Dryden Observer, 11 Feb 1926, p. 1

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3 VOLUMZ VII. DRYDEN, Ontario, February r1th, 1926 No. XL VII. 4 Comte to the Feas of Nations We cannot all go to Florida when we ave tired of winter and Zero weath- er, but everyone is invited to attend the "Feast of Nations" at the Town. Hall, Friday, February 25th, at 8.00 o'colck p.m. Tickets 50c each, - Re- freshments included, which may prove quite a surprise. Also music to help make up a pleasant evening. The members of the Women's Institute assure you of a good time and the funds will help provide hot lunches for the school children. So come along and help a worthy cause, Shure an' you'll not forgit ould Ire- land whin youre feastin' roun' the wourld--for there's murphies, good and plenty. An' mister, while you're atin' the pretty Irish Colleen will shure plaze your eyes an' yer ears with melodies of Erin Mavoureen, And when you have passed through mysterous Egypt, visited K. C..in Ire- land, manipulated the chop sticks of China, ete, just step over fo the jand of -the Heather and be served your Scotch--oateake by the lassies in kilts. For frill enjoyment of a real "Dutch Treat," come to the "Feast of Nations' in the Towa Hall on Friday, February 25th. cr Everyone in ¢ is talking abe Coming to the STRAND Theatre ! Dryden. The greatest Picture ever made. tins yon sn, PROVINCIAL COMMISSIONER TOC DROP FIRE PRORE, WINNIPEG, Feb. 10.--With the r dering of the verdict by the cdroner's | Cor jury relating to the Winnipeg fire disaster, the investigation cond the provincial fire commissioner's d partment is to be dropped. A fori | report will likely te forwarded to the | minister of the department indicat ng Masonic'At Home' cms OVER one hundred Masons with their wives and friends enjoyed a delightful evening's entertainment at the annual "At Home" in the Masonic Temple, on Friday evening. During the carly ing, tables i =F] vart of the even- aged for "Court Whist," and the following were the prize winners. Ladies, Mrs Humphreys, first; Miss Gardianer, Consolation. Gent's, Mr Leach, of Osaquan, first; Mrs Sutton, Consolation. Mesdames Rivers and Gibson, and Mr KE. S. LeBaron contributed several musical and vocal numbers, which added greatly to the pleasure of the evening, and the lunch served by the committee in charge was every thing that could be desired, in the way oi delicious refreshments. A few hours of dancing to music, supplied by the. Whiteley Orchestra concluded one of the most enjoyabl {functions of the season. were g Reception and Farewell-- The reception for the new Rector, Rev. R. A. Smith and Mrs Smith combined with the farewell to th. former student-in-charge, Cecil Kin held by the wardens and women's Auxiliary of St Luke's Church, wa. a most pleasant affair. The Parish Hall, with the prettily shaded lights and colorful leaves, | sented .a most cozy appearance and ihc turnout of members to welcome th: ew rector and his wife was exception ally good. C. J. Wright, Rector's Warden, acted as chairman, and in a biief speech ex- plained the two-fold meaning of th: thering and called on Mr Smith Smith, in a few words expresseca his appreciation for the delightful ve. ception for himself and his wife, and also paid tribute to the young gentle- ian, who had charge of the Parich be fore his arrival in Dryden. Myr King he said, had been a true comardes + him since he came here and it was wit} {much regret that he and ali the mem: bers of St. Luke's saw him depart. He then presented Mr King with a purse, containing a sum of money on behal of the congregation. Mr King replied to the presentatio: with a most pleasing address. Mrs Smith also spoke a few word: of thanks for the many kindness show: ther by the W. A. and Girls Guild, and felt sure she said that the best of harmony would exist in all branche: of the work of the parish. A short musical programme of {he following members concluded the even. ings entertainment. Solos, Mrs Cooper Violin Solo, Mr LeBaron, withh Mp er | at the - Piano. Buet Dechert and Mrs Maunsell panied By "Mrs Gibson. i this refreshments werr 2 ieervad by members of the W. A. ity Extension Lecture-- the fire commissioner's opinicn as to the probable cause of the five. In the investigation there was ro evidence to definitely setile this point. The evidence taken dur: ng the enquiry is now being persued hy T. W. Laidiaw, of 'the attorney-general's department. While there was considerable 'conflict in the statements made at various times by three of the" witnesses, it is rot likely that it will be regarded as the basis of any