Dryden Observer, 22 Jan 1926, p. 4

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4 Bo gis 3 Un Ah FI is ACY BRR AEN Ton id I © Te i Se UY i THE DRY DEN OBSERVER gu PR re FIINGS at Dis- F 40 p.C. Peen saying: hance at food SO. Read the ¥ remember this Fminates Saturday ILI. BE MADE PRICES LATER. cfully, It Will Pay You to do so. atsup, in 12-0z bottles, .25 Week Sale--i17 Ii Pickles, in 40-0z bottles reg. .0§ Week Sale--.42 " Sweet Pickles, in 40-0z bottles reg. .75 Week Sale--.49 Wagstaffs Pineapple Hanna, in 76-0z Jars. Reg. . Seok Sale--.19 Libby's Mincemeat, 21-0z Jars reg. .50 Week Sale--.35 Melrose Coffee, Essence Tom. 40) Week Sale--.29 Peanut Butter, 16-0z tins mes 25 Week Sale--.1g BULK TEA, Special Value Week Sale, per Th--.50 ~ Stuart's Marmalade, in glass 4-tbs Reg. .85 Week Sale--.50 Stuart's Raspberry Jam, in glass 4-tbs. reg 1.00 Week Sale--.79 Yellow Peas, for Soup reg. .08 tb Week Sale--.o05 Melrose Coffee, in 1-1b tins reg. os Week Sale--.59 Bee Ey Jelly Powder. To Clear, 6 packets for--.25 Pork & Beans, in Tomato Sauce, reg .20 Week Sale--.14 Canned Cherries, in 2-1b tins, reg .30 Week Sale--.19 Stuart's Plum Jam, 4-1b tins. reg .75 Week Sale--.49 Crisco, in 1-1b tins reg .35 Week Sale--.25 Comfort Soap (Tw enty bars to customer) Week Sale--.05 SIDE BACON---best streaky, 8- 10 Ibs in piece reg .45 One piece only to customer Only sold in piece 100-ibs Best White Sugar, One sack cnly to customer Week Sale--6.95 Highest Grade, Creamery Butter, in cartons reg .55 Week Sale--.43 Only 10-Ibs to customer. Oranges, fresh and juicy, selling Thursday, Friday & Saturday Three dozen for 1.00 Five Roses Flour, g8-Ibs, One sack only to customer Week Sale--j4.50 Pure Lard 1's Week Sale--.23 ' 2 3's IT) --.65 3» 1) 5's 9s ---1.15 " 3] 10's 13 --2.15 ne =208 --4.15 Craned Tomatoes, Pezs & Corn Week Sale--.15 Canned Plums Week Sale--.12 Canned Peaches & Pears, Week Sale--.22 In addition to this, all goods not listed above will be sold at Mail Order prices. Scores of items not listed, will be on Sale besides. ONE WEEK ONLY MONDAY 25 to SATURDAY 30th Freight not paid during this week. DODDS Week Sale--.35 ALFRED PITT, Ltd. DRYDEN, Ont. fout in the lead hockey, will journey to Sioux Lookout today (Friday) and exhibit their skill as "puck chasers." Keewatin Game, TIL Dryden Juniors, on their trip to Keewatin and Kenora on Friday and Saturcay last week, had a great time in spite of defeat in both games-- thanks to the Keewatin boys and the people of their town. Bath games were dandies, neither team having the advantage of the other, and displaying very classy hockey. The Keewatin boys seized the lead in the first period by three goals, buf Dryden came back in the second and third and put up a vary hard fight. having their cpponents at their mere; for the remaining two periods, ow juniors. having the advantage. The goal-tending by Campbell for Kee- walin was a feature of the game, his network being the only thing tha prevented the visitors from coming Campbell stopping some twenty-eight shots to Dryden's eleven. The Line-up-- Keawatin-- Campbell, Cossey, La- ionde, Hickey, A. Christianson, J. Christianson, A. Hanson. Dryden--Morden, Clempson, Sfreddo Leuttit, C. Sfreddo, Kerney, J. Foote, DRYDEN JUNIOR HOCKEY Team to Visit Sioux Lookout THE Dryden Juniors after visit'ng,Gough. ander. for Dryden. Kenora and Keewatin last week, where] Referees--J Stewart, E. Wolf, J.jowing to the bad condition of the they played a double header and dis- | Robertson. roads, quite