VOLUME VIL DRYDEN, Ontario, October 2nd, 1925. > Dryden Red Cross Hospital :i-- The Committee beg to acknowledge > with thal is fellow ng donations In. M for, Kenned y, Wigle, Gould, Hellem, Gibson, Maun- , sell and Mary Evang (First Prize at Bedworth Fair), Mr Curley, Flowers from Miss Pitt's Wedding; St. John's Church, Wabigoon. Vegetables-- Myr J. Wilde, Dr and Mrs Dingwall, Geo Saunders, Robert Me- Gregor, T Lewis, J Rigby, J Morton, Mr Parr, Mr Dr Myr Maunsell, Eagle River Anglican Church, St John's Church, Wabigoon, Miscellaneous--Mys Offer; Children's Table and Chairs; Women's Institute, Old Linen; Mrs Moorehouse, Eggs; Mrs Beggs, Blueberries; Mr Wilde, Rhubarb; Mrs M. Morris, Magazines; Mrs Skakel, Butter; Mrs H. Morison, seven pints Pickles. ne 2s rious AUTO LIVERY Any Hour Durance Bros. Garage Phone 41, DRYDEN]! E. NADON, First Class Jeweler and Watch Maker EXPERT REPAIRS. Send your Clocks and Watches by Mail Order. PIPE FERULE GRAMOPHONE REPAIRS. fuck Service Gunton oo 1 - For Sale N14 of Lot 6, Concession 6 Townhip of Wainwright 160 acres, more or less Can be had for Cash or Terms. FOR SALE--HOUSE, newly built, in good location, 174 stories, half finished inside, snap at $500.00. This just ® bays for the material and the lot. HOUSES and TOWN LOTS Any Kind of Insurance Aa. J. LOCK ---Real Estate and Insurance.-- 2 Issuer of Hunting and Trapping Licences B Boots, Shoes, Harness, etc. From Our Cash Store It Will Pay You. H. WILLARD'S BOOTS & SHOE REPAI and HARNESS STORE ===a TOWNSHIP OF VAN HORNE Aprlications will be received by the undersigned until Saturday, October © 3rd, 1925, for the position of Tax Col. lector for the Township of Van Horne, and Glengoland School Section, at a salary of $100.00. GEO. WICE, Clerk. Date at Dryden this 15th day of September, 1925. people are always - thinking about Fire Insurance. The time for such thoughts is 'yve the fire starts, INSURE NOW TwrtH 1 = ~y 248 [] LL.P. Criticizes A Press despatch carried the news last week that the Labor Party at Hamilton had repudiated Peter Heenan for : Sa the ni Deninsiien. ca es. pis nora, an t. 26th Editor The by 'yden Observer, ¢ enclosed copy is a let- e Executive Committee Party at Kenora, and we would es your giving this space in your paper.--Sincerely yours, GEORGE DOAN, Secy Kenora LL.P, J. H. SHERWOOD, Secy Kenora Dist. Progressives A. R. HUTCHISON, President Mr H. Mitchell, Secrets bary 1.1.P., Hamilton Dear Sir:i--Imagine our consternation when faced with the Caption in large box car letters on the front page of the Kenora Miner and News, the local Tory organ, edited by the president (himself) of the conservative party here, triumphantly proclaiming that the Labour Party at Hamilton had eri- ticized Peter Heenan because he had consented to become the Liberal Candi- date for Kenora, r If the resolution is correctly reported it is obvious that the Labour Party of Hamilton has acted without full know- ledge of the conditions which prevail in this district, or of the circumstances which created the present situaion. We, whe have full and intimate knowledge of Peter Heenan and his work on behalf of the men and women who toil, and who are enjoying the benefits of his efforts on our behalf feel that a resolution ef this kind in the middle of an election campaign must have been des gn edly oo. his having. fought He Yattles con- sistently in this part of the country. This is not the first time we have known labour men and organizations from other part of the country being used against Peter Heenan. At the time he was fighting for the very life of His home town, which, ac- cording to its Mayor, on the verge of bankruptcy, we found men purporting to represint labour and organizations used to-obstruet his efforts. But notwithstanding the misrepres- entation and mudslinging, Heenan fought on with the result that Kenora is now one of the most prosperous towns in Canada. We would like to point out at this time that it was with the approval of the executive Committee of both the Labour and Progressive forces of the Provincial riding of Kenora, and with the unamicus vote at a general meet- ing of hoth these bodies that Peter Heenan's name went before the Liberal Convention. : We would like to explain the cix- cumstances and cenditions which led up to this move, but owing to the fae! that labour enemies ave at work, ever Wabigoon Notes Wabigoon, Cnt.