action. Mr GEO. SADLER, VS. Certificate No. 2725 Calls Promptly Attended To DRYDEN - ONTARIO --_-- ge hE = NN N - Set AN oy : {By = 4 En always It Talk it sverwith we SF up to one hundred tment of Civil Engineers, of the Uni versity of Manitoba, will deliver ar illustrated popular lecture on "Gres: Bridges of the Worid" on Tuesday, February 22nd, at eight o'clock p.r in the Town Hall. © These lectures ar under the Extension Department of the University of Manitoba and ar given free of charge, The Dryden people have not so far shown any great appreciation of these very fine lectures, and.at one time the Uni- versity thought seriously of discon tinuing these tours east of Winnipeg. The University are sending out 'hes: professors at considerable expense; to all towns in Manitoba and Wester Ontario, that they might give th the best in all branches of learning. Does Dryden want that? We can only show our appreciation by our attendance. A short program is being prepared by the musical committee of th: Institute., Remember the date---Tuesday, Feb. 22nd, at 8.00 p.masin the Town Hall, No Admission. Bept. to Supply Ssed Grain-- As in previous years, the Depart- ment of Agriculture will supply seed grain to those who cannot get sec: otherwise. Each person can receive dollars worth of grain and this is to be pa'd by De-. 1st, with interest at . six per' cent. Application forms may be had on ap- plying at the office of MM. F. Cook, District Agricultural Representative, It is requested that all applications be in at the earliest possible time, before the appropriation is used up. J. E. GIBSON, Agent, Dryden D.D.G. M. Visit Lodge, No. 417 took place on the even- Heaney, Kenora, journeyed from Ke- nora te perform this ever-pleasan. ceremny. A keen enthusiasm was evid- ent irom the large turnout of members and from the fact that several of 'the Kenora and Keewatin brothers had ac- companied Brother Heaney. The D.D, G. M. was assisted by several of the Dryden P.GJs as a rule, and the ceremony carried through without a hitch. After Lodge had closed the brethren adjourned for refreshments, and a few cheery hours were spent in song, and speech-making, the remarks of both old and new members evoking much laughter from the crowd. The following were elected-- Te Ee 0. Opy a Jr. P.G. wo MLB Cope 0 N.G. wel Morison 0, = on -V.G. » I. J. MacPherson __..__. Ree. See. » J. McFadyen, P.C. __... Fin. Sec. » A.J. Clempson, P.G. .____ Treas wr Dr. Wood... = fin Warden od. Pitt LG. PEE SAR EE 0.G. » Leishman, PG. R.S.N.G. vr Bi Bvang aL -- LB.N.G. w MH. A Rivers, . | « R.S.V.G. » GR. Hamilton.» L.S.V.G. wn. B. Joulig : BS. » Bi. Berrey _ RE 5 me Chaplain Fire Damages Garage-- The garage containing three cars at the residence of Alfred Pitt was de- stroyed by fire Friday night. The origin of the fire is yet unknown, and the dames had a big start before the fire brigade was summoned by F. Moore, who happened to be passing 'by and noticed the fire. A Ford Sedan, ar well as the big Chevrolet truck belon o- ing to the store are damaged beyond epair, as also is a Ford runabout be Pitt were in Winnipeg at the time, but Mr Pitt returned immediately on receipt of the news. Tenth Wedding Anniversary-- Mr and Mrs H. Fields entertained a a large party on Friday evening on the occastion of their tenth wedding anniversary. There were about seventy guests piesent, and they were th- recipants of many gifts. Dancing 4c musie supplied by Mr Falconer and M: MeQueen as well as recitations, made up the evenings entertainment. "All A Mistake" -- Rehearsals for the play "All A Mis- take" which is to be staged by the C. Y. P. C. are coming along at a great vate. The date of the play is mow | set for February 28 and March 1st, che Strand Theatre, The caste will be published shortly, but it has already ; caked out that it includes sueh no'or- | 'ous characters Jack Skillen, so! that's encugh. Tuesday night, Mr and Mrs O. M. Nymark entertained = party of Dry- den's younger set in honor of her daughter "Glady's" 18th birthday. reshments served by Mes Nymark. BEDWORTH SCHOOL REPORT for the month of January. Class IV.--Alice Wilkinson, Patiic'a White, Lila Clausen, Alfred Milanese, Margaret Trist, Florence Zentil, John Taylor, Daisy Howarth, Guido Zentil, Harold Rutter. Sr. IH--Laurm Davidson, Clause | Hoffstroin, Willie Evans, Jessie Monty, Henry Peteh. Jr, ITL.--Greta Hoffstrom, Lil' Wilkinson, Garde Rutter, Richard Tris. Bruno Zentil, Walter Evans, Karnes: Monty, Cecil Parr. : Jr. II. to Sr. II.--Margaret Whiie, Elvira Hoffstrom, Willie Rutter, Alice Bowman, Norman Zentil, ~ Katherine Evans, Willie McMillan, Jr. IL--James Anderson Arnold Clateen, Fred Besselt, Edward etch 2oddy Parr. . > Class I.