Dryden Observer, 1 Aug 1924, p. 2

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Los LE IVER cle : e ; ! Health Talia | The Market | Yes Sir, OWN YOUR 3y Dr J. J. M E : ; ? ' oe : Sot : 4 By oy ? MPL oN The Saving Bank is a fine institu- O v MN HOI E Dr Middleton will be glad te answer | MILCH COW, SIX YEARS OLD, gave TLD fall questions on public health matters { 6000-1bs last milking term. Duc tod ton, with just this difference-- {OUR PRICES ON LUMBER ARE . through this column. Address him at | Febr wary. Also one Milch Cow, three when you die, the Bank will re-. LOWER THAN THEY HAVE BEEN. Spadina House, Spadina Crescent, | years old just freshened (first calf); 1 turn what you have saved, but, i FOR YEA ue : Toronto, Ontario. gave 1400-Ibs. milk in two months. (pa Tite TAsiiyance Company We can fill any bill of material from quarantine laws, but there seems to be FP R A N K M. LC F FE R Plans. and Bstimates Pree house, Stable, Chicken pen, Hog pens, { SCREEN WINDOWS AND DOORS ot : 3 Also three Heifer Calves." Apply | = . eet Yard Stock. % a 2 Only by the Sirleions Ph * aor it W..J. MARTIN, LL & pays what you HOPED 'to save, : Our Service is the same os a Board 1 Gupranting Togulations i 8/82 Ian Dryden, Ont & there is always a big difference or a Car lot. communicable diseases be kept at a } ara RE | . between the two amounts. : © 1We can sell you any bill of material at A '| minimum. Those abusing: the common {FARM FOR. SALE--Lot 7 Com 4, less money than any Mail Or der : ei are a and should ; Township of Eton. 280 acres more' | The e Mutu al Li fe = es = : -€ prosecuted as suc ~~ lorless. Fifty-five more or less under This is not a line yard concern where > The vast: majority of people are cultivation, balance in bush and past- Assur ance Co of Canada we- have to make large' ; : willing and anions Io ashes. Molnve. Good creck running" through 5 Th = - District Agent. overhend iy small > Health Department in observing pasture, Spring hos stable. Log a few persons scattered throughout ans Brel 4h % Yoslth and granary. © Farm i§ situated three | Sri ------ -1 At Special Prices. : 5 : every district who have no hea miles from Oxdrift station, and eleven AN me Sn : LUMBER. SHINGLES. BACON & HAM Sha 15 hy do 2h Seem | iiles from Dryden, ano good grave ROBT : SWE ENEY CEMENT. 0 fealize the lmnortance of Wyld Thies haus fre hua iid 5 BRICK, PLASTER AND LIME. COOKED MEATS : DRoveniive F quarantine Measures 10) ctiave cash 0] vest orien nable | Genera Blacksmith | LATH. SASH AND DOORS. stg - rial the spread of com locos crop may be arranged foi.-- {Aes For- te BEAVER BOARD. > Tia RE. BARKER, Oxdiift. ge | EMPIRE PLASTER BOARD. . Sigs Just recently I met a peculiar, but aa : i i LOUR and FE ED alas, all too common type of individual : "HOUSE, TO. RENT, Corner of Van Massey Harri r 15 SILOS, ete., etc. 1 I PAPER ROOFING. MOULDING. x mp ements : And All Builders' Supplies. 2 Resovanl 1, Winterbott ii - iE : Anon for-- o i from. Cylinders HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE Co. WATKIN' PRODUCTS Complete Line For Farmer or Citizen : REMEDIES, SPICES, EXTRACTS, i SOAPS, TOILET PREPARATIONS. oe HOUSEHOLD SPECIALTIES Best for over 50 years E T. {Dap ROWLAND = : whose daughter had contracted scarlet ' Horne and Albert. St. Coal Furnace fever. He was not at all willing to Cistern, Hlectric lights and "Telephone. (5 To keep her isolated after the actual fever: 30724". J. 8 CORNER, Oxdrift, Clic al 1 pl y of roceri es. had passed away, his reason being that she had got the disease from some- + SH BUTTER MILE body else and somebody else again 2 ; could get it from her. A most despic- : able attitude you will say, and yet & - | knowing that such people are about, can you