--The electoral cam- paign opened here on Thursday last with a meeting in the community hall on behalf of Peter H A numer- ous and attentive au followed the programme with int oh on wea ar ra Bie gald Kennedy, M.P Sell) a brief re- sume of the Dominion Government's work during the past term il i il outlined their future polic M. S. Campbell made a con humorous speech that was on re- ceived. The candidate, Mr Peter Heenan gave a very instructive and illuminating address, interspersed with frequent applause from his hearers. Alexander Marnie was in the chair and ably endorsed the vremarks of the speakers. : The School Fair held on Tuesday was a gratifying exhibition of the skill of the young generation in gar- dening, poultry raising and scholastic ability, and reflects credit on Mr Sil- lery our school teacher's coaching. classes and keen competition made the work of the Judges, Messrs Cook and Tew and Mrs McTavish and Mrs Hutchison somewhat difficult. A record crowd attended and enjoy- ed the 'children's sports, carried out under the direction of Alex Marnie. The youngsters were refreshed by a tasty supper provided for them by the Trustees and some of the ladies of the Mrs Albert Johnson, ably y Mrs Collen, Mrs Marnie, Mrs Ee Mrs Johnson and Mrs Aaron dire ect a the commissariat de- partment with her usual energy. After - a recognition of duty towaids fellow men, it is to be regret- ted that Mr and Mrs Demko will be leaving us shortly. The youngsters will be loging two of the too few tak- ing interest in their material welfare. Such ig in sharp contrast to the evi- dent selfishness of the many seeking their own enjoyment and ignoring the claims of the young ones. The above is somewhat belated, ow- ing tothe writer being a party to a successful demonstration of the inabil 'ty of two cars meeting head-on to pass 'n the sane track. Upon recovery and being ablé to sit up and take a little nourishment, your correspondent is unanimously of the opinion that for some drivers, roads should be at least eighty feet wide with a stone wall down the centre. Two local farmers were hotly debat- ing on the value of a scythe handle one had damaged: "All right," said the other, "You said you would pay and if you don't I'll sue you for breach of promise." in our ranks in an effort to kill one of 'the greatest friends of labour, we feel} our time will be better employed gett ing busy in electing Peter Heenan. Institut 5 leomte on ers held thelr September Stl ih a school teachers as guests. The meeting 8 was specially arranged to discuss the] a bility of providing hot schoo! lunches at school. Mrs Cook showec special films depicting hot schoo! lunches and supervision of playground. § These pictures undoubtedly proved the advantages to be gained by same anc] from the discussion which followed and the backing of the Institute is promis- ed they hope ere long to inaugurate these in our schools. Phin music was iver by Mrs a lok. i Veitch gave an excellent talk on the advan- tages, both 1 physical and mental, to be pi endorsed the hot school lunch suggestion. to our younger members. Miss Tucas, on behalf of the teachers spoke in favour of these two schemes and promised loyal support as did the school trustees. At the close of the meeting a very dainty lunch was serv- a by the school committee with Mrs M. S. Campbell as hostess. The next Institute meeting will be held on Pring, Qct. 80th, Sh an in- Health Committee wh are 08 holding J E.GIBSON, Agent, Dryden a fruit and vegetable shower for the hospital, 8 shower a gained from a well balanced diet andj Dr Dingwall spoke emphatically on} the need for stricter supervision of our | streets at night and the need for advice] rooms were were carried in is yy Miss Margaret C 'een Wilkinson. The Guests included-- Mesdames Oliver, C. J. Wright, H. Stratton, A Sherwood, F. Lop 2 Ganon Horsley; the Misges Ka son, Nellie Cullen, a ee det and Mie Kath- 7.) 