Dryden Observer, 10 Jul 1925, p. 2

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{eep 500 Ih Irva Buy When | en the Hot fe 1 By-Law No. 187 You Can During the year 1924, one of Just Arrived New Stock of 4 SCREEN DOORS by wearing HATCHWAY UNDERWEAR A By-law to raise the sum of Thirty-five hundred dollars by way of deben- 20 aa I Ar = Ty ow -- No Buttons to bother with gues for the purpose of making necessary repairs -and alterations to the | Couanion dediined Fa70canpih FISHING TACKLE Estate Best Underwear on the Market. Town Hall. : cations calling fer a total of It Gives You Results, Management and Sale EE WHEREAS the Council of the Corpor- re ue te Std Corporation, at the a Be wa To Protect your Potato Crop 5 ENGLISH BROADCLOTH lution of the Town of Dryden considers' sai Town of Dryden", io? to like effect. All of these disappoin 2 appli- SE use our . iz management of your real estate SHIRT S-- : ; yaen Hg S$ 7. This By-law, before being finally] cants might have obtained pro- S GRE E N-. ¢ 'her large or small, is one of the}. gra it necessary te make certain repairs passed by the Municipal Council of the tection had they applied earlier. For that Paint Job, use 00 ary capacities in which I can be of Vith Collars to Match and alterations to the Dryden Town:said Town of Dryden, shall be sub- i : ? MARTIN SE NOURS: PAINTS service to you. I take over alli At Prices to Suit Every Purse. | Hall es to the Wi of the said Town Have you used our - dos of collecting rents, paying taxes REA : of Dryden qualified to vote on money i, : 3 ana insurance, bv a keep- AND WHEREAS the said sum of by-laws as required by "The Consoli- The Mutual Life 5 x NY E G R E A S E Thirty-five hundred dollars is the! dated Municipal Act, 1922". Wears longer, will not gum {ne properties in repair, collecting] SILK SO X-- - Assurance Co of Canada al a under agreements of sale or morigages of every description a debt intended to be 8. This By-law shall come into force District Agent 4 cic. Fees are moderate. I imvite}] pyerything For Men's Wear * on the day of the final passing thereof. 08 NESCO OIL STOVES---. i I he AND WHEREAS the amount of thel 2 LPR ANT..M DIRER --BURNS LESS OIL a whole rateable property of the saidi i % Hy m-- a = rw fitted with asbestos. Copper Wick es yt T PROUDFOOT Town of Dryden according to the last | ii in fap of AL, 197 ENS L Canndt hum out: Self Cleaning. A > A = revised assessment roll is $1,069,300. (Signed) J. E. GIBSON, Clerk For Your Horses and Cattle: «ode oc "THE DRYDEN TAILOR" |.nNp WHEREAS the existing deben.] (Signed) ALFRED PITT, Mayor Lhe ye "ture debt of the said Town, exclusive! Read a second time in open Council FLYOSAN pes "of local improvement debentures a- | ak 7th day of Tals, AD. 1925. [| d Sa nD nD e You Spray It On, {mounts to $108,081.03 of which v ; : ~ = of the St: or nn dL {Sgned} J.B, GIRSON, loth: , C C 1 Li Sd a Ln mace Fy t : "{ (Siened) ALFRED PITT, Mayo: We Carry a Complete Line IN When An ELECTRIC WASHER 4 AND WERREAR 1 order to promi} © TED) » Mayor tf Candies, Cigars, Fruits, Ice | THERE'S A DIFFERENCE comes in at the door, drudgery flies for oe zo Be is pT id © Read a third time and finally passed Cream, 50) CE of | Cream Separator Qil ; ; issue debentures of the said Town to], w . Li al inds Harvest out of the window. the amount of $3500.00, bearing in-j nat SEER SPIERS-PARNELL in 1-gal. or 35- ih Or terest at six per centum per annum. | =o AD, 1925 3 a > Another