Dryden Observer, 19 Sep 1924, p. 1

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@ Dryden Lodge, No. 417, Regular @ Meeting, Monday evening at 8 o'clock, Third Degree. Dryden, Ont. September 19th 1924 hac. in E. NADON, First Class Jeweller and Watch Maker EXPERT REPAIRS. Send your Clocks and Watches by Mail Order. QUICK SERVICE GUARANTEED, Office in the Robson House, Remington Typewriters RIBBONS AND CARBON PAPER for all makes of Typewriters in stock. NS MSNA Sold by:-- A. J Lock Issuer of Hunting and Trapping ' Licences for this District. TD-() GED () ESRD () EER () CRED () GED () GED LARGE RANGE OF SUITS OVERCOATS SWEATERS, &c READY-MADE or M ADE-TO-MEASURE All the LATEST STYLES & SHADES. At Prices to Suit Everyone. T. PROUDFOOT'S "THE DRYDEN TAILOR" DRYDEN FAIR, OCT. » & 3 Trim 'em up a Bit A good Supply of DECORATIONS on hand for HORSES & HARNESS If you want a bit of Ribbon A few spots--Spread, Rings Rossettes, ete, Just dorp in at H. WILLARD'S Harness and Boot Store at 4 H WILLARD'S BOOT & SHOE REPAIR and Harness Store. N WN N AN OK 5 \ LN NNR \ \ \ TIS jee hoe property owners - dallied with Five too long~ AND HE WAS BURNT - E. GIBSON, Agent, Dryden. PRONGER"'S ASH GROCERY. THE ONLY XCLUSIVE GROCERY iS IN DRDYEN In Brief A Congregational meeting will be held in the Union Church, Monday evening at 8 o'clock, to take steps towards eail- ing a minister. All those who are interested in seeing this Church take its proper place in the community should be present, and give support to that worthy purpose. | Wednesday in town. A five which occurred in the early hours Tuesday morning destroyed the home of Wm, Runions, with its whole contents. Mr Runions was away from home at the time, Mrs Runions, and her six children who were in the house were able to make their escape. The property was covered by insurance. T B Wall, Oxdrift, was a business visitor to Dryden yesterday. Mrs Jewett left for Boston this week. Douglas Lane has returned to Port Arthur. Mrs Fleming and daughter, Jessie, have returned from the States. Mrs Geo. Ruete, Minnitaki. Monday in town. ; spent trip to New York. : Mrs A M Taylor and Mrs M Baily and children are away on a visit west. Mrs M McTavish, Oxdrift, spent Miss Alida Kuervorst and Miss Ellen Bennett, Dyment, are spending a holi- day in Dryden. Miss Florence Tustain went up to Keewatin to attend the wedding of Miss Velma House, Wednesday. Mr and Mrs W H Evans left this morning for Toronto where they will reside. Don't forget the Auction Sale of Household Furniture at the residence of D Cummings on Wednesday, Sept. E G Rogmnon is away on a business To Sign Contract All these who desire connection with the Municipal Water Sys- tem for purpeses other than do- mestic, are requested to make application toe A @ Ripley, Chairman of the Waterworks Committee, not Jater than Wed- nesday, September 24th, 1924, when applications will receive consideration. THE final step necessary to launching of the waterworks scheme undertaken hy the Town of Dryden was formally taken by the Town Council at its special meeting Tuesday night. The waterworks committee submitted their report showing that the water-mains were now laid and had successfully passed the various tests, and water was already flowing to supply the C.P.R. Tank. At fire brigade practice it had been demonstrated that a pressure of 40-1bs could be sustained at the hy- drants, and through the 500 feet of new hose could deliver an efficient stream through the nozzle at practic- ally any house in town in case of fire, On the motion of Councillor Gould, seconded by Coun. Wilde, the following was passed unanimously :-- "That the Mayor and Town Clerk be empowered to sign the water con- tract between the Town of Dryden and the Canadian Pacific Railway; said contraet to take effect on or about October 1st, 1924." Under this agreement the Town con- tracts to supply the railway company with water for its engines, for which the C.P.R. agrees to pay at the rate of six cents per 1000 gallons, with a minimun, monthly average of $180. This gives a guaranteed revenue -of $2160 per year, which sum, as previ- ously announced, will meet the annual payments on the