Assen) for Saturday Specials BOX COOKING APPLES, Wealthy, ......... $2.25 CAULIFLOWERS, CORN ON THE COB . SPANISH ONIONS PEACHES, PEARS --0--0--0-- --0O--0~-0---- Expected to Arrive Early this Week-- BASKET FRUIT--PEACHES, PEARS, - PLUMS CUCUMBERS, TOMATOES. Bring in your orders early so as not to be disappointed. --0--0--0-- | i --0--0--0-- --SATURDAY MORNING-- Fresh GIFGO SAUSAGES, per Ib 5 hse bas ase se Phone No. 49 SZ APRESS me; 1 B & OH PURE LEAD PAINTS. FURNITURE SCREEN DOORS BEDDING BABY CARRIAGES AUTOMOBILE TIRES, from $8.50 ACCESSORIES FOR ALL MAKES OF CARS BICYCLES. REPAIRS See our Window for SPECIALS IN C.C.M. CLEVELAND BICYCLES. Special! Reduced Prices One USED CAR For Sale. A wonderful - Bargain Fine REED BABY CARRIAGE, Only $23.95 OILS. GREASES. -------- GAS. Durance Brothers & Coy. bl iS ~ PFs" ow Wm. Rogers and Sons SILVER PLATE In the popular La France Pattern. TEA SPOONS, per doz. --_.ccmee $4.00 DESSERT SPOONS, doz. --_...... 7.20 TABLE SPOONS, doz cee. 8.00 DESSERT, FORKS, doz. ..----..- 7.20 MEDIUM FORKS, doz. ----..e--.... 8.00 In Lined Gift Boxes:-- SPOONS Coffee, 6 2.00 Five olelock, 6 oo - 2.00 ORANGE SPOONS, 6 cece. 3.20 SOUP SPOONS, 6 _ 4.00 BERRY SPOONS, each __..__... 2.15 A G A ; R22 BUTTER SPREADERS, 6 for 4.60 PIE KNIFE, each... «... 265 CREAM LADLES, each --_..._..... 1.20 GRAVY, LADLES, each __..__.... 1.60 Cold Meat FORKS, each __..__.. 1.35 PICKLE, FORKS, from 80c. to 1.00 TEX R Cutlery :-- Dessert<Knives, solid handle (12) 9.70; Ripley's sk Your Grocer or Confectioner Dessert Hollow Handle (6) --_.... 10.70 Table, Solid Handle (12) --...__.. 9.85: Table, Hollow Handle (6) cue... 11.80 EVERY c= Monday, Thursday. Saturday BROWN HEALTH BREAD Fresh Every Wednesday SIN RA The BREAD Chock full of plump, delicious Raisins DRYDEN BAKERY ' moderate quantities. Thirty=fize Million Lost Penny wise and pound foolish! The Bond Dealers' Association of Canada have made an estimate of the amount of money Canadians parted with, willingly enough apparently, to swindlers and wildcat "investments" of one kind and another during 1923. The estimate is just $35,000,000, ac- cording to the Contract Record of Engineering Review. Think what this would mean if spent wisely and safely! How many bridges would it build! Hew many big office buildings! How many miles of highway! The biggest power in- stallation under way in the world this year -- 540,000,000 horsepower, in Quebec,--could be financed by this sum of money that people of Canada throw away so thoughtfully. Over FIFTY-THREE THOUSAND Ford Cars could have been bought with this money and would now be giving their owners satisfection and pleasure, instead of vain regrets, remorse and bitter rechimination. Following the latter idea this money would now be in circulation among Canadians in Canada instead of in all probability being taken out of the country and representing a clean loss, not only to the individual but also to the Dominion as a whole. It is a strange fact that the ordinary individual will pinch and scrape a life- time to accumulate a few hundred or thousand dollars and will then hand his savings over without hesitation to some smooth-tounged liar who tells a plausible story of large interest returns. SE ae Sa SoC aE TAILORING LADIES & -'GENT.S CLOTHING REPAIRED, CLEANED And PRESSED JIMMY ALLEN (Old Latimer Store) CL a Le Health 1alks By Dr J. J. MIDDLETON RB Dr Middleton will be glad to answer all questions on public health matters through this column. Address him at Spadina House, Spadina Crescent, Toronto, Ontario. Albumin in the urine is a condition that should be given attention at once. A correspondent writes to inquire what causes albumin in urine and whether or not it is an inflammation of the kidneys and if a weak heart will cause it. One of the most constant accompani- ments of kidney disease may be present without albumin showing, and albumin may be in the urinewithout kidney disease. Heart disease has a direct effect in producing albuminuria by causing engorgement of the kidneys with blood, as a resultof poor circula- tion. Urine which contains blood or pus shows albumin. These substances : may come from the kidney or from} any other part of the