THE DRYDEN OBSERVER School Plans db | EVERYTHING will be spick and span | when Dryden School re-opens in Sep- The Low Cost of High Quality. tember. Walls that have been exposed CURTAIN SCRIM, A Good heavy quality with colored border .25 ' to wear-and-tear ure being protectedi FLANNELETTE, pink stripes, nO by an extra baseboard or a board on White FLANNELETTE __.._.. = 25 the corners, Where scratches or finger- marks appeared, the wall has been given a coat of paint of leather brown, a very attractive shade that will not show untidy marks. Playrooms and , lavatories have been white-washed and repaired, and the whole school has: been made clean and sanitary for the » children at a very small outlay, most ; of the work having been done by the LACE, in a wide range of patterns and widths Boys' Khaki SHIRTS GATES J. Eade blow all the good impressions he had previously created. It is easy Correspondence Dear Mr Editor, to charge one with making false state- caretaker. In previous issues of the "Observer" ments, Why did not "Iconoclast" The school grounds too are showing} letters have appeared above the sig-|challenge the remarks in the Hall, the result of care and attention. Plots: nature of "Iconoclast," which havelinstead of waiting till all was over of flowers a-bloom with lovely colours, : and ornamental trees judiciously plant-2 3 ed, all make their appeal to parents; who appreciate any evidence of ; thoughtfulness for their children's wel- fare. Out of several applications received at Wednesday's meeting of the Board' a of Education, Mr F. Madder was ap- 2 pointed to the position of Seecretary- 7. treasurer. Mr H. Adair, chairman, » announced that all contracts to mem- bers of the School Staff had now been sent, and the following teachers were appointed for the coming term:-- Continuation School Mr Grant Barnes (Toronto) Principal. Miss Irene Crone, Assistant. Public School Miss M. E. Lucas, Principal; Misses E. V. Ingall, V. Hawkins, Elizabeth and Mary Gardiner (Cayuga, Ont.) Vera E. Runnings (Comber, Ont.) Sybil Thorp (Dryden), and Mrs M. appealed to a large number of readers on account of the lucidity of expression ready flow of words, pointed remarks from recognized leaders in the world of thought on matters pertaining to labour questions, and apt quotations from subjects. These letters stamped the writer as being a person of con- siderable literary ability and with a knowledge of current events far above tne average. 5 'hilst one might not agree with his attitude to labour and the labour party in the article mentioned, credit was given for at least sincerity in his desire to open the eyes of the public to the danger of a so-called socialistic regime. But compare those letters with the one in the issue of last week. Jeonoclast descends from the plane of academic discussion to a mere diatribe against an individual, namely Mr Heenan, who represents the far- mer-labour party in the local house. and then rushing into print? Evident- ly it must be easier to sit down and write theoretically about labour than to challenge labour in flesh and blood. Even Iconoclast makes a false state- ment, in his letter for he says "a com- mittee was eventually appointed with instructions ete." It is funny that the | undersigned knows nothing about this Te, including Clothin g and Furniture. handed to Mr Heenan just as it was adopted after reading in the Hall. may be 'a long, long way to - but remember the boys who sang that We are offeri n 0 10 p.c. off on each 'dollar spent in this store. most heartily "got there." dt is well known in the W. W. HOWELL Jroper itbject pecial alt. Some local gardeners are boasting ! of the new spuds they now have ready | for use. Last Saturday, Cauliflower | on the Port Arthur market ia quite a stir, but they have nothing ont Dryden as one local gardener used his many , vertisement wn. hundred or thousa.. with his ordinary salt cars, . a little investigation on his part has enabled him to discover that this was not the most economical method of purchase. So now we are bringing this Salt in by boat and carload from Superior, Wisconsin, and note, the result. This Salt put up in strong jute sacks, and weighing 100-tbs each, could not be sold before, at an insignificant profit, less than $2.00 per sack. Now it can be sold at a fair margin at $1.50 per hundred pounds, and shaded again in half ton or ton lots. This Salt is useful for freezing ice cream, salting stock, curing hay, or in Silos, and is in fact the farmer's friend. per 100 lbs. in half ton or ton lots DRYDEN, Ont. By descending to the tactics of the gators ips | press, Iconoclast destroys Heard (Stratford), Assistants. first over two weeks ago. Open air Band practice on Tuesday, = was enjoyed by a good sized crowd. Miss Ruth Edgren, from Winnipeg, is visiting at her home in Dryden. Mrs F. Baker spent a few days with friends in Ignace this week. Miss Jessie Taylor returned to Sioux Lookout Sunday. Miss Olive Ray of Pronger's Store is enjoying a two weeks vacation. Jack Nicholson left for the west on Monday morning. Constable Hake visited Kenora and Sioux