Dryden Observer, 31 Oct 1924, p. 3

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© Prize Winners | You H @ y Store |e Us The Store of Big Values : Quart Gold Rain Oats--Bruno Zentil. » : ; : 4 : ry & S--11 ) Si . . . . 0 Ses i Si A People of this Community, in fairness to yourselves, give us the ; Sheaf if Barley--Vernon Rutter. Ji C fe anes STE a ; Wat ch Our Cloc] Dail Quirt of Borlop-ated Molinos n om ort. opportunity to show you our money saving values. : Vernon Rutter. : L : : , oe : a Lt LE --FLANNELETTES-- --BLOOMERS-- ) ; Green Mountain. Potatoes -- Harry . - ar Niles Tg Yned THE BEAUTIFUL Hoffstrom, Jack Taylor, Norman ; 36-inches, white, per yard .. .30f il sizes, in grey, fleece lined, Zentil, Mario Malonese, Elvera Hoft-§ len Days Sale on our New|' . rah ip -} extra well made and warm, .75 Zentul, ° nese, 2 Holi ; ; 27-inches, white, per yard .. .23 ' COLONIAL CLOCK strom, Harold Rutter. Coil Springs, all sizes .... $5.95 Pin] Poe Sided wi -" : ; a ; Irich Cobblers--Walter Evans, Irma Remember that you may not} FE or bide triped, 36-in. --DRAWERS & VESTS-- ON DISPLAY \ : Melanese, Bruno Zenttil, Lilly Wil- 1} get another chance for 0 good per yard ble sll Gang RE 28 Ladies' and Children's, all sizes Ab I t I E : kinson, Gard Rutter. Coil Spring at the small price} Grey Flannel Shirting, very and tops in wool, Silk & Wool, soiute y rec Ye Arnild © Clausen, Walter! ye are offering you now. strong, close weave, yd. .. .408and Wool mixtures. ; vans, ; : Method Followed in Giving Away :-- es Beets-- Norman Zentil, Katherine i oy Bed 2 good choice 28 Children's Knitted WOOL GLOVES, assorted colours, pair .25 a I liye -- ila a Ab in Ladies' all WOOL GAUNTLETS, English make, pair .. $1.40 t y GT SAEs Sn y Alirea Melanese, Margar . 4 / i x j : : 'When all he Dials hae Li Zhen out, a Span i on Carrots-- Mary Evans, Katherine 45 go as new, from $2.00 to Ladies' All WOOL GLOVES, English make, per pair ... 50° display will be wound and placed in cur window. When the Evans, Alice Wilkinson, Willie Me. | $5-00- i ; ial aa : 3 z Clock, ian pony rl 2% Sie of days, Jane SR 'Millan, Florence Zentil, Lilah Clan. Oot a Shi women's sizes, many pleasing oe = party holding the dial identically corresponding to the tim sen. NEW FELT MATTRESSES special, BIT Ee aie ; of the stopped Clock, will receive absolutely free of charge, Pili Aries Olfiisen. Clouse Hat ; Corticelli SWEATER WOOL, in 1-oz trl a is this most Beautiful Colonial Tim'piece. i strom, Willie Evans, Patricia White. also----. . = 5 One Dial Given With Each $1.25 Cash Sale. Walter Evans, Gard Rutter. "| SECOND Hand MATTRESSES : --CURTAIN MATERIAL Now Is the The to fepent one Boot | Onions--Florence Zentil, Alfred Mal-] Good Stock of-- Our stock includes: Scrims, Novelty Tuscans, Marquisettes, Soft QUALITY. MERCHANDISE anese, Jack Taylor, Willie Evans. HEATERS-- clinging Madras, etc. + our us unlly. low Diitcs: «| Sweet Corn--Clarence Illson. "and : 21 our bl Pp ' = Pen (1 Cockerel and 2 Pullets)--Guedo BOX STOVES OUR SMALL WARES Zentil, Mario Malenese, Daisy are well assorted in Pins, Buttons, Combs, Embroidery Cottons, Howarth. : You will be sure to need one in and Silks, Threads, Needles, Ribbons, Laces, Braids and Edgings : Phlox-- Silah Clausen, Katherine | another week or two. vo . I Cl : Evans, Florence Zentil. You can save a lot of labour { Asters--Patricia White, Irma Mal- by gettting one of our Second ;,; * 4 re Eggs--Katherine Evans. fond Prong er S Variety : Sto rY € WASHING MACHINES 5 Quart Pickled Beets--Lilly Wilkinson, ha 1 1 ie NEW TAN YPET ' z Go to KELSO S for ee a i per 8 STAND OPEN TILL EIGHT O'CLOCK : Quart Raspberry Jam--Katherine One DRESSER TERRSE EE a a a ree FRESH KILLED oar owe Toh Te, Alice Wilkin- Sk SEWING MACHINE » » BEE Quart Strawberry Preserves--Kathe- A Pew PADY CARRIAGES . 