Dryden Observer, 6 Mar 1925, p. 1

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_e MILLINERY. Miss WALDRON anneunces her Milli- - nery Opening on Friday 13th March. Ladies are invited to call and inspect the New Hats that will be on display. Ladies and gentlemen invited. The W. I. Lecture postponed from last week will be given next Friday, March 13th, in the Union Church. Lunch will be served, Adm. 35¢ Volume VL Dryden, Ont, March 6th 1925 Number 39 F- NADORN, First Class Jeweller and Watch SI EXPERT REPAIRS. Send your Clocks and Watches by Mail Order. ! | Fiod The Joker | Su The monthly meeting of Van Horne { Council will be held in the Township hall Saturday, March Tth, at 2 o'clock. Mrs D. G. Dingwall, President of ccessiul Stag Party BEGINNING with a deste to show the boys of Sioux Lookout a good time on the oceasion of their visit last Saturday to play a return game with the Dryden QUICK SERVICE GUARANTEED. 'Dryden Literary Society, has gone to, Hockey team, the representatives of i Office in the Robinson House, ! --0--0--0--0-- Real Estate Management and Sale The management of your real estate. either large or small, is one of the many capacities in which I can be of rer! service to you. I take over all de 3 of collecting rents, paying taxes anu surance, securing tenants, keep- ing properties in repair, collecting under agreements of sale or mortgages ete. Fees are moderate. 1 invite consultations. : wn --LISTINGS WANTED-- A. J. Lock Sprisg Suitings and Qvercoats JUST ARRIVED. Hundreds of Samples to suit every taste. EXTRA SPECIAL BARGAINS MADE-TO-MEASURE. at $23.5 Thirty-six Different Samples to Choose from.' Best Values in the Country. ad T. PROUDFOOT "THE DRYDEN TAILOR" 1] A Mallard Duck Heading North was found last week. It might have been a little unwise venturing so far ahead of the others; but the fact remains that spring is coming, You can be sure of dry, comfortable feet this spring by wearing a pair of our shoes Why not come in and select them now before our stock gets run down. Your size is here waiting for you. LCR H WILLARD'S BOOTS & SHOE REPAIRER and HARNESS STORE $ S355 3533 £m Yi This 1s one of the 3:1] oe iH Eirst and most hy nporiant questions - every five, Winnipeg on a visit. Thursday in Dryden. Ira J. Wilde spent a couple of days in town this week with his old friends, leaving yesterday for North Bay to engage in business there. he gets settled, Mrs Wilde and family who are en a visit to Mr Jas. Wilde Sr, will join him at North Bay to take up their residence. Chas. Merril, Wabigoon, paid a visit to Dryden Thursday. Mrs Stanfeld and son, Ignace, are the guests of Mr and Mrs F. Baker. Miss Gardiner of Eagle River spent the week-end in Dryden. While our respected Chief may not, properly speaking, be designated a pacifist, the assumption that he was not born at Donnybrook is quite a par- donable one. J. 8. Wilson, of Dryden Paper Co., left Wedensday on an important visit to the east on business. Mrs Wood, of Winnipeg, has been a guest of Dr and Mrs Palmer Wood. A big crowd of rooters from Dryden are visiting Keewatin today, to take in the game between our own Flappers and the Keewatin dames who lowered their prestige here last week. Mr Taylor, C.P.R. operator at Eagle River, spent the week-end in Dryden. Louis Nymark has returned from Winnipeg, where he has been taking a course of training in connection with the Militia. Mrs W. F. McTavish, Oxdrift, was a visitor to Dryden Wednesday. Mr George Corbett, Wabigoon, paid a visit to Dryden Tuesday. Miss Freida Nymark has returned aunt in Sioux Lookout. Mrs Ball, of Quibell, oH a visit to Dryden, Monday. The first carlead of 1925 open & closed Ford models has arrived at the Ding- wall Garage. About thirty pupils were the guests of their music teacher, Mrs Cooper, on} a sleigh drive to the home of Mrs Edye de Hurst, erowned with a sumptuous; = banquet last Saturday, Mrs Button, Kenora, spent the week- end in Dryden, the guest of Mrs A. Clempson. Mrs G. Ferguson left yesterday on a visit to her relations in Scotland. The management of the skating rink wish to thank all merchants and others for co-operation in making the recent Carnival such a success. A. M. Taylor, D.D.G.M. of Algoma District No. 17, A..F. & A.M., is paying an ofiicial te Sioux Lookout Kenora and Keewatin this week. Dryden District Red Cross Hospital-- The Committee wish to acknowledge with thanks the following donations, received during February: -- Mr M'Kay, doz. eggs; Mrs H. Saun- ders, two jars Fruit; Mrs Colligs, two jars Fruit; Mr M'Gregor, doz. eggs; Mr Parr, one ham.