Dryden Observer, 29 Aug 1924, p. 1

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The N, First Class Jeweller and Watch Maker Volume VI. )ryden Obser Dryden, Ont, August 29th 1924 The Annual Fair The way things are coming along, Who Should Pay Dear Mr Editor--Under the heading At Random EXPERT REPAIRS. -- A an. Mail Order. Office in the Robinson House, Send your Clocks and Watches by QUICK SERVICE GUARANTEED. we should gather in some pretty good crops after all, and prices this year will be better. The next few weeks everybody will be busy getting their stuff in. And while you are at it, remember the Annual Fair on Thursday and Friday, October 2nd and 8rd. If you have not got a prize-list vet, get one "Heenan's Promises," you reprinted an article from the Port Arthur News. Chronicle, which in our humble opinion Js a grand feather in the cap--first of the people's representative in the Ontario house, Mr Heenan; second it brings (perhaps without purpose) home to us the proof that we have The fiery orations of Peter Heenan, to the outward appear- ance, were not very productive of results; but coming on top of the general dissatisfaction over the general conditions, they aroused feelings too deep to be easily sub- dued. If a stream is blocked from the right man in the right one channel it must find another. . i - ; nl: + One positive effect of the agita- Just think it over, a Labor man of tion, to which Peter, and the which we had never heard of before, Chronicle and Iconoclast have all holding an Ontario government by the contributed, must be 2 strength- throat and wrestling for the long over- ening of the various political due right for a neglected district. Yes, = a, d > the News-Chronicle has admitted that + 5o1123t10ns an B9uon wane our Peter has do vies embey Productive of results, if Jess spec- an Be ember facolor will be undertaken, has ever done before, and surely we 1th Si : thank the News-Chronicle for drawing Although Conservatives round our attention to this again here have been slammed consider- The News-Chronicle makes one mis- ol m the Sxchiemen: 2 We tan take about Peter Heenan's Promises. 40 fmce of th e Sxistence of We would like to notify the News- . neh prea on. 1f the Chronicle that Peter did not make 2 ssauly 7 n their political : citadel many promises, if any at all, but he ER oe aE received quite a few big orders from all ia 8 1 y . hi ora the people and being the duly elected #1, everyone living in this countiy representative under a democratic 18 anxious to see a really construc- form of govrnment he has faithfully tive policy of develop ment carried been working to fill those orders, | a. : To demonstrate this a little plainer! i 2 hE we might say Peter never promised to For 2 long time this district has settle the fight between Port Arthur] "een singularly free from the curse of and Fort William about the building | PAY politics. Recent happenings from the office of the agricultural representative, M. F. Cook, or from D. Anderson, secretary. The Exhibition is particularly the affair of farmers, It depends on their support, by exhibits and attendance, whether it be a success. Nowhere can better produce be shown than here, and with the goodwill of the farming com- munity the Fair can be made a splen- did affair. Palmolive Week hn INSURANC Pianos AND ; Remington Typewriters RIBBONS AND CARBON PAPER for all makes of Typewriters in stock. Sf MSNA at the PHARMACY. A Full Line POLMOLIVE Preparations always in Stock. THE PALMOLIVE SOAP COMPANY HAS ARRANGED WITH US TO give vou Two Cakes of Palmolive Soap % Prot WITH EVERY PURCHASE OF-ONE BOTTLE oF. Palmolive Shampoo Do not miss this great Opportunity, -- Mrs Jno. Davis, Dryden last week. Mr and Mrs Jas Duncan, Ignace, were visitors to Dryden Tuesday. Mrs Anderson and family have re- turned from a lengthy trip to the coast. : ; Mrs O'Neill of Winnipeg is visiting her daughter and son-in-law Dr. and Mrs Morison. At Dryden, Ont., on Tuesday, August 26th, to Mr