urinary tract ory from an abscess which bursts into: that tract ,or in the case of females, from the generative system. In or- dinary cases, however, and for the most part, the most common cause of albumin in the urine is kidney disease. To some extent the alumin present is an inflammatory exudate, but to a great extent it is due to serum-albumin circulating in the blood vessels which escape with the urine, because the} damaged eells of the kidneys can no longer prevent it escaping. There are other conditions, of course where albumin appears in the urine, such as in febrile disease where the temperature is high, probobly because the poisons in the blood damage the kidney cells. It sometimes happens that albumin will be present in the urine after epileptic seizure, and in connection with various other dis- orders. There is also what is known as functional albumin in the urine which occurs without any apparent cause. It often is found in young people at the adolescent stage of life, and is often discovered quite accident- ly, for instanct, in the course of exam- ination for life insurance. The correspondent also asks about the effect of saccharine on the kidneys. There is not much danger in the use of saccharine, provided it is used in Rich Table Cream ----Pasteurized---- At the Creamery EVERY SATURDAY THIRTY CENTS per PINT. in bottles DRYDEN CLOVER BELT CREAMERY COMPANY. ¢ bl Cones of Red Pine They are now fit to collect. Other buyers are offering $2 per 'bushel. Weigh one and see what you get. $7.00 per 100-1bs f.o.b., Dryden has been our pricé from the first; in small or large quantities, 714c. per Ib--Final Offer. EDYE-DE-HURST & SONS Dennyhurst, via Dryden, Ont. Shippers to H. M. Government, ete. The Market {FARM FOR SALE---Leot 7, Con. 4, ; Township of Eton. 280 acres more or less. Fifty-five more or less under cultivation, balance in bush and past- 'ure. ! pasture, Spring near stable. Log - house, Stable, Chicken pen, Hog pens, 'and granary. Farm is situated three miles from Oxdrift station, and eleven miles from Dryden, on a good gravel road. Three thousand five hundred "dollars. Fifteen hundred cash, and rest on reasonable terms, crop may be arranged for.--Apply R. E. BARKER, Oxdrift. FRESH BUTTER MILK at the Creamery for 25 cents per gallon If you bring your own container. MILK for his PIGS will do well to enquire for price at the Creamery. ed or unfurnished,for light house- keeping.--Apply MRS SPEARS 20-6-24 c. FARM FOR SALE-- S. 1, Township of Van Horne, close to town line. 160 acres, 50 under cultivation, balance bush and pasture. Good house, with furnace in basement; barn and grainary; chicken house, implement shed, two good wells, at house and in barnyard. Electric light and telephone. For particulars apply to-- G, NELSON Box 1564-- --Dryden, Ont. GOOD PROPERTY for sale, lots 8 & 9 S. Albert Street, with good sized House, newly decorated; good well on property. For particulars apply G. NELSON, 16/5|c Dryden, Ont. -- WANTED -- Secondhand FURNITURE. We would like you to give us the first chance to buy your furniture on leaving town.--S. DAITER. 3355558555 535588%4 $ Office Positions are plentiful in $ 3 WINNIPEG, for those who train at the Success Business College. It will pay Jon again and . again to train tn innipeg whe¥s employment is at its best and where you can at- tend the Success Business Oollege whose graduates are given preferenes by thou- sands of employers. The Success {Business <ollege, Winnipeg, is a strong, reli- able school--its guperior aer- vice has resulted in (ts an- nual enrollment greatly ex- ceeding the combined year: ly attendanne of all othsr Business Colleges in the whole province of Msni- toba, Open all the year, Enroll at any time. Write for free prospectus. 7% , Py) Lt (1 2) 7% BUSINESS COLLEGE Limited 335% PORTAGE AVE, WINNIPEG MAN. a SE $$538855 3% $$3553583 HOME BANK HAD : MANY BAD LOANS PRPS RR PABL PAPAL HAE Concerns which had borrowed heavily |. on poor collateral overdrew TORONTO, Sept. 15.