--F. Madder, Secy. The Mayor & Councillors, Town of Dryden. Gentlemen--By resolution of your Council the undersigned, appointed Auditors for the year 1925, have made an audit of the books and accounts for the year ending December 31st, 1924. We herewith submit the following statements for your consideration: 1. The surplus of Current Assets over Current Liabilities is $8729.22. 2. Fixed Assets show a net increase of $46,148.90, being amount spent on Waterworks and Electric Light addi- tions. ; ; 3. Cash on hand and in the Bank: this amount has been verified by count- ing the cash in the Clerk's hands and by a certificate from the manager of the Royal Bank as to the balance on hand at above date. 4. Electric merchandise on hand: We have been furnished with on inven- tory by the Town electrician showing the total. We have examined the Minutes for authority for all expenditures made 'during the year. Taxes: The amounts received for | taxes, as shown in the Cash Book, have been verified with the Collector's Roll, and with the Receipts given by the " > Can you answer Yes for your property? Dont delay Lasure witha J.E. GIBSON, Agent, Dryden Collector of Taxes, In conclusion we wish to thank Mr J. BE. Gibson for the assistance given to us in furnishing all the information and explanations required by us. (Signed) GEO. N. DECHERT. (Signed) S. V. RIGBEY, As soon as to her home, after paying a visit to her, | the lecal rink started one of the most Miss Gladys McAllan, Ignace, spent' enjoyable affairs ever held in the Town. culminating in the best entertainment ever put on in Dryden. After a game which was a credit to and good hockey, in which the home { team scored the most goals, though the Sioux, playing two or three subs, won as much of the applause, the two teams and their admirers adjourned to the Town Hall, where a banquet was laid for them by the Lausanne Cafe. The Dryden stores had all closed for the evening, and all the eligibles who could get a ticket joined the stag party. And it turned out to be some party, believe me! Never had the old hall Toskall' more attractive. The tables, loaded with enticing viands, were placed to produce the maximum effect and service, in a to his opportunity and this banquet put him in the front rank of popular favor as a caterer. M. F. Cook was elected to the chair, and got down to business at once. After a few congratulatory remarks he called on A. Bi. Berrey for a song, to which Mayor Pitt played the accompaniment. the able assistance of Frank Porter. Mayor Pitt, in a short but pithy ad: dress, touched a warm spot through their witty captain Jewell, ex- pressed keen appreciation of the recep- tion extended by Dryden. The Orchestra had by this time had lunch, and returned to their instru- ments, and things began to warm up all round. The next turn was the Zantolas, who simply tock the house by storm between their comedy dialogue and clever dancing. They were encored until they were compell- ad to quit from sheer exhaustion. Bu their reputation as entertainers is established both in Sioux Lookout and Dryden. | Messrs Anderson and Legres, of Sioux Lookout, won applause in a duet Mr H. Gammon sang an old English Seng, playing his own accompaniment. 3. K. Lebaron, in a violin solo, display- ed his mastery of the instrument. And Mr S. Bartlett rather finely introduc- ed the classical touch by playing the Raymond Overture (piano), affording an artistic contrast. M. S. Campbell restored the atmos- phere of laughter by his witty com- ments on the game and those whe practised it. Mr Pitt was called on for a reading, despite his protest, but the crowd were not out to listen to argu- ments or excuses, and very~ plainly knew what they wanted, furnished the concluding item in a comic song with a rousing chorus. Bit the feature that gave class to the program was the clever orchestra work. The