2 he Lausanne 'Gramophones and "We will carry a complete line ~i Candies, Cigars, Fruits, Ice ream, and Confectionery of all kinds. ¢ ir Specialty-- : 1..3RCHANTS' NOON LUNCH HOME MADE BREAD Fresh every day. : Tuff Pastries, Doughnuts, and ali othér Cookery. We cater for parties large or small, Lodges, etc. Lanchés Served at All Hours. All at- Reasonable Prices We Stock-- 7 SPRINGS & PARTS MAKES OF GRAMOPHONES. and : Lenn Send Your Work to Drop in when you are down town; after Rink or Theatre or any time. THE OLD BURGESS STAND. 2 a J i New price starts 22255 o~ Order your Jrirdyn to-day Greater production than ever--new manu: facturing economies-- new low price--and, of course, our stock is dwindling rapidly! We want no disappointed customers--so we 'emphasize our warning! Lose no time! Secure your Trirdyn now! --the set with three tubes doing the work of five tubes. Volume! Selectivity! Cross con- tinental ranges. Beautiful tone clarity. Results equal to sets costing double the money. Hand- some mahogany case. Unquestionably the most sstonishing value in radio. oe No wonder there is big production and low prices! Order today! A: G. RIPLEY Sewing Machines the average Canadian home in winter is that of a summer's day outdoors, and under these conditions, people who : live indoors a good part of the time: need only lightweight clothing. Wo- Healtn Talks By Dr J. J. MIDDLETON ~' & Dr Middleton will be glad to answer all questions on pubbe health matters' IF some stranger came along men are much more sensible than men and offered a proposition that Bicycles Repaired for POPULAR Largest Stock in the District of BICYCLE PARTS AND SUPPLIES SOLDERING, BRAZING, WELDING ¢ weather. LIGHT MACHINE WORK. ; SKATES SHARPE NE D-- in winter than offered by an Illinois REPAIR DEPARTMENT Durance Hardware DRYDEN ONTARIO ® Proper clothing. through this column. Address him at Spadina House, Spadina Crescent, £ Toronto, Ontario. How to keep fit in winter is a timely topic. In this Canadian climate there is a tendency--in fact it is a necessitp --+to0 live too much indoors in a super- heated atmosphere during the cold! We can't do anything else, but we can try to observe some health ; facts that may help in keeping us [fit. 1 Don't think I ever read a more reasonable program for keeping fiit doctor, G. B. Lake, of Highland Park. Winter fitness rests on five funda- mental principles:--(1)General physi- cal well-being. (2) Accustoming tha skin to cold. (3) Adequate ventila- tion and proper temperature. (4) (5) Avoidance of infection, The first of these, general f physical well-beings, is attained . by i regular "and systematic exercise, mod- erate and considered eating, adequate tand regular sleep, free from elimina- in this matter of clothing worn indoors some day might nett you twenty- moines ; five per cent, how much would When it rains or snows, put on 2: += 1 1m raincoat and rubbers. t you be prepared to sink The very young : ; the old, and those who prespire very The Mutual Life of Canada and this freely should wear underwear contain- is well-known to many, ing from 15 to 75 per cent wool. : past year, profits amounting to To meet the fift requirement, keep: ver twenty-five per cent. wore as far away as possible from those, . So who cough, spit and sneeze, avoid Teturned to policy - holders in crowds, especially indoors, avoid the ; cash, or applied to reduce the chilling of parts of the body, which! premium or shorten the deposit- leads to local congestion and opens the ing period. door to hacterial invasion; breathe Playing the market might be through the nose day and night, and | feel : Cae L. if this is impossible, gee your doctor R grent game i, some; but play and have your nasal deformities cor- 8 the game is better and safer. rected; wash out the nose and throat | thoroughly after your day's work with! The Mutual Life Cleaning Time Is Here Again. WE HAVE A FULL LINE OF ALL YOUR NEEDS PAINTS, VARNISH, STAINS. ALABASTINE, BRUSHES. BROOMS, MOPS of all kinds a solution of half a teaspoonful of Assurance Co of Canada ; District Agent. M. common salt in a glass of warm water; wash the hands frequently, the face two or three times a day and the har often. If you will follow the above suggestions faithfully and consistenty every day, you will have no need for lp O--0-- THE PRICES ARE RIGHT. ------ SPECIAL BARGAINS | Less than Cost : ELECTRIC LAMPS _ Furniture . and MATTRESSES aby Cutters | SKATES and BOOTS 40 and 60-watt 29cC. cach 'SIMMONS BEDS, SPRINGS al ; ; spring tonic. ' tions by bowls, kidneys, lungs and Bisprne : ! are obtained--then stop. If cold water lisa shock to the system, better have the water heated to some extent. Many people simply cannot stand cold P water on their bodies, especially injy A.].GARDINEP General Merchant, j winter time. It is too much of ali KAGLE RIVER. % « shock to the system. In those cases! iit is better to leave cold water alone § Agent for Frost & Wood IMPLEMENTS. COCKSHUTT PLOW COY. £8 & as far as a shower or bathing is con- ¢ £3 cerned. Two minutes is about the 1 4 length of time a shower should last, "J "and it should be taken on rising in the | mornings, following about 15 minutes 4 'of vigorous exercise in a room having ¥ jan open window and with the body "= "naked