pf CE [oo > VOLUME VII DRYDEN, Ontario, August 28th, 1925. No. 11 AUTO I VERY Any Hour Durance Bros. Garage Phone 41, DRYDEN E. First Class Jeweller and Watch Maker NADOMN, EXPERT PAIRS. Send your Clocks and Watches by Mail Order. PIPE FERULE GRAMOPHONE REPAIRS. Quick Service Guaranteed. pant =Se = a Em Sale Foi SEVERAT HOUSES in GOOD I LOCA- TONS.-- Prices and Terms Reasonable. --T 0 LET -- THREE SMALL HOUSES in North Dryden.--Rents $10 to $1 TOWN LOTS and FARMS 2. for TOW N or DRYDEN Tenders for Sibi Yon Tower, alterations and Bricking the Town Hall in the Town of Dryden, will be received by Mr J. E. Gibson, Town Clerk, until noon of August 31st, 1925. Plans and spec ions ab the Clerk's Office. Lowest or any Tender not necessari accepted. H. WILLARD will carry on His Business in future STRICTLY CASH. No further credit will be given. UY YOU Boots, Shoes, Harness, etc. From Oar Cash Store It will | Pay You. H, WILL [LLARD' i I BOOTS & SHOE REPA and HARNESS STORE insurance for real pie Take it and- BE 8 E Eg Lh asa 'See E. GIBSON, Agent, Dryden td Education. --175 to 100, 60 to 65, Lena Anthea Srd; Joan, 1d YE en Wa School Resufllts-- 66 to 74, 2nd; ict 27 Hist 2nd; he '@ dn om C. Alex Wilgon--Eng Comp C; Eng Lit C; An Hist C:; Alg 1st; Geom 2nd; Phy C; Chem C Lat Auth 3rd; Tat Comp 3rd Upper School Results-- Homer Gough--FEng Comp 3rd; Eng reply to numerous in- av Donat received LING DEVICES > to cal attention to ul ¢ Se oe ion 32 of The Agricultural Societies Act (Chap. 47 R.8.0. 1914), which reads as follows.-- "The Officers of the Society shall prevent all immoral or indecent shows and = kinds of gambling and of chance, including fortune, dice SRT, pools, sor other ing exh 300 yards ASSOCIATI J ITTING 2 1 AT A CL LEGISLATIVE GRANT DURING THE YEAR NEXT ENSUING." T am instructed to advise you that this section is being strictly enforced and I trust we may count on your co- operation to see that no violations ave permitted in connection with the Fair in your charge Yours very truly J. LOCKIE WILSON, Supt. ATISFIED, 5 ---\ special ates Con- the Gazette and the cb = [2] Q 3.2 el ES z = Ne = [oH Y] Sel too Lo o M LOLs w RE) 5 a ND (D 2 IT - Q ft fey (--t [Kel nN et td > Ww 1925, Dated at the Sheriff's a Fi Kenora, Ont, Aug. 26th, 1925. pis 5 which was an tized le place on Monday i AD, il at bl > was further pos RE n Monday the 29th day at the same hour and 2, ah was further postponed tof place on Wednesday the 26th day \gust, 1925, at the same hour and hereby given that postponed until the bloods, bred a eo Dc i : o 2 HR Be ou 0 = rs are elativity and Mrs M. S. Campbell spent R. CM Ss Mrs Sid Johnson, I Dryden, Wednesday. Mrs Albert Wright and baby daugh- ter returned to Ignace, Wednesday. J ra thi er Ross Hambly is ¥ ie ig = = I Sc @ is oN 2 4 & 2 Charlie Sly er Eagle Lake, to do the Thing vicinity. Steen Thorsen made a trip to} - this week, laying in a large f new mere chandise. who was weork- cing events on Labour Day. e liable to take to the Woods. week-end with friends in Tire 1d Keewatin, J. am is spending a few Wiiowms, Keewatin, was a visitor here Tuesday. gnace, was up to 28 alc, Hammond flew down from his week on the train. recovering somewhat, Hospital. were here er undergoing a er 5 in Dryden J. S. Corner 3 Cena ah in s Swangon, 3. W Wier leaves next week on an extended vi isit to eastern Ontario, lew York. still going out by the ict. The crop this 1 1 left last Saturday for cooking for a k party who are camping in hat should have all game on Tues- v the magnificent p of one of young giving his thorough- n preparation for the The our out iam Ingram of Fort William, for EE s 's provincial constable, has o Sergeant te fill the y the removal to Sud- sy. Other appoints ct staff of the prov ounced today are: J. A. erly oy the R.C.M.P. onstiles and ers. --News- 8 LWAY HEADS MEETING. of the several de- of the Senate, National ting in the Tolsl Port Ar Si r, at the Divisional Superintendent There are abou Wi enty ing, and matters of particu- -e to the Company trans. s-are being discussed, NDING TS CAMPETITION Gebine TL pe ag 2 Chas Drummond 8% 3 L. Myles 88 2:0: Prdb a, LY TE tes 87 5 doe Ready i in Tenia _ & Gg Jog fBpalding oC tL. 5B T Wag. Pollapd 0 iii 4 £ Robt. Johnston obit _ 83 9 Rusggell Pollavd i £2 10. Rov Latimer oo 08) 11-8. Richardson © 5 _ 86 12 Alex Hutchison Sl Tl I 13 D. PF McKenzie -........