Dryden Observer, 26 Mar 1926, p. 2

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Ww THE DRYDEN OBSERVER The Ba Busy Store D. W. SCO FRESH SHIPMENT FOR and just what your visitors will like is CROSS & BLACKWELL PICKLES Made in Britain, 20-07. Bottles PICKLED WALNUTS nes » , i OW EET » SOUR MIXED PICKLES », CHOW. - CHOW Va "pint BRANSTON PICHLES, <i Wve, Sr EH ee EE BT A RR La es en 13-oz. Jar C. & B. PRESELV ED GINGER iy pint LAZENBY'S BROWNING for GRAYVEY LAZENBY'S LEMONC Ripe Tomatoes in Stock. 5-Ib Tin, No. 1 COFFEE (M'Laren's) per tin .. 75¢. China Cup & Saucer Free -Ib MALKINS BLACK IEA, .......cvuviiiin, CHINA CUP and SAUCER--FREE - With cach pound of Tea, while stock lasts. fr EASTER HOLIDAYS MIXED PICKLES -....3 : DI yes 00 TRETAL xood Epes. Nok A Good Farmer Better You Are Sure of Getting . GOOD EQUIPMENT If You Insist on Getting Agent for i-- Ii inn need of a DISC HARROW for your spring work, we have them in all sizes, from 6 ft to 14 ft wide, Inthrow Outthrow, or Tandem, for either Horses or Tractor. GET OUR PRICES & LITERATURE J. S. CORNER, Oxdrift, = McCormick-Deering Ice Breaker to Open Path Ice breaking operations in Thunder Bay and in the harbours of the tw'n ports in preparation for the opening of the upper Ioke navigation this year, will start early in April, from present indications. Tugs Whalen and Strathmore sturdy ice breaking boats that opened the twin ports for navigation last year probably will be used for the same task. Mild weother during the past week Las aided in weakening the ice, and the sun's rays already have "honey- combed" it to « depth of two or three inches. With further moderate clima- tic conditions prevailing, no difficulty is anticipated in throwing the harbour open for early lake transportation. Woodsworth, who asks wus PANS HUDSON BAY EXPENDITURE. AILSA CRAIG, Mar. 25.-- "Your vote for J. C. Flliott is a vote for to break away from Great Britain; for Henri Rouarssa, a dangerous character; and for Rehert Forke, to whom Premier King must go for his o.k. before the 15 premier can do a single thing," said Donald Sutherland MP. for North Ox- 'ord, add ing a meeting here in the interests of T. A. Elliott, Conservative who is opposng J. C. Elliott, London, in the West M'ddlesex bye-election. Mr ] land criticized the expen- > the Hudson's Bay railway, 1 be of absolutely no use to us, and which may not be a particle of use to the people of the west," and referred to il as Mr King's special little railway. Ne ons) Graining System: Chia) iby ystem Stecal a. Sart on HOUSECLEARNING By Varnishing and Graining your Floors now you will avoid the greatest part of the chaos of houseclean sing this spring. You can do it yourself very quickly and easily, and at small expense, with the Self-levelling, fast Giving Floor Varnish and the Simple, easy Come hard wearing Graining Process which you can master in a minute. in and Tet us supply you with this beautiful, Fleor et ¥ "OS Varnish DRYDEN Unt. In the low-price field where 1s the car that equals it? Before buying a car--open or closed--in the low- priced field, ask yourself these questions: 1. Is it as comfortable and smart in appearance 2s the New Chevrolet? 2. Does it boast of such advanced features as dry disc clutch, genuine Duco finish, vacuum gase- line system with tank in rear? Also Agents for B.H. English diam FieriderSon Paints. ONTARIO and the complete line of Bran- : scrub; "THERE IS A USE FOR CELOTEX IN'E that prove the need of Celotex Insulation VERY BUILDING"? in your home Perhaps you have noted this in wint upon the roofs of occupied, he: melts much more qu ter: snow ted homes ly than snow upon the roofs of unoccupied, unheated buildings, This is due to escaping heat. Tests show a heat loss of 25 to 3 5 per cent through the walls and roofs of ordinary homes. You can stop this loss and save approse f kind of work. Vord can be left with fH. Willard, Boot & Harness Store. ws Classified FOR SALF--JERSEY COW, 6 Years | old. Freshened February 16th, 192 26. | Passed three government T.B. Tests. | Apply to i ALwice, ! Dryden, Ont. SER ¥ARM FOR SALE--S % Lot 5, Con. 5, Van Horne. 160 acres more or lese. 50 under cultivation. Good Buildings. Apply to : GODFREY NELSON, Kenora, Ont., Box 81 b 94/26 WANTED TO BUY--BUGGY, in' Good Condition.--Apply to § P. LUNDMARK, ! 914,26 Wab goon, Ont. ! ar 14 | FARM FOR SALE--160 acres, fifly, {under cultivation, balance pulpweod &} two miles from Oxdrift on the' main read. Good two-story log Tum , with summer kitchen; stable, granary, | hen-house. Good well close to house. : Close to school. Price $3000, or terms {to suitable party.