or in night clothes only. Fol-! ; low the bath with a brisk Tub with a rough towel. For the third Sharple's Cream Separators. H RAW FURS BOUGHT & SOLD. § > £3 : First Class SHOE REPAIRING requirement, there ® should be sufficient ventilation to sup-! Heo i ply every occupant o f a room with SKATE GRINDING. j vee thousand cubic feet of fresh air by the { per hour day and night. It is a com- : i mon but poor. practice for people to LATEST IMPROVED MACHINERY. live 'all day in an overheated and L. GREENHILL stuffy office or house with all the : -- | windows closed, and then at night take : ' precautions to sleep with the windows All Orders R ot tive ; open. This quick change in tem- Cia ; perature from day to night is liable! PRO M PT A TTENTION ; | to result in colds or chills, and should ; Prices Strictly Moderate i be avoided. Remember to try. and i : keep the room you occupy well-ven-< py o 4, DUKE STR EET tilated and there will be mo great _.. women. bee i necessity for letting the temperature of ! fo the room droy at night away below + § : that of the daytime. It is moving, 3 'fresh air, even if not cold, that helps i "to keep us fit. The best temperature 9 : ; ; for those who are working is 68 de- i srvden Livery A ragsier grees f; for those who are sitting and J a trifly higher. 8 i fxchange Bara Dick Trist : a The fourth condition cannot be met E without thought and regulation. Cloth- 2 = ing should be adequate to conserve the i 'body heat, but not heavy enough to iH DRYDEN = ; cause obvious prespirations; loose ONT. 0 enough to permit free movement of RE rl ET 1 all parts of the body; porous enough Yi | to permit air to reach the skin; and ~~ if | adapted to the temperature and weaher : ; ' conditions. A big order you may say, a0 1 0p alll but well worth considering. i ; 3 ; When it is very cold, put on more i Barristers, Solicitors, etc. 'clothes outside, which can be removed } on entering the house. There is no necessity except in the case of people . j who are almost continuously out-of | doors, to wear fleece-lined or heavy : underwear, because the temperature of | TAILORING LADIES & GENT.S CLOTHING REPAIRED, CLEANED And PRESSED JIMMY ALLAN, (01d Latimer Store) ? | Dryden Lumber Company H. A. C. MACHIN EARLE C. POFHAM Also Member Manitoba Bar. IMPERIAL BANK BUILDING KENORA ONT WATKIN'S PRODUCTS COMPLETE LINE For Farmer or Citizen REMEDIES, SPICES, EXTRACTS, : SOAPS, - TOILET PREPARATIONS § HOUSEHOLD SPECIALTIES : Best for over fifty years. E. T. (DAD) ROWLAND i RHC. IRF . SUCCESSORS TO ANDERSON & HARRIS BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS FULL STOCK OF LUMBER, SASH AND DOORS, SHINGLES, WOOD FIBRE BRICK, LIME AND CEMENT jskn, plenty of congenial work, enough ; yrest and recreation to relieve the ten- J. D. oO Y N E i L L sion, and abstinence from worry. The | . +5 ! § second brought about by exposing the | Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. skin daily to cold weather, cold air, CARMICHAEL BLOCK or both. Begin with a tepid of warm 4 Lan one minute and gradually KENORA + ONTARIO reduce the temperature from day to day until the miost invigorating results ETT : Sereen Lump, 1913.5 ¥ E. A. KLOTE Heo puted SST PEA -- M. J. CROSIER General Merchant, OXDRIFT, ONTARIO Dry Goods Groceries Boots and Shoes Hardware and Farm Produce Frost & Wood and : Cockshuit Implements ANDERSON & HARRIS FUNERAL DIRECTORS Day or Night Calls Promptly Attended to. PHONE-- "Jay, 62 R 2; Night, 62R 4 ROBT. SWEENEY General Blacksmith Agents For- PER TON OFF CAR J. Winterbottom Agent for-- HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE Ce. 1.0.0O.F. DRYDEN LODGE, Ne | 417 meets at the Town Hall every Monday evening at eight o'clock. Visiting Members cordially invited. me mr sme D. KENTNER, N.G. ALEX. DUNCAN, Secy. eer ra i man a DRYDEN LODGE Ne. 1664 L.O.L. 'meets the first Wednesday of each month, at eight p.m. in the Town Hall. Visiting Brethren eex- dially invited. * : D. ANDERSON, WM. | i : BADEN SMITH, Secy PLasgey Hay 13 Golden Star Lodge : mp omen 5. AF. & AM, He No. 431. GR.C. carbon Removed Meats in the Masonic Hall, Dryden, : the Second Tuesday of each month. | from Cylinders Visitors Cordially invited. by H. HUMPHREYS, W.M. { ALEX. DUNCAN, Secy. 'Acetylene Burning ea > KEROSENE TRACTORS SAVE YOUR HORSES" well as the driver. How about pulling a load besides? In these days of scarcity of horse and man power the heavy farm work such as discing can be done most speedily and economically with a Case Kerosene Tractor. The 10-18 or smallest Case Tractor can pull an 8 ft. double action dise harvow seb to full depth. Busy farmers can work the "iron horse" day and night if necessary. Don't forget that Case _ tractors operate over dusty fields without dust entering cyl- inders. The Air washer fully protects the Motor. The all cut $ ALKING over plowed ground all day tires your team as steel spur geass are fully enclosad and run in oil. The weighy of the Cage 10-18 is only about 8,400 Ibs, this, with the liberal sized tires prevents soil packing. Other important features explained in full descriptive literature sent out for the asking. | Let us tell you more about the 10-18 or larger Case Tractors. F. T. BRIGNALL ; OXDRIFT ONTARIO | SS . | Estimates Freely Guven a Ca