SE EE pi A erm THE DRYDEN OBSERVER ni ecri BR i --- WESTINGHOUSE, ATTWATER VICTOR NORTHERN DEFOREST CROSLEY RADIO SETS BEE Ere radial hk] % ox A AND ORTHOPHONICS Five-Tube Radio Set with Tubes, Splendid Standard make, regular $140.00. Special Price, $98.00 Easy Terms if You Wish. Ralph J Pronger Ask for House of Refuge At a meeting of the Women's Institute of Fort Frances the question of protection of those of their sex who had been incarcerated in the Dist- '| viet Goal from reasons of ill health oz slight mental derenagement. No criticism of the treatment in the goal, understand, but rather the principle of sending women to goal for a pyhsi- cal or mental trouble a sad misfortune. It is not some isolated case that has caused the women of Fort Frances to take action and a strong committee ap- pointed to press for some relief. But in the past few years many women have been sent to the 'jail for such reasons, simply because there was no other available place to take them to. After some pointed discussion on the subject the following resolution was submitted to the Institute meeting and carried unanimously. . "Whereas we the members of the Women's Institute of Fort Frances and District, strongly condemn the cruel and absured practice of detaining wo- men, whose only crime is that of ill- health and slight mental derangement as well as more serious cases, in the common. jail; We resolve to respect- fully urge the Provincial Government that steps be taken to provide and maintain a refuge for such cases until they recover or could be removed to proper institutions." That copies of this resolution be '| forwarded to the Honourable, The Provincial Secretary, the sitting memb- ers for this District in the Legislative Assembly, and to the Mayor of our Town. Committee--Mrs A. Thompson, Mrs /M. A. Malone, Mrs A. McKenzie, Mrs Wn. Scandrett. * BC SR Lr SEO Sr Sr So re Teva Winterbottom Lumber Yard President; Mrs D. E.) N. M. Moxiarity, Secretary. The various Women's Institutes are Full Stock of Lumber, Book Your (rders for $1300 per ton OFF CAR Jas. teas tom, Dryden Lumber din Builders 'and Contractors Shingles, Wood Fibre Brick, Lime and Cement ESTIMATES FREELY GIVEN Sash and Doors being asked to co-operate in getting this matter dealt with by the Legis- lative of Ontario. ~Farl Frances Times WESTERN WOMAN WINS FURNITURE AT REVIEW A woman who had never won any- thing in her life before, was the holder of the lucky attendance ticket number at the second annual Commercial and Industrial Review which closed at the Royal Alexandra Hotel Saturday night. Mrs M. V. Doughty, Cut Knife, Sask. was the fortunate individual out of the 65,000 that attended the event during the week. As a result she now posesses elaborate and complete furnishings for a four-recomed bungalow. Show a Big Success While a crowd packed the ball-room Saturday, night, made the draw from the barrel tickets. All day Saturday the display rooms and booths were thronged with in- terested spectators. 'W, C. Borlase, chairman of the Review Committee, dismissing the gathering, view with the utmost sat'sfaction the success of the undertaking. To the public, hotel management, of CEO) D> TD OER) ©) ETD ORE -EE <TC CT 3 Gt Ot OC i C. J exhibitors and the press he extended the thanks of the committee.-~--Tribune.} WORLD'S LARGEST BUILDERS OF THREE-SPEED TRANSMISSION CARS. Marking the latest spectacular achie-! ment in its history as the world's larg-" (Signed) Mrs A. (H, J. McLennan, | Mayor R. H. Webb! desirability of making an inventory or taking stock of farm supplies, implem- ents, live stock, etc., during the month of March. The suggestion is a good one and the Dominion Experimental Farms System has published an extremely simple Farmer's Account Book in which are several pages especially de- signed to assist the farmer in making such an inventory. To keep accounts in this book requires no special knowledge of accounting, simply