and Mrs Thos. Azrchibald, a son. Ignace, was in You are actually getting 40 p.c discount ane ONLY ONE FREE GOODS DEAL TO EACH CUSTOMER old by :--- ; A. J Lock Rand SPE Be {| YY We This is for a limited period only. NN For Every Dollar Miss Mae Stewart returned last Saturday, after spending a few days with friends in Kenora. Mr and Mrs J. E. Gibson are home again, after a very enjoyable two weeks spent at Calgary and other You Spend in This Store, You points in the west. Mrs J. M. Stewart and son Jack re- turned from a week's visit to Kenora of a pulp mill, but just the same he bas helped to settle this matter, much to the chagrin of those who were try- ing to make political capital out of this question. He never promised to make Kenora a centre of paper industry, but today the mill is running and he is, if we are right, a little to "blame" for it. seem to indicate that a season of poli- tical strife and bitterness is at hand. The first symptom of this regret- table condition appears in the atmos- phere' of general suspicion that is developing. 5 A Dedication Service will be held in the Community Hall, Oxdrift, some MIGRATORY BIRDS CONVENTION ACT A summary of the Migratory Birds Convention Act is given below. This is the law which is based upon the Treaty with the United States. Any enquiries concerning this law may be Our roads which are at least 20 Sunday addressed to the Commissioner of the 6 Specials 6 in September, beautiful Honour Roll of all the men from Oxdrift and district who served in the great war will be unveiled. ; when the years behind time and do not keep up with the settlement, the few we have. And say, I think we would have still less if it was not for that throat- have our assurance of guaran- teed quality in Material, and workmanship, backed by the where they took in the flower show. Mrs R. MacTavish, Oxdrift, was shopping in town Wednesday with Mrs Canadian National Parks, Department of the Interior, Ottawa-- OPEN SEASONS Ontario Fruits 11 Quart Baskets NOT HAVE? or from another outfit. 3 et Arrangements for the service are Both dates inclusive PLUMS a. $1 25 guarantee of a manufacturer Smith of Port Arthur, who is here on | holding Peter. being made by the Oxdrift branch off Sept 1--Dec. 15: : PEACHE S - 1 75 of national reputation. a visit to her parents, Mr and Mrs] Now about the deficits of the Drury { the Women's Institute who have been Ducks, Geese. Brant and Rails. > 12.708 fot sieht i th Jack Adams, at Oxdrift. outfit (by studying the News-Chronicle ' the leaders in every Memorial Cere-§ Sept: 1--Dec. 15: APPLES .. 1.25 onal ne RAs ge Mrs A. G. Eccles and daughter | We learn good, plain English) did they! mony that has been held in this district] "son or Jack-snipe, Black-bellied Tomatoes 7 1:25 pss an Alberta, left Wednesda morning for | Fealy occur from the ROADS WE DO so far. The G.W.V.A. will also take 2nd Golden Plovers and the Greater 3 : What more can you ask? 2 y : 8 her home in Craik, Sask, after two part in the service, to which the public and Lesser Yellow-legs. Ripe Pears 4 iq --O--(--0-- months visit with her mother Mrs F.| IS it fair that our progress, even will be invited. As usual the cere | Set br ii per dozen 50c. D. Rodtia, oxy lite should be held up for lmony wil be 5 solemn and impressive Woodeock, ; Expert this? Does the News-Chronicle want one. CLOSED SEASONS Tokay Grapes CLEANING, PRESSING FOVOIOOLIO0040040000606¢ 90 | uc to pay the deficit if it really has! The Honour Roll, beautifully design] There is a closed season in Ontario per ib 40c. REPAIRING MILLINERY OPENING been incurred? ! ed and hand-painted, will be a perman- §o% Swans, Wood duck, eider duck andi pp, 0, ~--0--0--0-- Ladies are invited to Miss Waldrow's] Why is the News-Chronicle so inter- all the shore birds not provided with Millinery Opening, where the newest styles are on display. The showing this fall is of unusual novelty and interest. ' . ent feature in the hall, to keep alive : the memory of the greatest