5 PORK rine Evans, Agnes Clausen One BICYCLE, EY i Ign avant at oe : .tSeveral GRAMAPHONES with =i ! LAMB Qrart Canned Blueberries--Katherine oy & er ¥ = Evans, May Howarth. RECORDS J ; UE dl : HAMBURGER STEAKGROUND FRESH Blueberry Pie--Katherine Evans. A few Good RIFLES on hand, SUCCESSOR TO ANDERSON & HARRIS EACH DAY School Lunch--Alice Wilkinson, Kathe| g€t one, and you will not have ; ; : lay to buy your meat. Contractors and Builders COOKED AND SMOKED MEATS. Cookies--Kathe Evans, Mary Evans, 16} O O PORK SAUSAGE Jessie Monty, Agnes Clausen, Lilly FULL STOCK of LUMBER, SASH AND DOGRS Wilkinson. 2 SHINGLES, WOOD FIBRE Bran Muffins--Lilly Wilkinson, Kathe- Don Z Forget : --BRICK, LIME, AND CEMENT. -- rine Evans. to visit our rtoNe 6 ~~ W. KELSO, Prop. Three Degserts--Katherine Evans, 2nd! SECOND HAND : ates Fre ; g Mi Nd Lilah Clausen. CLOTHING STORE a ely ven \ Sandwiches--Mary Evans, Katherine 1 2 RS CE be ERE LEE ERASE SEs Evans, Alice Wilkinson. ! Anything you yoa ars sure, 5 ~ ° Cis - = ii -- SRE Sa Ly lvl Candy (idee en) Katherine Evans, EE YOUT money's worth Dry Goods, Groceries, § AT. GARDINE 8 : * Mary Evans, Lilly Wilkinson. ¢€ carry a full Stock o 0 vA ot htt i SE » NEW FORD SEDANS Candy (over ten) -- Patricia White, SECOND HAND CLOTHING! _ FLOUR AND FEED |g J 2 NER g I 4 NEW FORDSON TRACTORS Alice Wilkinson, Agnes Clausen. also F RUITS, 3 YEGY TABLES, General Merchant, : 2 Dolls Cothes--Greta Hoffatrom, Jessie BOOTS AND SHOES CIGARS, CIGARETTES, BE AGLE RIVE R. i FORD CONTEST ANNOUNCEMENT Minty. Agent for Button Bag--Katherine Evang, | Ga Frost & Wood IMPLEMENTS. COCKSHUTT PLOW COY. x oH oR Xx ta fit all the family AND TORACCOS 1 : CT ral CANDIES, SOFT DRINKS ¥ THE Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited, has row been Button Holes--Katherine Evans, 0 BUTTER AND EGGS in business for twenty years. During that time 340,004 Ford Cars} Hemmed Towel Edna Taylor. v Tht 2 es ar Lalas Mien 58 1 AND TUBES | & and Trucks have been built and the Ford has won a nation-wide Darned Stocking--Vendle Moline. foo wan to f so $ AUTO TIRES Al El reputation for giving satisfactory service. 7 kinds of stltchos-- Alice Wilkinson. Wists Loans, from 500 ie $700) In our relations with the public, as local Ford Dealers, we : 2 There is a good choice to pick H A JEWELL & Co a : Windmill -- Claus Hoistrom, EI i '1 have learned that the best advertisement we get is the recommen-§ 1 us Moston, Hivers from. 9 f3s y 0 O 19, Sharple's Cream Separators. 0% a : : || RAW FURS BOUGHT & SOLD. § dation of a satisfied customer. Many Ford Cars are sold on such Kite Harry Hoffstrom (Todi Shirts, @ 95! OXDRIFT-- --ONTARIO | meremssramn rosso =a recommendations and many more will be sold in the same WEY Handy Fori Doviee Jack Taylor, 1-adies' Dresses, from ..... 95} i If you are one of the many thousands of Canada's farmer] Arnold Clausen. 0 ean $3.00 == oe vy Ford owners, here is a big opportunity for you. ii Alphabet & Figures--Katherine Evans Ladies' Suits, from $3.00 to $7.00 : Si 10¢ epairi ng One farmer Ford-owner or member of a farmer Ford-owner| «oi, Toldom Lilly Wilkinson, DOYs Mackinaw Coats, @ $1.95 ¥ Ey family in each Township in this territory is to be given thel wo. Poser Wales nnn ". Good supply of Men's Odd Coats, |; AT Smye opened a : oC privilege of taking orders for Ford Cars, Trucks and Tractors. "Indian Summer" -- Vendle Molige.i [rom $2.00 to $4.50 8 SHOE REPAIR BUSINESS Only the first applicant to apply for this privilege in each Town- Willie Chil re ni Be Men Suits, from $6.00 to $1200 N 4 D k = t ship will be enrolled. You can enroll immediately. "The Minstrel Tov Alle Wilkinson : Men's Vests, from .25to ... $1.25 0. 