THE DRYDEN OB ! p)| Well Baby Clinic. WEDNESDAY, November from 3.00 to 5.00 p.m. 5th, diet and hygiene will be given the mothers. A Masquerade & WALDHOF, Qct 28.--The Masquerade 4 in aid of Dryden Red Cross Hospital will be held on November 7th instead of the 14th as previously announced in the "Observer". The Waldhof women have taken this matter in hand, and this should be = gua ee for a grand success--and & nice som for the Hospital. Me A. Allin has taken a small con- tract to build a half mile of road fou the Northern Development Branch. * Mr G. Spreng made a round trip from herve to Fort William, and back along the C.N.R. He reports that the rest of the world is nearly as blue as our own vicinity, or perhaps a few grades bluer. Our people are very much disap- pointed with the result of the Plebiscite about the sale of liquor and real beer. But on optimist says we have no money any way, so why worry. Threshing is progressing very rapid- ly, the wonderful fall weather is a veal godsend and the results are very satis- factory. We will have quite a few bags of Alsike and Clover Seed = for export. i ; Last Week the Eagle River Wel- fare Club held a Social Evening in the Waldhof Community Hall. They received a hearty applause with "Deacon Dubbs." The Eagle River "THIS Store is full of New Goods, and with a range large enough for many city stores, and its local supremacy in these fines just as undoubted as in groceries, or ladies wear. HEREWITH we enumerate some of the lines OVERALLS--Grey Stripe, Blue Stripe, Plain Blue, : $2.25 & $2.50 SWEATERS--AIL colours, all sizes, Light, Medium : and Heavy Weights, Coat or Pullover from $2.00 to ODD PANTS--Dress, from $3.00 to Work from Cotton, at to the finest Mackinaw, at MACKINAW COATS--AI sizes, from 34 to 36, plain and Leather Lined, from $8.00 to CLOTH OVERCOATS--Plain and Leather Lined from $2000 10. i La ea MOCCASINS--from $1.50 to LUMBERMAN RUBBERS--from $2.50 to BREECHES--Plack, Khaki, and coloured checks, from $4.50 to COMBINATION UNDERWEAR --from $2.00 to .. $7.00 : TWO-PIECE UNDERWEAR--from $1.00 to $3.75 per garment. FELT HATS rom $2.50 to ives dines BOOTS--Work or Dress--from $3.50 to .. LEATHER VESTS from $1350.10 ovina SHEEP LINED COATS--Short, $12.50 to ... Long, @ MADE-TO-MEASURE CLOTHES--Suits and Over- coats, from $3000 10... 00. fa iuiis, SHIRTS--Work or Dress--from $1.25 to NECTIES--A large assortment from .25 to GLOVES--Dress or Work--from .35 to WOOL GLOVES--irom .35 to MITTS--Dress or Work--from $1.50 to SUSPENDERS--from 40 to. .......... San HOSE--Work or Dress--Cotton, Silk, & Wool, .25 to $1.50 HANDKERCHIEFS--Plain White, Coloured Initialled ; from .10 to PC CR RS SCS SPT SCP TCR Sr have in their midst, and surely they > should. give them all the encourage- ment they possibly can. Nearly all the players interpreted the characters fairly well, and were just grand. We will refrain from making special re- " marks because in our opinion everyone of the players did the very best, and we hope they will not stop here but try it again. Don't Miss This Winnipeg this week with a load of stock. Hospital as the result of a cut received on the eye, while threshing with his father a couple of weeks ago. Latest reports are that he will not lose his sight. We hope this is the case. Jimmy Tuckey is still confined to his bed with sickness, and Mr Markham is running his threshing outfit to finish up the geason's run. All hope to see Jimmy around again soon. A few of the farmers around here have sold their horses to the Indian Lake Lumber Co., making delivery on Wednesday. Chas. Skene is busy threshing, back Pergutary way; he still has a couple of weeks' work. The big dance of the Season will be held in the Community Hall here, on Saturday night, December 8th, when the music will be furnished by the McQuinn Sisters, a musical Company travelling all over Canada and stopping only at the larger centres. A great big crowd is expected. Dance starts at Nine o'clock sharp. ET ST SP TPO RSP ER TE RY "vse sass ECR RE RE EER "ses eee aes CAPS--W ork ot Dress--irom $1.00 to CUFF BUTTONS--from BON SL aa, COLLAR PINS, and all the little details of Jewellry in good dressing: ER ER SS SS Ta SST SSL SST DUTCH BULBS at MUFFLERS--Wool or Silk---from $1.50 to ........ $4.00 Special Prices BELTS rom goto. 0 00 oi a a 2 Be I'S--ifrom .50 to HYACINTHS, CROCUS READY MADE CLOTHING--Browns, Blues Serges, SINGLE FARLY TULIPS, and Tweeds, from S1500.t0 0. 0. NARCISSUS, DAFFODILS, DOUBLE EARLY TULIPS & THESE Goods are well priced, but in order to meet all com- t x 5 petition we make a special discount, provided cash is paid, ®' and the purchase is over $1¢.00 DARWIN TULIPS 6 for 50c. RALPH J. PRONGER NOTICE TO CREDITORS Re Estate of Margaret Ann McMillan, of Dryden, Ont., Deceased. : NOTICE is hereby given: that all parties having claims against the estate of Margaret Ann_ McMillan, Late of the Town of Drydeh, province of Ontario, who died on or about the 1st day of December 1923, are re: quired to deliver their claims to Wm, McMillan, of the Town of Dryden, Province of Ontario, on or before the 15th day of November 1924. And >. that after the said date, 15th day of November 1924, only those claims of g THE Discount is 10 per cent and you get your goods when &' you want them, instead of waiting. 4 ¢ h &' FURTHERMORE you see and examine the material try ¢ ' 4 things on, and know shat you are getting at the time of Q€. purchase. ED PITT, Ltd. DRYDEN, Ont. ALF given regard. WILLIAM MeMILLAN Administrator. which I have received notice shall be | TOWN HALL, Dryden, on { 5 | Babies and Children will be weighed and measured and advice regarding people can be proud of the artists they OXDRIFT.--F. T. Brignall is in Billy Wheatley is still in Dryden ithe courage to follow such course. J. B. --BLANKETS-- Men's all Wool ' Double size, Flannellette, per COMBINATIONS TEE Eee ln UE Saas Al elmed, il bai $2.75 . Grey or White, smaller size, Boys' Fleecelined bs ger pale tn 2.75 COMBINATIONS TEER SE OO SH CO $1.40 Children's COMBINATIONS Also 2-piece Suit Underwear, Good Heavy Quality, $1408 Beret Live iii, $1.40 ERR GATES Honesty the Best Policy The Liberals, especially the Right Honourable MacKenzie King, criticize che Right Honourable Arthur Meighen very severely, but on seme questions sf policy they have to accept his posi- tion. Take the question of freight rates, the Conservative leader has always said that these should be fixed by the Railway Commission specially created for this purpose as the only body competent to do so. This posi- tion he took in 1922, and he has main- tained it. The King Government has not had It has had its eye on the political side of this matter just as much as on any other. With it the quesion has not teen what, in the eyes of competent experts, is a fair rate, but what will get by policitally. This explains why the Government has heen dodging the freight rates' issue since it entered office. It was lack of courage to take a stand on this subject that got the country into all the trouble over the Crow's Nest Pass commodity rates this vear. The Government was told what would happen, but it took a chance and! the business interests of the country suffered. During all this time the Government did not offer a single con- structive idea for the solution of this vexed problem. They acted as though it was no concern of theirs. : But the Right Honourable Arthur Meighen did not dodge the issue. He met it squarely. In effect he said: "You