Dryden Observer, 2 Jul 1926, p. 2

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BE a | : The Dryden Observer Goes on Rampage | Resigns DO you know him? This wolf in Leadership sheep's clothing, awaiting his confeder- ate, Droutl:, when, in a night, he shows oa ; Sorrel fangs and starts devouring his p OTTAWA, June 30.--The even split prey, our timberlands, our young iB the Progressive ranks in the House growth, the timberland of to-morrow. !Civisions of this morning was followed He laps up the streams, the rivers, | today by the resignation of Robert devours the fish, the game, until at Fore, as leader of the Progressive Coincident with the reduction in the price of Ford Cars and Trucks in : 1e United States, the Ford Motor Company of Canada. Litd., announces ne following prices, effective immediately. : In addition to these drastic reductions, all models quoted below, except the truck, are now standard equipped with self-starter & Balloon tires. PRICE DELIVERED AT DRYDEN with Gas and Oil NEW PRI¢ Filled MODEL Tunabeut oC ie $535 Pouring Car Sop = mo as $555 Sport Roadster ...... : vio + SB3D En eS ey Nl Pe $695 Bader. airaminy , $710 Border. or ll aes $775 Chhssiy 7 eas $440 Tight Delivery... =... Light Delivery Van Truck (non-starter) Truck (self-starter) EE a RR CATES TE ly JRE A TE Th LE ST TA TT SS These reductions are made absolutely without sacrifice to the traditional They onen the way to car quality and durability of Ford Products. ownership to thousands of Canadians who have afforded the comfort and economy of personal transportation. We will gladly demonstrate the model you are interested in and explain convenient terms of purchase as follows: Down MODEL Payment Runabout Sport Roadster LE EC IN TT I SY DEE EE EE SE IY DE I ERE] hi op STR Te TE TES a Rov igsiela 4 4 50s we Altai ne a ---- ONTARIO CES SAVINGS $70 $70 $60 $80 $90 $85 $40 $60 $50 $50 $65 not previously been Monthly Payment : today," says Mr Wolf. last Nature's bountiful gift is gone. And who is there to,put the monster, destroyer of homes and industry, in bondage? You might if you knew him, but he is ever in disguise. One day we find him dressed as a boy going off to fish. fle must play the man, have a little smoke, jauntily toss his match unbroken, not out, into the unnoticed duff. The canny wolf smiles and bids his time a day or two. Warm weather, 2 little wind, he bares his fangs--de- vours his meal---your wood, your work. Again we see him in settler's garb looking over his slash piles which must be burned, today. The tongue shoots out again, More wood, more homes, industries, consumed. On Sunday he walks to the Beaver meadows. They must be burned up for Fall cutting. He does not, see Nature all around him raising his young wood crops. He drops his match and the fangs leap out again. "I'll look around the logging camp "My friend Jack will be working in that nice little slash I had prepared for me. Maybe drop his cigarette butt." As he thinks of this toothsome morse he smacks his chops again. 'ng worth while," and the fangs leap cut again. At last we see his seated on his Launches on a high pinnacle looking over his handiwork and we know him tor who he is. The Fire Wolf. No disguise now. Do we hear him say, I wonder? ©If they only knew, if they only knew, my feeding grounds, my army of helpers, my yearly Fire harv- est would be reduced to one tenth. Chosen to Press Button On C.N.E. Opening Day SEE OUR DRY GOODS WINDOW for-- Ladies Crepe-de-Chine Scarfs In the most Beautiful Colors and Designs. The Very Newest Out Very New, =tRLS BOBBIE TOQUES, in Silk and Wool, beautiful colois. You are not properly dressed without a Toque or Scarf. Fen's White aed Brows Tennis Shoes 'Men's White Yachting Oxfords, @ $1.95 +7, Blue Athlete Oxfords, @ is 1.75 » Lan Motor Oxfords, @ ah a 1.75 » _ Brown, Leather Sole Oxfords, @ _... ooo 2.775 , White, Leather Sole, Balmorals, @ 2.45 » - Brown, Leather Sole, Balmorals, @ coo 2.45 ,». Brown, Leather Sole, Leather trim, @ --_..__.__..__.__.. 