58 Jurley, Grace Lappage, Tlizabeth Jchnston, Kathleen and Master E dv aed Wonnacott. -- J. A. JOHNSON, Wabigoon. h, at wh 15, Coli: A. C 7 P. Earngey, ra w= x) °c =% = fing 1) 5) < Ie} = ee oo mentioned places will be held, which will be addressed by Col. Machin and' A. Pitt. FRIDAY, OCTOBER gth-- SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10th-- Numerous entries in the majority of § En , BCTOBER 15th Ten taki 4.00, Eagle River 8.00 rn ri 3 n of Hon. Mr Lyons should atract a PHE developments of the last fev weeks have produced a complete | change in the Ie situation, | making two political parties grow | where but one grew before. Dr i claim = 1 the centre where Federal tics have never: aroused hh RT and | where the sovereignty of Pete Heenan in Provincial affairs has been more or less tacitly accepted, a new and powerful opposition to the candidacy of Mr Heenan has} * developed. of So wowledge n this r roluntari 'hat an its | EY | six years ver, althougl | always been in toue opinion and depend servatives for its i have reflected to some extent Cons i any great extent. Mr f abide the vesults of his i however deplorable, and who previcusly supported ¥ : decide whether they can follow him in' The i > % St. Tees ; are Yen: their Annual Chicken Supper in the Parish i on Thursday, October 22, from 5.80 to 7.30 p.m. Mrs W. E, Harris, Mimico, Ont. and Mrs Fi R. Sir Henn are Gray Mare, 1600-1bs, 9-year-old, good worker, fast walker. Cheap for cash. 3 18% = tario, paid an ar Lodge here i at the f the new Was be by ig W.M., and ar Lodge, and Se and Lodge fine structure, So apts 70 Ins AR ELE at the under- Dinorwic 1.30 Dyment 7.3¢ Aubrey 10.30, Bedworth py 1 7.30 ONDAY, OCTOBER 12th-- ey 1e Grove School 4.00, Oxdrift 8 o'clock. N ESD AY, OCT. 14th-- Ver tg Bay 1.30 o'clock As Minister 7 Lands apd F eu 1 y nin te addr res; eat deal of attention among hora the ols of hig De spuebmen e to ere, went don + with hi. ¥ 3 f managing to survive on! beads. Since we cannot all he Govern 7 with our road r requi it is 3 worl that | i i | i i LJ ol wl Even in the District of which: er were to AI) Conair g the f Nn t tones, it must vative opinion which was not then un baie to Mr Heenan--in Dryden at least. Had the latter recognized this fact in time and displayed greater for- bearance in nL reference to frond, there is no reason to suppose > attitude ik have changed fo! Ll the new position into which he has stepped, where he will no longer by which he earned praise and popu- larity. Soft ! eshing is now in full eturns are very satis- ese better. The "many showers of gress pone being brought * how Se our ¥ Nd Toh a whol fang at one Heenan, Farmer-Labour the coming election, he'd 'ul meeting in the Wald- ty Hall. © Explaining the ation, from his point of being of the promising er did not make any particular red that the peo- Tee on him for a sundial th Kennedy, of Dryden, spoke 1 done in the 8. Campbeis Mr James how Peter op the Lab- d accepted A large ntion to the 'm applause. s started his nw INES ES & VITALIZES DIGESTION anaemic on just budding into taken Wi it will impr ove the impair DACTEATWEY we Wampole's Paraformic Throat Lozenges : have opportunity to continue the work Peter Heenan, M.L.A. returned to Kenora Sunday morning. Mrs Heenan who was touring the district with her husband, returned home § Tonsilitis; Sore Throat, Coughs, Colds and similar affections of the mouth and throat can be reo {lieved ~-- yes and prevenfed, too--by the timely use of the highly antiseptic ¢ one of these pleasant-tasting lozenges to dissolve sl when if crowded cars gens gs = harmful s, theatres and public erms will be destroyed, s such as Grippe and £ wly in the mouth == i §