wonder at the unsatisfactory ANYONE WISHING 0 PURCHA it 2 results obtained sometimes even when TREES of any kind, Apple T Phone No. 49 [the health authorities do 'their best to mental, Handy Shrubs, "Small Fruits, educate the public as to the danger of all kinds. - Strawberry plants of alli a communicable diseases, and try to get varieties Sronid do: well to conuslt J. public support and co- -operation in K. LIVINGSTON. Local Agent of E. carrying out measures that are neces: D.. Smith and Sons, Limited, aa | sary for the public welfare. cae ad Ontario. == = = A few days ago in a Michigan town, Nurserymen Fruit Growers and tani, two cases of scarlet fever were 'report- i Seap Architects: : ed by a citizen. Whenthe State Medical * 5 Inspector arrived on "the scene he. 1 ANY FARMER wishing BUTTER. || Exch ge Bara Ha 3 , : actually found six cases. This state. MILK for his PIGS will do well to re \ i A. J. GARDINER : ¢ fo $ th : of affairs showed a gross laxity on the ! ovmhed br price 2 2 Creamery, 3 1% DEN : o NT : 1 / Gen eral Merchant, Re = 1 ® 2 ER x part of somebody, and as a result, an | To Rent--SUITE of ROOMS, furnish- a ¢ epidemic of scarlet fever is now threat: | 'ed 'or 'unfurnished for light nN E A GLE RIVE RB. i Agent for : ening the district. The despatch keeping. --Apply. ; iE Frost & Wood IMPLEMENTS. a ! states that the blame for the situation. REAL ESTAYE a COCKSHUTT PLOW Coy. wy B & H PURE LEAD PAINTS. FURNITURE SCREEN. DOORS : BEDDING BABY CARRIAGES ; house- 3 = MRS SPEARS : ; fin his Michigan town can be traced to 20- 6-24c c. « West End King st.| JAMES Mo 1. abject carelessness on the part of the 8: local health officer. But for the efforts | FARM FOR SALE S. %, N 5} AUTOMOBILE TIRES, from $8.50 ; J AND : : ® ® x x : ACCESSORIES FOR ALL MAKES OF CARS ; i a former health officer, the schools' di om co bn tows res 1nsuRaRoE 1 Sharple's Cream Separators. J ~ BICYCLES. REPAIRS gould probably have to close doors. {balance bush and pasture. Good house, | BR YEN File GHT. foe 5 8 | Quarantine has been very poorly ob- with Tamace 1 ba nits a ari : S Wi d : fo r or L served in the municipality, and on one ha a So en L G. 0. P Ei ee : 5 ee fa bl 33 €e our inaow o : i i hi: = Demons Tatepn ame he i shed, two good wells, at house and in 417 meets at the Town SPECIALS IN C.C.M. CLEVELAND BICYCLES. doded Tt ome a that | barnyard. Electric light and telephone. Hall every Monday evening at eight S ! R d qd i . such vital things as health regulations } © OF particulars apply to-- oelock, Visiting Members cordially : uce rices ! -" @ NELsON lives : pecia edie should be disregarded in this day of Box 154 Dryden, Ont. _ CON. ANDERSON, N.G. : age. If ignorance is bliss, than bliss ALEX. DUNCAN Seoy ; To = is short-lived, if the ignorance con- GOOD PROPERTY for sale, lots 8 & : : : SEY cerns itself with health matters. 19 8S. Albert Street, with good sized DRYDEN LODG 169 One USED CAR For Sale. A wonderful En i House, newly decorated; good well on L.O.L. ! E No. 4 Bargain : open top then | meets the first Wednesday a : roper or particular y 95. 95 When renewing your subscription for proper. re a y - Jof each month, at eight p.m., in the Fine REED BABY CARRIAGE, Only § #8 the following papers, give your renew-. 