3.45 » Tan, Rubber Sole, Athlete Balmorals, @ --_.__.._._..__. 1.95 » White, Rubber Sole, Yachting Balmorals, @ --_..__.__.. 2.25 BOYS TENNIS SHOES, White, & Tan, in Balmorals and Oxfords LADIES, MISSES &. CHILDRENS White, Brown, and Blue, Tennis Shoes, Balmoral, Oxfords, Strap Sandals, and Pumps. All styles. Rubber Sole and Leather Sole Balmoral and Oxfords. ----Prices all Reduced. FLOUR AND FEED ROYAL HOUSEHOLD FLOUR, 98-1bs cc... $4.95 GLENORA FLOUR, 98-108 ecm. 4.70 FEED WHEAT, 100-1bs _ =a 2.75 CRUSHED OATS, 100-1bs ..._ 2.10 FEED OATS, 100-1bs 1.95 AN rn atin a i mm et iad RE 1.45 SHORTS 1.55 Also FULL AND COMPLETE STOCK OF FRESH GROCERIES PATENT MEDICINES ; DRY GOODS STRAW HATS, CAPS, SUMMER HOSIERY CHINAWARE TAKE US ALL ROUND, our Pricees are always Rght, and very aften be- low the market, : wo BEST ALL ROUND STORE What you do not see--Ask For and Advice The system of distribution of pre- vatal literature recently arranged by thie Child Hygiene Section of the Cana- dian Council on Child Welfare, and the Provincial Health Department of the various provinces has proved extremely successful. Upon application to the to the Canadian Council on Child Wel- fave at Ottawa, a series of pre-natal letters is forwarded regularly, free of Pre-Natal Letters. Provincial Departments of Health or | Sir T. Vijayaraghavacharya Who represented All India at the British Empire Exhibition, and who will preside this year at the open- ing ceremonies of the Canadian Na- ~harge. Applications have been re- ceived from scattered outposts, far in the interior of the provinces, scores of miles from the railways, and miles j from a post cffice. Other applications come from the large centres of popula- ton with well established health services, where doctors or nurses have : advised their patients to avail them- selves of the excellent information available 1m these letters. 1 The letters have been prepared by . of medical men, and were distributed | orly after consultation with the Prov-' incial Departments of Health. They are designed to contribute to the sup- | erb effort the Canadian people are mak- : ing to reduce their infant and maternal mortaliay rate, and to improve the whole average of infant heatlh across the Dominion by carrying pre-natal ad- vice and information to the expectant | mother in the home. . B A letter to the Provincial Depart- ment of Health of your own province or to the Canadian Council on Child: Welfare, Plaza Building, Ottawa, will: bring the letter service free. The guests at a boarding house were discussing diets. "I lived for two months on eggs and milk," remarked one lady, "and 1 actually gained ten pounds." "And 1," cai da gentleman, "lived for more than a year on nothing but milk, and gained in weight every day." "Mercy," came the chorus, "How did you manage to do that?" The genteman smiled. "I cannot say that I remember," he repied; "but ] | presume my method was that of other babies." an especially well qualified committee | similar to; tional Exhibition, Saturday, August 48. ae FRESH FRUIT and VEGETABLES NEW BEETS, two bunches for : POTATOES, 4-bs MISSISSIPPI TOMATOES, WATERMELLON, Large Cantaloupe, each .... 30c. Large Plums, per 1b 25c. Celery, per 1b GROCERY Seedless Raisins, bulk, per 1b 15¢, Shredded Wheat, four for 5oc. TEAS--RED ROSE, GOLD SEAL, p Six pounds to a Customer CREAMERY BUTTER, No. 1 SATURDAY SPECIA TH En estat OBC, only. Crescent, poeih o.oviiich 42c. BB es CE re vo 2% 5 REE ERR CR SRE Ee . 