TER DRTDEN | ee eo 4]A ol Home Market|__ : oe Speaking on his tariff resolution in Where People Shop for Price : ; the House of Commons, Mr Meighen THY =~ 3 ; asserted that if Canada produced all W 1 th Qual i 4 0 in : : the textile goods the factories of this C mbi ed --JUST RECEIVED-- country have capacity to produce in y 2 : ; the way of installed machinery, there . ~ A Quantity of would be employment for men and ; gl dn a : : women drawing wages of $1,000,000,-] Women's lovely Silk Knit Overblouses, short sleeves, in two tone ® Choice W hite Eastern Potatoes 000 a year. This is only one phase} effect, wonderful colouring, only ...........c.coiviiiiis $2.85 9 of the effects to be achieved by the Conservative Party's policy of protec-| Boys' fine Balbriggan Combinations, short sleeves, knee length < in 1%; Bushel Bags tion for Canadian industry and of the per suit 7 a rant RA ie FE as eh at $ I 25 per bushel How Bi You ire Bn of 0 ig ga of | Special Friday and Saturday only :-- 40 inch Crepe de Chene in all Leave or send in your orders J a a ng 5) op colors, our regular $1.50 a yd. lineonsaleat ....... es tae rl 149 a Ta JERE Es : : protection of this one industry can be § Cotton Batts, a bleach 1 i x iba fea ly nice bleached batting, full 8 oz. roll, regular 25 per "© SEE OUR GENT'S FURNISHING WINDOW di b $100,000,000 4 year added to the pur- roll onenleata rolls for. vei cries ine en Sosa sroess 458 fi = = chasing power of the Canadian people. § Sa paral . ' 3 ' : --For-- That oAditional - smut. of a Boys' White, Blue trim Sailor Suits, special .......... PRL | MEN'S AND BOYS' NECKTIES Beautiful Colors and Styles -- Cee PRA Fo SE Bt SUNDAY, June 21st, 1925 is "Fathers Day" BUY DAD A TIE D. W. SCOTT Dryden) Step Right in YOU CAN'T SCARE US THAT WE CAN'T FIT YOU WITH CLOTHES. I have just got in a big selection in we Kelso's Meat Market d FRESH CURED MEATS BUTTER and LARD Fresh Eggs to Arrive for the Week-end. In the Daiter Block W. KELSO, Prop. First Class " hi & p ail % SHOE' REPAIRING 40 in 0p dl DON'T PAY BIG PRICES FOR] : --0--0--0-- Barristers, Solicitors, "etc. Children's also Boys' Girls' ' T H.-A. C- MACHIN 2 CANLDAENS : EARLE C. POPHAM and Women's after School Hours. Also Member Manitoba Bar. ~ BOOTS and SHOES LATEST IMPROVED MACHINERY [IMPERIAL BANK BUILDING Prices Strictly Moderate KENORA --::-- ONT All Orders Receive : : Before buying, see our Second PROMPT ATTENTION J. D. O'NEILL LL, 3 an ¢ Se ---- Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. lan ore, ou will find that L. GREENHILL CARMICHAEL BLOCK [we have a real good supply of 2 No. 4 DUKE STREET|KENORA , ONTARIO}them. Come early! Don't let the SECOND HAND COATS ODD TROUSERS ALSO SUITS. It doesn't matter how small or how big you are, you are sure to find your size. We also got in a lot of MEN"S SECOND HAND ARMY BOOTS in browns. They are a very nice, soft Shoe, you are sure to get comfort and wear out of them. Dryden's Cash Git other fellow get aliead of you, to pick out the best pair of Shoes. . You will also carry a supply of For SATURDAY and MONDAY - 4-1b TINS OF PURE STRAWBERRY JAM, per Hin ieee +69 9 With every Cash Grocery Order to the amount of $5.00 and over, we will . : give you the right to purchase flour and feed at these wonderful prices:-- NEW AND SECOND HAND HOUSE FURNITURE --Also-- COOK STOVES and RANGES 98-1 Purity Flour wm. -$4.65 While in the Second Hand Store 2 20-10 Rolled 0atS mv cmmmme 89 look around, if there is anything 300-1 Pood, 0258 »--omeiee ER = 285 you want and can't see, please ask 100-b SHOTS oom 1.85 for it. Likely we have it in the 100-1 Bran women mmm 125 warehouse, and will be glad to Baby Chick Feed, 4 bs for ...o.. 25 show it to y ott Your Choice of Christies Fresh Biscuits, per 1b a) Tonia 35 100-16 SUGAL vom mrimeeee. $7-95 B-1D box Sona a 8D A Ld a fe i McLaren' Jelly Powders, 3 for .25 Second Hand , 3 SPECIAL: --Galvanized Pail filled with Soap and Chips for ma 18 BABY CARRIAGES 10 Bars of Soap and 1 Box Chip Soap and Pail ; : HAY, in Bale, No. 1 quality, per bale__.. $1.45 Wane ll ul sey uid. Eh 0. H. PRONGER, Proprietor. HOUSES FOR SALE -- WANTED -- Town Lots for sale. Good loca- tions near School. A.J. LOCK, Dryden. leaving town.