Car of Potatoes Arrived First of Week No. I Carman and Irish Cobblers all white potatoes. Eastern Grown -- Highest Quality Three-quarters of the Shipment was : Sold off the car, The balance will be sold from our cellar, at $1.25 per bushel, which is a very moderate price considering the present state of the market. Prize Winners MINNITAKI SCHOOL FAIR 1923 Sheaf Gold Rain Oats--Abner Watts. Sheaf of Barley-- Abner Waits. Green Mountain Potatoes-- Teddie Rask, Charlie Launder, Lillie Phil- brook, Rosie Philbrook. Irish Cobbler Potatoes--Maggie Laun- der. Mangles--Makel Launder, Teddie Rask Beets--Aabel Launder, Geogre Howell Teddie Rask, David Duran, Isabelle Anderson, Thelma, Rask.--S8 entries. Carrots--Charlie Launder, Elsie An- derson, Maggie Launder, George Howell, Teddie Rask. Onions--Charlie Launder, Teddie Rask Isabelle Anderson. 1 Cockerel--Edwin Shapland. Pen--2 Pullets--Edwin Shapland. A GOOD FOOD CHOPPER saves its cost many times over before it is worn out. It enables the thrifty housewife to use up all the "leftovers" of good things to eat. We have the best choppers made in every family size. We also have everything else Doz Brown Eres Georg pa : ; 3 pt AL ay Howell. | in kitchen helps which make for easier Dees Cait-Noma Hand. | housekeeping and better living. Dairy Heifer--Mabel Launder, Hubert | E. A. KLOSE Howell, Charlie Launder, George | Howell, Rosie Philbrook. Dryden General REPAIR SHOP Halter Broken Calf--Rosie Philbrook, Nora Rand, Mabel Launder, Charlie 1 make a Specialty of Repairs of all kinds ineluding-- 5. b\ 3 Go to KELS(U'S for FRESH KILLED VEAL : " » BEEF " "» PORK » » LAMB HAMBURGER STEAKGROUND FRESH EACH DAY. COOKED AND SMOKED MEATS. PORK §& AUSAGE. i PHONE © W. KELSO, Prop. | atone traforvee titi es Attention, Ford Owners! PLAIN NEGLECT costs the Motoring Public of Can- ada, thousands of dollars each year. NOW is the time to prepare your car for cold weather driving, and arrange for a complete overhaul this winter. WHY WAIT until spring to have your car put in shape? The winter is the right time to overhaul a car, as our shop is then not so rushed, and we are able to devote more time to each particular operation, AS FORD DEALERS, we are more vitally interested in the performances of your car, than any other garage- men in the district. We specialize in Ford Cars, and have equipped our shop accordingly. OUR WORKMANSHIP is guaranteed, and you are assured that nothing but Genuine Ford Parts will be used for replacement purposes. IF, at any time, your car is not performing as it should, call on us, and we will be pleased to advise you what Your trouble is, and what it will cost to correct it. Our shop is operated on a flat rate labour basis, which has been approved by the Ford Motor Company of Canada Limited, so you are assured of honest workmanship at a fair price. WE WILL ALSO be glad to furnish you with an esti- mate, for a complete overhaul during the winter months. WE EARNESTLY solicit your repair work. D P. & O. Plows Hamilton Plows Fleury Plows Tractor Plows, Sulkey Plows (Gang Plows, Walking Plows Binder Twine, Cream Separators Wagons, Oils, Tires, Etc. rrr J. S. CORNER, Oxdrift, Ont. Agent for:-- INTERNATIONAL HARVE Canada, Ltd M. J. CROSIER ANDERSON & HARRIS General Merchant, : oxprarr, ontario FUNERAL DIREGTORS, Dry Goods rn Groceries | Day or Night Calls Promptly Attended to, Boots and Shoes PHONE-- he ERR TERN I Lr Frost & Wood and Launder. Quart Pickled Beets-- Mabel Launder, Alice Weeks, Rosie Philbrook. Qt. Cucumber Pickle--Eve Howell, Qt. Raspberry Jam--Thelma Rask. Auto Tops--Car Shade Curtains, new Qt. Strawberry Preserves-- Alice! ones made-to-order--Upholstering of Weeks, Mabel Launder, Lilly Phil-!2ll kinds--Sewing Machines--Phono- graphs--Electric Stoves--Table and Piano Electric Lamps--Electric Irons --Flashlights--Typewriters, all makes, Cleaned and Repaired. brook. Qt. Canned Blueberries--Alice Woeks, Heating Stoves--Cook Stoves and Ranges--Coal and Wood, or beth--re- Nora aRnd, Rosie Philbrook. School Lunch--Eve Howell. Cookies--Nora Rand, Elsie Anderson, Alice Weeks. paired and made as good as new. Metal Chimney Tops--Stove Pipes-- Tinsmithing of all kinds--Stoves put up, and Pipes and Chimnevs cleaned. Bran Muffins--Rosie Philbrook. Three Deserts--Mahal Launder. SHOP--rear of Gough's Confectionery Candy (girls under ten)--Rosie Phil- Rask. boork. Candy (girls over ten)--Eve Howell, Maggie Launder, Mabel Launder, Lily Philbrook. Set of Dolls Clothes--Thelma Rak, Collection. of Leaves--Lily Philbrook. Elsie Anderson. ¥ree Hand Sketch--Maggis Launder, Button Bag--Rosie Philbrook. Lily Philbrook. Hemmed Towel--Maggie Launder. Essay--Eve Howell. Handkerchief--Eve Howell, Maggie] "The Ministeral Boy"---Florence Grig- ; ger, Lily Philbrook. Collection of Native Woods--Hubert Howell. Hitching Horse to Vehicle--(girls)-- Launder. Thelma Rask, Maggie Launder. | Seven kinds of Stitches--Eve Howell, Maggie Launder, Thelma Rask. Hitching Horse to Vehicle--(boys)-- Teddie Rask, George Howell. Two Buttonholes--Eve Howell: Collection Knots and Splices--Hubert Collection of Snaps--Maggie Launder Lily Philbrook. Howell, Teddie Rask. Handy Farm Device--Geo. Howell. Collection of Wegetables -- Hubert Howell, Eve Howell. Writing, Alphabet and Figures--Isa- belle Anderson, Teddie Rask, Rosie Hixhibit of Canning--Rosie Philbrook. Any Pet--Lily Philbrook. Maggie Launder. COMPACT CLOTH BOUND VOLUMS, by such writers as William- son, Sapper, Le Quex, Tracy. A very special purchase enables ug to offer themeat, each Loco REE _25c¢ CLOTH BOUND BOOKS, printed on good paper, such popular authors as well as to prepare quickly all sorts Philbrook. : : "Solitary Reaper"'--Eve Howell. Special --Maggie Launder. 