--Livia Zentil, Alfred Trist Grace Monty, Gladys Evans, Mary Evans, Chaz Primer--Wa anese, Hubert Moran. M. MacARTHUR, teacher. Albert February 8.--Walter Smith pleaded guilty to obstructing sidewalk traffic By-law 17. Fined $1 and costs, February 10.--James P. Gordon, of the Central Hotel, convicted and fina¢ $100.00 and costs for having liquor ir i other than a private dwelling. Installation of the officers of Dryden ; ing of January 31st, when D.D.G.M.| Dancing was enjoyed by all, and ve- miss LOCALS Miss Katherine Osborne, District Health Nurse, has returned to her duties at Dryden, after an extended ~ wip through the United States. Miss Osborne had the pleasure of motoring 'through the entire state of Florida, and reports an enjoyable journey wich beautiful weather. . Thos. Proudfoot has been spending the past few days in Winnipeg attend - ing a convention of Motor car dealers. | C. Merril, of Wabigoon, was in town Tuesday. License Inspector Parfitt, of Kenora, was' a business visitor to Dryden dur- ing the weekend, " Mrs Lyons, of Dinorwie, spent Tues- day in Dryden. : W. H. Dingwall has returned afte; a trip to the plant of Ford Motor Co at Ford, Ontario and at Detroit Mich Eric Green spent the weekend in Winnipeg. 'Hughie Hill returned from Kenora, Taesday. : Mrs J. D. Aaron, Wabigoon, paid = visit to Dryden, Tuesday. Cecil King left for Emo. Ontario on Tuesday afternoon. G. K. Hamilton, manager of Dryder Pharmacy, was a visitor to Winnipeg this week. Mrs A. G. Gardiner, Eagle River, visited Dryden Wednesday. Ted Curley, Art Williams, and Ernic Louttit have left to Fort William. Mrs Prouty and baby, from North Dryden, left Wednesday to visit he: sister in Port Arthur, Mr J. W. Collison, Kenora, spent the weekend in Dryden. Miss Rene Moiton has returned to Dryden from Eagle River. Bill Richardson is away on a visit to Oshawa, Ont. Those from Dryden who Jjourneyeq to Winnipeg to attend the opera at the Walker Theatre last week, included ID. D. G. Dingwall and Mrs Dingwall, M: and Mrs Alfred Pitt, Mrs J ewett, anc Mrs K. S. LeBarn, borg Miss M. Tapsey, Miss M. Croxtor and the Misses Vangel, of Ignace were visitors to Dryden this week. S Woods, former mana ger of Drydex Creamery, spent several days in tow. this week. Mrs Manning, Ignace, to Dryden, Monday. T. Corneille returned from Winnipeg, Monday. Mrs A. J. Clempson entertained af » delightful card party on Wednesday evening. Miss Ella Holm is the pleasing new assistant at Mrs Gates' stove. Geo. Leach, wood's superintendent ai Csaquan, came up to Dryden to at' enc the Masonic 'At Home' on Friday Harry Rouse was a business visi to Winnipeg during the week. Mrs Whitehouse from Winnipeg, and Mrs Wilton, of Kenora, came down to Dryden to attend Mr and Mrs James Mcl'adyen's anniversary party. Jim Stovel, North Dryden, factured his arm on Wednesday morning, and on the same day J. Harman had {he was a visitor roune t business visitor to Dryden and distrie' this week. / Mrs 8S, Withrow entertained a numb. er of friends at the tea hour on Thurs- day afternoon. Don't forget the Valentine Darce n the Town Hall, on Monday night under i es of Dryden District Band. ne au Mrs John Hanna arrived last wesk {rom Dryden; Ontario to joim her hus- band, who has been a valued em. plyee of the Bathurst Company for come time. She was accompanied by C. C. BURR STARTS TWO MORE GIRLS ON ROAD TO STARDOM C. C. Burr, in line with his policy to seek new faces for the screen and en- courage worth while talent that has "cen neglected or shunted aside in favor of the established stars of added to his reputation alone ines when he engaged Dians sane and Ruth Dwyer for importan' parts in "The Brown Detby," Johnn: Hines' new starring production fo: First National. Miss Kane, who proved her ability in The Ten Commandments, and Blue beard's. Seven Wives, will have thr female lead opposite Johnny Hines, while Ruth Dwyer, cast as the chum of Miss Kane, has also been presented with an unusually effective role, wh the! Fortieth Wedding Anniversary THE home of Mr and Mrs James Me- Fadyen presented a brilliant picture on Wednesday evening, when Mrs I. 5. Campbell and Miss Gertrude McFayden entertained sixty guests in honour of the fortieth wedding anniversary of their: parents. The rooms were tastefully decorated throughout with a color scheme of pink, mauve and blue, while the masses of beautiful roses and tulips added wonderfully to their attractions. A hazdsome three-tier wedding cake centered the dining-room table, which