event in © all history. ested in Peter Heenan's doings? How about it if we start a little cesession talk in this part. Perhaps some out. fit would give us a good job to keep | 2 Nahai vu 2 | HOME MADE BREAD can be ryden, Aug. 1924, . Nr. ; yden, Aug ) : If the News-Chronicle prints Peter purhcased at Mrs R. J. Hadley's, ALLAALAALAALLLS SADA, Heenan is denouncing the present gov- : sr., Duke St. ; Mr C. W. M'Millan, of the Township | ernment, it prints a deliberate lie, Mr i of Erin, Wellington Co., who is widely ' Heenan on the contrary has had a known in the east as the "potato king" hard proposition to convince a large FRUIT & VEGETABLES For the Week-end. ? There is a closed season throughout a the on non-game birds and all other AT MARKET PRICES perching birds which feed entirely or hme mee tan chiefly on insects. 5 a No person shall take or molest? migratory game birds during the clos- Dr yde i Ice Crea 83 ed season. Sale of these birds is for- 00c. per quart, B.V. D. UNDERWEAR, CANVAS and TENNIS SHOES Large Assortment to choose from. T. PROUDFOOT'S TAILOR and OUTFITTER. SOAAANAAAAANAAAANAARN WANT an open season in above schedule. bidden. Every person who violates any pro- | Town of Dryden | | datekieihaiack ato dbl e ibadpl i bane? J Yow he Bhs atv Adib dbo itis dan thy ud had au EE I 2 AA EE LP Lo A GLE on Sa SA, Th Pn LR NR pA Le Sp LR RE A i Fe a BEE CRS FAS Th as ay Shae 1 Ef 2 Aon Se CL dis SR Te a A tS YE VEN IR EET Rha Toda vml 1 Lap enk feline atlantis Erp 3 i IE Sale ye a ia fy Aes LU LT TR RE BA RE AAA A Sgt Sh Ea Be A al i AA Tl AT HR UH a it I NOTICE is hereb iven that 1 will§ vision of this Act or any regulation Cr escent Ice Cr eam ; is week with Portion of the people that they can-: a y given 1 xn iy Yau PY hen ie wilh wi not possibly blame the government attend at the Town Hall, Dryden, on shall, for each offence, be liable Upon ; 75¢. per quart al 00D B 00TS district As fares denice 0 Soren yet because he honestly believes the ! Friday, Sept. 5th, 1924, heiween the Sunbury sonvietion to a fine of not We can supply you with Fresh Nell produce, Mr M"Millan was tremend. government is ill-advised, and looking hours of 7.80 and 8.30 p.m. to receive f more than three nn dolls and 4 TABLE CREAM AT A ously interested in the excellent con- back and forth it looks as if they have nominations for one School Trustee a less than ten dollars, or to ie 30 Si 'Tere for potato and other culti- been and still are---P.J.8. ito complete the balance of the yearfprisonment for a term not sessdiney Ey H yet To Ge : 1924, ; six months or to both fine and im- Reasonable Price frm 5 arb mts ve ol ie Theo SE p ¥ -an pur nd room fo w 1 ; : Just drop in at H. WILLARD'S 3 Hh ? . candidates than are required be nom- Soe rTeer---- known up and down the line of supply for his customers in the east. agree to any re-modelling--P.J.S. . inated, a poll will be held on Saturday, bins for their pits TED OD Dear P.J.S.: The policy of the Dryden Sept. 13th. between the hours of 9 a.m, THE Quality and Hard Wear. '# Evening Classes: 7 Observer is always to honestly print and 5 p.m. 5 7 pe ¢ § The announecement of S. V. Righy | the views of its 'correspondents with- J. E. GIBSON, Clerk { en ira d of 2 that he will start evening classes in| out fear or favour, whether it agrees Dryden, Ont., August 29th, 1924. 3 = ; > W ILL ARD'S shorthand and typewriting will be | with them or not.--The Editor. i GOD SAVE THE KING agra ia esten : welcomed by everyone who has recog- - J A Ea ~FRESH FRUI TS. & SHOE REPAIR [nised the great need for such educa- ; ' 5 Eo : hy poor d > i St tional opportunities for our young DISTRICT NEWS PHNICIAITY Or Ian HORNE ow ae i per Io : on XJ re. : . i : ; mL SE ps 7 NEILSON' o TRA Tamees Store freee Up linen efor penee| WALDHOF, Ont.--Crops have much funders will fn mos by the under JE ARGH ORANGES, por dos... 480.0, NELSONS Roto ns ot nr 30 distr a an Ip ved the ast two Werke 10. ve Will ro dun S00 2 Dore of th Gr day of] STRAWBERRIES, per basket __ 25c. a 4 Siri Pa i a Bare ik Si oy noe September, 1924, for constructing af PLUMS, per dozen __.