--S. DAITER. puch Secondhand FURNITURE. We would like you to give us the first chance to buy your furniture on Dryden =i find that we] would go into the pockets of other Canadian producers and those dealing in Canadian products, Farmers Labour- ers, artisans, manufacturers and merchants would share in its distribu- tion. An increase of $100,000,000 in the purchasing power of the home For 1st of july Celebration we Lave a nice assortment of fire works, Prone r's Variety Store market from the protection of one in- T-. si Soman mm sii a EI 8 do i dustry alone raises some vision of the prosperity to be acheived by a com- prehensive policy of protection that will ensure the activity and expansion of existing industries and the acquisi- tion of new industrial establishments for the manufacture of Canadian raw materials employing additional tens and hundreds of thousands of Canadian workers. Another Fuller " Household Help! Fuller Furniture Polish Makes light work of polishing chairs, tables pianos and other furn- iture, Issplendid also for polishing wood- work about rooms. Sold only by the Fuller Man who dem- onstrates the. nation- ally known Fuller Pro- ducts, Furniture Polish He will call on you soon. You can reach him at the address below MAX WAXDALE, Central Hotel, Dryden Classified PIANO FOR SALE--$100.00 cash. apply 8S. V.RIGPY FOR SALE--~One BROWN MARE, rising 7 years; weight about 1400 Ibs. Quiet and good worker, double or single harness. Price $100.00.--Apply A. MILLINGS, Butcher, 26|6|25¢ Eagle River, Ont Tor sale--FRESH COW---very Cheap. Apply-- 266/25 A. W. DOUDIET. I AM OFFERING THIS FARM, One mile from town, for sale, crop included, House in course of erection, with fair --SECOND HAND STORE-- S. Daiter out-buildings. Farm comprises 100 acres, 45 in barley, oats and potatoes, showing great promise. Also a fair cut of plupweod. Will sell with a reasonable payment, balance arranged. 26/6/25 Mrs D. McKELLAR, : Dryden, Ont. FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET FOR Transient travellers, with light house- keeping privileges if desired, 50ec, per night. Nice clean rooms. Furnished Rooms by the month, from $5 to $8. Meals served if desired. 'Call and see our SECOND HAND FURNITURE Always a good stock on hand. Mrs F. SPEARS, (Opposite Royal Bank), Dryden I am prepared to accept offers for the property, known as the "Kennedy Farm" comprising 130 acres. Good House with concrete basement, water in house. This is elegant garden land and includec valuable building proper- ty. Al offers to be in by July 1st to 26(6|25 JAMES SPENCE, Dryden, Ont. TO LET--I. P. MATTHEW'S HOUSE on Government St. Moderate Rent. Apply to A. J. LOCK, Dryden, Ontarie. 5| 6| 25¢, Bathing Suits . LADIES' BATHING SUITS, all wool, firmly and closely knitted 30 that they keep their shape well. Smart color- ings, Green, Orange, Navy, Trimmed with white. $3.75 and $3.95. BOYS AND GIRLS BATHING SUITS : 65c. and $1.75 BOYS SHIRTS and SHIRT WAISTS, Plain Colours, and Stripe effects $1.25. A Big Assortment of KNICKERS, in Tweeds and Serges. $1.75 and $2.50 SMALL BOYS NAVY BLUE PANTS, Straight Knee, $1.25 J. B. GATES Cut, Ted, - Rake, ! oad Your 'Hay with a McCORMICK OR DEERING MACHINE MOWERS, 3% to 7 foot cu t. HAY TEDDERs, 6 and 8 forks. HAY RAKES, 8 to 12 { HAY LOAD It is surprising how much better hay you can make labour you can save, and how much pleasanter the : season can be, when you use the modern, dependable Hay Tools, found in the McCormick-Deering Line. If you grow Hay, you should know all about these machines. Write or call in and see for yourself. a J. S. CORNER, Oxdrift, Ont. Agen for:-- INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY of Canada, Ltd Prices , F. 0. B. DRYDEN. Cord Balloon Equipped. Equipped. FORDOR SEDAN ............ BI028.00 viene $1060.00 TUDORSEDAN ......cocvnnes BEL00. vies sins gl 910.00 COUPE 2 ceeivis. Tiina enneis BREED voce acs wane sie 3 810.00 POURING. iver srr on BI8.00 vs vuvs ii 650-00 ROADSTER ih ieevivss IR Tn SR EE . 610.00 LIGHT DELIVERY ...... sri SEBOOO vrei ie os a 615.00 TOURING CHASSIS ......... 495.00 ...coiuninnnnn 530.00 1-Ton TRUCK CHASSIS ...... 260,00 + div rse nn . - FORDSON TRACTOR .....c.cv 57500 0 ccinccnes oo ------ BARGAINS in used Cars: COUPE, 1023... $475.00 TOURING, 1923 ....... - $2950 TOURING, 1923 «..... 35000 LIGHT DELYY, 1955. 175.00 TOURING, 1923 o.oo. 325.00 1-Ton TRUCK, 1919. . 275.00 NEW and USED CARS: can be purchased on our Time Payment Plan. Dingwall Garage