was set off to splendid advantage by streamers of ribbon running from the table to the chandeliers together with other cffeci'~o decorations. During the evening, progressive bridge was indulged in by inany, while others participated in many amusing games and contests, for which suit- able prizes were awarded. At midnight a sumptous lunch was served, after which the festivities con- tinued until one thirty a.m. Beautiful flowers were received from Verne, Gordon and N eil Campbell, grandsons, also Mr and Mrs Hugh Bartlett, Winnipeg; Rev. and Mrs Edgar Whitehouse, Winnipeg; Mr and Mrs Robert C. Wilton, Kenora, 'An interesting part of the evening, was the presentation to My and Mrs McFadyen of a huge basket of Ruby Roses, from the Lady guests, ac. companied by the reading of some Very appropriate verses composed and read by Mrs G. Humphreys. : A short musical treat was provided by Mesdames Rivers and Hamilton and Mr K. S. LeBaron, The out of town guests included: Mrs Edgar Whitehouse, Winnipeg; Mrs Robt. C. Wilton, Kenora; Mrs Elliott, Edmonton. and Mrs McFadyen were married nn Mount Forest, Ont., February 9th, 1887, and later on removed to Dryden, where 1 ov have resided approximate! thirty wears, during which period Mr Moladyen. for carried on a business as a Contractor and Builder, the latter fow years and at present Collector of Customs ai Dryden. Both Mr and Mrs McFadyen appeared to be in excellent health ant enjoyed the evening immensely, and it is the sincere wish of their many 'riends that their golden wedding may also, find them enjoying the same measure of health and happiness, which they so richly deserve. On Thursday afternoon, thirty ladies were entertained to afternoon tea, at which an enjoyable time was had, and 8. congratulations extended, many' years) Rural Credits and Old Age Pensions OTTAWA, Feb. 9--RNotice as bac given by the government of legisla toian for the establishment of rural credits, old age pensions, for revalua- tion of soldier settlement lands, for the penny post on drop letters, and abolition of the tax on receipts. The legislation was before 'the house last session but with the exception eof penny postage, failed to become law. Furthermore, the government is bring- ing down a bill for a loan of $12,000,- 000 to the Montreal harbor commis- sioners, and a hill to confirm the scheme of arrangement of August 26, 1926, with the holders of four per cent debenture stock of the Grand Trunk Pacific railway. As in the bill of last session, the old age pensions bill is based on the rald-and-half basis with the provinces, The rural credits bill provides for the appointment of a Canadian farm loan board of four members of whom one is to be the minister of finance. The board will have authority to issue farm loan bonds to make long term leans to farmers. The Dominion gro ernment will provide initial capital jor the board not exceeding five milion doviars and subscribe an amount not erceeding five per cent. of the capital stock as loans are made by tha hoy MINNITAKI--Miss Lily Philbreck, of Dryden, was up visiting her parents at Minnitaki last week. Miss Edith Howard spent a few days visiting Mr and Mrs Philbrook, at Minnitaki. Mr Lewis Philbrook, of Minnital, has left for the coast. STAR POOL ROOM & BARBER SHOP. in the Freidman Building A nice, clean, comfortable place with excellent Pool and Billiard Tables. _BARBER SHOP We ask you to give us a trial in the new Barber Shop Highest Class Work. We cater especially to Country trade, and invite you to call in when in town. Ladies and Children-- --Special Attention. M. HUTZAL, Mer. =1927- SATURDAY Feb. 12th LIVE GOLD FSH IN Away ABSOLUTEL TWO Given A GLASS GLOBE WILL BE Y FRE E--while they last to purchasers of a package of Nyal Fish Food and any of the fifty cent Nyal Products listed below. "Shows only A Pleasant Cleansing | Nylotis Nyal © Nyal Mage ot OWDER | puntacLor | FACE CREAM Made of th s Materials | TOOTH BRUSH Greaseless i Disappearing Our best Cough Remedy Lathers Extra La For A Perfect Stave Does Not Dry Out in Results." Dentifrice. Soothing & Healing PRICE 50 CENTS | PRICE 50 CENTS | LARGE JARS so C. ; Nyal Par Nyal MELT ey oe SHAVING CREAM PUMO-DENT "The Modern © Treatment." Whitens Polishes Preserves _ Freely rge Tubes Not Sticky or Greas 3 y Large Bottles so CENTS entle but Efficient 50 CENTS Per BOX 50 CENT Bottles 50 CENTS PRICE 50 CENTS Nylotis Nyal Nylotis HAND LOTION FIG-SEN SHAVING-- Heals Chapped Skin | Pleasant Laxative --~LOTION Dries Quickly * Pallet Cooling & Soothing Prevents Irritation. Lhe Dr

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