a number were unable played their ability to play first-class ! to attend. Mrs Wickander, assisted Kenora Game Dryden Juniors jumped cad in the first period by a two-goal | Johnson. margin, out-skating and out-playing The second period Jon Thursday, February 11th. bodyy welome. he Lenora boys. jeing the same, making the score 4--2 The third was Kenora's "do-or-die" seriod, and after some hard work, they sied the score, sending them into ten ninuies overtime. Both teams began o weaken, and Dryden allowing a de- 'ence man through lost their only hance of winning. - The game ending vith 2 score of 5--4 for Kenora. The work of Ferguson in the net 'or Kenora was also a factor of the rames--handling more shots than we oulu keep track of. Mordén, for Dry- 'en played a star game, but naturally was unable to save the game himself vhen the Dryden defence was so wide wpen, while they strove to get the vinning goal. Taking it all 'round Oryden had most of the play through out the game. The Lineup Kenora -- Ferguson, Proudlock, Ferguson, Harris, Brown. Tiryden--Morden, Clempson, Sfreddo, T. Foote, Louttit, C. Sfreddo, J. Foote, Keiney, Gough. Referee--White., > TR AND Friday-- WILLIAM in 'Straig ht Through' --Saturday DESMOND "MARIE A SCREAMINGLY FUNNY Comedy-- LATEST 'SWEET DREAMS' NEWS Monday-- --Tuesday Rost "Seven Sinners" Will Keep You Laughing from Start to Finish meeting at the home of Mrs T. Wick-. by Mrs S. Peterson, served sandwiches; The game with Kenora was another |cake and coffee, and a very pleasant one 1 those that kills players and puts managers in their graves. afternoon and evening was There were three into the] Armstrong, Miss Barker, and Miss E. Eton=Rugby The Ladies' Aid held their monthly Nine members were present, spent. visitors, Miss B. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs O. Lovgren, Every- Mr Adolph Johnson had the mis- {fortune to loose a horse last week. Mrs R. Asplund spent a few days in Dryden this week. Mrz E. H. Johnston was in Dryden on Saturday. Miss Ellen Johnson over the week-end. was in town St. LUKES PARISH CHURCH (Third Sunday after Epiphany) MORNING FRAYER ____. 1] am Preacher--- Rev- W. Rutherford Tindle. Dryden United Church SUNDAY, January 24th 1926, 11 a.m.~--Sunday School 7 p.m--Evening Worship "The Final Stand of Faith." --OXDRIFT-- 1.45--Sunday School ; 2.45--Public Worship You are always made welcome at every service, and we are always zlad to see you. H. A. RIVERS, Pastor. Dryden Baptist Church SUNDAY, January 24th, 1926 11 am --"A GREAT QUEST." 2.30 p.m--Bible School 6..30 p:m--Gospel Song Service. Evening Subject: -- "The Greatest Wonder in History." Monday, 8.00 p.m--B:Y:P:U "Reds in charge of programme, topic "Adam." Thursday, 8.00 p:m--Prayer Meeting We will study Matthew 3. at all these meetings, Pastor E. G. BAXTER. CROOK STORY, THAT Wednesday-- "CHECH THE STUPENDOUS EPIC OF THE FROZEN NORTH Filmed in Alaska --Thursday AECOS' Coming Gene Stratton-Porter's Gr "THE KEEPER mm---- "THE PACE FRIDAY, 29--Jan.--30, SATURDAY Best Comedy on Earth with ALBERT VAUGHAN, AL. eat Novel-- OF THE BEES" MAKERS" COLE, & KIT GUARD Reading this Advertizement is C have the Cheapest Prices in this Save your fuel bills. One Roll in Box Crepe Paper, all colors, per r [Hand Cream, per bottle .... 25¢. a Shanipoo OL, cv ivvvneonns 25¢C Potamide 5. oan is 25¢. Rubber Sponges ......... 25cC. 'Shaving Stick ............. 25C. Shaving Cream ........... 25cC. Shaving Brush .......... 25¢. Toilet Soap, Two for ...... 