Dryden Observer, 16 Jan 1925, p. 1

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» The cent Tea & Sale of Home i 3 Wm J: ounery 20 A 10- will be held at the home McMillan, on Friday, under the auspices of the Baptist Ch. ladies' mission Circle. Tea served at 3 Volume VL Dryden, Ont, January 16th 1925 Number 3] EAA F- NADORN, (TOWN OF DRYDEN First Class Jeweller and Watch Maker, The Municipal Council of the Town of EXPERT REPAIRS ' Drydn for 1925, held its first meeting ct in the Council Chamber Tuesday even- ting, displaying so little change from Send your Clocks and Watches by Mail Order. i QUICK SERVICE GUARANTEED. ceptible; hardly an evidence to the | its predecessor as to be hardly per- | The Social Whirl - - Wabigoon, Ont.--The festive season is agdin a thing of the past. A few! belated affairs have been held, and all + are back to workaday conditions. The most notable events of the year {end were the School children's Concert Fas 355 I= Tournament THE royal and ancient game of Bowl- ing has moved up to first place in popular favour here. Monday after- noon being reserved for ladies saw 1B Office in the Robmson House, moornarn. pesmi H i ee Oe ee Ge Gm Real Estate Manis ament and Sale The management of your real estate. i ] or small, is one of the cities in which I can be of: 1 take over all; securing tenants, keep- erties in repair, collecting agreements of sale or mortgages ag Pees are moderate. I invite consultations. -- LISTINGS A J WANTED-- Loch The Four Hundred, FACTORY-ENDS-- SEMI - READY CUSTOM - TAILORED £4 S-U-I-T-$ FUL MEN TAILORS put their XPERT IMPRESS ON THESE MPORTED WINTER SUITINGS WE MAKE-TO-MEASURE At these prices:-- Hin <A av] ah vas Le) f i 1 av) (} 9 (U5) ~~ 3 [Sx <> oo = ot > O wa i I. PROUDFOO DRY "THE EN TAILOR" changes. { casual onlooker that an election had in- Yrorvonnd since its previous assembling. controversial question arises it would be difficult to even guess the effects of the change. Mayor Pitt presided, with Counc'lys Klose, Swanson, Gould and Wilde ip their familar places, with Dr Wood and 'I. J. Latimer, both new in muni- circles, to complete the cycle. The statutory resolutions appointing the Mayor and Clerk attorneys to sign documents, to advertise for auditors, and appoint a medical officer of health were passed, Dr Dingwall again being appointed health officer. Communications were read from pool-room proprietors regarding their licenses, after considering which Coun- cil decided to make no immediate D. Anderson, fire chief, ad- vised the purchase of another hundred feet of fire hose to secure more effec- tive protection for the High School, which was granted. An appeal for the hospital for sick children was laid on the table, no grant being made this year. Councillor Swanson averred that if any afflicted and needy children were brought to his attention, he promised they would be cared for with- out expense to their friends. The established plan of appointing each councillor Chairman of a muni- cipal committee, with two others to act with them was followed, thus dividing the responsibility fairly among the Council. The various com- « mitties are as follows, the first named : being Chairman:-- Flectric Light and Telephone--Klose Wilde, Gould. Roads and Bridees oe : Swanson, Wilde, Latimer. Police ar Sanitation--Latimer, Swanson, Wood, Fire and Property--Gould, Wood, Lati- mer, Water works--Wilde, Klose, Gould. Finance and Printing-Wedd, Swanson, and Klose. J. S. Wilson, left Wednesday for the east on an important business trip. J. Tuckey, Oxdrift, visited Dryden last Friday. Mrs W. W Howell, Minnitaki, visited Dryden this week. Mrs Little, Wabigoon, spent Wednes- day in town. Ay Aas f Some vik! IS AN EXPRESSION TEAT MIGHT truthfully be used if Gibbons or Dempsey tapped you on the nose. APPLIES