the ability to write and add, and a record of transactions can often be made in less than one hour a week. A few plain' directions as to making entries and taking inventories, a table of silo capacity, and a gestitation table are given on the inside cover pages of the book. There are pages for the entries of receipts and' expenditures (both of which may be seen at a glance on the same page) relative to cattle, horses, sheep, swine, poultry, crops and labor and ample space for miscellaneous items. There is a page on which to record amounts owed to and owed by Farmer's Account Boek . Frequent reference has been made in| || recent issues of the farm press to the N LAMB CHOPS, per 1b . ES ee «r-n25 = STEW LAMB .. ovis inh. el HE a3 5 VEAL-CHOP. +, .... 0. Ty he RE A .25 2 STEW VEAL, 2s for. viii ind sine 3 = SPARE RIBS, DEED i503 dea nl a te Bas 18 & UNSMOKED BACON, Per h Lifes Jha 42 ol PORK SAUSAGE, ........ mente ee is fa 25 oy HAMBURG ST EAK, per fn. ot Ws A wie 15 = SMOKED FILLETS ET ere : 25 PINNAN HADDIE 5 85. v.ius testis ins a 25 SMELT PILLETS, perelh oi poison in, -30 ES rn : ; A A) AGING AS HD ia att Hl McCormick OC toa PRIMROSE CREAM SEPARATOR the farm and forms on which may be! made inventories of land, buildings, live stock, feed, supplies & machinery. There is also a page where the year's business may be summarized, with a few directions to assist in filling out | intelligently at the end of the year. Further, there is a table on which to enter acreage and yield of crops and one on which to keep a live stock | service record. § The book may be obtained from the | Publications Branch ofthe Department | of Agriculture, Ottawa, at a nominal | charge of ten cents, No postage need be placed on letters of application. Oxdrift Trading Co OXDRIFT, ONTARIO GENERAL MERCHANTS FLOUR AND FEED FRESH EGGS, and BUTTER Daily. BEEF AND PORK Prices Sent Upon Request. ALL MAIL ORDERS PROMTLY ATTENDED TO OXDRIFT TRADING CO. ° GREY LEADS ONTARIO IN WOOL SHIPMENT . More Sheep up North and in former Corn Belt. Grey again leads all Ontario counties in co-operative wool shipments for the vear just closed, with Simcoe in second place followed by York, Peel, Haldi- mand and Ontario. I nl1925 the same county was at the top, but York was in second place, being less than a couple of hundred pounds ahead of Siincoe. The year previous to that saw Simcoe in first. place, being followed by Grey, Wellington, Ontario and York. Judging by these figures, which have just been complied by the Canadian Co- Turns Easy Skims Clean Lasts a Lifetime. We sold a No. 2 Primrose to a prominent farmer last summer and told him that'it would get all the cream, but as he came from Mis- souri, he had tbe showed, and took a sample of the skimmed mill: to the Dryden Creamery for test. Result--one half pound of butter fat in ten thousand pounds of Milk Made in Five Different Sizes. SOLD EITHER FOR CASH OR TERMS Get our Prices and Literature---IT PAYS J. SS. CORNER Oxdrift Ontario Ager For INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER eoNPINY EE JIN [.O.O.F. DRYDEN LODGE, Ne 417 meets at the Town every Monday night. Visitors Cordially Invited * OF CANADA, Lid ill il Machin & Popham Barristers, Solicitors, etc. H. A. C. MACHIN operative Wool Growers, there has been a remarkable expension in sheep breeding in - many Ontario counties during the past few years. Grey alone f increased wool shipments from 44,127 pounds in 1925 to 49,555 in 1926, at the same time reporting an increase of 19 shippers. Simcoe and York did al- most as well, while Peel showed the remarkable gain of over 20 per cent i ab EARLE C. POPHAM Also Member Manitoba Bar. IMPERIAL BANE BUILDIN KPBNORA, ONTARIO F. G. ORR, Noble Grand. LJ. MACPHERSON, Rec. Seer. L. 0. i DRYDEN LODGE No. 1684 meets the first Weadnesasy of each month, at eight p.m., m the a Town Hall. Visiting Brethren aor- J.