money borrowed to 24th at two thirty. PY re PGC CPN ws ic ray os AG LOCATING AUBREY LINK We learn that a survey party is out locating the few miles of road that will give the long-suffering settlers of South Aubrey a connecting link with the Town of 'Dryden. This will be en- couraging news for residents in this important section, who have been petitioning for relief, as for all who sincerely desire the removal of im-: pediments to progress. i A Baker's Dozen-- An event probably unique in rail- | way annals occurred this week, when | a mother and thirteen childrn travelled | by C.P.R. from the U:S: to Moosejaw ON ONE TICKET! This was no act of charity either, as according to the rules they were entitled to do so, all the children being under five years of age, and the mother had certificates to prove it. They occupied five seats in the day coach, and were shown the utmost consideration by railwaymen. The seeming impossibility is explained by the fact that there were three sets of triplets and two of twins in the party. Memorial Service-- An interesting and impressive service was held last Sunday afternoon in the Oxdrift Hall, when the Tablet com- memorating the soldiers of Oxdrift who fought in the great war was un- veiled, The service, which was in charge of Mr Menzies, was largely attended. Dr Cormie delivered an appropriate address, which was follow- ed by the military and unveiling ceremoines under the charge of the G.W.V.A. The Tablet unveiled rep- resents beautifully hand-painting of art, and will be held inesteem by the people of the community, while the memory of brave men shall endure. The appreciation and sincere thanks of the Women's Institute, Oxdrift, are offered to the Dryden Orchestra for their splendid assistance at the un- veiling service on Sunday last. On behalf of the members. Mrs: T.. I, LEWIS, Sec-Treas. DRYDEN WOMEN'S INSTITUTE The September Meeting will be held in the Town Hall at 2:30 p.m., on the 277th, with the following programme-- September--Business. Programme--=School Committee. Papers--What a Woman should know about law. ; School as a centre of influence. Roll Call--A funny incident of Schooldays. Social Half hour-- Teachers as guests. Hostesses:-- : Mrs EDYE-DE-HURST Mrs M. F, COOR. construct the present system. Ad- ditional revenue to pay for upkeep and running expenses will be derived from customers who require a supply for their business premises, for fire pro- tection and purposes other than do- mestie. The latter restrictions were made necessary by the Public Health De- partment at Toronto, which forbids use of the water for drinking or cook- ing until the Town puts in a chlori- nating or filtering plant to ensure the absolute purity of the water, The ultimate aim of course is to provide a supply of pure water to every house- hold, as well as a drainage and septic tank system to dispose of sewage and waste. But like every other town, Wwe must take one step at a time ac the finances will stand it, until the ideal is reached. Meantime the town engineer, J & Wilson, is making an exhaustive tes! of the water to determine what" wil. be necessary to secure permission from the Board of Health to allow it: full use for personal and househol¢ purposes. The plea of Coun. Swanson, sup- ported by a delegation from North Dryden, for a more suitable location for the hydrant in that part of the Town was taken up at this meeting and fat a further meeting the following evening. After considering all ex- penditures to date, including costs of various improvements not yet com- pleted, it was deemed feasible to instal two hydrants north of the track, which will give them water service equal to any part of the Town, On the motion of Coun. Gould-- Wilde, A J Lock was appointed tax collector for the year, at a salary of $200, the enabling by-law being adopt- ed on a motion by Coun, Ripley-- Swanson: An amended account of H P Cook, K.C,, for $30 for his services as prosecutor in a case where the Town secured, the fine was passed on motion by Coun. Ripley and Winterbottom. Ripley--Gould moved that the salary of S Bartlett be apportioned--$100 as electrician; $25 for telephone; $25 waterworks department, which