5 Luxe Bt. B LAL 3 All Orders Receive \ PROMPT ATTENTION : Prices Strictly Moderate iL. GREENHIL Shoemaker. : Order forms and complete instructions will be supplied to all} gp nono Zentil," Horry Hoftsirom Over 400 Vests to pick from : < 3 2 = ' contestants. = : : Lilah Clausen, Patty White, Guedo. Men's Mackinaw and Sheepskin All you are expected to do is to tell your friends who need Zentil. ¢ Coats, from $2.00 up. a car, truck or tractor of your own experience with your Ford. gap, Solitary Reaper"--Hdna Taylor, i ATL kinds of Men's: Overconts If they decide to buy, you take their order and : send it to the Marion Melanese, Alfred Melanese. from 3.00 and up. Winnipeg Branch of Ford Motor Company. : Hy - Ch ; ny : Union Jack, Drawing-- Greta Hofl- ; On all such orders you will get credit in points at the rate of strom, Signa Polson, Lily Wilkinson Hho on the sales price of the order. The contestant gaining g.pool Fair Poster--Claus Hoffstrom, IT IS FOR YOUR OWN GOOD "== the highest number of points in each Ford Branch territory will Liloh Clovsen. oa s for CLOTHING before | receive, absolutely free, a Ford Tudor Sedan, fully equipped, alll. = wri: > : pfto sae us or : ] 3 me 21 iil ll Sl : a Free Hand Sketch--Lilah Clausen, you send out for it. i taxes and delivery charges paid, and with 1925 license, ready tof oiius Hoffstrom, Edna Taylor, Jack ATL rite cious above ne for ! run, wh : Taylor, Agnes Cl Harr ; 2 i Next highest contestant will receive free, a Fordson Tractor, rr hes Lianson, Hayy Hof Second Hand Clothing only. fully equipped, with fenders and belt and pulley, ready to work. iil Anyone that wants new Cloth- O oO O 10. Or is no sport. Do not t and > 1 Exhibit of Canning--Alice Wilkinson, } : § : All contestants who do not qualify for first or second prizes Tires White 2=Alice Willonson ing, Boots or Shoes, will find that § waste the Cream with will receive credit for 3 p.c. of the list price on all orders taken Ewsay- Patrice White. we can compare with any of the, that old, worn out, batter- by them. This will be awarded in any kind of Ford-made merchandise or in cash. : : This contest closes December-3oth, Prizes will be delivered January 15th. Enrollment applications will be sent to all farmer Catalogues, in fact some things ! are cheaper than the Catalogue. We can do it for the simple' reason that we have no expense. ---Specials-- Plums--Katherine Evans. Apples--XKatherine Evans. ed up, hard turning separ- ator. T OQ 1 Wille1 | a Ford-owners, but if you wish to enroll immediately in order to ya Our Motto is: A Small Profit; = 1 ; Si 3 ensure acceptance, application may be had from the undersigned. Eooster_ Daley Howarth. and A Quick Turnover, ; -- \ 6 PRIMROSE 9 nt Ducks--Henry Peitch. Anything in the line of New i : : Mangles--Brun Zentil. Shoes. If not satisfactory, money and get all the Cream. vs Tor : ol - | refunded. ay ap Ri Have your Suits or Winter Over- EASY TO TURN-- DRYDEN--- Cabbage--Vernon Rutter, Harold Rut-| coats made to your measure. We ~ --RASY TO BUY SELLA SESE LE aml ter, are agents for the Pe _-- 4 Hae LASTS A LIFE iE 4 : E =H -- REX TAILORING BR IFETIME M. 3. CROS ER ANDERSON & HARRIS known as the oldest and best firm ; Bu in four Hiss -- ; General Merchant, 'FUNERAL DIRECTO RS 2 TAIL ORING in Canada. They guarantee, No. 1--350-tbs ' 1 : Satisfaction or refund your money No. 2--450-tbs : DRDRIFT, ONTaR0 monn ; ec " : We have about 6oo different No. 3--650-tbs Dry Goods ; Groceries Day of Night Calls Promptly LADIES & GENTS CLOTHING samples to pick from. No. els Lorie Boots and Shoes Attended to, Lo : te pet ; Hardware and Farm Produce PHONE- REPAIRED, GET OUR PRICES Frost & Wood and 3 ES CLEANED oy ok Cockshutt Implements © JY, 62 R 2; N'ght, 62 R 4 And PRESSED "Le t TERMS lh NIT . wes woranven WATKINS PRODUCTS] --- ._baiter she JAN 9 si Tad i JIMMY ALLEN New and Second Hand Store. rr REAL ESTATE REMEDIES, SPICES, EXTRACTS, Old Latimer Store) Goods of Every Description T= BaF nt. ANP SOAPS, TOILET PREPARATIONS. -- ; ts Seg 1 Sey oo J. S. CORNER, Oxdrifi, Ont : OUSEHOLD SPECIALTIES : © Agent for:-- Bain SUR RSe Hpus mews | DRYDEN-- : -- ONTARIO (NTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY of Canada, Ltd DRYDEN . OHNT. E. T. (DAD) ROWLAND i

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