--Crown pro- secutor O L McCarthy, K.C., during examination of witneseses, brought to light some phases of the Home Bank's history, particularly in the matter of loans, when the trial was resumed of Ocean G Smith, former Chif Account- ant of the bank. Two witnesses dur- ing the afternoon were Col. W G Mitchell and A J Pattison, jr., who testified that they had received large loans from the bank on colatteral which fell short of securing loans. Col. Mitchell said that, while he was overseas, security he had given the bank depreciated and as he was unable to repay the loan, that the situation continued until the bank closed its doors. Names of several concerns were given who had overdrafts rang- ing from a few dollars to $155,752,68, while at the sam etime they were heavily indebted to the bank for loans. Good creek running through}. ANY FARMER wishing BUTTER- |} To Rent--SUITE of ROOMS, furnish- | 8 West End King St. 5 N. 5,|¥% 'Town Hall. PPAR PARR LRA ARAS -- Liife is Real Good Citizens of Canada are insuring their lives now at the rate of a . MILLION DOLLARS DAILY. Many are arranging an IN- COME for advancing age. Would you like to know how this can be done ? The Mutual Life Assurance Co of Canada Distriet Agent. FRANK M. OFFER ROBT. SWEENEY General Blacksmith Agents For- Massey-Harris Implements et Carbon Removed from Cylinders by Acetyiene Burn BSS ran | Deyden Livery, Transt r and JAMES NcFADYEN REAL ESTATE AND INSURANOE DRYDEN ONT. ® ing 0 Dick Trist : 0 ol AR \/ LA. 18 Fl OWN YOUR OWN HOME OUR PRICES ON LUMBER ARE LOWER THAN THEY HAVE BEEN FOR YEARS. : We can fill any bill of material from Yard Stock. Our Service is the same for a Board or a Car lot. We can sell you any bill of material at less money than any Mail Order House, This is not a line yard concern where we have to make large profits; our overhead is small. Plans and Estimates Free ! SCREEN WINDOWS AND DOORS At Special Prices. LUMBER. SHINGLES. CEMENT. PLASTER AND LIME. - SASH AND DOORS. BEAVER BOARD. EMPIRE PLASTER BOARD. SILOS, ete., ete. PAPER ROOFING. MOULDING. And All Builders' Supplies. J. Winterbottom Agent for-- HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE Ce. WATKIN'S PRODUCTS Complete Line For Farmer or Citizen REMEDIES, SPICES, EXTRACTS, SOAPS, TOILET PREPARATIONS. HOUSEHOLD SPECIALTIES | Best for over 50 years BRICK, LATH., E. T. (DAD) ROWLAND \ J.GARDINER vo General Merchant, | EAGLE RIVER. Vi Agent for | Frost & Wood IMPLEMENTS. COCKSHUTT PLOW COY. ® kk Xx 1 y | i 4 t \ Ni i Sharple's Cream Separators. | SOLD. 1.O.O.F. DRYDEN LODGE, Ne 417 meets at the Town Hall every Monday evening at eight o'clock. Visiting Members cordially invited. CON. ANDERSON, N.G. ALEX. DUNCAN, Secy. L.O.L. DRYDEN LODGE No. 1694 meets the first Wednesday of each month, at eight p.m., in the Visiting Brethren eer- dially invited. J. E. HARRIS, W.M. BADEN SMITH, Secy (Golden Star Lody No. 484 AF. & AM, GRC. Meets in the Masonic Hall, Dryden, the Second Tuesday of each month Visitors Cordially invited. H. HUMPHREYS, W.M. ALEX. DUNCAN, Secy. SSpyEme Ts SSORERe Sp 22s [SER SHER SS HERES Se nh : FOR TRIMMING HEDGES. © Cutting grass, edging walks, weeding i boeing, turning sod, seeding, planting, and for the hundred and one jobs ! about the lawn, garden and yard, you : need the proper tools and implements, | We have them all. Come in and have 'a look at them. Prices as low as any i big city store or mail order house. KERO SAVE YOUR TRACTORS HORSES « HE BN XIN ALKING over plowed ground all day tires your team a8 | \ well as the driver. How about pulling a load besides? In these days of scarcity of horse and man power the heavy farm work such as discing can be done most speedily and economically with a Case or smallest Case Tractor can pull an 8 £4, double action dise harrow set to full depth. Busy farmers can work the "iron horse" day and night if necessary. Don't forget that Case . tractors operate over dusty fields without dust entering cyle inders. The Air washer fully protects the Motor. The all cut steel spur gears ave fully enclosed and yun in oil. The weight® of the Case 10-18 is cnly about 8,400 Ibs. this, with the liberal met Sized tires prevents soil pack explained in full descriptive literature sent out for the asking, Bl Let us tell you moze about the Kerosene Tractor. The 10-18 ng. Other Important features 10-18 ox larger Case Tractors. F. T. BRIGNALIL ONTARIO