RE. o Dated June 23rd, 1925. ROYAY HOUSEHOLD FLOUR, per s00-ibs ........v.. $53.40 BRAN petgemithe Lot UL see ea 150 SHORTS perroatds oo vi om on nn PERD OATS whadi andl, v0 iii ral hy 1.95 --0--0--0--0- -0--0--0--0-- We still have a few lines in Summer Wear to clean up at bargain prices, BOYS SHIRT WAIST BLOUSES BOYS LIGHT SUMMER SWEATERS THREE DRESS LENGTHS, for Ladies, at a bargain. LADIES SILK HOSE, the Newest Shades o.oo. vv. is 93 LADIES BLACK BROWN and WHITE COTTON HOSE oo ea an, aan 25 ONE ONLY, Ladies' FANCY DRESS, $8.00 Going at $5.50 WHITE, ALL-WOOL SKIRT. Going at 4.00 Going at 2.95 £3] 33 TWO ONLY, SILK MIDDYS, Ladies' ALL FRESH FRUITS, TOMATOES, etc. in Season. --0--0--0--0- -0--0--0--0-- WILL PAY FORTY-FIVE CENTS FOR STRICTLY FRESH.EGGS CE Ca SR Za 3 EERE ; Paterson' s Meat | arket 2 Week-end Shoninhs ROUND SHOULDER of BEEF ......... per ib .15 BLADE RIB ROAST ........-.......... perth 1214 STOW. BREE... iii 4-ibs for .50.. BRISKET BOIL... sii veins per ib .10 HAMBURG STEAK ........o.vurv rs 3-ths for .50 BEER BHANES rr ai ony per ib .o3 2 HOME-MADE SAUSAGES ............ perlb 30 ' Home-Made BEEF DRIPPING ......... per th .15 {| Phone No. 6 Ea Til nw ox] Treasurer's Sale of Lands fn Asrears For Taxes. TOWN OF DRYDEN, DISTRICT OF KENORA To Wit : By virtue of a warrant issued by the Mayor of the Town of Dryden, dated June the 19th, 1925, commanding me to levy upon the lands mentiosed _ in the following list for arrears of taxes thereon and costs as herein set forth, all such lands being patented land. I therefore give notice that unless said arrears of taxes and costs be sooner paid, I shall proceed to sell by Public Auction the said lauds, to discharge the said arrears together with the charges thereon, on Thursday, October 8th, 192 25, at the hour if 10 o'clock in the forenoon. Lot Tali Owner Taxes Costs. TOTAL 45 Florence Street... B. Barrow... .... ~ $25.06 $3.38 $28.44 47 Florence Street _._.. R. Barrow 33.93 3.35 87.28 68 Florence Street ...... Marco Bros .. wo 111.55 5.54 117.69 69 Florence Street __.. Marco Bros __. - 2550 3.39 28.89 70 Florence Street __. Marco Bros __. . 2395 335 27.30 67 Florence Street __.. Zuliana Bros __.__._._.__. 21.44 © 2290 24.73 - 66 Florence Street __.. Zometta, I... 92584 339 2873 29 Oscar Street __..__. M. Malek __ BETZ 405 BBY 31 Oscar Street __..._. D.1alorra........ 0.1943 394 92247 36 Oscar Street ...._. Marco Bros rns S022. 280. 27.00 5 Plan M 158 __...... A. J. Child __. 814 3.00 11.14 Pt. 4 Concession 5 and 6 C. B. Gordon __..._.._ ~ 330.44 11.01 341.45 or Chase Park, Plan M. 158_ John Kerr __. .~ 814 3.00 1114 Plan M 115 ...... Mrs E. Schellenberg __..._. 97.48 5.19 102.52 Concession 1, Wainwright . Mrs A, W. Coulter .. 86.10 491 91.01 J. E. GIBSON, Treasurer of the Towp of Dryden. Ele TRE levies upon the hardwoods exacted in place of former . upon spruce pulp are advanced GROCERIE S 100-ibs SUGAR per Bag $7. 75 | Raise Crown Dues on Ontario Timber ance of its declared policy of securing a fair return for the province from its natur al resources, and in fulfillment of intimations recently given, the Fergu- son Government yester day approved an Order-in-Counecil raising substantially the Crown dues on timber and pulp- wood. This order-in-Council succeeds the one passed by the Drury Govern- ment in 1920, which lapsed on April of this yesr. By the terms of the sched- ule now adopted, an annual increase of at least $500,000 in Crown dues is an- ticipated by the Government. The fixing of the Crown dues has been pending for some time in Govern- ment circles. Prior to the depart- ure of Premier Ferguson for Eng- land, it was gone into at length. Hon. Mr Lyons, Minister of Lands and Forests, even taking a trip to Que- bec to consult the Government there upon the scale of imposts which it exacted. The Ontario schedules