Shipment of HE AND WHEREAS it is expedient to ; : Home - Made BREAD MIRACLE VARNISH x make the principal of the said debt (Signed) oom - Clerk Ne ; has arrived : repayable in yearly sums during the S 1 Et oy 2 It gives service and satisfacti : period of twenty years, of such I) reds Mp | ICE CREAM PamLOvR QUR ROOFING el amounts respectively that the aggre- ES a and DINING ROO and : gate amount payable for principal and " NOTICE Puff Pastries, Doughnuts, and all TARRED PAPER : interest in any year shall be equal as TAKE NOTICE that the foregoing is other Cookery. Will Please You. nearly as may be to the amount so , {46 copy of a proposed By-law of 1 payable for principal and interest in The Corporation of the Town of Dry- each of the other years. | den to be submitted to the vote of the AND WHEREAS it will he sccessary Electors on he 1st day of August, A.D., to. raise annually "ie sum of $305.11 1925, between the hours of nine o'clock; Lunches Served at All Hours. fe during the period of twenty years to in the forenoon and five o'clock in the All at Reasonable Prices pay the said yearly sums of principal afternoon at the following places, Drop in when you are and interest as they become due. | namely: -- down Town, after Theatre ® J ® CROSIER : THEREFORE the Council of the Cor- t The Town Hall, Dryden, Ontario. THE OLD BURGESS STAN . General Merchant, poration of the Town of Dryden enacts AND that the 31st day of July A.D. OXDRIFT, ONTARIO os Lollotnns iy 1925, at Twelve o 'clock i inthe forenoon ; ELT STR LS TEE EE Dry Goods Groceries 1. The Corporation of the Town of Wi 3 > 5 bi ve ig Munich: : Boots and Shoes ' Dyyden may borrow the said sum of pl 2 fhe Es nos pent. . 3 ; Hardware and Farm Produce STR0000 on the cello Se ME J Winterbottom Frost & Wood and poration for the purpose aforesaid and gf EI oy th Ey magn Ua A100 Cockshutt Implement ne radii AND that if the assent of the electors Builder & sums of not less than $100.00 each, is obtained to the proposed By-law, it Contractor ANDERSON & AARRIS : ; ; will be taken into consideration by the AY BC bearing interest at the rate of six per centum per annum and having: coupons Shmiapal @rnel] 87 fs snl] Crp n. I | FU i ER AL D | RE | Z : tion at a meeting thereof to he held G10 RS We cater for parties large ot or small, Lodges, etc. d : i A. KLQOSE attached thereto for the payment of "0 = & Ittlllis freer SEE er Shy a ir vit a after the expiration of one month from z U M B E R DAY OR NIGHT CALLS the date of the first publication of this AN PROMPTLY ATTENDED TQ 2. The debentures shall all bear the Notice and that such first publication AND "HONE-- same date and shall be issued within was made on the 10th day of July A.D. ° EI of ° ! two-years after the day on which this 1925, ; Builders Supplies Day, 62 R 23 : Night, 62 R 4 By-law is passed, and may bear any pay NOTICE further that a tenant dae win such ts seas and al wi tos 0 woe won wid pore) CO AL IROBT. SWEENEY : By-law must deliver to the Clerk not; ments during the twenty years mext y,... {hap the tenth day before the day | i General Blacksmith after the time when the same. are : ; appointed for taking the vote, a de- i AGENTS FOR-- issued, and the respective amounts of _claration under The Canada Evidence Co in crete M ixer Massey- Heeris Implements i Successors to ANDERSON & HARRIS rn a ) = principal and interest payable in each x i {nat he is a tenant whose lease BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS \ of such years shall be as followsi-- | tonqs for the time for which the PorsHlie " 'arb 3 R ; : ry ST No. Principal Interest Total debt or liability is to be created, or inj : , on emoved ; 3 j : oe I'ULL STOCK OF LUMBER, SASH AND DOORS, 1 $9514 $210.00 $305.14 which the money to be raised by the o Tue fr Cylinder SHINGLES, WOOD FIBRE 2 100,85 204.29 305.14 proposed By-law is payable, or for at Pl ; irom: ¥ inaers BRICK, LIME AND CEMENT > 106.99 198.24 305.14 Jeast twenty-one years and that he has ans and by : ! Z 113.32 LT dh by the lease covenanted to pay all Hsti ates Acetylene Burring ® z 5 120.12 5. 305.14 : yyunicipal taxes in respect of the pro- matie Est imaies F eely Ge ven 3 127.33 177.81 805.14: erty of which he is tenant other than : 7 13497 © 170.17 local improvement rates. F B E BE SHI S I pEHT SSS Q A3., 162.08 3 3k: 1 " ¥ ® : - ST TE 2 i o 505.14 DATED at Dryden, this Sth day of i pak 1B Dick Trist ; ; 05.14% t \ es : i 10 160.74 144.40 gone TY AD. 1925, --and--Q IY 1 170.39 . 18475 305.14 ~ 1. E. GIBSON, Town Clerk| Dryden-- ot --Ontario {f Hryden Livery, Transfer i 2 180.61 124.53 305.14 R : : F id 3 191.45 113.69 305.14 ana 4 202.94 102.20 305.14 ty ® 5 215.12 90.02 305.14 prin Bara 16 228.02 TAZ 305.14 Phone a 17 241.70 63.44 305.14 18 256.21 48.93 305.14 No a9 19 271.58 33.56 305.14 o 20 287.87 17.27 305.14 3. The said debentures as to both principal and interest shall be payable 2 at the following places, namely: The My Farmer e Royal Bank of Canada, Dryden Ontario 4. The Mayor of the Corporation 3 : shall sign and issue debentures and in- stock you own, without any extra cost to you, by using one AND SOME NEW ONES terest coupons, and the same shall also JUST TRY THE COCOA : For INS B or Citizen IF I can prove to you that I can guarantee every head of ALL THE OLD ONES of the best products of its kind on the market, would you be Fee F : be signed by the Treasurer of the Cor- oh J ; PREPARED MUSTARDS 27 £3 poration, and the debentures shall be interested: : TE i iss id [34 4 Tackle sealed with the seal of the Corporation. : EZY-WASH AND MINERAL : : = CAPIT OL STOCK SALT : SOAPS FOR THE HOME 5. During the said period of twenty rR years (the currency of the debentures CAPITOL EGG PRODUCER se & = Screen Cloth. Wire Cloth to be issued hereunder) there shall bei ? ~ E. T. (DAD) ROWLAND : Fie raised and levied annually upon the ------ Bee es eae . ° | whole rateable property in the said - : gn 1 a en Gens Paints and Varnishes Town in addition to all other rates, ALL KINDS OF FRUIT JARS IN STOCK A | GARD FOR THE FARM levies and assessments, the said sum The Preserving Season id hts - INER of $305.14 for the payment of the sev- Poultry Fence. Barbed Wire. ral talents and nese al : very debenture t issu ere- 3 % Well Pumps. % (arden Tools. ; Th hall contain ar in the | Flour and Feed ollowing words: --*"This debenture or C x iL Stamping Powder and i ns therein shall oe after i General Merchant, KAGLE RIVER. ] Agent for : Frost & Wood IMPLEMENTS. {i 'OCK Su pp! ies 3 certificate of ownership has been en- hol Ly COCE Saune Ao COY. = : 1 | dorsed thereon by the Treasurer of this : ; : : {} | Municipal Corporation, be transferable All Mail Orders Given Pr 0 mpt Sharple's Cream Separators, PHONE No. 41 } bi except by entry by the Treasurer or RAW FURS Bougny & SOLD. his Deputy in the Debenture Registry Attention a -

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