Pe wo » Cnc R.H.FLOUR, 08-1b8 ....0c.ntvnuanas asin. $5.45 BRAN, 160008. cv. vaio suvme svt sienna $1.60 SHORTS, 100-bs ....,... seine lee i ae $1.70 BARLEY CHOP, 100-1bS +... .vvvvenninnennn $2.60 FEED OATS, three bush bag EE $2.35 PRUNES, 25-1b box ..... $2.75 BULK RAISINS, per 1b .. 15 Beginning Monday-- FRESH EGGS, per dozen .............. .50 uy, DA D. W. SCOTT Dryden i Kelso's FRESH CURED BUTTER and Fresh Eggs to Arrive for the Week-end. FROZEN HIDES BOU No Gradin PHONE 6 Meat Market W KELSO, Prop. MEATS LARD GHT & SOLD g. WANTED--PLAIN SEWING TO DO Apply to GRETA BUCHANAN, Dryden, Ontario. WANTED--PLAIN SEWING TO DO Apply to LEA McMASTER, Dryden, Ontario. FOR SALE TWO WHITE ENAMEL Finished Bedsteads, complete with coil Springs and Mattresses; Two (white) Dressers; Two (white) Washstands ; - One Black and Gold Wooden Bed- stead; complete with springs and mat- tresses. Can be seen any time be- tween 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. at my home. ~~ ALDRA SMITH, Post Office. FOR SALE--LOT S¥6., CON. t, Rugby, 160 acres, about 30 under culti- vation;. balance partly covered with pulp. Good buildings and good well; running water through the farm. % mile to School. Good roads. Apply 2173|25. A. WICKANDER, Oxdrift, Ont. 3-Room HOUSE FOR RENT, suitable for house-keeping. Apply at Daiter's Store, opposite Town Hall. For Sale--PEN SILVER SPANGLED . tics towards all others. HAMBURGS, three Pullets (laying). and unrelated Cockerel $8.00 Cockerels same strain $2.00 each to make room. Apply to A. JONES, Casimer St. Two" . cent for the nine months . December, 1924. Dryden, Ont. . FOR SALE--A WELL MATCHED Bay Team, about 2600 Is. Good workers and very reliable, with har-~ ness and waggon.--Apply to Waldhof, Ontario. : fit, complete on sleighs, $150.00. For Rent--THREE HOUSES. For Sale--TAMARAC (16-inch) IN five cord lots, $2.50 per short cord.-- R. H. PRONGER, Dryden. -- WANTED --- Secondhand FURNITURE. We would like you to give us the first 'chance to buy your furniture on leaving town.-- S. DAITER. 2 CARER Cakings large bottle ........ .20 Pure Plum Jam, 4H tin... "53 Apple Cider, per gallon . .55 Bring your Jug and get some good stuff. Blue Ribbon Baking "Powder 3-ib tins, each ......... 2 Bulk Pepper, black, perth .. 33 Sugar, 100-ths os. ala, $8.50 Keg Herrings, per keg ..... 98 Figs, per ih... nv iiny .10 for cooking. t Comfort Soap, 4 bars for ... .z5 --MEATS--EGGS--FISH-- Eggs, fresh, per dozen ..... 49 Butter, Creamery, per tb ... .39 Hinds of Beef, good, per tb .1r1 Cooked Ham, perth ....... 49 Sausages, per 1b. .......... 2% Flour, ¢8-ibs ............. $5.49 Bran oo. ith ve 1.59 Shorts vo nh ree 1.69 Feed Oats ........0 0050 2.35 Crushed Oats ............. 2.49 Whole Corn. 3....h ivi 3.45 Feed Wheat ...........; 3.39 Barley Chop... hon ts 2.48 20-b R. Oats, per sack ... 1.Ig9 CASH ONLY | commission combined. rrp Encourage and Patronize the store who keeps piices down and quality high. . report for the season 1922-23, was the tribute paid. to the excellent | Pacific Railway in handling the WALDHOF FARMERS, CO-OP. Co. - western crop. Though the company : ' ceived only six complaints about For Sale--CORD-WOOD SAW OUT- | their round the world and Mediter- broadcasted through WJZ a forty- "Frank Callbreath, packing contrac- lumbia. | est, shot by J. J. Sartori, of Brook- In conjunction with the further loan of $3,000,000 for colonization to be authorized by the Quebec leg- islature this season, it is also in- tended to raise the bounty to set- tlers on the acreage cleaved. Ag Present the government gives a bonus of $6 an acre. It will be raised to $8 an acre, The province spent $30,000 in this way in the last | fiscal year, : . The amount of butter exported to Japan through Vancouver during 1924 was nearly twice that of 1923, - according to figures supplied by the Japanese consulate at that point, | The report shows that in 1924. the quantity. was 476,464 pounds, as compared with only 299,695. pounds in 1923. Total cheese shipments to the same destination last year amounted to 2,685 pounds, as against only 40 in 1923, A recent analysis of immigration according . to. occupation of immi- grants arriving in Canada since 1920 shows a steady increase in the ra- tio of agriculturists and domes- In 1921 the figure was 35 per cent. It was 44 per cent for the fiscal year end- ing March 81, 1922, 47 per cent for the fiscal year 1923-24 and 51 per April to ® One of the outstanding features of the Grain Commission Board's service rendered by the Canadian handled 105,000 cars of grain, it re- lack of cars from the railway and In 1923-24, with an even larger number hand- led, there were only eight com- plaints. : from the Canadian Pacific steamships "Empress of France" and "Empress of Scot- land", when they arrived recently at New York and before sailing on Orchestras ranean cruises which the company starts annually from that port five minute programme of selected Scots, English, Welsh, Irish and Ca- nadian airs, while the "Montroyal", on her return from the company's