were found to be in some cases greatly below those specified in Quebec, with the result that an increase with a view to greater uniformity was decided upon before Hon. Mr Fergu- son left for overseas. Formal effect to the decision was given at a meeting of the Cabinet Council, over which Hon George S. Henry presided and at which Honorables Lyons, Nickle, Price Godfrey and Martin attended. In the new dues which it has fixed the Government has equalized the such as basswood, ash, birch, maple, elm, beech and oak at $2.50 per thousand board feet. Previously the dues upon some of these woods were only $1.50 per thousand board feet, while upon others they were $2.50, a situation which was regarded as anomalous. Similar equilizations was made in the case of all boom timber, upon which $2.50 per thousand feet; is now g varying rates of $2.00 and $2.50. It is, however, in regard to the pulpwood that the Government has made its greater changes. The dues from Toronto Mail & Empire: In pursu- & or on to immflasmmable material Forest Talks By Dr Clifton D. Howe, Dean Faculty of Forestry, University of Terante. Lome i The man who sat next me on the street car did not know that there was any organized fire protection along the railways that pass through forested areas. "As you have travelled in the north country," I asked, "haven't you ever seen a man on a railway velocipede or a motor speeder following your train? r perhaps you have seen him pulled out beside the track as the train pass- ed" No," replied the critic of forest protection, "I have never noticed such a man." For his information I contin- ued: "You know the railways maintain a close inspection of the track and the rolling stock. Thousands of eyes day and night are looking for defects that might imperil the safety of passengers and property in transit. In a similar manner the after-train patrolman is watching for fires along the wight-of- way that might start from sparks from the engine. Hundreds of such men are on duty each summer, where there is danger of forest fives spreading from the railways. The railway organizs- tions keep constant watch for the safe- ty of the people's property as repre- sented by the Crown lands forests. This is. done not because the forests are public property, but because dead forests yield no revenues; and the Lord knows, and most of the people now realize that our railways need revenue! About one-fifth of the freight revenues of the railways come from products of the forest, and this ratio would mater- ially increase if the forests were more effectively protected from fir." kos sk ok How Fire is Prevented. "Do you know that the engines that draw trains through the forests are regularly inspeced for leaky ash pans, for smoke stacks that dmit too large embers when pulling heavy loads up- grade, and for any other defects that scatter live cinders on the wooden ties along the right of way?" This was the next question T asked my street car compan- 80 cents per cord to $1.40 per cord and upon balsam pulp from 40 cents per cord to 70 cents per cord. - Dues upon other pulpwood . remains un- changed at 40 cents. The changes in dues are made bys the term of the order-in-council fo cover licenses granted in the past as well as licenses to be granted in the future. Under the schedule of dues which is now replaced, the revenue for the Lands and Forests' the year ending October 31st It is ox be in-! Department fo last wag upward of $4,750,000. pected that this total will creased by half a million dollars the new schedule. Classified WANTED--YOUNG GIRL TO TAKE care of Children for all or part of day. Mrs HUMPHREYS, The Cabin 7|8|25¢ Dryden. hy PIANO for sale, "Kelmonros," finish, made by MclLean's, as good as new.