Melody Five gave the professional finish to the entertain- ment, carrying on in brilliant fashion. Their support and confidence made possible for the various performers to do their very best. WANTED--MAID FOR GENERAL Housework. Apply to Mrs R. J. PRONGER, Dryden. See how easily this Kodak works No. 1A Pocket Kodak Series IT Fixed Focus Model Pictures 2x % One distinctive feature on this camera is the "self-erecting front" --so called because, as you epen the Kodak, the bellows is automatically extended. When the camera bed clicks into position the lens is ready for action. Let us show you how easily it works and how compact and con- venient it is to carry. Of course it takes good pictures--it's a Kodak. The 1A size is $15.50; the No, 1 size, $13.95, Ar our Kodak counter Dryden +=: Ontario 7 both teams as a sample of clean sport] geometrical design. Zantolas had risen For his encore he rendered a duet, with ; { an amateur of some standing and hope in the ; hearts of the Sioux Lockout boys, who | own experience with our very simple Joe Russell | GOUGH'S CONFECTIONERY Start Y our Own |" tl 222% THE DRYDEN PH ny carrying 2h and oe @® ful tidings are coming around in the Next Week form of the catalogues of the sett buyers, and mail order houses. Those seed catalogues are, in the most cases, very useful booklets and contain many useful hints, especially for the man and woman interested in THIS SPACE WILL CONTAIN AN IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT CONCERNING PICARDY'S PUZZLE COMPETITION, WHICH WILL EXPLAIN DEBATES AS TO PRIZES Fic gardening, And perhaps it may not be amiss to make a few remarks In connection with our gardens. It is somewhat re- markable, since we are able to raise some of the finest vegetables that we see hundreds ' of cans of conserved vegetables coming into this district every year. Fven the most common vegetable, such as Cabbage, Carrots, and Turnips are imported. And we are sending away hundreds of dollars of money which we need ever so much here. Besides we are wasting in the form of freight rate charges, a very nice Sun : It is surprising if we try, what we can produce right at home, not only] making a considerable saving, but also | giving ourselves lots of pleasure and. amusement. Do not think that it takes a lot of money, or a large tract of _ land to start a garden. On the con- i! trary, a small piece of land well- worked and carefully attended to will give the most wonderful returns, and never ending pleasure. We have secured the assistance of ak DDE age The Warwick Red Gift Line.---- ---- Exquisite Perfumes. Papetries par excellence. Picardy Chocolates and Candy. Safety Razors. Pipes. French Ivery. Parker Pens, ete. Positively the largest and most varied, as well as the most inexpensive Stock in Town. --0--0--0--0--0--0-- that we can give the people of this QUALITY. COURTESY. SERVICE. district some very useful hints, which VTA MLE EAS $I TEN ar ST Qe I pe] not only will give financial returns but will also show the possibilities of this our Dryden District. Fe vee Loninotnon no PN A Surprise Party-- A totally unexpected surprise party | paid a visit to Mr and Mrs C. J. Wr ight | Taesds i * ih Tenders for Scavenger. uesday evening o is week, the oc- casion being Mr Wright's birthday. A! | TENDERS for Scavenger and general Leohtfal 1 teamwork for the Town of Dryen, v.il delightsl Gime wos spent. Tho ovoisg i be received by the undersigned unt included Mrs Wilkinson, Mrs Stratton, April 4th, next, Work fo tommence Mrs Lappage, : iy id ; on Mrs Wannacott, Mrs! oss ia 5 ee April 15th, and continue for a peried Clinken and son, Mr and Mrs Jas. Oli-| 7. of six months. Tenders to be marksd old in the early spring. It is said or 1 Bp TL 1 : phant, Mr Mr s kar he" market gardeners around the big : , oo 3 Yes Shon Deke ad] endure for Scavenger, &c." Will be oh : Family, Miss cili TT = ad "ties are able to raise lettuce any- i120, iiss DGlie Lappage, Harry opened at Council meeting on April Wintle and Gustav Hohn. » or : 4th, 1925. TOWN OF DRYDEN Selecting the Gardens In selecting the gardens, possibly a sheltered place should be selected; a wind break from the north and west 's a great advantage; a little slope to he south