Canned STRAWBERRIES, in heavy Syrup, per tin RASPBERRIES, in heavy Syrup, per tin PEACHES, per 2-b tin PEARS, per 2-1b tin ..... APRICOTS, per 2-1b tin .. RED CHERRIES, per 2-Ib tin ... PLUMS, per 2-b tin .......... so 850 Fruit sca sec bo os 00000 08 0a PORE CSR RY OE Gr wi te Hh i IE AT RE FARMERS REQUIRING SEED GRAIN, OATS, WHEAT, BARLEY or GARDEN SEEDS, We can supply same at Catalogue Prices, from any of the Seedhouses. We will also have re-cleaned Oats for Seed about the middle of April. =- Prices quoted later. & . SCOTT Dryden FRESH CURED MEATS BUTTER and LARD Fresh Eggs to Week-end. Arrive for the In the Daiter Block w KELSO, Prop. WATKIN'S PRODUCTS COMPLETE LINE Tor Farmer or Citizen REMEDIES, SPICES, EXTRACTS, SOAPS, TOILET PREPARATIONS HOUSEHOLD SPECIALTIES Best for over fifty years. E. T. (DAD) ROWLAND First Class SHOE REPAIRING -- ee OO GRINDING. by the LATEST IMPROVED MACHINERY L. GREENHILL SKATE All Orders Receive PROMPT ATTENTION Prices Strictly Moderate No. a DUKE STREET * JD. O'NEILL Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. CARMICHAEL BLOCK EN nA . ON TARIO 2 he Ltausanne We will carry a complete line of Candies, Cigars, Fruits, Ice Cream, and Confectionery of "all kinds. our Specialty-- MERCHANTS NOON LUNCH HOME MADE BREAD Fresh every day. Puff Pastries, Doughnuts, and all other Cookery. We cater for parties large or small, Lodges, etc. Lunches Served at All Hours. All at Reasonable Prices Drop in when you are down town, after Rink or Theatre or any time. THE OLD BURGESS STAND Machin & Popham Barristers, Solicitors, H. A. C. MACHIN EARLE C. POPHAM Also Member Manitoba Bar. "IMPERIAL BANK BUILDING KENORA ONT i etc. This Week We Don't Publish ANY «SPECIALS = Come to the Store and we assure you of plenty to interest at prices that will attract you. 0. H. PRONGER, Proprietor. fof age. drinking is $1000. Liquor not purchased To Sell Beer TORONTO, March 20.--Provision for sale of beer of 2.5 per cent alcoholic and standard hotels, restaurants | grocery stores is made in amendments to the Ontario Temperance Act, in-' troduced in the legislature by Hon. W. F. Nickle, Attorney-General, and given its first reading. Grocery stores will have to deliver and hotels and restaurants must serve at tables to avoid the old bar system. killed in 1916. Doctors will be allowed en thirty prescriptions per month and the mini- mum fine for illegal possession of liquor is reduced from $200 to $50. The selling permit fee is for control only; not profit. One class of permit allows keeping for sale in designated premises The other allows an employee of a permit holder to sell for his employer. Brewers infringing by the sale of illegal keeping of liquor will be liabe '#to a $5,000 fine and may be required to put up a $10,000 bond, and the con- victing magistrate may suspend the permit while the Minister may cancel the permit. Other offenders are subject te im- prisonment without the alternative of a fine and premises of subsequent of- fenders may be closed and the permit cancelled. Other provisions drunken persons, and gambling. Retail druggists must get their alcohol from the License Board the same as wholesale druggists. The Board may prevent the filling of physi- cians' prescriptions by druggists. All prescription forms must be issued by the Board. Offending dentists or veterinaries are also provided for by restrictions and liquor of more then 2- 1-2 per cent absolute alcohol, must not be sold to persons under eighteen years The maximum for illegal mention sale to disorderly conduct under the Act cannot be kept, except in a private dwelling. Short Advts. --HOUSES FOR SALE.