Zo cS ward. to an era of prosperity, all of which, incidentally, is helpful to a gov- ernment in office. We are told that if we wait until June or next year before bringing on a general election, econdi- | Premier Opens Campaign EXETER, Ont, Sept 8 --Premier usy Store For-- E. L. & S. EMBOSSED CUPS and SAUCERS, CLOVER LEAF, CARLTON SHAPE --Beautiful Shape and Design-- Mackenzie King opened his western Ontario campaign with sharp criticism for what he termed the "detractions" of Rt. Hon. Avthur Meighen, leader of the conservative party. Premier King pressed for a substantial majority in the house of commons, so that the Government might effectively = deal tions will have further improved, that the effect of this year's magnificent crop will have made itself felt, that the grain will have changed into gold and the gold become distributed throughout the land with evident benefit to indus- try and to employment. "For good and sufficient reasons, the nts a Day Will Buy A New : SINGER SEWING MAHCINE Your old Machine will be accepted in part payment. CUPS and SAUCERS, per doz." vicneiins is ini Sipe «+ $2.75 with problems of tariff, transportation, | government thought it inadvisable this ---- Ore Dozen Cups and One Dozen Saucers $ immigration and senate reform. Hel year to make any changes in the tariff, SEVERAL BARGAINS no, per Tg a wie gy er RB RET TRE ER ES Ye $5 spoke of the difficulties which the} By Mr Meighen and his friends we In yD B10, DEP DTC (ue iiinte nn sna ieninis A Ba 150 overnment had encountered n parlia f were told we should have raised the : : i 7 LR RE SI Ce Ee Ci a 2.40 with a nominal majority of only} tariff; by Mr Forke and some of his GOOD USED MACHINES FLATES, 7h, per QBZEN frie alinisaviy aint os SL TY 325 one in the house and with a majority friends, that we should have lowered PLATES, 8in., per dozen cere FEEREEE EERE PPR RRR 3-50 hostile Ji the Senta it; and, though diametrically opposed d BAKERS, oblong bowl, 7-0, ACH ...... ee 2 It was more particularly in touch. | to each other, both united to 'offer op- Call in and get our prices and BAKERS, oblong bowl, 8-n,, each ........ dE so Jing of difficulties in securing immi. | position to us for not having gone, as terms. We make them to suit SCALLOP BOWL, 7-in., I rr Sh Vito a pa 56 grants that Mr Kng was most eriti-j 1 have said, in opposite divections. of 8 SCATROP BOY. Ban, dh oer auis en sion dts iid ini 65 eal of Mr Meighen. There were, hol one and the smn thie, you. = Bound Cornered POTATO DISH, oon veniemirsn ins sos 1.90 relive, Ure creas greater than] Behind the opposition offered us| ---- GRAVY BOAT REE EEE SE PIS EE te re hr 2 others which had prevented immi- | there was more than one motive. The --W E BU Y-- JUGS--Clover Leaf, four sizes. . Jeon wtih striae 40; .50; .6o; 70 gration. - First, was Mr Meighen, sec. ] embarrassment of the government was rg FRUIT DISHES--Clover Leaf, 4-m., per dozen ..... yal 1 ond, was the cot of bringing fn La] of cours, one objective, Tub There was E Ls I-- ® Plain White Embossed, Carlton Shaped, CUPS and SAUCER 2s migration, ; also in the minds alike of conservatives Cl - One dozen Cups and One dozen Saucers for ......... 2.25 REN T-- and progressives, the thought that the session might possibly be the last of the present parliament, and that it was therefore advisable that each member} should make a speech, addressd more particularly to his own constituents, Mr Meighen was determined we should not be given a chance to go to the "l say," was the prime minister's heated accusation, "that of all things which have helped to keep back this country, of all things which have help- ed migration to the United States, the greatest is the belief that we have a depression in this country; that the Jnited States is more prosperous than Embossed WHITE CREAM JUGS, 4 sizes. each .35; .40; .50; .60 2-piece Embossed, Covered POTATO DISH, white ... 1.50 6 & y-in. white BAKERS SCALLOP DISHES, 12 and 14-in. PLATTERS, Round Bowls, All at Reasonable Prices Also Large Quantities of other Fancy CHINAWARE, GLASS WARE, JUGS, . SUGAR BOWLS, BUTTERTUB WWW TNR NERS Inter Stock CLASS TUMBIERS, Special, por dozen... i co... ciioss + GC [ Canada, and no influsnes has worked country in June or early summer; a Also a large quantity of GRANITE WARE. to that end as effectively as Mr Meig- | policy of obstruction was indulged in. % gd : hen in the way he has talked abeut| Does anyone suppose that this state of La Ce DR conditions in the country." things would be improved at a session I Ss Arr vin g Daily SEE US FOR ALL KINDS OF-- OTTAWA, Soph, $=, Hon, Antje] 7 JoTiamont Bown tn be the one' 1 = Ta tne venture to say that unless the govern- FRUIT tN