THE DRYDEN OBSERVER F £ # eA Ore Foe Once a year we comb the stock to bring it within certain buying periods, and irrespective of values, put what we have to sell at one flat price. Consequently some are excellent, some marvellous, and all good value. We display in both Dry Goods Windows and on the floor of the store, nine hundred pairs, and the price is $2.00. { < {,, This for Women's and Childrens and $ Boys BOOTS and SHOES, and the Sale ¢ starts Monday morning, April 19th, and € lasts until the end of the month. EE Apart From This Many pairs of oddments upstairs at $1.50 per pair. Bi Sede We Make No Claim That these Shoes are bang up-to-date, but we do insist that they fill a gap and are worth the money. rem SE This is a CASH SALE, and the goods may be tried on, and are not returnable. Once 'bought staying bought. Cremer repr pease et The pith of the whole thing is SHOE S--at $1.50 and $2.00 POTATOES WE WILL PAY $2.00 A BUS. FOR P 1.45 pom... = Meeting.--- Special for Young People & AN ACTION COMEDY-DRAMA, . COMING--Another Serics-- ? Monday-- ® "Vednesday-- ! Dryden United Church Another Gold Rush | SUNDAY, April 18th. "Further Reports of Discoveries to the 11 a.xr.--Sunday School & Bible Class' East of Red Lake Finds. TORONTO, April 14.--Reports of gold discoveries to the East of Red Lake were strengthened by John Jones, Sm Toronto Pops who se Tot _ cubstantial gold deposits have been --OXDRIFT-- "found in Woman River, which is just eee Sunday School South of Tool aps Sty Ts 2.45 : hn East of Pine Ridge, a point on the trai nr Pyle from Hudson to Red Lake. Another We certainly extend a very gold rush was on to the Woman River hearty welcome to you to distriet, he said. Attend All Our Services. : Especially are we glad to Welcome Visitors. H. A. RIVERS, Pastor. Tepic--"After Easter--What?" REALLY HAPPY PEOPLE ¥ ARE NOT OVERLY CLEVER. , TORONTO, April 14.--"The relly i happy people are people who are not ! clever," said Dr Albert Mansbridge, of London, Bngland. "The foundations of the world," he said, "rests upon the ! simple people, whom God loved so Dryden Baptist Church SUNDAY, Api 8h "for he made so many of them." Pastor McAllister Will Preach at = Each Service. § 11.00 a.m.--Subject: "The Rewards." i 6.50 p.m.--Song Service. a as [In the Spring a Young Wiles 2.30 p.m.---Bible School. = il h ay if 7 htlv 3 t : The Ordinance of Baptism will k i fancy lightly turns to thoughts oO me om Spring is kere administered. i FURK ITURE teception of New Members and Lord's ADJUSTMENT Upon on = ous arc earnestly .,d in the dizcussion of ways and Tegner de lee i means a visit to this store should MONDAY, 8.00 pm. ---- {he decided upon, which will great- of Town. To be addressed by Pastor T. E. McALLISTER. This is your last opportunity to hear, him, as he leaves for home on Tuesday. THURSDAY, 8.00 p.m. -- Prayer Meeting. All Welcome. Read Matthew, Chap. 13. Pastor E. G. BAXTER. ' When you wish to buy, or when you have anything to sell, be sure to give us a chance. We also have Furnished Rooms which may be had by the day, week or month, at very reason- able rates. F. SPE A RS, Dryden, --Saturday IBSON _ Friday-- ; HOOT Taming The West" PICTURE the "PACEMAKERS" -- "MISS ME AGAIN." Last of "The Adventures of Mazie" --Tuesday IRENE RICH IN "The Pleasure Buyers" A MYSTERY ACTION PICTURE. WARNER'S PICTURES ART ALWAYS GOOD! -- Thursday Rin Tin Tin IN 8, BSE (3 E555 OY ETI (IE (EER (GEST OGRE 1 FEES EET NE CITED ED THE CHEAP BAZAAR WEEKLY STORE NEWS Prices-- Our Policy of Lowest in The That is of selling day by day at least fifty percent less than the : market prices of our competitors, is made possible because We Sell for Cash Only. We are not infallible. Others. may on occasion cut our prices-- may on occasion sell merchandise for one reason or another at prices lower than we--until we find it out. We thank our Customers who report any items on which we are being undersold. We give no credit. We give no dis- count to a favoured few. We do not sell on easy payment plans. : le { N ANY GOOD POTATOES WITH THE SMALL ONES PICKED OUT. ALFRED PITT, Ltd. DRPVDERN ONTARIO THESE VALUES ARE FOR TO-DAY & NEXT WEEK. | West End Second-hand Store Cot | JUST YOUR KIND OF A! . Large Granite Saucepans .. i .25 You are Welcome to Come in and Look Glass Tumblers ............ 10 | Fork & Knives, from ....... 13 or twelve for .....v.000 $1.00 [Salad Bowls .... co ven vn 25 "Cups & Saucers ..........-. 15 | White: Plates, from. ........ .10 2 Cake Tins, all sizes, from ... .15| Large Heavy Mixing Bowls .. .25 DHShpang ves rrnno sss siss .25| Wax Paper, 50 sheets ...... .I5 Curtain Rods wien iaas vines 231 Cran Jugs colin han 25 Hatforms & Flowers, each .. .25. "Round. W. E. THORSEN & SON Visitors Miss Alma Anderson, of the Blue Store, Eagle River, was in town on business last week. Mayor and Mrs D. G. Dingwall have returned from a months trip to the Western coast. Mrs C. J. Wright returned from a weeks business trip to Winnipeg and other points west. Charles Norgate was a visitor to Kenora last week. Mrs T. W. Thompson relurned to Ignace after a short stay in Dryden, as the guest of Mrs W. Harris. Mrs C. Patterson returned home on Saturday night, after spending a few weeks in Winnipeg. Miss Jessie Taylor, of Sioux Look- out, is spending her vacation in Dryden with her parents, Mr and Mrs A. M. Taylor. Mrs Ruete, Minnitaki, spent a few days in Kenora with her sister. Miss M. Hanlon, Minnitaki, was also a visitor to Kenora. Prov. Con. Hake was a visitor to Ignace last week-end. The Central Hotel is now under the genial management of Jim Gordon. Short Courses are being held at Ox- drift, under the management of M. F. Cook, agricultural representative. ly facilitate its accomplishment. * Gough's Confectionery | Bring us your FILMS Crescent Icr Cream Bricks, .40 Ice Cream, bulk, gt 70 25 » i Fiskimo Pies, five for ...... A ck ok XK _ Gough's Confectionery PSRERISRIISRERY 4 --THIS WEEX-- see fee rices We have just received our Spring Shipment in Men's, Womens & Childrens ROOTS AND SHOES Special Announcement Tc The Ladies I wish you would come in and look over our new shipment of BOOTS AND SHOES which includes styles. As for the price, kindly look over your outside Catalogues, after pricing the same SHOES in our Store, you will find out how much vou can save by buying in your home town. Why not give the town Merchants the same chance as any of the outside firmus? When you are buying a pair of shoes from the Catalogue, vou don't know what you are getting until you get them which half of the time are unsatis- factory. It is true enough that you can send them back and have your money 1efunded; But at the same time you have that privilege right here in town. You will also find that you don't have to pay any more {o1 the same shoes. Try them on in the store; after taking them home, if you are dissatisfied in any way, bring them back, we will gladly refund the money. ---- SUITS=---- SUITS =--=SUITS=----= --------- MEN --48 WHO ARE WONDERING What the SPRING SUITS and TOP COATS Will Be Like CAN COME IN AND SEE The STYLE ILLUSTRATIONS and CLOTH SAMPLES ' Now THE SAMPLE OUTFIT IS Placed in a Convenient Part of the Store, for easy and leisurely inspection. WE ARE NOT GIVING ANY PANTS FREE But we will gladly quote prices on extra Pants for any Suit. T. PROUDFOOT "The Dryden Tailor. LO.O.F. DRYDEN LODGE, Ne 417 meets at the Town Monday evening at eight Visiting Members cordially Hall every o'clock. invited. ALEX. LEISHMAN, N. G. I.J, MACPHERSON, Rec. Secy. L.O.L. DRYDEN LODGE Ne. 1694 © meets the first Wednesday of each month, at eight p.m., in the Town Hall. Visiting Brethrea cer- dially invited. D. ANDERSON, W.M. BADEN SMITH, Secy Golden Star Lodee AF & AM, : No. 484, G.R.C. Meets in the Masonic Hall, Dryden the Second Tuesday of each month 4 Visitors Cordially invited. I would Iike to draw your atten- tion to the Special three different are worth from $35.50 to $6.00 per pair. We are clearing the three different lines while they last at----$2.85 pair Sizes from 215 to 7 Ladies' SILK STOCKINGS in in all sizes. Colours to match every dress. We also carry the SILK STOCK- INGS in the Ribb Tops. CHILDREN'S STOCKINGS, in all sizes and different colours. He still have some TAILOR-MADE SUITS left that were made to meaSure, $10 paid on them, leaving a balance of $17.50. As the parties did not call for them, you have the privilege of getting one for $17.90. If you figure on buying one this spring, come in and see if you can get one to fit ycu. A smal deposit will hold it, until you are ready to take it out. If you can't pick one out to fit, we have already received our Spring and Summer Samples, for Made-to-Measure Suits. We now carry a complete line of --BOYS SUITS-- Visit our Second- Hand Store --for-- Men's Odd Pants, Vests, Army Boots. AMomen's and Childrens Second Hand Boots, Shoes, Coats Skirts, also a few Ladies Suits. New and Second Hand Store. DRYDEN-- -- -- --ONTARIC many different lines in LADIES' SHOES, which - >