-- Town Lots for sale. Good loca- tions near School. A. J. LOCK, Dryden. HOUSE CLEANING 1 am taking orders for Painting, Paperhanging, Kalsomining, and Decorating. Firstclass Work. Brighten your home this Spring. Write for free estimates. G. M'CANN, 273125 Dryden P. O. WANTED--PLAIN SEWING TO DO Apply to LEA McMASTER, FOR SALE--LOT 8%6., CON. I, Rugby, 160 acres, about 30 under culti- vation; balance partly covered with pulp. Good buildings and good well; running water through the farm. 3% mile to School. Good roads. Apply 217|325. A. WICKANDER, Oxdrift, Ont. For Sale--PEN SILVER SPANGLED HAMBURGS, three Pullets (laying) and- unrelated Cockerel $8.00 Two Cockerels same strain $2.00 each to make room. Apply to A. JONES, Casimer St Dryden, Ont. WANTED--PLAIN SEWING TO DO Apply to GRETA BUCHANAN, -- WANTED --- Secondhand FURNITURE. We would like you to give us the first chance to buy your furniture on leaving town.--S. DAITER. Sau SHEE SU ue fem LO. 0. F. DRYDEN LODGE, Re 417 meets at the Town Hall every Monday evening at eight o'clock. Visiting Members cordially invited. D. KENTNER, N.G. L.O. 1. DRYDEN LODGE No. 1694 meets the first Wednesday of each month, at eight p.n., in the Town Hall. Visiting Brethren cor- iially invited. D. ANDERSON, W.M. BADEN SMITH, Secy Golden Star Lodge x AF. & AM, No. 484, G.R.C. Meets in the Masonic Hall, Dryden, the Second Tuesday of each month Visitors Cordially invited. H. HUMPHREYS, W.M. ALEX. DUNCAN, Secy. content or 4.4 per cent proof spirits in" ALEX. DUNCAN, Secy. ; Health Talks 'By Dr J. J. MIDDLETON mba EEA A Dr Middleton will be glad to answer all questions on public health matters through this column. Address him at Spadina House, Spadina Crescent, | Torento, Ontario. Up to the age of 20, rheumatism is a more frequent cause of heart disease | than all other causes combined. This' is the -opinion of medical authorities 3 the world over, bu Dr Haven Emer-; son of New York goes one step farther. He says that heart disease, due to rse SwentyY and and and and and and rheumatism, is contagious. Dr Emer- | son cites a parallel to illustrate his' contention. He draws attention to the fact that only within recent years have medical practitioners and research students in the field of heart disease began to realize that there is a virus of rheumatism which may be contag- ious. If all members of the household | in which an open case of pulmonary suberculosis has been found are care- fully examined, not less than 18 per cent of them, young and old, will show evidence of tuberculosis in an acute or sub-acute stage. This common ex- perience is, to our minds, easily ex- plained, because we can see, trace and demonstrate the tubercle bacillus which causes the disease. This organism can be found in the sputum of the open case of tuberculosis, usually in the dust of his bedroom, and in the diseased tissues of the persons who have heen in close association with him in the home. Now if we repeat such a ot dy in families from which acutz cases of rheumatic heart disease have heezn ac- mitted to hospital care or to dispen- sary supervision, we shall find that here again 15 per cent of the contacts. those in the intimate circle of the, families, will commonly give & definite history or show physical evidence of attacks of acute rheumatic fever or of tonsillitis or of chorea with or without accompanying affections of the heart. True, this is only circumstantial evi- dence, and until some way is found of identifying with exactness the specific organism of rheumatic fever and its many secondary injuries to heart ahd other tissues, we cannot speak with the same positiveness that we do of the communicability of §. tuberculosis. However, enough known te justify us in thinking of and dealing with the group of illness which we class as acute rheumatic, as if we were dealings with an acute communi- ~able infection. This calls for the simple and well-established precan- tions of so-called medical aseptic technique of the sick-room. No longer will it be good form to make a social centre and family zather 'ng place of the bedroom of acute rheumatism. This includes Tommy with his "growing pains" at five, and sally with "St. Vitus' Dance" at seven, and "pad with sore throat", as well as "Uncle Ned, who has a rip-roaring in- flammatory rheumatism every couple of years, and was told after the last attack that