58e, ATs RE EE ry. Shs 1.28 Ol A a 2.50 LS--For CASH Only. ht Phone No. 49 es SOE Se et SHR - however not actually be constituted till he will forget to put out his match or | "This will make a kill- 1 19/3)26¢ ES RA Rr i CABBAGE, 4-Ibs for ONIONS, 3-ibs for 5 CARROTS, 3-1bs for .... by thewhole or half, per tb .. oSc. SALADA, NABOB, C. James Wrig party. On several previous occasions, it is understood, Mi Forke has asked to be relieved of his duties, but today his {resignation was formally placed in the 'hands of the executive of the party. During the last parliament following "a similar split, Mr Forke threatened to 'resign unless certain changes were made in the Progressive executive. The changes were made, and Mr Forke retained the leadership. Rumors in parliamentary corridors today are that the Liberals plan ano- ther test of strength n the House, but general feelng s that prorogation is not far distant. Premier Meighen will go ahead with the construction of the cabinet which will replace the 'shadow' cabinet now in office. The cabinet will after prorogation; then, unless, there are unforeseen developments the Gov- ernment will proceed with the issue of writs for the necessary bye-elections instead of calling for the dissolution of Parliament, } Classified Tor Sale---1921 OVERLAND TOUR- {ing (Special) cheap for cash, or terms. | Apply ! § f F. WHITELEY, Dryden. SIX -HOLE COOK STOVE, WITH 'warming Closet and Reservoir. Apply Mrs GEO. NOBLE, Dryden. IMPROVED HOMESTEAD (Unptd.) for sale or trade for Town Property, in Dryden, being Lot 7, Con. 2, Wabi- goon, consisting of 160 acres, ten under cultivation, balance pulpwood, jack pine and birch; log house 16 x 20 story and a half; barn and hay shed; good well. Government road crosses property. For particulars apply to L. I. SORONEN,, Dryden, Ont. 5 6/27 SINGER SEWING MACHINES, New, rented or sold $3.00 per month. Second hand Machines, price $5.00 to $25.00, on same terms--We rent, trade or sell. RALPH J. PRONGER The "Singer" Agent. FARM FOR SALE.--S 1% Lot 5, Con. 5, Van Horne. 160 acres more or less, 50 under cultivation. Good Buildings. Apply Box 81, Kenora, Ont. GODFREY NELSON. FARM FOR SALE--160 acres, fifty under cultivation, balance pulpwood & scrub; two miles from Oxdrift on the main read. Good two-story log house with summer kitchen; stable, granary, hen-house. Good well close to house. Close to school. Price $3000, or terms to suitable party.--Apply ' JOSEPH TUCKEY, Lot 1, Con. 2, Oxdrift, Ont. for EER ES Fa 25¢. week end Special, 20c. per 1b... Royal Ann Cherries, per th 25¢. Leaf Lettuce, per bunch ... osc. of 25¢. SE Tr Sh ah .. $3.00 .... 25c per 1b BANANAS, per dozen ... soc. SPECIALS Tall, Pink Salmon, per tin zoc. Kellogg's Corn Flakes, 3 for 32c. First Class SHOE REPAIRING NEVER TOO LATE TO MEND There is nothing so comortable as an OLD PAIR OF BOOTS I can make them look as good as new Dont throw away your Shoes just because you think they are too far gone. Let me have a lock at them, and I will estimate the cost to repair them. 1 am sure you will be satisfied, and will also save money while getting a foot comfort that no new Boot cam give. Rebuilding Seles & Heels a Speciality CHILDRENS BOOTS REPAIRED After School Hours L. GREENHILL NEXT TO POST OFFICE. M. J. CROSIER General Merchant, OXDRIFT, ONTARIO Dealer in----- DRY GOODS, GROCERIES BOOTS and SHOES . |HARDWARE and FARM PRODUCE Don't forget our five per cent discount on $10.00 orders. Ly Salk ANDERSON & HARRIS FUNERAL DIRECTORS DAY OR NIGHT CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO PHONE Day, 62 R 2; Night, 62 R 4 ROBT. SWEENEY General Blacksmith AGENTS FOR-- Massey- Harris Implements CARBON REMOVED FROM CYLINDER by Acetylene Burning J. PD. O'NEILL Barrister, Solicitor, Etc, CARMICHAEL BLOCK KENORA ' ONTARIO W. A. WEARE General Merchant MINNITAKI, ONTARIO Agent For-- JOHN DEERE PLOW CO. There is John Deere Equipment for Every Farm Use. Get QUALITY and SERVICE TIME PAYMENTS Arranged to Suit Purchasers. Machin & Popham Barristers, Solicitors, etc. H. A. C. MACHIN EARLE C. POPHAM Also Member Manitoba Bar, IMPERIAL BANK BUILDING KENORA ONT SORBET NLT 1 A.J.GARDINER | General Merchant, 3 EAGLE RIVER. § Agent for i Frost & Woed IMPLEMENTS. i COCKSHUTT PLOW COY. } x % kx x z Cream Separators, g i RAW FURS BOUGHT & SOLD. WATKIN'S PRODUCTS For Farmer or (Citizen ALL THE OLD ONES AND SOME NEW ONES JUST TRY THE COCOA PREPARED MUSTARDS LZY-WASH AND MINERAL SOAPS a E. T. (DAD) ROWLAND Sharple's TE SG E-

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