can't afford to allow the situa- tion as respects freight rates to con- tinue, for it will be fatal to business. We have a Railway Commission ap- pointed to deal with freight rates, and the only course to take is to turn the whole matter over to it. Until this is done there will be nothing but dissatisfaction. = In the meantime you will have to cancel the rates that are causing all the trouble. The shippers recently took the question to the Railway Commission which promptly adopted the course which Mr IMeighen said would have to be taken. The Commission ordered the with- drawal of the rates that have been - cuasing the trouble and asserted its right with the whole subject of rates. Dodge as he might, the Right Hon. MacKenzie King and his Government have had- to face this problem. They have done all the dodging they can get away with, and now they have to face he music. And what did the Premier my at Vancouver recently? Why, he had to take the position assumed by the Right Hon. Arthur Meighen long 2g0, and admit that the Railway Com- mission was the only body competent to deal with railway rates. This is another tribute to the Con- servative Leader's courage in meeting a problem face to face. Like a wise counsellor, whose advice is sought, he frankly tells the country what will have to be done. Sometimes the ad- vice may be rather unpleasant, but he would rather tell the truth and run risk of displeasure, than act the part of a hypocrite. After all, such a policy will win out with the country, for those who have important interests at stake cannot-afford to take chances on an artful dodger. Issued by the Liberal-Conservative Organization Cocmittee, Ottawa, Oct., 24, 1924. Central 1 . Board and Room, per week $8.00 Meal Ticket, 21 meals ..... 8.00 Candies-- ' Mixed Candies, per tb ..... .35 ! Chocolate Bars, 6 for ..... .25 1 Chocolate Boxes, 1-1b from .50 2 LE ee EE 1.00 Fruits-- Oranges, per doz. ......... .50 Bananas, per th ov... LL, 15 gles idor.. 00 25 perdezen iol lla, .50 Pears, per dozen ......... .50 Apples, pee th 0. un .10 OAs dor yn .50 Grapes, perth... Lavi .35 Tomatoes, peri .... ui. .10 Is dor Ls 25 Mixed Sweet Dry Biscuits, lo ERE BER 40 Milk Bread, per loaf ...... .15 2 loaves foe 0. ou ul 25 ICE CREAM, per quart ... .6o "FOR SALE--190 Acres, Lot 8, con- ; cession 5, township of Mutrie, Rainy ! River, Kenora District, covered with : pulp, tie and cordwood timber. Write P. LEONARD, 477 Kingston Street, ; Victoria, B.C. Get Your Reservations Cs GS TO THE SPECIAL TERS We are having a big Sale on all our to fit all your family ----0--0--0---- If you figure to send out It will sure pay you to examine in the line of shoes. our different styles of shoes We guarantee you to save money on our Sale Prices. Our range of shoes is com- plete. You do not take any chances on buying them from us. If you can't examine them right in the Store, you can take them home, and after a fair examination, if. not satisfactory, money will be gladly refunded. |----0---0-- 0 --0--0--r From Winnipeg to W. St. John, N.B. Dec. DIRECT TO THE SHIP'S SI Yor Sailing S.S. Montclare Dec. 12 For Sailing S.S. Montlaurier Dec. 7 for S.S. Minnedosa Sail Southampton, Antwerp Dec. 8 for 5.S. Metagama Sailing Dec. 11 to Belfast, Dec. g for S.S. Montlaurier Sail Dec. 13 for S.S. Montcalm SailingDec. 16 to Liverpool FULL INFORMATION FROM ANY AGENT OF THE IT SPANS THE WORLD TRAIN 2nd and oo 9th for Liverpool Dec. 5 for Liverpool. THROUGH TOURIST SLEEPERS To W. St. John, N.B. Passes Dryden 3.46 p.m. Dec. 2 for S.S. Montclare Sailing Dec. 5 to Liverpool ing Dec. 10 to Cherbourg Glasgow ing Dec. 12 to Liverpool will continue until change of this advt. 0-000 NEW & SECOND HAND STORE Goods of every description Bought and Sold