Dryden Observer, 23 Jan 1925, p. 3

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x RE we. » 4 = ME pe SEE fay os 2 Is living up to its Reputation And is constantly adding Fresh, New Goods to replace its quick moving stock. DN oF A ) lene Riek a LN Sao ho TRE id 7 Fira HLA et Come in and See our line TURKEYS, Dick Have yours tagged, and let us deliver at your convenience PHONE © Also A Full Line of CHOICE BEEP PORK. VEAL AND MUTTON W. KELSO, Prop. of SAND GEESE senso) mi e = SA 1 #, vl Clearance Sale Stationary and Marine ENGINES-- 7-h.p. heavy duty Stationary, for Gas. Education to be more available SARNIA, Jan. 20.--An indication of | Tune degialution directed towards Ba Tr -- $195.00 a of Ontario by bringing it more ! HERCULES Stationary engine, readily to the access of the TI § and the intention of the Government throttle governed § $173 5.00, : to change the system of dealing i) 8-h.p. HERCULES Stationary engine juvenile deliquents by the establish- throttle governed $120.00 ment of farm homes was given by Premier Howard Ferguson. 5-h.p i throttle governed $65.00 1 Above have been thoroughly overhaul- ped, and are in first-class order. REANEY IS CHOSEN AS { We Also have the following Marine PROGRESSIVE HEAD Le Se { Engines: PORONTO, Jan. 21.--W. E. Rearey, cylinder. attorney general for Ontaric in the . with 'y Government, was chosen by] i (new). Progressive members of the Ontario | legislature as house leader in succes- ee © Somme His -- ta Oe Ma ali o 25-h.p. Motor, Complete generator and electric starter Snap for $375.00 tor $40.00 sion to Manning Doherty, who deel; ined : Early model 4-cylinder FORD Marine to continue office. Met, _.. $50.00 Doherty accepted leadership of the farmer members of the legislature fol- lowing the defeat of the Drury admin- istration in the provincial election of June 1923. He told his fellow members in the progressive group that he did not feel equal to the strain of continu- ing in leadership. 20-ft. Motor Boat with 6-h.p. GRAY ing order, $130.00. DURANCE, BROS. & CO'Y : Dryden, Ont; ROTZKY our oF OFFICE Jan. 19.--Leon Trotzky lieved of his duties as Chairman of . Revolutionary War Council by the Central Executive Committee of the Communist Party, the most power- ful political body in Russia. The re- tiving War Minister also is threatened with expulsion from the Communist Party and from membership in the all important political bureaus unless he conforms to party discipline and re- nounces his attacks upon principles enuciated by Nikoloi Lenine. GO 0 0} WORLD'S ONLY HOPE. . BERLIN, Jan. 19.--Leadership by the , educated classes of all nations alone! {can save the world from lapsing into 'a state of utter desolation, according to Professor Max Scheler of Cologne, before a meeting of educators. He deprecated the 'lowered standard = of living in Russie and complained «f a movement in the United States to malke the Bible the basis of knowladss The Market POSITION WANTED TO ASSIST in Housework, mornings only. -- Apply MAY QUIRK, Dryden. : - For Sale--CORD-WQOD SAW OU fit, complete on sleighs, $150.00. For Rent--THREE HOUSES. For Sale--TAMARAC (16-inch) IN five cord lots, $2.50 per short cord._-- R. H PRONGER, Dryden. FOR SALE HOUSE & PART LOT, commonly known as the Tomy situate and being part of Lot No. 4, King St., Dryden. For par- ticulars, apply oo (Mrs) J. W. ROBINSON 1260 Selkirk Ave. Winnipeg, Man. > TO RENT ---6-ROOMED HOUSE, ~ central location; and science. ! condition. Rent moderate. -- Apply : | A J Lock ! Dryden, Ontario : ¥ : -- WANTED ~-- "Secondhand FURNITURE. . would like you to give us the first leaving town.-- S. DAITER. POTATOES, per 100-Ibs SUGAR, Eleven Fresh Car of Flour & Fo per bus Pounds for {) Fresh Herrings to a CABBAGE, Single Heads, ---- GROCERIES ---- DATES, bulk, per 1b .15; 2-lbs .25 Jellvg, ench oF = 0 C19 Bulk 'Raisins, seeded or seedless, 1b .15 oroseven Tosfor 0 - 1.60 Currants, bulk, 2-1b for __.__ .. 35 Mixed Peels, per Ib _.__.__..__. 45 Mixed Candles, 2-1b __.. Ls Cherries, olaged-... 2. 85 Nuts--Almonds 55 Walnuts 65 Magic Baking Powder, 12-0z. __.. .29 Beans, white, 13-Ibs for __.__.. 1.00 Corn Flakes, two for --_.__. 95 Brooms, 4-string, each __..__..__. 65 Rice, per 1H 10 or 1-hw foro 100 Cheeze, per TO 0 24 Cocoon, bully, 2-Ths fore... 2H Bulk Coffee, good, fresh gr, ib .50 Prunes, two hs for... 25 7 large, two lbs for... .35 Honey, 5-1b tins o.oo 2. 95 Horey, 214-1b .55 Palm-Olive Soap, three for __.