental Highway. Farmers get no roads; all we get is promises. I understand there is all kinds of money for roads this year, even settlement roads, let alone high- ways, but where is it? Is the gent who was promoted getting it? or is Mr Keefer who run as candidate for Dom- inion election and was beat by Kennedy (who they claim is very silent, but is the man with acts not only promises) where Mr Keefer now being glad to be a member of the provincial govern- ment, devouring it as his salary and expense as under-secretary, which is also a new one, or is it a political act to madden the voters against one true and faithful member, Peter Heenan, Esq.? But voters be wise, B not let that change your vote at the next (soon- expected) election. Vote for the man who done something for us the past three years, and for the present put your shoulders together and see if nothing can be done to alter the "much engineering" to "some construction." They are TEAPOTS AND GOLD BAND DINNER WARE There are enough Teapots in the Hot shipment to give afternoon tea to a large sized Town, and such in- finite variety, and at prices from 60c. to $1.50 sizes The line of Dinner Ware is from a reputable English Factory and the prices are very good Prongar s we not a full right to claim at least the roads built by the Govt.? Have we not put up with enough hardships and expense, buiding up the district? Right along, every day since, people come in applying for homesteads; but when they see the hardships and nc support from our Govt. in the line of building roads and bridges, they drop BAKERS, CASSEROLS, GRAVY BOATS, CREAMS, BOWLS etc., etc. Tapes | All in excellent taste and low 4-in. PLATES, per doz... $1.50 I see where a gent from Waldhot writes in the July 4 edition to sell out . 1 Al 1 WARE-- 5-in. PLATES, per doz ... 2.00 and let them build a road to H-- | ALUMINUM All he loot -in. PL ES perdoz. ... 2.50 Yes, that would be rich wouldn't it! : On PLATES ; Why not jump onto the Govt. make f1F PLATES, SALT and PEPPER 7-in. PLATES, per doz . 3.00 them support you. They can support SHARES : the many immigrants they bring into j SAUCE PANS, COOKIE CUTTERS, = . .00 { in PIATES muds 4 this country, why not the farmers they; LADLES, MEASURING CUPS COUPEE SOUPS ....... 3.00 coaxed into this northern Ontario with ete. CUPS 1 SAUCERS 3.50 promises of every description. Have BE Sip Sa SES SA eather Reminder See us for MEN, WOMEN, MISSES and CHILDREN'S WHITE CANVAS SHOES, and BOOTS, All Styles and in SLIPPERS, OXFORDS, PUMPS AND BAL- MORALS, in White, Brown, and Blue. Prices ranigng from $1.00 to $3. 50 per pair. Also see us for PATENT MEDICINE, Mus-kee-kee. A reconstructive Tonic, & Blood purifier. One bottle will convince you that it will do all it claims to do. Va riety Sto re Brings the million dollar Syndicate right to your own door step. cer pe mn en ee GREY ENAMEL-- --Nothing over 15c. SAUCE PANS, MILK PANS, ete. ----CHILDREN'S STOCKINGS---- Only_ 15 cents Nice fine weave in PINK, BLUE and BROWN. Yous Store Nowe STAND OPEN TILL 8 O'clock EVERY NIGHT. FRYING PANS, WASH BOWLS, MIXING BOWLS, everything and move out where they come from. I know of two families who moved in from Hamilton, Ont. bought a quarter section, started to build, and when the Govt. refused to build a road they left again, and this vacation they claim cost them one thousand dollars--and there are many | other families do the same thing. Now if the Govt. thinks this will help the district they are badly mistaken, as 1] am sure nobody will praise a place where they have found such luck have suffered big expense due to lack of | | support from the Government, i I also see where the town of Dryden | is trying to give the farmer of this | prices, making a very economical table service. Cstimmates Scorn TO ANDES ON & HARRIS Contractors and Builders Full Stock of LUMBER, Sash and Doors, Shingles, Wood Fibre, Brick, Lime and Cement. footy Given district a steady income by the new ; creamery just opened. But how shall | i we farmers get our cream to the rail. i way station without spilling over half | TAILORING. REPAIRED, CLEANED And PRESSED Quick Service JIMMY ALLEN (Old Latimer Store) , vehicle, probably lose the cans altoge- ther, or have butter from shaking on rough roads before reaching the sta- ; tion. Could you shareholders or owners | of this Dryden Clover Belt Creamary | i give these road building authorities a J poke in the vibs, as it is for your own ALFRED PI IT of it, or if not transported in a closed, LADIES & GENT'S CLOTHING I have opened a SHOE REPAIR BUSINESS a No. 4, Duke St. ~All Orders Receive PROMPT ATTENTION DRYDEN, ont. benefit. You all know the creamery in ! "A stitch in time saves nine." of roads to give the farmers a chance | FARM to transport their cream, no doubt; so | Without a Byun don't let it ruin this one, and remember Kenora was without success for lack : the Government. Prices Strictly Moderate L. GREENHILL Shoemaker. you will find Our Prices --0--0--0-- We are expecting two more heavy Shipments by Saturday, which will in- clude Men's and Ladies' SHOES, at prices that can't be beat elsewhere. Also CLOTHING and Ready-to-Wear. Which were bought at our own prices "and will sell cheaper than you ever intended to pay. : By proving this, come into the store and see what we are offering in our new shipment. 2 5 2 A big Special on Ladies Canvas Slippers and Oxfords, up to size 5 only, @ per pair 45 Don't come too late, as there is not very many in stock. LE ; { We are also getting in Ladies SUEDE { Slippers, for Saturday, which will sell 'as a big value for the small price of $2.75. Sizes from 3% to 8. You will also find a big variety in Men's Work SHOES, of different makes. Money always refunded for anything in the line of Footwear. if not satis- factory after a fair examination at home. * ok x x You will always find a good supply of SOX and STOCKINGS to fit all the family. Men's or Ladies' Cotton SOX and STOCKINGS, 2 pair for 85c., or 20c. > | per pair. Sik SOX or STOCKINGS from 35¢ up. 000 ANYONE STARTING HOUSE: KEEPING It will sure pay them to visit our store first, as our warehouse is over-loaded with Furniture, that we are buying every day. We are forced to sell everything cheap to get more room. We also have a good assortment of COOK STOVES & RANGES in all makes, and prices to suit every pocket. EE Made-to-Measure from $25.00 up Our Guarantee: Satisfaction or ) money refunded. DON'T WAIT UNTIL HUNTING SEASON to buy your Rifles and Shotguns, whea you can get them now, for half price. | We are also buying Rifles of all makes. ITER NEW & SECOND HAND STORE Goods of every description Bought : and Sold