WITH EQUAL FORCE to the Winter Mitts we are selling. -Tley stand an awful lot of knoclk- i about, but being made from best materials, it is only what you expect. ANCTHER POINT WE WOULD ilte to make is that you pay no wwe for them than the ordinary so why not get the best. Ta mt LiL +r i; WILLARD'S i BOOTS '& SHOE REPAIRER and HARNESS STORE 16s 1o o puzzle to know that IN SURANCE IME INSURANCE COMPANY INSURES soundly against financial er REPRESENTED BY PF. M. Offer paid a business visit to i Kenora, returning Wednesday. Norman Howe was down from Eagle River for the week-end. Mrs Tustain visited in Kenora for a few days this week. N. Ponton, Wabigocen, visited Dryden ast Saturday. Miss Eva Pitt took the morning train for Brandon, Thursday. Mrs J. Stewart Corner, Oxdrift, was visiting in Dryden Wednesday. Rev. H. A. and Mrs Rivers have moved their residence to the M'Millan House on Casimir street. John Hanna, who has spent the last] two months in town, left for Toronto Monday io, Mr H. F, Bullard, general manager of a To mill, left Monday on a business trip to the east. Miss Marion Freeborne, of M'Kellar hospital staff, Fort William, is visiting at her home here. Mrs W. D. Dickson has returned from her trip to her old home in the east. 'Mrs Cummings and daughter, Dickie were up from Fort William for a few days this week, the guests of Mr and Mrs A. Evans. TOWN OF DRYDEN TENDERS will be received by the Town of Dryden for the supply of (35) thirty-five cords of Dry Tamarac or Birchwood, in four-foot lengths, piled at Town Hall. Tenders to be addressed to the under signed, marked "Tenders for Wood." Tenders to be in by February the Second, 1925, The lowest or any tender not mecessarily accepted. J. E. GIBSON, Town Clerk. AUDITORS WANTED. Applications will be received by the undersigned until February 2nd, 1525, for two Auditors for the Town of Dryden. for the year 1925, at a joint salary of $110.00 J. E..GIBSON, Town Clerk. Dated at Dryden this 14th day of January, 1925. GIBSON, Agent, Dryden {reward for In but two of the chairs new occup- | : ants took the place of others who had t retired for a season from active share: 'in Town management, and till some and a party given by the Board as a the good work of the younghters in their Show. The concert was run by the children on their own. Owing to a severe at- tack of memphrogitis the teacher was compelled to leave in a hurry the day before, hence the young artistes were without director or prompter. The also-to-be-regretted absence of musical talent amongst the balance of | the populace, except at so much ner, preventing any instrumental assis tance our young people rose to the occasion, ! and went through programme without 2 Tapes mistake, music knows no language, | in any tongue is pleasant g Wright had the general manzgemen % and most of the work of the party. Through their efforts and the us sual | voluntary help, the children were re galed with good things after the con- cert. : i To the ladies and their helpers, the thanks of all are due for the very en- QUALITY. el) CC --=0--0--0---0--0---0-- Gibson's Famous Env Made From COURTESY. some flercly - contested games zn a considerable amount of skill and en- thusiasm. With a little more practice some star players are going to de- velop in the feminine world of Diy- den. But enthusiasm reached its highest altitude in the historic strug ggle Wed- nesday evening, between the Square P Store, and the C.B.R. staffs. densely packed mass eras and lies re, ine of spectators shivered in a hysteria of anticipation : as the rival champions entered the - - ~ i 3 wh nt om aw Sai sh { an di icg | oarena And the excitement grew as te the night wore on, and brave men held their breath as the anxious moments 1 Bu = revealed the keen rivalry of the oppos- 4 E an 5 » . Eu a break. Dialogues, songs and recita- : . ure Ca oy agar . ing teams. tions were Ffen, 2nd = San : Never ie Ricky. The sensation of the evening was voices were tuneful enocuugh to make | ia the thrilling battle between M r Pit hay . CREAM TOFFEE, OLD-FAS: MINT UMBUGS t Ving bat between Mayor Pitt up for the lack of accompaniment. & MIXED x LINT HUMBU and Ernie Halderson. For many : y VA 23a) SE ay a Gl ees Mrs Albert Johnson did not give her MIXED DROPS, at 50c. a pound. frames it was difficult for the bowlers usual selections, because as she ex-! i to get their eyes offthe 'ditch.' Neither > ained to the audience, some one had i --0--4--0--0--0---0-- being cross-eyed, the balls went where aid it was not right to sing Swedish | : : : they were looking. Finally they settled songs at a School concert. This is a! An authority has said real Camera could down to a steady pace in their efforts 3} . . . $2.00. to win the Booby prize, which eventu- wy i We have the "ANSCO" at $1.50 and i ur opinion on ally ent vo May or Pitt by a consider- Ae ent, ; arid the excellence of the Material ig able margin. Mrs Alb. Johnson and Mrs Mel And they sald: It coals done The Mayor has a very peculiar _ delivery, one entirely original, remind- ing one of the Hesitation Waltz, aad SERVICE. appealing very mirthfully to the ny - audience. It could be seen # ~ Mayor's countenance that a st ----ONTAR] two would have been worth his CIOWL or an half interest in the Squure F Store. Too bad Af, it was snothe: joyable eve ening. * * 3% $3 I N 7 « Va Pe £ 5 Waldhof Notes. WALDBEQCF.-- Myr McPherson of the Keewatin Lumber Co. was a v Gunne and I with the purchase of tind Appreciating the efforts of the chil dren at the Concert, the School Boa gave them a party of their own Johnston's Hotel on the 8rd, About sixty kids, with friends and parents, accepted the Trustees' hospitality, and ot au Much sponalation is about the a merry evening ensued. activ a The Stetial program was rendered { nen doing suivey wor on through Jim Burgess' gramophone b: § concession line in the i Sl ¢ John D. Aaron, who handled the dige: | Muivie and Sanford and across the to perfection, rendering any selection aps something is stamped thereon with case and preci without any promises J. Ds contributions in the voca Ii clouded by the buzz of conversation and merry yodcl ling of the young. The general effec. was good, while the jazz numbers cn sion. ine were somewhat es Z and try to improve our cattle hrough ticed many to tread the mazy fox-trot the use of better bulls. Every farmer and evolute in the fantastic wiggles of : and would-he farmer is invited to give the one-step. 1 his advice in this all-important matter. 5 Lar jorklu 2 Berth oo vas ; ; Mrs Lars Bjorklund, Mrs Alber t) Mr Wigle, homestead unspector, it Johnson and Mrs Lundmark weve the' i. ing a tour through the d ; refreshment committee, and worked hard to satisfy the young appetites. The Trustees had spent the afternoon . making sandwiches, most of the ladies brought cakes, and the entire crowd rere fed to repletion. James A. Burgess was master of the vevels and kept the party alive, being | ably assisted by C. H. Betts. Murs vierritl, Mrs Mel Wright and i Aaron di heir , Victor Nordrum acting 4 as A.C. for the dances. The young guests thoroughly enjoyed Tiemselves, the elders as well, and it = hoped thet many more parties for he ttle ones will be gi en vi er, who has tes a £24 As derful souvent an SP ected, and led the children ? ef opment . alas! the n amusing the children. Nowadays it i depression. but a step from the nursery to the fr Wm. Jahnert is offering his 320- case of 'Casey at the Bat. ALD 50U INEDY, MP, left To The C.P.R. rundlers had it over > The east on the afternoon a Thurs | Pitt Staff like a basket. Neverthel ; age lo