SESFASODRM Meighen in a brief statement, dealing 0h Trad to le as a otic lr ono o E and GREEN TOMATOLS per basket, gnc with Premier King's speech at Rich- would be kept in session from January RIPE and GREEN TOMA A ER * 277 fF mond Hill declares the prime minister hl hin i WOMEN'S 7 ; . moe, § ond BIL declares the prime mir i ' othi GME} SILK-AND- Land ALL- RE EN Co DS oy san iasn sane sn ver basket, 75c. § 00" to excuse four years of futility | Ul] September, that nothing the govern MEN'S -S ND-WOOL and ALL-WOOL HOSE. GRAPES & PEACHES TO ARRIVE SHORTLY. on the ples hat he had not 2m og ment attempted would be right, that ln hy bea apie} EVELY item of supply would he blocked; 0000C 0000 Si 1a, equate majority. He declares the prime If RE ol a TE minister had no policy on questions off 27¢ OF what reason? Just to create A BIG RANGE OF SWEATERS FOR MEN WOMEN AND CHILDREN. an impression before a general eléction that the government somehow was in th wrong. Let me repeat, that would be a costly business, costly in dollars and cents, te put it on the lowest level, transportation, immigration, tariff and senate, all seeking solution. "There are few in Canada who have any real hope that more can be expect- ed from the pale residue which now re- D. At Prices to Suit Everyone, i . a I do not believe the country wants +o » mains of the McKenzie King govern- St nes iy Er SRR ment than was actually experienced] CUF Unnecessary expenditures o; B. GATES kind, 1 believe the country wants its business managed with economy and despatch. Where the government has a fair majority at its back I see no J. from its barren and blundering origi- nal." he concluded. OTTAWA, Sept. 8--Nominations for Treasurer's Sale of Lands > in Arrears For Taxes. the federal elections, October 29 willl vesson why there should be protracted TOWN OF DRYDEN, DISTRICT OF KENORA take place on October 22, except in 27 sessions of partliament. Where a rea- < To Wit : constituencies of exceptional area-- sonable majority is wanting, there is By virtue of a warrant issued by the Mayor of the Town of Dryden, J where the election act requires nomina-| hound to be an additional delay and dated June the 19th, 1925, commanding me to levy upon the lands mentiosed tions two weeks before polling date. expenss. ; in the following list for arrears of taxes thereon and costs as herein With the opening of the general elec-| «qf 411 factors that have tended to a ¢ set forth, all such lands being patented land. I therefore give notice that tion ne by Sid McKenzie lessen confidence in our country, to re- unless said arrears of taxes and costs be sooner paid, I shall proceed to J King, came the official announcement tard its progress, to discourage its ) = s sell by Public Auction the said lands, to discharge the said arrears together § of cabinet requirements and appoint- citizens, to occasion a feeling of con- Fleury S F amous Walking P lows with the charges thereon, on Thursday, October 8th, 1925, at the hour if 18 ¥ ments consequent upon the expected | tinued depression, to keep people away . : o'clock in the forenoon. : ' Ae reorganization. = Simultaneously, an-| from Canada, to cause individuals and P & 0 Hamilton ar Ol ver Plows ; ia gy rouncement was made of appointees to] families to migrate to the U.S. rather : . : ; Lot a Owner Taxes Costs. TOTAL eight of the nine senatorial vacancies thaw te come to Canada, or to vemain F & 0 Little Genuine Tr actor Plows 45 Florence Street .._.. R. Barrow... co. $25.06 $3.38 $28.44 § which existed, as well as to the vacan- f here, no one has been so potent or ER 47 Florence Street ____ R. Barrow...__.. 83.93 3.35 37.28 fcy on the board of railway commis-| powerful as the unwarranted and reck- BE N S I 1; A G i C U 7 a E B S 68 Florence Street .._... Marco Bros . 111.55 5.54 117.09 §sioners, and a number in the judiciary. | less statements 'made by Mr Meighen _ ; ! The h t commons, the elected | and persisted in by him, f ther : i " : $9 Florence Street __.. Marco Bros __ 25.50 3.39 28.89 The house of commons, t oJ and persisted in by him, for no othe AL : 70 Florence Street __.. Marco Bros __..__..__.__. 23.95 335 27.30 J house of government of Canada, which purpose than sowing the seeds of politi ¢ ve have them in all S1Z¢€sS, to 67 Tlovence Street __.. Zuliana Bros __.__.__.__. 21.44 3.29 24.73 [returned on December 6, 1921, Returns cal propaganda against the government : . : 66 Florence Street __.. Zanetta, I : 25.34 3.39 28.73 {§ passed into history Saturday, was from | What My Meighen is apparently in- be used with Small G asoline 29 Oscar Street __.__. MM. Malek... 61.72 4.05 55.77 J the balloting of that date showed 117 different to, or fails to 'see, is that : : 2 31 Oscar Street __..