was adopted. The Court of Revision met at 7.00 Tuesday evening, and after adjusting several minor questions, re-considered the application appeal of the Dryden Paper Company, regarding its assess- ment. A previous decision of the Court to lower the business tax was found to be technically estopped, although its right to grant relief was admitted. Under the best legal ad- vice another method was followed, granting the same relief by a different procedure, by which the general assessment was reduced $60,000 and the business assessment in proportion, Agricultural Enquiry THE correspondence published below should be about the most welcome news the farmers of this District would want to read, and needs no explaining. Between now and the date of the meet- ing, effort should be made to assemble all the information possible in the most concise form, for presenting to the Committee. z It might be a good plan for each district to hold a preliminary meeting and appoint delegates to lay their in- formation before the Committee. In this way the greatest amount of material could be gathered. Letter to M. F Cook, Dryden-- Dear Sir--The legislative assembly, April 17th, made the following Order on the motion of Hon. My Martin, the minister of agriculture: "ORDERED, That 2 Committee of this House to be composed of Messrs Jamieson, Thompson, Trewartha, Black, Keith, MacBride, Belanger, and Lethbridge, be appointed to en- quire into and study all matters con- cerning the social educational and economic conditions surrounding the agricultural, livestock: and dairying industries of the Province in all their various branches and phases, includ- ing production, improvement, packa- ging, standardizing, shipment, trans- portation, marketing and methods of advantageously handling products of these industries, and all other as- pects of the subject requiring invest- igation and attention ; and that the said Committee be instructed to gather all information it may deem essential or useful to enable the Government to brepare plans and methods looking toward the better- ment of existing conditions, both in the interest of the producer and the consumer, and for the more effectus co-operation between the urban and rural populations, for the progress and stability of these great basic industries as well as the general prosperity of the Province. That the said Committee have power to sit during the Recess, to engage neces- sary assistance and report to the Legislature," : The Committee, as you are aware, be- gan its itinerary at the Ontario Agri- cultural College, Guelph. Tis general plan is to hold open meetings whick will be duly advertised at key position: throughout the province, to facilitate attendance from counties. If after consultation with the local member and representative farmers as you think well, you are of the opinion it would be necessary for the Committee to be in- formed of some special features of the agricultural position inn your District, please communicate with me at your earliest convenience in order to inelude your location in the itinerary.--your P. F. CEONIN, Secy. Reply to Mr Ceonin.-- Dear Sir,--In reply to your letter of May 9th regarding the sitting of your Committee in this District, IT may say that I have spoken to several in con. nection with this and have also written our Member, and the majority are of the opinion that they would like you to include Dryden in your itinerary, as some very interesting facts may be ob- tained with regard to the clover seer situation for which this District is famous, besides get some insight into pioneer conditions in connection with immigration and the settling of immi- grants in a new and unbroken country. Yours truly, M. F. COOK, agri. rep. Extract of Letter to Mr Ceok. Toronto, September 16th.--"T am directed by Hon. Dr Jamieson to in- form you that this Committee has arranged to hold a meeting in your District on Tuesday, October Tth, Will you kindly make arrangements for a hall or any accommodation available for such meeting, and have it properly advertised. Your advice and co-operation will be appreciated.