Lookout this week. Mrs Weare, Minnitaki, was in town | T° on business Tuesday. Mr Chas Hallett of Winnipeg, is the new teller in the Royal Bank. Miss Clara Self has returned from Port Arthur. Miss Olga Erickson has returned} Shoe Repairing I have opened a SHOE REPAIR BUSINESS TAIL LORING. LADIES & GENT.'S CLOTHING REPAIRED, CLEANED And PRESSED Quick Service JIMMY ALLEN (Old Latimer Store) No. 4, Duke St. All Orders Receive PROMPT ATTENTION Prices Strictly Moderate IL. GREENHILL Shoemaker. from Kenora to her home in Dryden.: 1-tb BRICKS PURE LARD............ coovvienninene, 20 Mr and Mrs J. E. Gibson left vester-* 3-1b PAILS PURE LARD, per pail .............. ves .55 day to spend a holiday in the west. : 5b PAILS PURE LARD, perpail ........covnnusen ns 85 Mrs McLean and daughter and Dr; 10-fb PAILS PURE LARD, per pail ................. $1.70 and Mrs Sawyers are the guests of Mr | and Mrs Frank Foulis. Miss R. Veitch, Public Health Nurse, will be located in Dryden for the balance of the season. A. R. Hutchison of the Tourist Hotel Kenora, was down for a few days this week. P. R. Whytock of Contact Bay Min- ing Company, has returned from a business trip to Rochester, N. Y. Rev. Mr Sanderson was the guest of Rev. S. N. and Mrs Dixon, over the week-end. Miss Kathleen Burton, Fort William, is the guest of her aunt and uncle, Mr and Mrs A. Burton. Mrs Nymark underwent an opera- tion in Dryden Red Cross Hospital, this week. Miss Consie Kerney left Monday morning to spend a two weeks vacation in Kenora and Winnipeg. Laying of the water pipes is coming along at a great rate. The pipe is now across the track. Mrs Pitt and Misses Edith and Eva! returned to town from: camping at Wabigoeon. J. A. Carrol, assistant director of: 'Agricultural Work, Toronto, visited : Dryden last week-end. : Misses Trowell and Robbins, Winni- { peg, are the guests of Mr and Mrs F. But we don't want to say too much now, we prefer Baker. to enjoy your agreeable surprise when you see our Mrs A. BE. Berrey and son Bert went valuce. {west Tuesday, and will go by auto via Estevan on a trip to the States. R. H. Cosgrave, said to be a cousin of Ireland's Premier, made his annual inspection trip on Certified Seed Pota- toes last week. ! py Misses Ethel Willard, and Millie | Herring returned home to Dryden on Saturdey afternoon, after a two weeks holiday, spent in Quibell. Miss Fiddler has arrived from Tor- #» onto to relieve Miss Morley, matron | \ of the Red Cross Hospital, who is. leaving for her home in Toronto. Mr F. Madder is on his vacation, nis? place as accountant in the Square P being temporarily filled by Miss Edith; H Pitt. Dr and Mrs Orth, Midland, Mich, who have been the guests of Mrs W. D. Maunsell, returned to their home last | Now is the time to buy-- ROYAL HOUSEHOLD FLOUR, This week only, at $4.00 per quart, till August oth, 1924. Market price for No. 1 FLOUR today is $4.50 a barrel, and still advancing. : GRANULATED SUGAR, per 100-ibs, $10.00. We also have a quantity of 16-in. Wood. Can deliver at any time. store in our ronger's This phrase has received special emphasis advts for some time past "ariety It is just another way of expressing the word ARGAIN? And to further illustrate, we have a Counter laid out with variety goods at the uniform price of A TO ANDERSON & ARATE : Contractors - and Builders Full Stock of LUMBER, Sash and Doors, Shingles, Wood Fibre, Brick, Lime and Cement. Estimates Freely Given EAT ni SHE T week. PRONGER'S VARIETY STORE NEWS STAND OPEN TILL 8 O'clock EVERY NIGHT. [by the ones who patronize 'this store, that our prices could always be compared with others, yet we feel that it is our duty while times are hard to offer our labour free, by giving 10 p.c. off on every Dollar, which will 'help the working people to "spend the dollar saved on 'other necessities. 000------- We just got in a big shipment of Ladies and Children's Underwear, from 15c. up. --HOSIERY FOR THE FAMILY-- Children's Stockings, white, pink, and blue, @ 15¢. per pair. Ladies' and Men's Sox and Stockings, 2 pair for .85 Big assortment of Ladies Silk Stock- ings in all colours and sizes, from .35 to .65 We carry a full supply of SHOES for the family. We are putting out a very strong work Shoe in a good comfort last, at the small price of $3.50. The great value of this shoe will sur- prise you. You will also find other good values in Shoes for less than you expected to pay. You are not taking chances in buying Shoes from us, as we always refund money after you examine them at home if you are not satisfied. Made-to-Measure from $22.00 up Our Guarantee: Satisfaction or $ money refunded. % We also carry a good supply of SUITS & READY-TO-WEAR New and Second Hand. Also a long rack of odd COATS, which will sell from $1.50 to $4.00 each. 000-------- . When starting house-keeping be sure and see us about your House Furniture - as we can give you good snaps, especi- ally in the line of COOK STOVES and RANGES. We have a good supply of them, and while the 10 p.c. lasts you will be able to get them much cheaper. NEW & SECOND HAND STORE Goods of every description Bought and Seld