is preferable. Sandy loam 8 better than clay, since clay is too vhere, because they make and prepare heir own soil. Husbands Beat Their Wives-- Therefore, with some good, well-| A celebrated game of Bowling this otted manure and humus, even clay week, between teams composed of Mrs nay be brought into shape to give Burton, Mrs Hambly, Mrs J. S. Wilson, favourable returns. In any case to! Mrs Bellard, Mrs Humphreys, against © make gardening a success, we must their several husbands, was. a thriller have large quantities of manure, all the way through. Although the which must be worked thoroughly. For | yen Bi it was only by a small margin' his reason alone, it will be wise to of & points. These ladies have chal- tart with a small tract. 11 So thir husbands to a return game, Many plants are planted or seeded which will be played soon. : directly, but quite a few--especially of | Shi fly the vegetable class--are started in so- : . i Friday night a fine game of Bowling t-bed, 1 fra oa oi oF stb 4 3 Sd was played between Wright's Shift and : {the Pulpmill Shift, the latter winning by 122 points. The highest score of the evening was 200, made by George Dagg. The lineup was as follows: -- HO ! Wright's Shift--Hardle, Shepherd, C. can be obtained from Councillor T. Jd. Latimer. The lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. J. E. GIBSON, Clerk. Notice to" Milk Vendors. TAKE NOTICE that all persons sell- ling Milk or Cream for consumption in the Town of Dryden must obtain a License therefor not later than March 31st next. Any person found violating this regulation after that date will be open for prosecution. : J. E. GIBSON, Clerk. LE CS LE S. S. No. 1, WAINWRIGHT. 4 A Special Meeting of the Ratepayers ; Waight, Nicholson, Tay ylor and David- "will be held in the Schoolhouse, Wain- son. Pulpmill Shift--Morden, Dagg, wright, on Friday, March 13th, at 8.00 At thelr regular monthly meeting on Davidson, Whiting, Colliss & Dickson. ' nL for the i ot Slatin on Cuesday night, Dryden T Tf A. J. Lock has been appointed repre- Trustee for the balance of the term. assed a resolution ating i sentative of the London Life Insurance | J. H. SHERWOOD. tan, M.L.A. to support an Act shortly; + Dypden District. i JNO. ROBERTSON. to be introduced in the legislature by hot-beds, which have given good satis- faction for years ,under very trying ondit! TT Protection for Firemen,-- which members of volunteer fire de- FEA sartments will come under the protec- sion of the Workmen's Compensation Act. Council will also provide water- nroof coats immediately, to protect the men in our local brigade while on their difficult and dangerous duty at fives. To Arrive for tod The Auditors' Report was received, Hothouse Leaf Lettuce. 3 3 Bunches for... 25¢ sh the Town to b 1 rambles wn, Do. Groen Onions, 4 bunches for. [7 25¢ - { DIRECT FROM THE MARKET GARDINERS TO YOUR TABLE. wk ; § ICE CARNIVAL { RIPE TOMATOES, CELERY, White & Crisp. The big Carnival at the Rink last! ; Thursday was a great success. The HEAD LETTUCE RIPE BANANAS following were the prize winners: -- .. Women's Best Comic Couple---Myrtle Beddome and Ella Russell. HOTHOUSE RHUBARB GRAPEFRUIT, Large Size, APPLES, Extra Fancy Delicious Best Fancy---- Alice Berry, Ethel ORANGES, APPLES, Table. LEMONS Wright iy Best Tonite Iris Silver, Mrs Hite At Lowest Market Prices Ladies' Open Race--Alice Berrey. t PAG CEA a TU FREI AL Wit Ladies and Gent's Race--Alice Sg na ¥0y und Bort Berrey. | WE SELL GENUINE Men's Open Race--A. Clempso i. ESKIMO PIE S. Best Fancy--E. Dickson, Ja Ber: ONLY rey. i Best Comic--S. Woods, T. Hawke. i ESKIMO PIES, five for ... sla aw erase ake a eae ea ly felt 25 Girls'-- Best Fancy-- Minnie Reid, CRESCENT ICE CREAM BRICKS, Assorted, ih L 20 Fvelyn Adair. Best Comic-- Pauline Grace Hardie. Race--DMarion Nadon, Evelyn Adair. Boys--Best Fancy--Bob Berrey, Abb. SRA Tal) | CA § WR Bl Co Pinkerton, 9 o Gough's Contectionery Berrey. --------Headquarters Ior -- Best Comic--O. Adair, K. Kerney. RODAKS, FILMS AND SUPPLIES. Race--Gordon Campbell, Ken Ker- N EILS on y ; 's ney. » CHOCOLATES Flash-light Race--Art Williams. ; rh or Full particulars regarding contrac. --

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