_.. 78% 14 A. E. Rand Te 15 Chas Skene 16 0 Nivens i cn cisions 17 A. E. Bro 18. Jd. A. Crerar 19 John Hutchison 20 H.PFrench 0 ii 0B 21 Jas Hutchison-- (Not scored Ly request). J. C. HEISE | BIRTH.--At the Red Cross Hospital, Dryden, Ont, on Wednesday August 26th, to Mr and Mwxs J. A. Payne, a daughter BASE EBALL The benefit. game on Tuesday was attended by a fair crowd. The Cubs omped home again with the "sugar tif cured," defeating the HL 6-3. The Elks trotted cut a full team, J. ee on 3rd replacing Reddome, who hag g gone west. The Cubs had only four of their old players, Willard, who is in the city, was replaced by Clempson on 1st, who payer a fair game. M. McTavish, on 2nd, replaced Dusty, doing some good Ae Count on short was the chining star for the Cubs, doing some really grand stand work, T. Foote played 3rd, as Barniy was unable to attend. Payne was the only Cub out-fielder, J. Skillen and Nichol- son substituting for Dickson, who is away, and Clempson, whose place is in the infield. Sy Beddome was the pitching Ace, doing great work in place of Millay, who also is away. Scotty Foote did the receiving for both teams, working impartially for both. Upton was in the box for the Elks, and if he had been supported as he de- served, the score would have shown a big diffrence. Porter on 1st was a bit off; Nymark, playing 2nd for Whiting, who still has a bum knee, played great. Williams on short was on the wrong side at bat and in the field. Nadon on 2rd played a nice game. Hamilton, Pitt and Davidson did great work in the field. Umpires, Campbell and Gould. The game was rather exciting at times, and the horses who ave doing a little warming up for Labor Day ap- peared to draw move attention than the game. But anyway a good time was had by all. LER 8 2 a Even the world champs can't win all their games. Detroit beat Washington up to the tune of 18--4, Washington using three pitchers but failing to stop them, Manager Harris came in for a home run in the fifth. kos kX Talk about the umpire having con- trol. - When an argument came up in Monday's game, when the Brooklyn Dodgers were playing the Chicago Cats, ten of the players who were in it got sent home. If it happened here we would need new scorers all the time. INTERESTING ANNOUNCEMENT. mes from Montreal that thar fomil and farm 22 aper "The Yeon ne to er is tie price to One Dollar a year. This cer- -§ tainly will be interesting news in every Canadian home where Herald is known and to many whe will avail themselves of the offer. Aft two a year The Family Herald and Weekly Star was generally admitted to be good value, in fact hig value, but when reduced te cone dellay a year it = nd be the marvel of te paps v world. my reason to he so, as erior and few equals in The Publighers an- Nott ithsteniing ths change in price every feature will not only be maintained but improvements will follow. . The Publishers ave fort- unate in being in an financial position to do this, and Canadian homes will have the advantage. When the new rate 's made known it certainly wili . a rush of subscribers to the mil y Herald. One Dollar is a small Sa for such a great paper. SECTION Ne. 1, SOUTH- SCHOOL " WORTH or HARTMAN Tenders for building School for School Section No. 1, Southworth or Hartman, will be received until Sept. 15th, 1925, inclusive. For hi apply to W. C. B. RHIND, Secretary Dirareic, Ontario. Lowest or any Tender not necessariy accepted. ER RED CROSS HOSPITAL, DRYDEN Tenders for alterations to the Dry- September 5th 1925. Tender not neces- of Saturday, The lowest or any sarily accepted. Plans and specifications can be seen on application to the Family is proud of that great Week- | has ever been seen here. were obvious enough for the 1 # <8 [3 The Fight is On Liberal Convention Headquarters. Fort Francis, Monday.