o» THE DRYDEN To the People of Dryden: Red Lake New Find Mining Syndicate Total Capitalization 8000 Units. Full Paid, Non Assessable, Not Subject to Call. A. G. RIPLEY and THOS. PROUDFOOT, Dryden, Ontario Trustees for Par the Syndicate Value $25.00 per Unit. No Personal Liabilities \ \ BANK--The Royal Bank of Canada, Dryden, Ontario. RY LK di On account of the holidays, the special price for a limited number of the above Units is extended until, and including Thursday, April 15th, at $20.00 per unit subject to prior sale, and will positively advance to $25.00 pe Because of the great activities now in progress by the big Mining Inter ing Machinery, Diamond Drills consisting of five claims of about 200 acres, approximately on the strike, and within a reasonable distance of the big mining interests, makes this an unusual opportunity. Te oi : : The possibilities are there, and are sufficiently impressive to warrant vigorous exploration and development. The big Mining Companies of Ontario and Quebec seem to think so. secured and staked properties, and are preparing for earl Find Mining Syndicate Units, is a speculation worth while. r unit, after Thursday, April 15th. ests at Red Lake, who are now transferring many cai-loads of Min- , Supplies, ete., to their properties, and because of the very favourable location of the Syndicate's properties, Dome Mines, McIntyre, Coniagas, Nipissing, Noranda, Victoria Snydicate, Dunlop Syndicate, ete., have Red Lake should be assurance that an investment in "Red Lake New y exploration. You cannot escape the conviction that Red Lake has all the earmarks of a "winner," and has an even chance to become a profitable invest- ment in due course, and that an interest, be it ever so small, in just such a broposition holds out possibilities of bringing very large returns. Values Should Leap. ~ The speculative merits of Red Lake New Find Mining Syndicate Units are most attractive. make big profits within a few weeks, or units may eventually be exchanged for very valuable stock In any event, it is a fine opening to become associated with one of the opportunities in the Red Lake field. Do not minimize the great possibilities of an investment in Red Lake New Fi vestors, as they were in Quebec, Porcupine, and Kirkland Lake. Units of $30.00 each of the Red Lake Prospectors' Syndicate are now in demand at $115.00 are now selling over $300.00 each. Red Lake New Find Mining Syndicate A. G. RIPLEY, 55¢ per pound FEE Co SOS SE 45 Swilt's Prémiom .......000 50 BACON. o.unwvs wh wun Font nat 45 ETT adie WS SAR eel 3 Cotlase Bolle o.oo . +35 Dry Salt Backs : Green Sweet Pickle, English Back I ES I TT Sr SSP 40 BROOKFIELD NO. 1 BUTTER TEA, per 1b 5¢. -- to'-- $1.00 Sinn ails 70 COFFEE, perth ...... 70 Crescent No. 1 BUTTER, 1b .55 EASTER NOVELTIES CHOCOLATE EGGS ---and-- CANDIES. FULL LINE OF LATEST BARS-- i-th tins... 15 sire Ori ginal Imported--- Fry's Breakfast Cocoa HI 4-1 tins. .... CADBURY'S BOURNVILLE COCOA 14 1h FRY'S GRATED COOKING No Waste LIBBY'S APPLE BUTTER, per tin e=----mgem---- Nice to spread on Bread for the Children \ Excellent for Roast Meats as Sauce b wininit ssl ll No Better Cocoa Made James Weight a --Try A Tin To-day Yo-tb tins ...... .30 in Grating--All Ready For Use. CLASSIC CLEANSER Three Tins For TWENTY-FIVE CTS. LI I I IE IEA 25 % ib tin.... 40 CHOCOLATE POWDER-- .30 ATTEMPT TO ASSASSINATE PREMIER MUSSOLINI. ROME, April 7th--An Attempt was made to assassinate Premier Mussolini this morning. A woman fired a revolver point blank at him but be escaped with a slight wound. Mussolini was shot through the nose. The shooting occurred while he was leaving the session of the Congress of International Surgery. A great crowd was around the entrance cheering the Premier, when a woman pressed to the front and, pointing directly at him, pulled the trigger. The woman was rescued from' the crowd with great difficulty,' and rushed to jail. Meanwhile Mussolini, submitting to medical attention, maintained great com- posure. He ordered that no re- tributions be taken. TWO BANK BRANCHES OPEN AT HUDSON. Hudson, Ont. April 3--Hudson is now beconiing a real live town, The townsite only opened a week ago, but the most wonderful a revolver . Local Representative. changes have taken. place. The" Imperial Bank and the Bank of Toronto have opened branches. | A real up-to-date restaurant is now being operated by two Toron- to boys and first class sleeping accommodation is obtainable. Transportation to Red Lake now can be made by motor car. B. F. Moberly is operating a seven-hour Ford truck service to Pine Ridge, | connecting up with horse trans-; portation there. There is also transportation from Hudson right through to Red Lake and boats should shortly be making, regular trips. Our nd Mining Syndicate Units. advice is to secure these units at once. You may should a Company be organized. The possibilities are there, for in- each. Similar $60.00 units of Howey Red Lake GERALD CHAPMAN ENDS LONG CRIME LIFE ON : GALLOWS WETHERSFIELD PRISON, Conn, April 6.--Gerald Chapman, no'orious for his 20 years of sensational crimes, énded his life on the gallows of the Connecticut state prison as a murderer. Calm and showing little emotion, he stepped under the noose of Connecti- cut's new hanging machine, and paid the death penalty for the murder of Policeman James Skelly, of New Bri- tain, in a department store robbery, October 12, 1924. TO ILLUSTRATE: ---- A lady whose income depends on the growth and prosperity of A five cent Newspaper! "Anything else to-day, Mrs Brown?" I must hurry as I want to get a money order Dryden came in for a paper. "No, thank you. before the post office wicket closes. "We would like to have the pleasure of giving you prices on that order before you send the money away." If you can give me as good values, I am sure I would feel an indirect benefit from spending the money "Very well, Mr Pronger. in Dryden." The result was, Mrs Brown took home $17.50 worth of Goods that she examined as she bought, instead of the glowing descriptions of shoddy goods contained in the Catalogues. for $6.00 we did not have in stock, but as we ordered it immediately, we gave the same service as the Mail Order House on this item too. And a Happy Ending From this extra business we had a little surplus cash at the close So we bought some butter and eggs from Mrs Reid, a cord of wood from Jim Norris, some lumber from Jas. Winterbottom, a couple of loaves of bread from Gough's Bakery, and | paid up cur church envelope arrears. Bring you Mail Order to us. : prices----or you can have the advantage if our prices are of business for the day. So may we repeat. it at their the lowest. Ralnh T A-Line WE invite you to bring that order you were going to send the Mail Order Catalogue for Dry Goods and Ready-to-Wear to this Store. We will positively meet all prices on the same terms. Story I am ordering some new clothes." An additional order Pranaanr Let us fill; ~ HOUSE DRESSES A Big Range in all Sizes and Styles $1.00----to--F%1.50 GIRLS MIDDIES White, with Blue Flannel Collars, --$1.50--- SILK STOCKINGS In Every Wanted Shade goc.--6oc.--85c.--&--$1.00 J. B. GAT BUY YOUR EASTER MEATS at Paterson's Meat Market | Good Supply of-- HAMS BACON etc, etc. 4 Mail Orders Promptly Attended to. + Phone No. 6 , A. PATERSON, Prop i In THE DAITER BLOCK