16[5/c. Be Dye oh Ont. | Town Hall. Visiting Brethren eer- OILS GRE ASES sin al to John K. Livingstone, local Supe - -- ns dially invited. > scription representative-- : ; = = W ANTED lil : E JE. HARRIS, WL : : oe = The Family Heraid & Weekly Star. | Secondhand FURNITURE. Wel. _. BADEN SMITH, Secy FOR TRIMMING 'HEDGES, The Saturday Evening Post. © would like you to give us the first Cutting grass, edging walks, weeding ; i hoeing, turning sod, seeding, planting, . and for the hundred and one 'jobs : about the lawn, garden and yard, you 'need the proper. tools and. Implements, We have them" all. Come i in-andhave: | Meets in the 'Masonic Hall, Tisden a look at them. _ Prices as low as any | the Second Tuesday of each month big city store or mail order. house; Visitors Cordially invited. H. HUMPHREYS, W.M. ALEX. DUNCAN, Secy. HE A - "KILOS : The Country Gentleman. chance to buy your furniture on Golden Star Lodi y The Ladies Home Journal. esving town. 3 - DAITER No. 484 : "IAF & AM, GRC. 3 Wm. Rogers and og SILVER PLATE In the popular La France Pattern, got | TEA SPOONS, per doz. __._..__ $4.00) BUTTER SPREADERS, 6 for 4.60 DESSERT SPOONS, doz. - PIEENIFE, each... 2.65 TABLE SPOONS, 02 in 8.00 § CREAM LADLES, each. _.. 1.20 DESSERT, FORKS, doz. ...... 17.20 GRAVY, LADLES, each __..__... 1.60 MEDIUM FORKS, doz. __..._... 8.00 § Cold Meat FORKS, each __.__ = 1.35 PICKLE, FORKS, from 80c. to" 100° In Lined Gift Boxes: -- KEROSENE TRACTORS | SPOONS : sexs SY E. YOUR HOR SE S - - Soe ; i aml Cutlery :-- : P ALKING over plowed ground all day tires your foam a8 as HB Tye valOtk, 6 rere ~ "77§ Dessert Knives, solid handle (12) 9.70 well as the driver. How about pulling a load besides? k ORANGE SPOONS, 6 --_.__..__.. 3.20 § Dessert Hollow Handle (6) ----... 10.70 - In these days of scarcity of horse and man power the SOUP SPOONS, 6 ....e..ee. 4.00 Table, Solid Handle 12) oe. 9.85 heavy farm work such as discing can be done most speedily and economically with a Case Kerosene Tractor, The 10-18 or smallest Case Tractor can pull an 8 ft, double action dise harrow set to full depth. Busy farmers can work the "iron : horse" day 'and night if necessary. Don't forget that Case | | : tractors operate over dusty fields without dust entering cyl- 8 inders. The Air washer fully protects the Motor, The all cut' pal = steel spur gears are fully enclosed and Tun in oil. The weight 4 of the Case 10-18 is only about 3,400 Ibs, this, with the liberal |B Et sized tires prevents soil packing, Other important features fl ~~ %plained in full descriptive literature sent out for the asking, [°F Let us tell you more about the 10-18 or larger Case Tractors, 8 'F. T. BRIGNALL OXDRIFT oe ONTARIO BERRY SROONS, each __ Table, Hollow Handle (6) __.__. 11.80 A G. Ripley's Ask Your Grocer or Confectioner EVERY ii Monday, Thursday. Saturday | :ROWN HEALTH BREAD earies a 3 : Fresh Every We dnesd y Smokeless Locomotive R A | & i B i E A D But of wood at the Angus Shops, this full sized model of one of the latest Zh type locomotives was designed originally as a feature of the dinner Chock full of plump, delicious Raisins decorations at the Chateau Frontenac on the occasion of the Quebec con- : ference of the Canadian Pacific Railway officers. Equipped with bell, us x2 whistle and electric Lights, not a bolt or bar is lacking to mar the illusion The DR Y DEN = B AKER Y which is that of a perfect Snes coming through the wall against which it is placed. The headlight holds a portrait of E. W. Beatty, president of the Canadian Pacific. At the Toronto Exhibition, August 23rd to September 6th, the model will be given a Prominent position in the Sompaiy's exhibit, EA a A rp mai toy CH el od LE, XB bs SY NR IO 0 Be RO Erg es ne I ve Mh FAO Sei Bo Jo A CR Nar ARR pl TLL LEE ele fy TRB KE ad a! he tigh hands Doll mire Lathe Je ali Badia do cha thon J, X SR pa Rap hs hind thie Sia is a Sts, Eo MARE Jd 10 3 gh, hee J EES en SR LR IE das SD RED BR SR WR ee iE J ER EE CAR GT a Cs LR EE tind J gel lam To 41a = Rar idea he al dn ri Bnd i Lote: EL ER UE Ue J RY LER LL pb SEI RR I IES Ri Tl oe A rad lira fe or eli pl isla i) EA i Se pd SELL SL SR 0 od mu i:

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