__._ Ll re oe il . he _jwil be dar below the other veg )-6S Concrete Vault at the Township Hall, Zdozenfor . 0 = Pb¢, | NI 5S = SEE making the hoster er ii om | such as beans, cucumbers znd the like. Pryden. Plans and specifications may § TOMATOES, per Ib 20c. | | pelling Laem : 2 Tare i HE Oats are really yory Drepusng in S0Me he geen at my residence at any time. BANANAS, per ib ela 210s. | In Dosmony benoptn oa places. Alsike is cut in a few cases Lowest or any tender not necessarily per dozen... Lo 50c. lack of special training. already and everybody hopes that we : cepted. As the notices posted at various Deeenio BULK CHOCOLATES places will explain, the Course starts may get a few weeks of real good har- 50c. to $1.00 per Ih vest weather. A. B. ORVIS Chairman of Property Committee CHOCOLATE BARS, Mixed li on Wednesday, Sept. Srd, and willl 1a week a party of our hoys left Dryden, Ont., Aug, 29th. 1924 6 for 956. > Lurking bol ind every forinse Yi Peps Ge for the west to Bap Ean Lh Faen, RG ! All Kinds of eld and students awar Iden grain and make a few dollars e golden g flame and smoulder Ain, FRESH MIXED CANDIES, per Ib 35c. BUTTERNUT AND MILK BREAD per loaf 10c, ICE CREAM, per quart __..__._ - T0c. We make a specialty of Lunches KODAKS, FILMS & SUPPLIES Picnics and Parties. Bring us your Films for Development Come and visit our Ice Cream Parlour, GooD WORK its nice and cool. QUICK SERVICE We serve all kinds of Ice ee Cream and Cold Drinks Agent Tor: T vi p 45 a.m. 1: m. - Service from 6:15 a.m. to 1:00 a.m BODLEYS FRUIT CAKE BOARD $7.50 per WEEK. aE hes 1 Is $7.5 NEILSON'S CHOCOLATES MEAL TICKETS, 21 meals $7.50. KODAKS & BROWNIES = King's Old Country Ginger Beer. MARSH HAY-TO BE CUT ON '. . 3. LY Gough's Confectioner y U.8.8. No. 4 SANFORD & EATON Tenders will be received by the under- signed for building a School House, with concrete basement at North Minnitaki in the Township of Sanford, Plans and specifications can be seen at my office at Lot 1, Con. 5, Sanford. All Tenders to be in by Sept. 5th, 1924. The lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. THOS POLLOCK, Secy-Treas Lot 1, Con 5, Sanfodr, Ont. enn, ing ember lies the constant danger of Conflag which they need so much this year. Mr H. Boyce is sawing logs in our community and by the stories the people are well pleased with his work. The Waldhof Farmers' Co-operative Club, Ltd., shipped 1000 baskets of blueberries already this season. So the pessimist who told of everything going wrong did not hit it right. Dryden Paper Mill is getting their cutting-up mill in shape at Eagle River. People are speculating about this, especially in connection with the -- sale of jackpine pulpwood. People FOR SALE--Good COW, part Jersey, think the mill should buy wood from to freshen sometime in the middle of settlers before sending out camps. October, four years old. Will sell at Not a bad proposition. And we hope ga bargain.--apply they do : Hosp Young people who devote their spare time to study at twenty, are the leaders of their sets at forty. Don't you think it's worth considering ? --0--0--0-- 'ration Yo be Financially Safe msure tn INSURANCE COMPANY Represented by J. E. GIBSON, Agent, Dryden. full supply of Labour Day Sports:-- 1 The Labour Day sports programme is away beyond anything the promot- ers ever dreamed. The prizes will be about double what is advertized, and something will be doing all the time. The Brass Band will be there of course, hot and cold drinks will be on the ground, and everything will be done to make the day enjoyable. And the price of admission is only 25¢; under 16 years ,free. Sm re CE LUE SCL ES EL ES SE RLY | (RE 1 {RST CLASS TABLE BOARD AND DOMS CAN BE SECURED FROM RS C. W. HARRIS, Corner Duke :d Van Horne Street, Dryden, £4] 2 i S. DAITER Apply W. K. EDYE, Sfp abn ae 2A

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