-- Yours truly, P. F. CEONIN, Secy. As soon as the arrangements being made by Mr Cook, agricultural repre- sentative, are completed, the place and hour of meeting will be made known. Big General Sale, Saturday 27th Sept. at Dryden.--J. V J. ohnston, auctioneer, HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT--Ap- g Coming, Three Parker Lady Number }4 Leaders in Fountain Pens. Parker Duofold--the HE Pen Duofold-- the SHE Pen. Parker D.Q.,--The SCHOOL Pen. When next granting the loan for everybody likes to Three of your Kinds of Stationery, pen, see that it's A Parker Duofold, "PULL A GOOD ONE," that proclaims absolute Distinction KROFTEN KID--(Warwick's De-Luxe) WISTARIA-- (Warwick's De- Luxe) LOTUS LAWN-- (Warwick's De-Luxe) Give one of these Reflects your Personality." Three Three equal. FOR YOUR Makes of Chocolates, your preference, for don't forget, that "Your Stationery that it is impossible to surpass or PICARDY'S--in BULK or Package, 80ec. per 1b SMILES"N CHUCKLES--in Packages, 80c. per 1h PAGE & SHAWS-- The Candy of Excelence. Absolute Proven Necessities to the Community (1) THE DOCTOR (3) THE DRYDEN (2) THE HOSPITAL PHARMACY SAKE HEALTH'S . Memories "If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though Poppies blow In Flanders Fields." Faith to the memory of her brave sons who made the supreme sacrifice ! in the great war has been generously kept by the good folk in our neighbour- mg Community, Oxdrift, In the graveyard there is a hand- some memorial to those who sleep in "Flander's Fields," and last Sunday another memento in the form of an Honour Roll was unveiled in the Com- munity Hall. A lasting tribute to those who went, and to those who will not return. It was Tennyson who wrote-- "Every man at time of death would fain Set forth some saying that may live After his death and better mankind; For death gives life's last word a power to live, And like the stone cut epitaph, re- and speak to men." 3 The opening was the National Anthem, | and prayers were offered by the Pastor {Ir Menzies, who conducted the service, The Rev Dr Cormie, D.D., was hap- pily able to be present, concluded an ntellectual address upon the evils of war by reminding his hearers that, should another calamity as the late J war take place, the responsibility and | 'fault would be with the Stuy generation. Mr A J Lock, ex-soldier, in unveil- ing read the names on the Roll, and 1 deeply thanked the members of the Oxdrift Women's Institute for their remembrance of our comrades, who | lied for freedom--who died that we | might live, and for the truimphs of ' right over might, and finally asked had 1 they got the peace their fallen brothers | would have desired? : ! The simple but strikingly memor- ! able service is all the more unforget- table by the magnificence of the music rendered by the Dryden Orchestra. The proceedings were brought to a close by the bugler sounding the "Last Post." | The Names on the Honour Roll are: Stewart Gibson. George E. Lyle James J. Spalding Colin MacLachlin James T. King Eugene C. Lyle Ernest T. Griffiths : ; cd main after the vanished voice,' John H. Davis Byron A. Hill Leonard J. Pateman William H. Wall Sidney T. Lyle Robert Murray William Lyle David Murray Timothy B. Wall Harry Walmsley : Alex Singleton | Killed in Action :-- | Gustav A. Weeks | James S. Lyle William Rouse James P. Hall ply to C, J. WRIGHT STORE. William H. Brignall . CAULIFLOWERS, Shoe Repairin o I have opened a SHOE REPAIR BUSINESS ] at No. 4, Duke St. All Orders Receive PROMPT ATTENTION Prices Strictly Moderate L. GREENHILL 3 % fiough's Confectioner --CORN ON THE COB-- Dryden Ice Cream 60c. per quart. Crescent Ice Cream 75¢. per quart We can supply you with Fresh TABLE CREAM 30c, per pint A NEILSON'S "HOME-MADE" CHOCOLATES 60¢ per hox upply of KODAKS, FILMS & SUPPLIES Bring us your Films for Developmen: GOOD WORK QUICK SERVICE Fresh Fruits FOR WEEK-END SELLING TOMATOES, CELERY, CUCUMBERS APPLES, ORANGES, LEMONS, BANANAS PEACHES, PEARS, TOKAY GRAPES COCOANUTS, GRAPEFRUIT, AAAS NPA AAP TS APAI . Agent for -- ; BODLEYS FRUIT CAKE NEILSON'S CHOCOLATES KODAKS & BROWNIES King's Old Country Ginger Beer, Gough's Confectionery PLUMS,

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