__. D. La¥Farra coco. ----. 19.43 3.24 22.67 {liberals elected; 50 conservatives, 64° propaganda is the kind intended to in: En gines or with the Tractor e 36 Oscar Street __..__. Marco Bros ____.._______ 33.82 38.60 37.42 progressives and 4 laborites and inde- jure the government is in fact helping ¥ 9 5 Plan M 158 __..._. A. J. Child __.__ we. 814 3.00 11.14 [ pendents, The liberals having the to destroy the country; that what for | ° ° > Pt. 4 Concession 5 and 6 C. B. Gordon _______ - 330.44 11.01 341.45 {biggest group, were called to power pary political ends is intended to de Get Ou r P rices and Literat ure 71 Chase Park, Plan M. 155_ John Kerr ._.__. 814 8.00 1114 J under the leadership of M'Kenzie King. ceive the electors with respect to the I t wi I I a ou I-68 Plan M 115... Mrs E. Schellenberg __..__ 97.43 5.19 102.52 Under the constitution Mr King achievements in office is deceiving D y y Pt. 5 Concession 1, Wainwright .Mrs A. W. Coulter .. 86.10 4.91 91.01 § might have held power for another ses- thousands in the country with respect a Tr gi ore appealing to the country.' to present conditions and future pros- ys 5. F GQIBEON, on before appealir p L Dated Juze 23rd, 1925. Treasurer of the Town of Dryden. Nomination day is October 22, ex-! pects of Canada, and is deceiving count 3 J. S. CORNER, OUxdrift, Ont. ~ ' Ww . cr ; Crd =r f§ cept In 27 constituencies, where under less numbers abroad, who may be| Agent for: -- ; ® F 3 ; 2 FZ | the act, is one week earlier. The 27 thinking of investing either their labor | INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY of Canads, Ltd - > ; constituencies are as follows-- or their capital or both in Canada, but eee --: - i = : ; Ontario -- Algoma Fast, Algoma} whe naturally hesitate to come to Can-| mes = > i ). : ) 7 West, Fort William, Kenora-Rainy| ada, where they are told by the leader - CASH GROCERY ao Labcur Day Note-- FOR DELIVERY SERVICE ~--~0--~0--0--0- -0--0--0--0-- We have the Fastest Horse in Town & atchewan--Melfort, North Battleford, River, Port Arthur - Thunder Bay, Temiskaming North, Temiskaming south; Quebec--Charlevoix-Saguenay Gaspe, Pontiac; Manitoba--Nelson, Selkirk, Springfield, Provencher, Brit. ish Columbia---Cariboo, Comox-Alberni Skeena, West Kootenay, Yale; Sask- Prince Albert, Maple Creek; Alberta of one of the political parties, that in Canada all is going to decay, while across the border in the United States everything is blooming like the rose." fa ations Away Away NOUNCE! ENT -- as P iver, Maclead; : ; i ; . : 5 Sa ; S005 Sm, Ten Bi, Mes ERYTILING 1 Gln LINE THE FORD MOTOR Company g8-ihs FLO i or Re CE There are 245 seats in the house | MUSE gO to those who need them CAN ApS imited, ons Yr Wi Danny of commons, including an increase of | AL Very reasonable prices indeed. A COMPLETE LINE OF Nw Lid ine 0 3 08 10 willed w Belietriation Wl pasted] Lherefore, we announce that in PASSENGER CARS, embodying 12-ths GRANULATED SUGAR, for Sim. ie} TWOP. & G,, Two GOLD SOAP BOX OF CHIPSO Regular 6oc., for -- 49. ---- Ee FOR MONDAY 12 Bars GUEST IVORY TOILET SOAP oh Asls 1 AL, FOR SATURDAY-- reg. 6oc. for .49 last session. RICHMOND HILL, Sept. 5--Premier King prefaced his speech with thanks to the constituents of North York, "A consideration urged by some, more particularly from the party point of view, why a general election should be postponed, is that the times are jm- proving, that conditions throughout the country are getting so much better. | addition to our usual lines, we have a few articles to which we call special attention. Orne good Roll Top Desk, fine Large Phonograph, Organ, One Electric Washer, Heater, both coal and wood; Traps, Swede Saws, Baby Carriages, Good farm Horse, One Wagon, One Mower, Drag Rake, Team of Horses. - 80 acres land, partly cleared and many interesting improvements. A LIMITED NUMBER OF THESE NBW MODELS will be in the hands of your local Dealer in the near future. ADVANCE ORDERS ARE NOW BEING BOOKED. These will be filled in strict rotation. SEE YOUR LOCAL AUTHOR: IZED FORD DEALER. = SRA ee Thie is exactly what we have said fenced. Three Houses to Rent. Pires: WnitiEas would happen when we introduced and 10 tons Hay. : No Increase : TRL ? put through our important fiscal pro- ROOMS, for transient Toavaller - ORDER QUICK DELIVERY QUICK gram. We said that it would taka}? 2, lop transient leaveliers, PAY QUICK O. H. PRONGER, Proprieto;. more than a year or two to demon- strate their beneficial effects. Everyone must admit there is a distinet revival of business and that we may look for. at 50c. per night. MRS SPEARS Second Hand Store, West King St & Sad in prices. Dingwall (