THE DRYDEN OBSERVER Now is the time to be (Jetting Seed (Grain Ready WE have a quantity of good quality O. A. C. 21, 6-rowed Carley, @ joc bush, just as it dame from the threshing machine in good shape. About 20th. April we will also have recleaned oats for seed. Wiil give price later. LEAVE US YOUR ORDER All Other GARDEN SEEDS in Stock. Urges Appropria- tion of $5,000,000 TORONTO March 29.--That the Ont- ario Government would be obliged io continue generous treatment of sett- lers if Ontarie were to keep up in competition with the Prairie provinces for new settlers was one of the argu- ments advanced by Premier Howard Ferguson in the Ontario Leglislature last night in moving a motion for an extra §5,000,000 for Northern Ontario development. He declared that Norther Ontario needed more systematic settle- ment and soon steps would have to be taken to make the settlers take out township organizations when there were a sufficient number. They were avoiding it because they thought they would be burdening themselves. Jas Lyons, of Sault St. Marie, form- er Minister of Lands and Forests said: . W. SCOTT Dryden ry ood Equipment Makes A Good Farmer Better You Are Sure of Getting GOOD EQUIPMENT If You Insist on Getting McCormick-Deering £ Las, Ii in need of a DISC HARROW for your spring work, we have them in all sizes, from 6 ft to 14 ft wide, Inthrow Outthiow, or Tandem, for either Horses or Tractor. GET OUR PRICES & LITERATURE J. S. CORNER, Oxdrift, Unt. Probe Not Ended | says Raney TORONTO, Mar. 30.--W. E. Raney,: progressive leader, during yesterday : afternoon's sitting of the public ac-° counts committee of the legislature, | took occasion to refute the assump- tion that the enquiry into the opera- tions of the Lyons Fuel and Supply: Co., had been dropped. "The inquiry is j still open and there are more witnesses x to be heard," Mr Raney said. Special Prices RUBBER ROOFING. Slaste-SURFACED RCOFING. of Baled HAY, mixed Timothy and HIN BE "The North won't stand much longer SHINGLES. for the expenditure of eighty or ninety BE million dollars on roads in Southern TAR PAPER. y Ontaric while they are not getting Heavy & Light Sheathing Paper. 'proportionate expenditure. We in the INSULATION. Norh are as much entitled to expen- dicure as the old part of the province. FULL STOCK OF : thought the Government should move Z. Mageau, Liberal, Sturgeon Falls, BUILDERS' SUPPLIES. ; CHET B some of the settlers now settled on in- 4 nha = ferior or barren land in Southern and 81 hotto If Bastern Ontario to the more fertile 74 lands of the North. FORESTALL The Spring Fever The hectic rush and muss and worry of Spring Houseclean- ing can be avoided by a little pleasant work in your leisure hours now. Refinish your furniture and woodwork with the Name fast drying, self-levelling Color Varnishes. One coat gives hoth color and gloss. No experience necessary to make a good job. Do it now and save time, trouble and expense at houte- cleaning time. We will supply you. Agent for:-- i SEES INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY of Canada Ltd. | A A % : ; SRE SFR Sas Same Sune Sok Three Things Determine Whether the Price YouPayforY our Automobile isHigh or Low-= }~ = = Check Value For Value Check the value in the car you buy on the basis of the advertised f.0.b. price. Chevrolet quality, power, appearance, easy riding, dependability and economy provide the reasons why over 2,000,000 people have bought Chevrolet cars, Investigate the Cash Delivered Price The purchaser of any automobile pays for freight, tax and handling charges." Chevrolet's low delivered price includes these charges--there is no padding. Check Time Financing Charges The financing charges when buying a Chevrolet on time ace the lowest in the world. And these mini- mum charges include financing and fire and theft insurance, No other charges--no side notes to be signed. Because of Chevrolet's low cash delivered price and the lowest of financing charges, you obtain the greatest value at the lowest cost, whether you pay cash or buy your CHEVROLET on the GMAC Time Payment Plan, Come in---~Let us show you how We can save you morey in buy. ing a Chevrolet on time. DURANCE BROS & CO -- CHEVROLET DEALERS --_ DRYDEN. -- and -- KENORA t It's Easy to Pay for a Chevrolet 1 § )urance Bros & Co DRYDEN NTARIO Also Agents for B.H. English and the complete line of Bran- dram-HenderSon Paints. ; : Dryden Lumber Company Successors to Anderson. & Harris, BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS FULL STOCK OF LUMBER, SASH & DOORS SHINGLES, WOOD FIBRE BRICK, LIME AND CEMENT Estimates Freely Given CASH GROCER FOR SATURDAY ONLY---- NEW LAID EGGS, per dozen Classified FOR SALE--CLOVER HAY,at $8.00 and $10.00 per ton.--Apply J. W. McGREGOR, Box 80, Dryden P. O. FOR SALE--About EIGHTY TONS Clover, good quality, at $12.00 per ton. Apply HL. .WICcH 9|4|26 Dryden, Ont. HATCHING EGGS--Pure Bred An- conas, 'Shepherd strain; all-winter lay- ers. Tatures 414 months. 