--Apply Mrs C. J. WRIGHT, Dryden. SNAP_Trailer for car, Apply nap at § S. DAIT BRING YOUR LAUNDRY to Mrs R. J. HADLEY, Duke St., Dryden. First class work done, at very reasomahle prices. = Families or Men's Washing called for and delivered on request. R, Dryden. FORD TOURING CAR, in good con- dition, with starter, also other attach- ments, Dominion Cord Tires, wih spare for sale, cheap for cash. Can be seen any time at 23 White St., Dryden. Mrs CHAS SMITH, For Sale--SCREW CUTTING LATHE 11-in. swing x 26-in, centres, with all cutting tools, ready for work. Hand or power drive, One 14 H. P. ELECTRIC MOTOR, suitable for other light work. One H. P. ELECTRIC MOTOR, 110 volts, A.C. One 3-CYLINDER, LIFT PUMP. One PORCELAIN KITCHEN SINK. Mrs CHAS. SMITH, & FORCE Dryden 0. H. PRONGER, Proprieto:. HOUSE FOR SALE, Lot 9, King St., | North, opposite Baptist Church. Can be geen at time. Apply . A WILSON, Dryden En Qak i: 30. ; . ion, who thought nothing substantial was being done to protect the foress. I told him this had been in operation a dozen years or more and inspection vas becoming more satisfactory each: year. There are official records of en-: gines that started over twenty fires in | in other wo four hours, or leaking en times as muck hove frei fad ig as railw But the rail are poor only as ted, $5) My readers, you will obser have e thus far how ex : ollow ELECTRIC HAIR CURLERS per pair ......... Pl . $roo VIOLING he $440 (ll VIOLIN BOWS ...... $1.00 FLAT BLACK MANDOLINS.. sie $5.00 --COLUMBIA SCANDINAVIAN RECORDS-- A Splendid Selection, just received, each he Sweetest Melody in Years: -- Waltz to "Let Me Call You ea . both RECORD and SHEET MUSIC in STOCK SPECIAL SNAP on UPRIGHT CABINET PHONOGRAPH, Only oie $45.00 CORNETS UKULELES, and UKULELE BANJOS. INSTRUMENT BOOKS for every Instrument.--Song and Instru- mental Folios. CALL AND BROWSE AROUND R. J PRONGER CHILDREN'S CANVAS SHOES : sizes 4 to 11 grat i Rl Ee HO a nes . ves he 95 Ladies' Mercerised VESTS & BLOOMERS in different shades. Reg. .75 Tor Lut sebelah ads 40 CHILDREN'S VESTS & DRAWERS-- AE se Sal Sl Ne seas 25 LADIES GINGHAM DRESSES-- ; Made in Good Quality Gingham The only thing Cheap about them is the price Blows CaS en SIT Va $1.49 & 2.39 SWEATER ¥ ARNS--in Various Colors Put up in One ounce balls Two Ballsfor i. 00 0. oimro i. RRR ; .25 J. Che ba da aa's ae ET OUR PRICES AND LITERATURE ON THE McCormick -- Deering The Kind that CUTS ALL THE GRAIN And TIES ALL THE SHEAVES. eon SiovEn SEED Wa Have the BUNCHERS and SELF-RAKE REAPE S ERENT NERS he conviction of a that f and unchecked along th the North Country. As Hitizens of thi SL ma | W. 4. WEA oe eneral Merchant MINNITAKI, ONTARIO Agent For-- JOHN DEERE PLOW CO. There is" John Deere Equipment for Every Farm Use. Get QUAY: and fry Shey ICE 1 fa Machin L Popa Barristers, Solicitors, etc. H. A.C. MACHIN EARLE: C. POPHAM Also Member Manitoba Bar, IMPERIAL BANK BUILDIN{ KENOCRA ONT : § White Street, ' J D O'NEILL to Barrister, Solicitor, Htc. CARMICHAEL BLOCK RENORA x oy TARIO == Binder fwine le McCormick Twine, done up in BIG BALLS, 'with the Jot Cover. TEED for LENGTH, STRENGTH and EVENNESS. nL. EAVE ia ORDER---- 5 = . = Machine Oil Bring Your Can and get it Filled. i5 CHEAPER THAN REPAIRS. - Ss CORNER, Uxdrift, Oat. [a OIL Agent fur: Ta ce HET HARVESTER COMPANY of Canada, Lid F.0.B. DRYDEN. Cord Balloon Equipped. Equipped. FORDOR SEDAN .... $1025.00 ..... seers. $1080.00 TUDOR SERAN Sr eS on GI0.00 COURT vvnis coivninasids PRO or is oo 310.00 TOURING vores ena O8 gn, 0 ime ie 650.00 ROADSTER. (oe, 5200 ei : 610.00 LIGHT DUIIVERY 580.00... i000 iii. Brno TOURING CHASSIS... 5 205.00. LL a 530.00 1-Ton TRUCK CHASSIS ...... 500.005 ciara i - FORDSON TRACTOR. ........ 57800. ......... La ~ BARGAI NS in used Cars: TOURING ............ $295.00 Ton TRUCK ......... 450.00 - FORDSON TRACTOR 375.00 NEW and USED CARS can be purchased on our Time Payment Pian.