cruise to the West Indies, broad- casted British and Spanish music through WJY of New York Information furnished by J. tor and general merchant, shows that during the 1924 hunting sea- son, parties secured 12 moose, 26 caribou, 26 goat, 31 sheep, 15 black bear and 11 grizzles in the Tele- graph Creek district of British Co- Of the caribou, the larg- lyn, N.Y., has a spread of 47 inches, Here and There | | is 391% inches long and has 237 points. The largest sheep horns were 41% inches long, with a spread em ir of 81 inches, and were secured by A. D. Stewart, of New York, The third annual Eastern Inter. national Dog Sled Derby, run off . at" Quebec on February 19, 20 and a1, | Twenty-two tremendous success. mushers and | thelr teams from many parts of Canada was a "and the United States 'competed " over the 120-mile course, the race year's derby at that place. being won by Emile St. Goddard, of Le Pas, Man., who also won this The last day's lap was run through a blinding snowstorm, which gave the "thousands of sports visitors from Canada and the United States who | witnessed it, a vivid impression of normal conditions experienced by . 'bese outfits. bo Lo J sale | Buffale meat Wainwright has. recently throughout Canada and has been extremely well received. It is . described as resembling beef but of ' »_mere gamey flavor. _ future. : "Work on the Kenogami dam, in | the Province of Quebec, is reported as progressing very well, and the - $2,000,000 works located at the up- 0. H. PRONGER, Prop. from the patk at een OW Government officials expect that this meat, with hides and other. buffalo products, will become a regular source of in- tome to the people of Canadas in the | per part of the Saguenay River are expected to be completed within 15 menths. As a result of these works, the mills operated by the Price in- terests will be kept in full activity during the whole year, instead of pazily' closing down in the winter months, as they have 'had to do in AT PRONGER'S All Next Week - STRICTLY First Quality, Silk Hose, in brown and white, 84 to 10, reg. 65¢. per pair Three pairs for DARK Gray, Heavy Shirting, re Three yards for Three pairs for VESTS, Fleece-lined, girls size, Two pairs for 28¢. per yard, Five yards for . Five yards for PEARL Cotton, blue and Four balls for Two pairs for Six for Four pairs for GRAY or Brown Cotton Tweed, Three yards for $1.00 g. 4oc. per yard Labi "$1.00 BLOOMERS, Knitted Cotton, girls, size, reg. 40c. per pair, $ 1.00 reg. 8oc. per pair, ; : $1.00: FLANNELLETTE, pink or blue stripe, 36-in. wide, reg. : ; : $1.00 TOWELING, Linen Crash, reg. 28c. per yard $1.00 pink, reg. 35c. balls . $1.00 HOSE, Wool, heather and black, women's size, reg. 70c. pair $1.00 CORTICELLI, Sweater Yarn, 10-0z balls, reg. 20c. : ; $1.00 HOSE, Women's black, heavy weight cotton, reg. 35c. pair : $1.00 36-in. wide, reg. soc. yard $1.00 ONE Taylor's Shaving Stick or Cream, One Taylor's Talcum Powder, One Colgate's Tooth Paste, $1.50 value 'Three for SHEET MUSIC, reg. 3sc. and 40c. value Five copies for $1.00 CLOTH Bound Library Books or paper covered novels Seven for $1.00 Pronger's Variety Store : $1.00 Week-end Specials For Cash Flour, g8-tbs, Robin Hood $5.00 5 a-ths LL endl, 2.50 2 ZIDS Fo en ved 1.2% Lord, iS pallet ie. .68 oi Seb pelle mild $1.15 wo TE. eile. tl, 2.10 Domestic Shortening, 3-ib .. .65 4 i s-tb ... 1.00 ow u 10-tb ... 2.00 Government Fresh Grade EGGS, per dozen ...... 4 Force Breakfast food, two for .25 Post Toasties, Breakfast Food, two for .25 McKay's Cream of Barley, pkt. .20 EI A NRA I SI SY ew Sp ring Hats Imported Italian Gorgonzola Cheese, perth ..... 0... 70 Imported French Rogqueford Cheese, per ih ........ 70 Imported French Camenbert per Ib A. enna 70 Ontario Cheese, per tb .... .30 Kraft Cheese, perth ........ 40 FRESH FISH--AI Discriptions FRUIT AND VEGETABLES Rhubarb, per tb'........... .30 Grapefruit, large, two for . .25 Celery. per th. io leu 15 Head ILettuce, each ....... .15 Cooking Apples, per ib ... 05 Phone No. 49 A BIG ASSORTMENT OF LADIES HATS IN ALL THE NEW STYLES AND SHADES, ARE BEING DISPLAYED TO-DAY. Children's Hats, in at Shapes & Colours BOYS SMALL FELT HATS AND CAPS. -- -= Moderate Prices -- -- GATES Let This Thrifty Cream Separator Guard Your Cream Checks =--1I¢ Is Easy to turn and easy to pay tor! Te "Our cream checks have increased on an average of $2.30 per week," writes one recent McCormick - Deering "Primerose" purchaser who milks but three cows. His 'experience is typical. Think of it! The machine pays for itself in the butterfat it actually saves for yeu." : --THE-- McCORMICK-DEERING "PRIMROSE" . -« Runs On BALL BEARINGS There. is. no other Cream Separator like it. It is the very latest development in Cream Separator design. Thoroughly modern and effiei- ent. Say the word and we will set up a machine on yeur farm tomorrow. Try it yourself and you'll agree it is the World's Easiest - Running Cream Separator. J.'S. CORNER, Oxdrift, Ont. Agent for: -- INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY of Canada, Ltd AS