__ 25 Comfort Soap, four for ._....__... 25 CASH ONLY. --Prices hold good until next issue. Encourage and Patronize the store who keeps es down and quality high. pa any quantity, per Ib ed arrive per ib - TAILOR! NG REPAIRED, CLEANED And PRESSED JIMMY ALLAN, (Old Latimer Store) Re = i} 5 fue ist arrived 04 : "a O55 -- FLOUR & FEED ---- Be ee BUT TER 98-1b Flour 5.05 7 Creamery, per __.._._ 42 49-1p i 2.55 \ i Dairy Tatts Li nH ... ..A40 24-Th - L130 = . elo Salmon, p : Loads as ng Cratked Corn... S95 ii DRYDEN - M1 Halibut, p 2 Andie oT Barley Chop _. 2.45 § oe Lute Fish, bi 10 Wheat 2.00 WE i Bran, pevewt, 0... = - 1.60 Ik Shorts, LTD First Class Yoed Cate... =. 9245 i ~--ERUITS Crushed Oats --....__.__.__ 255 SHOE REPAIRING Oranges, peridos. 48 20's Rolled Oats __ wes 110 Om GO) Grape Fruit, two for __.__.__ 25 6s Rolled Onts .39 i Lemons, per doz. __. BE THAS.. New| kate €=3 2 mi indi iit g Apples, 2-Tos for oo... 25 § AV Tins which ave marked .75 by the per Box (crats) A Rh 2.25 Bedurad to =~ 3-0 .68 LATEST IMPROVED MACHINERY Se -------- = "Zwei Salada Tea, per Ib __.__.____. 89 Ef. GREIF Good Bulk Tea, special ____.__ 58 se -- Miscellancous-- Corn Syrup, 5-1 tins __.__.__. 48 : ee . Matches, per ph... 40} Rogers! 8-Wdtine 59 ; All Orders Receive Milk--Carnation, per tin ____. .15 --MEAT AND FISH PRO M PT A TisnNTION or 6651 PORK, per 1b 15 to 22 Prices Strictly Moderate Cool Oi, per gallon... 20% VEAL perih 0 15 to 20 Sodas, bulk, 2-1bs for .._.__. 35 | Beef Fronts, per Ib --_.__.__. 07 No. 4, 7 Duke St. Corn Starch, per FY A a Hinds, per Ib __.__... Side Jes perth oll - higher educational °F Kerosene, with friction clutch pulley | 1%-hh HERCULES stationary engine One Superior Chevrolet, 4° 6-h.p. GRAY, two-cycle, less earbure- : motor, complete, and in perfect runn- % : "Robinzon airmen Ea clean and in good We! ch ance to buy vour furniture on: LADIES & GENTS CLOTHING fice Suppiies We are always well stocked in all the necessities of the office. JOURNALS, LEDGERS, MINUTE BOOKS, FILES, POUCHES, COLUMNAR BOOKS MEN'S BOOKS, DAY BOOKS INKS OF ALL KINDS and INK WELLS, : DESK TRAYS, PEN RACKS LOOSE LEAF BOOKS. and REFILLS. TYPEWRITERS, SUPPLIES : BALANCE BOOKS, Pronger's s Variety Store ete. January Sale . . COMMENCING JANUARY 2nd to JANUARY 31st 192% We will offer every article in the store at reduced prices. Our shelves must be cleared to make room for our spring goods, as our space is limited. It will be to your advantage to fav in a supply during the sale. LINE. i. 8. CORNER, Uxdrift, Ont. id 101 =~ £er Sheriff's SALE OF LANDS for Arrears of Statute Labor Taxes. TOWNSHIP OF EAST AUBREY, DisTRicY OF KENOCRA PROV NCE OF ONTARIO, TO WIT: BY Virtue of a Warrant under the hands of the Chairman and Sscretary- treasurer of the EAST AUBREY ROAD COMMISSIONERS dated 1st day of August 1924, commanding me to levy upon the lands hereinafter described for the arrears of taxes respectively due thereon, together with the costs NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that vnless such arrears of taxes are sooner paid, I shall, in compliance with the Act Respecting Statute La aber, Chap. 196, R.8.0. 1914, on MONDAY, THE 23rd DAY of FEBRUARY, A.D. 1925 AT THE HOUR OF ELEVEN O'CLOCK IN THE FORENOON IN THE SHERIFF'S OFFICE IN THE COURT HOUSE IN THE TOWN OF KE- NORA proceed to sell by Public Auction the lands, or so much thereof ag may be necessary to discharge such arrears of taxes and charges thereon TOWNSHIP OF EAST AUBREY Ed 5. 5 3 : a2 4 «3 2 8 Name of Registered 8 ao 8 7% 8 = Owner wooH. Be FR % ) SF 3.8 <4 4 3 & S W. W. French S.% Lot 12 6 171 $54.95 $6.99 $61.94 Patented Fred A. Mulholland S.% Lot § 5 160 69.45 7.61 77.06 Patented W. 1. Potter N.Pt. Lot 3 2 160 41.77 6.66 48.43 Patent J. UM Teets S.% Lot 10 6 160 41.77 6.66 48.43 Patented ¢ EF. E. Wannacott N.% Lot 10 6 160 54.95 6.99 61.94 Unptd. {Locatee) C. O. Self N.1% lot 11 6 167 54.85 6.99 61.94 Patented Dated at the Sheriff's Office at the Town of Kenora in the District of Ke- nora this 7th day of November 1024, JOHN W. HUMBLE, Sheriff, of the District of Kenora A.J.GARDINEP | 'Merchant, BIVER. g General MAGLE : Agent for Frost & Wood ii COCKSHUTT PLOW CO & Xx kW Sharple's Cream Separators. RAW FURS BOUGHT & SCL = 3 en Lumber Company © SUCCESSORS TO ANDERSON & HARRIS BUILDERS AND .CONTRACTORS a STOCK OF LUMBER, SASH AND DOORS, . SHINGLES, WOOD FIBRE BRICK, LIME AND CEMENT FL = Estimates Freely Given

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