Me |the game was most interesting, Dor 1 Acton, Ont, the to players and on-lookers, while ! ow Mr Kennedy Pitt management do not hesitate claim that in a future game the Staff will be annihilated. B. Berrey, the speed hardly hitting on both eylind it was interesting to not ih he could come to making a pare, wi. - , out actually getting it. Scottie Hardie shows more : : veal class than anv of the oil gets a bead on his ball like no t Prizeman at Bisley. Proprietor Reid, Alley, 1 C.. ar gars, on wel of the Bov guests every alien { i Quite a remindar of Mr A son, on one of his Birthdays. § C.P.R. SQUARE P. {J Skillen __.. 411 H Saunders _ 3 gave hig ar 3 1: W Hambleton P Toulle: 383 "MS Campbell J Hardie __. 310 iB Berrey .... 84 Pi 29% {E Halderson 233 A Pith... 162 Total _... 1751 Total ... 1538 i The Haunted Istaminec-- | Bik Bailey of the Strand Theatra as broken away from old traditions, nd beginning with an amateur contest ant? iat, he is introducing a bunch of novelty turns. The famous Zantolos have been specially ex Thursday in their RL Taw nex act "Ti cy Haunted Estaminet," which should draw a record gate. TR A SR pm re SiR Ee RRR some ling done in our community i Aa PA vats ny tT resent de H It is regrettable that present day lyn, 14 is much needed alvi ght, and | iendencies seem to avoid the task of would be a great help in this time of dance hall; old-fashiored games seem | ;ope fapm_ of which he has a hundred - LETTUCE, each ......0. 0 m..00 eds -I5 de trop, and are sing forgotten. ; acres under cultivation--for sale or per = ey stele are eh alee end cae ee eG Instend, the sweet soung des rent, on account of ill-health. This LOWE iR, each . reverie ar ees... 35 & 30 today, while hardly dry behind the, farm, which is located about two and per hai Valea vs em ea eh iD ears, aspire to Co, and seek a half miles from the railroad station APPL 2h 3.308 for... cecereienn. 25 LD ape the grand dara This they do and has good 3 road connection, carri cs FAN NCY 0 5 LIT ous, 2 ths for sieiscetl 25 and are chased by everything Fro a complete set of modern imal p CRT Ee Ey Mer i ee AO 'allow youth to bald-headed reprobacy, | | pro tractor and aato included. RUIT, Ieee i ee while the dames sit around the wall _ : 2 Me dor ana a a a and simulate enjoyment. "The | : ner dozen oto he a Reg £50 juvenile male slips from his mother's: fel per db Lo a sae a O5 knee to cigarettes, poolrcoms, and to 3 he for... Shh -- 25 general profanity. ] 3M odor oie ah aha 23 S $ the older : a i Fon : CRESCENT ICE CREAM BRICKS, assorted, each .4o amuse the young; and to make up for ot the Posen = Se or Sa BRICICHETISR, each vee oid had ti 5 ey this neglect, it is ineu that the! Municipality of Van Horne and Glen ow i Cg > via, and Sl goland School Section for the current ESRIMO PIES, 5 for ....0..oivivn vvrivhinin ag young as possible. 9 | year. Salary $160.00. h NEILSON'S ROSEBUDS, per BH ............von.. 30 Even in this materialistic age there. GEO WIOR, Oat. ~' | HOMEMADE PEANUT BRITTLE per lh... un are exceptions, and we hear of a near- ~ Township of Van Horne. : * by child who saved up the nickels he = Headquarters For----- got for carrying milk, and gave the SET BAIN BOB-SLEIGHS, in good KODAKS, FILY AND SUPPLIES. roceeds to a mission fund. That eh condition, $40.00.-- Apply A TES is a little too good for this world, the', ~~ DURANCE BROS. & CO. Dryder NB LEON: CHOCOLATES we cannot say as much for the guy, St eid o o 0 ns a that accepted the offering. "FINE COLUMBIA GRAMAPHONE, with three spring noisless motors, in FOR & i F----ABOUT THREE TONKS highly finished oak case, and over 100 of HAY in Stack, right in town. Apply records, will sell for $50.00. Snap-- : S. DAITER. ; C. DURANCE, Dryden os otis oh ~ be 3

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