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Sunday Dancing Must Stop Toronte, Juy 14.--- Attorney-General Nickle decided today that Sunday dancing in the Province of Ontario must stop. After a delegation from Niagara Falls had appeared at his office, he stated that the laws of the Province could be invoked to prevent dancing on Sunday in public places. London, July 15.--Premier Baldwin told the House of Commons today that the proposed date of the forthcoming [mperia Conference was October 5. Questioned regarding subjects to be discussed at the conference, he said, that it had keen agreed that the work should include a general review of the | policy of defense and questions arising ' from it. Port Arthur, July 15.--The steamer Kamloops of the Canada steamship lines, is in port today with the first | cargo of harvesting machinery parts to' be brought here this season. Sample Dresse Big Line of-- DRESSES To Go at 4 Bargain Prices If you are looking for a good Dress, Cheap Come in and look these over. THE WILL ONLY LAST A FEW DAYS 3. to find their recreat healthy play in green meadows and on the sandy lakeshore to build them into strong and vigorous m You too need those things if vou are to do the best work and earn the advancement you hope for, and you and your family can have all those things in abundance and at a very small cost. A used Ford car will bring them to you. The investment is very small. Easy payments if you wish. FORD MOTOR COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED TR SEAT GOOD USE 2 You can't expect children to grow bi on in city streets, It takes the fresh air of the open countryside, and vigorous, Why you should buy your used Ford Car from an Authorized Ford Dealer 1. Youget a good car. Ford dealers lenow Ford cars better than anyone else. them correctly when buying so that they doit have to ask a fancy price from you. They re- condition all used cars in their regular service department with genuine Ford parts--at 25% discount. Lg hi is s They appraise 2. They, as reliable business men, are not going to risk future business by giving you anything but a square deal. ingwall FORD DEALERS Dryden or en and women. nd strong if they have 3. You get better value. Thesedealers do not zpend on used car sales for their profits. By siving you a good used car at a fair price now, 1ey know they will make you a customer for 2» new Ford later on. - You get a guarantee of authentic repre- entation--clear title--and the privilege of re- turning any used car that is not as represented and applying the purchase price on another ear sx a new eme within 7 days of purchase date, -- Just Received. 1} Mrs E. LETCHFORD, Classified FARM HELP WANTED 'For about three months. Wages ac- cording to merit, $30 to $40 per month 'and board. Apply to ; E. G. SPRENG, I : 3[1C|26 Waldhof, Ont. T-R-E-E ~~ S-E-E-D WANTED from Crops ripening in August and September, Seed Cones, ete of the following trees:-- Red or Norway Pine, White Pine, Arbor Vitae (White Cedar), Red Spruce, White Spruce, Balsam Fir Flack Ash, Native (Scrub), Oak Vinter-green Berries, (Gaultheria procumbens) and Tamarac (larch). The largest quantities required being 'ine and Spruce. For prices and quantities, address: Edye-de-Hurst & Sons, Dryden, Ontario. have opened are i Noie:--Comnes which | useless. FOR SALE FOUR-ROOMED HOUSE good well and soft water. $1350 cash, nr $1450 on terms. Half - acre of fenced land, and good stable. Key may be had on application to J. A. STRUTT, Dryden. For further par- .ticulars, write Ingolf, Ont. For SALE--4-ROOMED BUNGALOW , with garage attached, good cellar and 'cement foundation. Apply to C. H. WR UGH ryden, tm, 16/6]26 8 an ------ IMPROVED HOMESTEAD } (Unptd.) 'for sale or trade for Town Froperty in Dryden, being Lot 7, Con. 2, Wabi- "goon, consisting of 160 acres, ten under cultivation, halance pulpwood, §2 : and birch; log house 16x 20 stony and a half; barn and hay shed; good Well Government road crosses property. i OF particulars apply to > : L. I. SORONEN,, Dryden, Ont.