--Apply | M. J. CROSIER JOSEPH TUCKEY, 19]3|26¢ Lot 1, Con, 2, Oxdrift, Ont. 0) The following are offered for immed- iate sale for cash, or terms can be ar- ranged--- Jersey Cow. T-yrs old due June 1st. Red Poll 4-yrs old, Heifer, 2- year old, in calf Also two Brood Sows.--Apply to Mrs WHI. MARTIN, cfo Self's Hotel, Dryden. WANTED--BINDER, DRILL SEED- ER, POTATO CULTIVATOR, POTA- TOE PLANTER, FRED OLSON, Wabigoon. FOR SALE--FARM, FOUR MILES and one half from Dryden. Good road, 113 acres, situate on Wabigoon river. Fenced and House, and other build- ings. About 25 acres under hay. Between four and five hundred cords Jack Pine Pulp on place.--Apply ALEX McPHAIL, Dryden, 26/2|26 Ontario GRADED SEED OATS FOR SALE. No. 1 Gold Rain, ger. test 98 percent. at 90c. per bus. No. 1 Early Cluster, from first prize Field Crop Competition (Dryden) with 93 points out of 100. Also Fifth prize at Ottawa Winter Fair. At $1.00 per bus. The three first prizes in Field Crop Competition of Dryden Agricul. tural Society in 1925 was from Seed. grown by me in 1924. T. H. LEWIS, Oxdrift. SEVERAL USED FORD CARS AND TRUCKS, in good running order. Low Prices for: cash, or on easy terms. DURANCE BROS. & CO., BRYDEN. FARM FOR SALE. Townsip of Eton, Lot 9, Con. 2. 80 acres, forty under cultivation, seeded to mixed Timothy Alsike, and Clover. Lumber shack, 12 x 14. Eight or nine tons of hay in loft.-- Apply JOHN BOTHWELL, Eagle River, Ont. WANTED TO BUY-- RAW FURS, for Cash. Highest prices paid--- E. A. XI.OSE WANTED--Wood splitting or any FRED CO: .LINS, Chase Park. Firs? Class SHOE ANG NEVER TOO LATE TO MEND { HAVE YOU DECIDED TO Paint Your Car Yet? If you have, tell us the celour you require. We can supply you, and for the House also. We delight to help you sclect the right colour. New is the time to get busy cleaning up, as the Town is going te press for a clean - up period. J.et us be ahead of them, and show that we need no urging. See our RAKES, HOES - SHOVELS, and all the --TOOLS-- Necessary for the Job. E A. KLOSE BAR HRT os FRI NF General Merchant, OXDRIFT, ONTARIO ma aT «1 Our New Shipment of-- due May ist! GOOD OLD EASTERN Apple Butter --and-- Maple Syrup JUST ARRIVED. FRESH GROCERIES Coming in Weekly. ANDERSON & HARRIS FUNERAL DIRECTORS DAY OR NIGHT CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO PHONE Day, 62 R 2; Night, 62 R 4 ROBT. SWEENE General Blacksmith AGENTS FOR-- Massey- Harris Implements CARBON REMOVED FRCM CYLINDER by Acetviene Burning SD O'NEILL Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. CARMICHAEL BLOCK KENORA ONTARIO W. A. WEARE General] Merchant MINNITAKI, ONTARIO Agent For-- JOHN DEERE PLOW CO. There is John Deere Equipment - for Every Farm Use. Set QUALITY and SERVICE TIME PAYMENTS Arranged to Suit Purchasers. Machin & Popha Barristers, Solicitors, etc. H. A.C. MACHIN EARLE C. POPHUAM Also Member Manitoba Bar. IMPERIAL BANK BUILDING KENORA --::-- ONT B General Merchant, mately one-third on your fuel bills by builds ing your home with Celotex Insula ting Lume ber. Celotex now makes it possible for even the simplest home to have the comfort that only costly ones have had before. It pro- vides conrolete heat-insulation at practically no extra cost. 3. Has it an overhead-valve engine? z 4. Has it a genuine Fisher Body? 5 . Can it duplicate Chevrolet's speed, hill- climbing ability and all-round dependability? There is nothing so cormortabie as san}: OLD PAIR OF BOOTS I carr make them look as good as mew x HAGLE RIVER. Agent for h Frost & Woed IMPLEMENTS. COCKSHUTT PLOW (OY. ® ® % ® Because no other car at or near Chevrolet price can answer all these questions and because Chevrolet delivers a greater measure of quality and value for your dollars than any other low-priced car--this is the car for you. Dont throw away your Shoes just because you think they are too far gone. Let me have a look at them, and I will estimate the cost to repair them. I am sure you will be satisfied, and will also save money while getting a foot comfort that no mew Boot cam give. Rebuilding Seles & Heels a Speciality CHILDRENS 7300TS REPAIRED Sharple's Cream Separators. . RAW Fhe Bounty & SOLD. a house was paw i To make a house warmer in winter, cooleg in suminer, Fa strongly built, use cl sheathing and lath, Celotex in place Phone us for more information. FRE. 2 Tne camam---- DURANCE BRO 1S & CO -- CHEVROLET DEALERS -- DRYDEN -- and -- KENORA VATKINS PRODUCTS For Farmer or Citizen 4 ALLL THE OLD ONES - AND SOME NEW ONES J. Winterbottom rig After 'School Hours JUST TRY THE COCOA > . Dryden ed] : PREPARED MUSTARDS : : : j TT EZY-WASH AND MINERAL ' L. GF:EENHILL SOAYS No. 4, DYTKE STREET E. T. (DAD) ROWLAND

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