-D .O'N EILL Hishy dneited Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. D Srp oN YT CAKMICHAEL BLOCK BADEN SMITH, Secy est builder of three-speed transmission jp a single season, having shipped 29,- There is a very gratifying increase in shipments from the newer districts where agricultural authorities predict an enormous sheep In the Rainy River section, where agricultural Representative J. A. Garner reports f the importation, of four cars of breed- ing ewes last fall, shipments now total almost 10,000 pounds against less than 500 two years ago, and Temiskaming, Parry Sound, Hastings, Victor ia, Algoma f and Nipissing all report very sub- stantial growth in the past few years, Apparently, too, the sheep is play- ing a part in the readjustment of agri- ; culture in southwestern Ontario, fol- spread of the Evidently farmers on the \ high priced land at Essex and Kent, and adjacent counties, find that wool units this year. and lamb make profitable sile lines, as both these counties report remarkable - increase in wool shipments since 1924, Essex contributing 80 per cent more to the Ontario Pool last season than two vears ago HEAD LETTUCE each o.oo iil 20c. cars, the Chevrolet Motor Company to- 250 pours In 1995 agalush 26.200 in RIPE. TOMATORS, per Ib .. ov. iii. 30¢. day, announces the production of its' 1926. f BANANAS, perdogen..........0 00 60c. 3,000,000th car. 4 To : Finished in St. James gray Duco CELERY, Per dh i ie Isc. and fashionably striped in Pistache of the Province APPERS por bod 1 ov mien ins $2.75 green, the milestone car flashed off the ; a > i 7 production line with scarcelymore for- opulation in the near future. DEAN GES, par dozen............ 50¢. & 6oc mality than attended the debute of LEMONS, per dozen PE eT 50C- aumber 3,000,001, which followed n'ne i seconds later. = CHEESE 2 Immediately after the final inspec: Gorgonzola. . «vs viiiis oc.) Boqueford 1... Ti ge tion, the 3,000,000th car purred away gonz os 7 3 he to give room to the long line of stand-? 3, English Stiltin ......:....: goc. Canadian Stiltin ........... 40¢. ing sedans, coaches, roadsters, etc. that | : Haliburéen. Muskoka, Camenbert, pt. ooo v uni os 20c. | Were moving up with clock-like preci- fyanitoulin, Chateau Cheese, box-.....,. 50c. #ion to the final inspection post. Grover, per box. oi... 6oc.| Equipped with balloon tires, lls = g _ jcrown fenders, bullet-type head lamps,' Ingersol Cream Cheese, 25c. f Kraft Cheese ...... 25¢. & 45¢. srteaniline. bonded Fished body and; ag Sy Tr ~ i Sr other improvements incorporated this Melorenw's Jays, 'Cream Chasse, +1 300 %& 75¢. year, the coach displayed a distinct ad-flowing the wholesale Norway Goat Milk Cheese, pkt. .......... 70cC. vance over its most illustrious pre-¥corn borer, "acessor, the 2,000,000th Chevrolet. 7 on a : The 2,000000th model was built ROBIN HOOD "CHINA OATS, Special, pkt.....35¢ after 14 years of production, and the ' Ce 3,000,000th only 14 months later, an in- dication of the rapid growth of the ' L Phone Gi : IT Wi ; ' ~ompany, which new has production : ames r 1g i NO... 49D |ooiition prepmed ts Told 1,000,00¢ Golden Star Lodre AF. & AM, No. 484, G.R.C. Meets in the Masonic Hall, Dryden, the Second Tuesday of each month Visiters Cordially invited. GEO. H. WICE, W.M. A GEREEY, Ssey. Here are all SEMI-READY SUITS At a Saving from $7.00 to $17.00 : per Suit. $28.00 Suits Now ........ $21.00 30.00 2 23.50 35.00 Bn ete 26.50 40.00 ,, ii ; 31.00 45.00 ,, ' Ta 35.00 50.060 "» A9. eB rang SF 39.00 60.00 ,, veal de, 43.00 All made to your Individual Measure in Ten Days time. T. PROUDFOOT "The Dryden Tailor.' KEIJORA., ONTARIO oa ROBT. SWEENEY General Blacksmith AGENTS FOR-- Massey- Harris Implements CARBON REMOVED FROM CYLINDER by Acetylene Buzaing W. A. WEAR @eneral Merchant MINNITAKI. ONTARIO Agent For-- §OHIy DEEF® PLOW CO. : here Mh Jono Deere Equipraent very Farm Use. Cet QUALITY and SERVICE TIME PAYMENTS Arranged i» Suit Purchasers.