hemust have his tonsils out and favor his heart a bit because he rheumatism had touched one of the valves, before it left him weak and acnemic. ~~ Yes, even though we know that one person cannot transmit (o another the damaged heart valve or the diseased muscle wall, the cause of rheumatic heart and joints ca we | Lelieve, be passed from the to the! well in very much the same way that an acute sore throat may go the rounds | of a famiy. Cleaner mouths, fewer diseased is New Curtain Material, Novelty ronger's Varisty Store Weekly News EASTER NOVELTIES AND CONFECTIONERY We have Chickens, Ducks, Rabbits, Eggs, Roosters, in fact the whole Easter Family. You can buy them as hollow ornaments, ready to be filled with minature colored eggs, or made of pure chocolate, some Marshmallow filled and some hollow. DECORATED EGG CUPS, filled with Chocolate Eggs, each 15c; Natural Chicks, 15¢; Natural Ducks, 25¢; Easter Lillies, each......... Five Cents. Trom our Crockery Department-- Specially Low Prices on brown Bakers' Mixing BOwls, Jugs and Tea Pots. A Special on plain White Cups & Saucers.-- This week they will be.......... ER 5 39 per dozen. Now Ou Sale Here: - Pictorial Review Printed Patterns With a good assortment of Yard Materials to transform into the Smart New Frocks. Girls Middies, with blue Collar and Cuffs, ages 12, 14, 16 1 | Marquisette, Lace Trimmed | per yard oo. LL 50| Pri i SE El be $1.75 Curtain Scrim, per yard .... .25| Ladies and Childrens Hose, Chintz, a good quality, in new | black and white, per pair... .25 Patterns, per yard ..... 35] LETT I ee .30 Tadies Veale iv. cia ons cai vie hlfivs iain svi s dr mvinains 25 Extra Good Quality ove. vives iiaivaes Fie ie 40 J. L SUCCESSORS TO ANDERSON & HARRIS BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS FULL STOCK OF LUMBER, SASH AND DOORS, SHINGLES, WOOD FIBRE BRICK, LIME AND CEMENT Estimates Freely Given MADE BY-- THE CANADIAN STEEL & WIRE CO, LTD. Hamilton Sg Ontario Get our Catalogue and Prices on your Fence, and Gate requirements this year, delivered to your station, instead of sending your money to The Mail Order House J. 5B. CORNER, Oxdrift, Ont. ; Agent {or i-- (NTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY cf Canada, Ltd tonsils, fewer neglected decayed teeth, | quick care in their treatment as seii- ous infections, the considered and skilled attention to the little child with aching muscles and joints--too young to have rheumatism, kept up and about with growing pains--repeat- ed examinations of the heart after at- tacks of asy acute infectious fever in childhood, always separation of the sick from the well; by such means will | the number of acute rheumatic hearts | : i be reduced. --. MACDONALD no LABOR PROGRAM ABERAVON, Wales, March 21.--No | greater calamity could overtake the i country than a great block of unions on one side and capital on the other engaged in a "suicidal fight," declared former Premier Ramsay MacDonald, referring to the suggested arrange- ment among the big unions and the serious position of the mining industry in Great Britain n a speech which he delivered Saturday last. Mr MacDonald said he wanted to see a great combination of workmen demanding their rights, but doing their duty to society in a way that would, appeal to public opinion. | i F. 0. B. RUNABOUT ........ $575.00 COUPE vinnie $775.05 LIGHT DELIVERY .. 580.00 SEDAN TUDOR .... 875.00 TOURING... ve 615.00 SEDAN FORDOR.... 1025.00 We have several SNAPS in Open and Closed Cars, thoro- ughly overhauled and re-painted. IF YOUR CAR REQUIRES OVERHAULING OR PAINTING, WE CAN ATTEND TO IT IMMEDIATELY. Genuine Ford Parts Used ONLY. All work done under the Ford Flat Rate system. Our heavy Spring Shipments of TIRES, TUBES & BATTERIES have arrived, ranging in prices as follows: FABRIC TIRES, 30x30... iive vis from $7.50 CORD TIRES, 30x 3345. .iui.vviiineurn from 8.50 TUBES, 30x32 ove shiviie any in from 1.60 11 & 13-plate Batteries for Cars & Radios, guaranteed for two years, From $14.50 to $20.00