13 Eggs $1.00.--Apply Mrs COLLISS, Duke St. FOR SALE--BAIN WAGON, GOOD A Cultivator.-- Apply O. M. NYMARK, 2/4/26¢c Dryden, Ont. FARM FOR SALE--S 4 Lot 5, Con. 5, Van Horne. 160 acres more or less. 50 under cultivation. Good Buildings. Apply to GODFREY NELSON, 9/4/26 Kenora, Ont., Box 81 WANTED TO BUY--BUGGY, Goed Condition.--Apply to P. LUNDMARK, 6 Wabigoon, Ont. FARM FOR SALE--160 acres, fifty ander cultivation, balance pulpwood & scrub; two miles from Oxdrift on the main read. Good two-story log house with summer kitchen; stable, granary, hen-house. Good well close to house. Close to school. Price $3000, or terms to suitable party.-- Apply JOSEPH TUCKEY, Lot 1, Con. 2, Oxdrift, Ont. in 19/3|26¢ FOR SALE--FARM, FOUR MILES and one half from Dryden. Good road, 113 acres, situate on Wabigoon river, Fenced and House, and other build- ings. About 25 acres under hay. Between four and five hundred cords Jack Pine Pulp on place.--Apply ALEX McPHAIL, Dryden, 26/2/26 Ontario GRADED SEED OATS FOR SALE. No. 1 Gold Rain, ger. test 98 percent, at 90c. per bus. No. 1 Early Cluster, from first prize Field Crop Competition (Dryden) with 93 points out of 100. Also Fifth prize at Ottawa Winter Fair. At $1.00 per bus. The three first prizes in Field Crop Competition of Dryden Agricul- tural Society in 1925 was from Seed grown by me in 1924. T. H. LEWIS, Oxdrift. SEVERAL USED FORD CARS AND TRUCKS, in good running order. Low Prices for eash, or on easy terms. DURANCE BROS. & CO., DRYDEN. FARM FOR SALE. Townsip of Eton, Lot 9, Con. 2. 80 acres, forty under cultivation, seeded to mixed Timothy Alsike, and Clover. Lumber shack, 12x 14. Eight or nine tons of hay in loft.---Apply JOHN BOTHWELL, Eagle River, Ont. WANTED TO BUY BAW FURS, for Cash. Highest prices paid--- Ek A KILOSE | WANTED--Wood splitting or any kind of work. Word can be left with H. Willard, Boot & Harness Store. FRED CO. .LINS, Chase Park. worth free: that is to say, $1.35 worth for $1.00 in cash. vr Ea 23 SPECIAL-- EVAPORATED APPLES, PEM CE aE Cl 15 BROOMS enah' 0 ul, cant ta 49 31h Tin RED PITTED PLUM JAM, pértdn i. am CELERY, LETTUCE, ORANGES YVEMONS, per dozen... 0.000 5 cis A a a +35 MONDAY--8pecial only ONE DAY-- DRED ONS Her baw inl ao 1-69 FRESH BEEF, off higds, peril nv, iz off fronts, perl 000 .10 Buy Your Goods from Hugh Pronger PRUNES, an ungraded slze, per 1h ..... 12145 BRITISH CONSOIL TOBACCO, 14-1b per tin .58 You can buy any kind of CANDY, from Bailed or CHOCOLATES, at 2-tbs for ....... ppl .58 Or anybody wishing to buy Candies off our Special Table: "By buying $1.00 worth are entitled to 35cts ; H A Real Bargain for Easter. Be sure and purchase a pound of MALKINS TEA, for 8oc th, or . COFFEE, for .78¢ 1b And Get a Nice CUP & SAUCER FREE] O. H. PRONGER, Proprieto:. Rebuilding Soles & Heels a Speciality L. GREENHILL 'No. 4 DUKE STREET en res wi First Class \ SHOE REPAIRING NEVER TOO LATE TO MEND Ty . . . A There is nothing so comortabie as an a OLD PAIR OF BOOTS > Don't throw away your Shoes just because you think they are too far gone. Let me have a look at them, and I will estimate the cost to repair them. I am sure you will be satisfied, and will also save money while getting a foot comfort that no new Root can give. CHILDRENS BOOTS REPAIRED After Schoo! Hours can make them look as good as new | A HAVE YOU DECIDED TO Car Yet? If you have, tell us the colour you require. We can supply you, and for the House also. We delight to help you select the right colour. Now is the time to get busy cleasiing up, as the Town is going te press for a clean-up period. Tet us be ahead of them, and show that we need no urging. See our HOES SHOVELS, and all the TOOLS Necessary for the Job. C. A. KLOSE haa M. J. CROSIER General Merchant, OXDRIFT, ONTARIO RAKES, Our New Shipment of-- GOOD OLD EASTERN Apple Butter --and-- Maple Syrup JUST ARRIVED. FRESH GROCERIES Coming in Weekly, FUNERAL DIREGTORS DAY OR NIGHT CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO PHONE Day, 62 R 2; Night, 62 R 4 ROBT. SWEENEY General Blacksmith AGENTS FOR-- Massey- Harris Implements CARBON REMOVED FROM CYLINDER by Acetylene Burning J DO OINEIL |, Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. CARMICHAEL BLOCK KENORA . ONTARIO W. A. WEARE General Merchant MINNITAKI, ONTARIO Agent For-- JOHN DEERE PLOW CO. There is John Deere Equipment for Every Farm Use. Get QUALITY and SERVICE TIME PAYMENTS Arranged to Suit Purchasers. Machin & Popham Barristers, Solicitors, etc. H. A. C. MACHIN EARLE C. POPHAM ~ Also Member Manitoba Bar. IMPERIAL BANK BUILDING KENORA ONT has IE 24 HEY A.J.GARDINEL. | General Merchant, B EAGLE RIVER. } Agent for i Frost & Woed IMPLEMENTS. {% COCKSHUTT PLOW (90Y. x & x 2 : Sharple's Cream Separators. Bj RAW FURS BOUGHT & SOLD. H WATKIN'S PRODUCTS For Farmer or Citizen ALL THE OLD ONES JUST TRY THE COCOA PREPARED MUSTARDS EZY-WASH AND MINERAL SOAPS _ E. T. (DAD) ROWLAND ANDERSON & HARRIS AND SOME NEW ONES ev - PWS oe 2 a