5 STi SE 57 welt ~ Free Hand Sketch-- Eve Howell. CD Ee, I Union Jack--Rosie Philbrook, Teddic as Rex Beach, Zane Gray, Rider Haggard, Baroness Orezy, ; Ruby Ayres, Lincoln. SPECIAL, each 45¢ NEW COPYRIGHTS THE GOLDEN COCOON by __ __.__ - Cross PINK. SUGAR, hy oo. oF 0. Douglas BE SINISTER MAN, by on. Wallace And many others. Large Selection of BIBLES, HYMN BOOKS PRAYER BOOKS, DICTIONARYS ENTERTAINMENT BOOKS RADIO, and many others. Pronger's Variety Store ryden SUCCESSOR TO ANDERSON & HARRIS pany Contractors and Builders Full Stock of LUMBER, Sash and Doors, Shingles, Wood Fibre, Brick, Lime and Cement. Cstimates Freely Given TRH I ae BEC RR So mh NS RR STA Er A Ho lh a Smee s 3 SHR LS SEERA Dry Goods, Groceries, TAILORIN FLOUR AND FELD FRUITS, VEGETABLES, CIGARS, CIGARETTES LADIES & GENTS CLOTHING AND TOBACCOS REPAIRED CANDIES, SOFT DRINKS A CLEANED ICE CREAM BUTTER AND EGGS And PRESSED GASOLINE 5 % 8 & AUTO TIRES AND TUBES H. A. JEWELL & Coy. JIMMY ALLEN (Old Latimer Store) Dryden - Ontario: TL To I J 2 ain % DYnyiey ONTARIO emma reese UE IN Hall BRR JT br SR RETO as \ 4 v voting | teat the ID distiller and bootlegger will understand. Desperate because the O.T.A. has cut down drinking by 90%, the liquor trade seeks the death of the firiest temperance measure Ontario has ever had. Distiller, brewer and boot- legger are arrayed against the' forces of reform. The issue itself is sharply drawn, but John Barleyrorn is using a new disguise. Only his desperation can explum his reckless effront- ery and his astonishingly low estimare of the common sense of the people. No good citizen, familiar 'with the miserable conditions before The Ontario Temperar.ce Act browight sobriety to the homes and happiness to the vyomen anc childeen, would delib- erately vote for a return to the barroom. Yet today Ontario faces, as the only alternat've to the O.T.A,, a step that will lead to conditions in soye respects even worse than thy open bar produced, ally to its Defence! The same sordid story coms from every province where so-called government "control" has been blindly adopted. More drinking, more drunkenr,ess, more crime, more accidents, more misery, more waste--ard, above all, infinitely more of the curse of bootlegging. "This prospect should send every earnest man and woman is Ontario to the polls on October 23rd to vote for the continuance, strengthening and vigorous enforcement of The Ontario Temperance Act. To legalize the sale of booze for beverage purposes, though in sealed packages, is to re-establish the liguor shop 3 RZ; Hardware and Farm Produce Ceckshutit Impicmorte i lay, 62 Night, 62 R 4 a "f HE lawless liquor traffic dies hard. But good citizenship is a patient executioner in Ontario. Again and again Ontario citizens have registered their determination that the moral and econo- - mic waste caused by booze must cease. {] On October 23rd the men and women of this Province must tell the self-seeking liquor interests still more emphatically that booze shall not come back. A half-million majority for continuance of The Ontario Temperance Act is language that brewer, terest without the former restrictions of the licensed bar-room, and bring back the treating system, the hip-pocket flask, and the drinking club. To vote for government sale is to bring back to old Ontario the free dispensing of that bottled misery which will blight and desiroy the hopes, the character, the life of young and old in every community where liquor shops are permitted to exist,' Your Ballot is Your Weapon You know that, but you must VOTE. Your weapon, the ballot, must be used. Vote yourself, and use your influence to have every qualified elector within your home and your place of work do likewise. The only votes counted will be those placed in the ballot box on October 231d, 1924. : ow The liquor trinity--bootlegger, brewer and distiller --are at work, night and day. Foil their efforts by polling an oves- whelming majority for The Ontario Temperance Act. Mark your ballot thus: Apathy and over-confidence have {ost many a good fight, Are you in favour of the con- tinuance of The Ontario Tem- pearance Act? SUT Are vou in favour of 25 a beverage of beer and spirituous liquor in sealed pack- 2 5d G. B. Nicholson, Chairman