25¢C. of the total number of goods you and look around in the store, we are always glad to help you. THE CHEAP BAZAAR WEEKLY STORE NEWS ing. Facts speak mare than 1000 Advts--und it is a fact that we EXTRA HEAVY WEATHER And remember the above items represent but a very small fraction You zre welcome to come in, and ommon Sense applied to Spend- Town, WINDOW STRIPS 25¢ BU SE 10C. Colgates Fine Soap 15c. and 25¢ 2 Powder ........ 25c, 7 Toothpaste ...... 25¢. 1-tb Talcum Powder, from 15c. Combs, from o.oo ens ens 15c. 1-ib Talcuin Powder ..... 25¢. Hoody Brushes 0.00, 25c. Durham Safety Razors .... 25¢c. can pick up, if you would call in W. E. THORSEN & SON (Opposite Town Hall.) Go oth 's . Confectionery -- CRESCENT -- ICE CREAM sols -- BRICKS ---- Assorted Flavours ........ 40C. sfesfesiosteokok ------ ESKIMO PIES BFwe for ......... FERS .. 25¢ sgiergskok --DIXIE'S DAINTY CUPS-- Packed with Delicious Ice Cream Just the thing for parties. Piys 208 io vstvn none ns sami BEC -- Gough' S Comintiniey er hia sian Tt PZ AST LO. 0. F. DRYDEN LODGE, N«¢ 417 meets at the Towr Hall every Monday evening at eight o'clock. Visiting Members cordially invited. J. HARRIS, N. G. J. PITT, Rec. Secy. L. 0. ! pu DRYDEN LODGE No. 1694 meets the first Wednesday of each month, at eight p.m., in the Town Hall. Visiting Brethren eer- dially invited. D. ANDERSON, W.M. BADEN SMITH, Secy Golden Star Lodge x ee iy : C. Meets in the Masonic Hall, Dryden {he Second Tuesday of each month Visitors Cordially invited. A. CLEMPSON, W, M. GEO. N. DECHERT, Secy. You will always find a hearty welcome of Clearing Lines Men's +100 p.c.. Wool Sweaters, in all sizes. Regular $3.75 Bale price ............. $2.95 Boy's 100 p.c. Wool Sweaters, Reguiar price $2.50 *Bale prise i... i, ui ot 1.95 1f you want anything in a Cheaper Sweater, we have a good supply in a Cotton and Wool mixture, all at Reduced Prices. : Woinen's Coat Sweaters, reg. price $3.75 7 Sale price ..... hea 2.95 Men's Breeches & Mackinaw Pants, reg price $3.50 La priees. Nien, 2.05 s Overcoats, reg $16.04 i roe De SES 14.75 Men's Mackinaw Coats, reg. price $6.75 Bale price ............ 5.05 Men's ey Shirts, reg. price $3.4 Sale. doe SHE EY ie A 2.95 Here is a Bargain you can- not afford to miss. We are putting out ten dozen Men's Heavy Flannel Shirts. Big roomy make, double yoke, & double seams, in all sizes, at the small price of $1.29 Men's Heavy Winter Caps .83 While in the Store, be sure to visit our next door Second Hand Store, you will find Men's and Ladies' Overcoats, Men's Mackinaw Coats, also a few Children's Coats, Men's Odd Jackets, Men's Suits, About 150 Ladies' Skirts. At the end of this month we have to take Stock. We will therefore reduce everything in this store to the bottom prices, in order to get rid of sorhe of the stock. Ife in need of any bedding, see us first for Bedsteads, Springs 'Mattresses, Couch & Mattress, New & Secondhand New Extension Couch & Mattress Complete $11.90 New Coil Springs, All sizes, At $6.50 The Very Best. Cotton Mattress New, at $6.95 New Tin Heaters, All sizes also Secondhand Wood & Coal Stoves We have on hand at present A good supply of SHOT GUNS, and RIFLES, Calibre of RIFLES .30 Winchester 303 Savage good as new Less than Half Price One MOESER RIFLE We are buying goods of all Descriptions. Special High Prices Paid for " RIFLES of Standard Make WANTED TO BUY--TAMARAC WOOD, to be taken out in trade . DAITER, ie and Second Hand oa DRYDEN-- -- -- --ONTARIG

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