--Peter Hecnan was nominated easily on the first ballot.--]J. D. O'Neill. Aly above wire was received by I. S. Campbell, Dryden, from the LN ral Organizer on the scene of ton aad needs no explanation. y his-supporters are jubi- eenan has made a real ir behest. While re G3 ard the election ded, r Heenan 11 into such an error, 2nd with 5 personal friends 1 neglect no effort to maintain before the electors. This will be the first challenge Mr Heenan has had since he was elected in 1919, and before it is all over he may have to recognise that he has a fight on his hands, Farmer-Labour Picnic-- The Oxdrift mecting a iio] last week by Mr Brignall had to for Mr Han to come down. However, J. H. Sherwocd, Secy of the local Farmers asin, officially announces that a Picni: will be held on Saturday, Septem- ber 5, in Swanson's field, Drydea, at which Mr Heenan will positive- ly be present. The famous Kenora Pipe Baud will be here too, to liven up the proceedings. The affair of course is cssentially a picnic, not a polit- ical gathering; so come along. everybody, and bring your lunch baskets. The committee will pro- vide tea and coffee, candies, ice- cream, etc. During the politically i mel fternoon, for those ed, a meeting will, be arrangll in some hall in tows, at which Mr rs and other. speakers will give addresses. The meeting, too, will be open to 1; clin | an v { XXXX Tucluding :-- PENS, GEOMETRY § Etc, ete. den 'Red Cross Hospital will be ve- ceived by the undersigned, until noon ¥, MADDER, Secy-Treas. a be cancelled, as it was impossible} | proper hose tower, and that such ©, CRAYONS, PA OFF TO TORONTO FAIR M. F. COOK, agricultural representative, started east Wednesday, with one of the finest collections of District-grown produce that While the quality was such as to 9 Savy even his critical examination, theextracrdi east ilase chssrvant. of parties or governments, and inexhaustible in He the pro- duce of Mother Earth is our a st source of wealth, Town of Pryde Tax Celiector, Applications will be received by the undersigned until August 31st, 1325, for the position of Tax Collector for the Town of Dryden and BUA 5 Wainwright in School Section No. 1 a salary of Fron. J. E. GIBSON, Clerk. Dated 3 Drglen this 12th day f August, 1925. TOWN OF DRYDEN Notice of Registration of By-law. Notice is hereby given that 2 Fylav was passed by the Council of the Tow of Dryden oun the 12th fay of August, 1925, providing for the issue of deben- tures to the amount of ui thousand dollars ($7000.00), for the purpose of extending the Waterworks system of the said Town of Dryden and that such Bylaw was registered in the Registry Office of the District of Kenora on th 17th day of August 1925. Any motion to quésh or set aside the same or ary part thereof must be made within three months after the first publication of this notice, and cannot be made there- after. Dated the 14th of August, 1925. day J. E. GIBSON, Clerk, TOWN OF DRYDEN Notice of Registration of By-law. Notice is hereby given that a Br was passed by the Council of of Dryden on the 12th day of Au 1925, providing for the issue of « tures to the amount of Twen. hundred dollars ive ($2500.00), for the purpose of purchasing fire appliances and appurtenances and erecting law was vegistered in the Regi Office of the District of Kenora on 17th day of August 1925. Any m to quash ov set aside the same or any part thereof must be made withir = - gs first publication of ¢ be made there- months after this n aftew Dated th nne otice, and ¢ XXXX DRAWING BOOKS, RULERS, SCRIBBLERS, ERASE PENCILS, RS INKS, ETS, INTS, EEE EE EEE Special :- Eight Scribblers 25cC. M B