} 25 627 SINGER SEWING MACHINES, New, rented or sold $3.00 per month. Second hand Machines, price $5.00 to $25.00, on same terms--We rent, trade or sell. RALPH J. PRONGER The "Singer" Agent. FARM FOR SALE---160 acres, fifty under cultivation, balance pulpwood & scrub; two miles from Oxdrift on the main read. Good two-story log house with summer kitchen; stable, granary, hen-house. Good well close to house. Close to school. Price $3000, or terms to suitable party.--Apply > JOSEPH TUCKEY, 19/8|26¢ Lot 1, Con. 2, Oxdrift, Ont. mm-- Repair Price List. DON'T THROW AWAY YOUR OLD SHOES Bring them tc me, and I will look them over and tell you if they can be re- paired at these low prices, as follows: Men's Soles and Heels, Sewn __.$1.75 First Class SHOE REPAIRING NEVER TOO LATE TO MEND There is nothing so comortable as an OLD PAIR OF BOOTS Don't throw away your Shoes ; just because. you think they are too far gone. Let me have a lock at them, and I will estimate the cost to repair them. 1 am sure you will be satisfied, and will also save money while getting a foot comfort that no new Boot cam give. Rebuilding Soles & Heels a Speciality CHILDRENS BOOTS REPAIRED After School Hours L. GREENHILL NEXT TO POST OFFICE, M. J. CROSIER General Merchant, OXDRIFT, ONTARIO ----Dealer in---- DRY GOODS, GROCERIES BOOTS and SHOES HARDWARE and FARM PRODUCE Don't forget our five per cent iscount an $10.00 orders. ANDERSON & HARRIS {FUNERAL DIRECTORS AY OR NIGHT CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO \_PHONE-- Day, 62 R 2; ROBT SWEENEY General "Blacksmith AGENTS FOR-- SL Massey- Harris Implefie CARBON REMOVED FROM CYLINDER by Acetylene Burning Night, 62 R 4 i Ye J. DO O'NEILL Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. CARMICHAEL BLOCK KENORA ° ONTARIO W. AA WEARE General Merchant MINNITAKI, ONTARIO Agent For-- JOHN DEERE PLOW CO. There is John Deere Equipment for Every Farm Use. Get QUALITY and SERVICE TIME PAYMENTS Arranged to Suit Purchasers. » Sole & Heels, nailed __.__.. 1.60 wo Sled Sewn Lua 1.35 » Soles, nailed --.. Mean et » - Lenther Heels 0... .40 » Rubber Heels cco. 45 Ladies Soles and Heels, Sewn, --_.. 1.50 » Soles & Heels, Nailed __.... 1.80 » Soles, Sewn 1.10 ; wo osoles, Naofled * io 20 .95 » _ Bubber Heels oo. .85 wo Ligather Heels LL 2. o. 20 Rubber & Fibre Soles and Heels, i | Black and Tan --...__. 2.90 Rubber & Fibre Soles and Heels, § DE: me rie ie 2250 Elk: Soles & Rubber Heels _._... 2.00 Feit Soles & Rubber Heels__..__.. 2.00 i Ladies' Felt Soles & Heels__..__.. 1.70 Men's Who'e Soles & Heels, sewn 2.70 ° | Men's Whole Soles & Heels, nailed 2.25 : Ladies Whoie Soles & Heels, sewn 2.00 i Ladies Whole Soles & Heels, nailed 1.70 | So with your harness. Bring them { similar reasonable prices. AAR i Assortment of COLLARS, HALTERS, | LINES, & IARNESS PARTS in stock "this week. i ty AA nat L. I. Soronson i' Porth i he 15¢., up {3 I sivas oa 'Rips 05¢c., up £3 . Military Heels, 1%-in high__..__.. 1.30 i French Heels, 2-in. high __.__.._ 1.95 Buttons, wired __.._.._.._. 15¢c., Up &4 Toe Copy, Boys. ooo ie oie 85 | Toe Cope; Mens on oe B5 Elagtle Sidon wu oii wi d10 t Dyeing Shoes, wee... 406. up Tachin & Popham Barristers, Solicitors, H. A. C. MACHIN EARLE C. POPHAM Also Member Manitoba Bar. IMPERIAL BANK BUILDING KENORA ONT | A.J.GARDINET. etc. ' Misses Soles & Heels, sewn __.. 1.05 5 General Merchant, z Misses' Soles & Heels, nailed __.. .80 ¥ wn - Boys Soles & Heels, nailed, 8 YAGLE RIVER. "(1 to 3) $1.00 ' #3 Agent for : Boys' Soles & Heels, nailed \& Frost & Woed IMPLEMENTS. § rn EE NE .85 : 18 COCKSHUTT PLOW Kx R COY. Sharple's Cream Separators. ll RAW FURS BOUGHT & SOLD. Satine SHEREN 1 Pa © WATKIN'S PRODUCTS For Farmer or Citizen 'in to me, and I will repair them at; ALI. THE OLD ONES AND SOME NEW ONES JUST TRY THE COCOA PREPARED MUSTARDS BZY-WASH AND MINERAE SOAPS I can make them look as geod as new : E. T. (DAD) ROWLAND - \