---- VOLUME VIL DRYDEN, Ontario, August 20th, 1926 Opens Campaign Peter Heenan, Liberal candi- date will speak at the following places: Dinorwic Wed Aug. 25--2.30 p.m. Dyment Wed. Aug. 25--8.00 p.m. Aubrey Thurs Aug. 26--2.30 p.m. Dryden Thurs. Aug. 26--8.00 p.m. Bedworth Fri. Aug. 27--2.30 p.m. Cairnbrogie Fri. Aug. 27--8.00 Rugby Sat. Aug. 28--2.30 p.m. Fagle River Sat. Aug. 28--8.00 Minnitaki Mon. Aug. 30--2.30 Gunne Mon. Aug. 30--8.00 p.m. Pine Grove Tues. Aug. 31--2.30 Quibell Tues. Aug. 31--8.00 p.m. Shallow Lake Wed. Sept. 1--2.30 Wabigoon Wed. Sept. 1--8.00 p.m LAUNDRY Dry Cleaning AND Pressing Mts C. Smith, White Street Laundry SOLVE YOUR HEATING TROUBLES. Now is the time to have your Furnace Overhauled and put in Perfect Order for Next Winter. by : A Practical Man. Have your Eave Troughing re- paired, and save the foundation of your building. Ss. RYDER Phone, No. 4 Dryden, Ont. When considering Life Insurance, I will be very glad to advise you as to type of policies and those most suitable for your need. By saving a couple of dollars a week now, you may prevent much suffering and distress later on. Insure now, to- morrow may be too late. A. J LOCK --Real Estate and Insurance.-- Issuer of Hunting and Trapping Licences Office Phone, No. 20 drm Profectio for your home is @ necessi which can best be secured with -- sound -- INSURE WITH J. E. GIBSON, Agent, Dryden Personal Harold Doudiet of Dyment paid a brief visit to his parents, Mr and Mrs A. W. Doudiet. Miss Edna Taylor of Rice Lake spent a few days in Dryden this week, the guest of Mrs Leslie Orvis. Mrs Dave Whitehead returned to Dryden after spending a short holiday withfriends in Kagle River. C. J. Telfer who is in charge of A. D. George's campaign in this' district spent a few days in Dryden this week. Mr Telfer's headquarters are in Ken- ora. J. Ramsay, Dyment, was yesterday. There will be a big meeting of the Conservative Association in the Town Hall tonight at eight o'clock. Louis Nymark left yesterday for the harvest fields. Mrs B. McKellar and son from Big- gar, Sask, and Mrs Newman and daughters form Calgary are holidaying in Dryden, the guests of Mr and Mrs Crowther and Mr and Mrs C. Norgate. Mrs J. Hutchison is spending a holi- day in Osaquan with her sister Mrs L. H. Durfey. A. Henderson, Dyment, was in town Tuesday. Mrs J. French has returned home after spending a vacation in Winnipeg. Miss May Quirk spent a couple of days in Ignace this week. Mrs L. F. Charter has returned te her home in the States after visiting her parents Mr and Mrs A. Pitt for the past month. Miss Monty of Fort William is spending a vacation with her parents in Barclay. The sports programme for Labour day is now out. Jno. Olberg, Dyment, was a visitor here Tuesday. The Central Executive of the Farm- er Labour and Liberal party held a meeting Wednesday evening. Mr and Mrs Kelso and family have left for Dauphin where they will re- side. Mr French left for North Bay on Tuesday night. Mr and Mrs J. M. Campbell from the west were the week end guests of Mr and Mrs Alfred Pitt. Mr Sanderson, student in charge at Ignace United Church, journeyed to Winnipeg Tuesday. Miss Lily Lewis paid a visit to her cister, Mrs Jack Skene, at Oxdrift this week. W. W. French is days in Dryden. Mrs T. W. and Mrs H. A. Thompson of Ignace were visitors to Dryden on Tuesday. iss Alice Berrey is assisting in the Dry Goods Department of Pitt's store while Miss Madder is away on her holi- days. Geo. Gough, Dyment, was in town this week. G. R. Hamilton of the Dryden Phar- macy left Tuesday morning to spend his vacation at Neepawa, Man. Mr and Mrs Pidgeon, Wabigoon, were in town Monday. Miss Nellie Cullen left for Fort William Sunday afternoon where she will go in training at the McKellar hospital. A large corwd of friends were at the depot to bid her goodbye. Mr and Mrs A. Gould have returned to Dryden after spending a week in Winnipeg. Frank Kerney has returned to Dry- den from Forti William. Frank Porter was up from Dinorwic over the week-end. Several trainloads of harvesters on their way to the harvest fields have passed through here this week. Nurse Denne has returned to her in town spending a few |duties at Dryden Red Cross hospital after o vacation spent at her home in the east. Mrs Thos Graham and son Billie of Dinorwic were up to Dryden Saturday. Miss Valerie Ray has returned home after spending her vacation in the east. Miss Dagne Malmborg, Eagle River, was a visitor to town Monday. Rev. H. A. and Mrs Rivers left on Monday to spend a holiday in Winni- peg and other points west. Miss Fal- coner who has been their guest for the past week, accompanied them to the city. Miss Elsie Percy, formerly of the Dryden Public School Staff, passed through Dryden Monday on her way to Kenora after holidaying in the east. NOTICE The Women's Institute will hold their regular monthly business meet- ing in the Town Hall on Friday after- inoon next, the 27th inst. at 8 p.m. ~ Labor Day every reason to believe that the It is anticipated that the five and end with one lap around the a great attraction. this event, as it is rumoured that be up to the very best. offered will appeal particularly grand day. Mrs C. Kelley and baby daughter of Kenora are spending a holiday in Dry- den with Mrs Kelley's father, C. O. Self. Victor Nordrum, Wabigoon, was visitor to Dryden Tuesday. Alfred Fitt and Dr Wood were. visi- tors to Kenora Sunday. H. Wright. Wabigoon, spent a couple of days in town this week. J. Quirk, Ignace, was a visitor to Kenora Tuesday. Mrs F. Madder and Miss Dorothy and Mrs O. H. Pronger left this week to spend a short holiday in Winnipeg. Mrs Currie has returned to her home in Wolsley, Sask., after visiting her two sons al Oxdrift and spenidng a week in Drydedn, the guest of Mrs H. Davis. H. R. Day, formerly of Dryden, has been the guest of Mr and Mrs H. Humphries for the past week. Beginning the 1st of September, the name of the Dominion Express will be changed to the Canadian Pacific Ex- press. F. B. Linden was a business visitor to Kenora this week. Miss "Keatley returned home Tues- day after a holiday spent in the west. Mrs N. Naslund and Miss Anderson, Eagle River, were visitors to Dryden Thursdey. a Novelty Shower-- Misses Eva and Beatrice Dixon were hostesses last week at a Novelty Shower, in honour of Miss Nellie Cul- len, who left to train for a nurse ta the McKellar Hospital, Fort William. About thirty friends were present, and dancing formea the main part of the evenings entertainment. Baebabli Dance-- Oxdrift Baseball Club are holding » Dance in the Oxdrift Community Hall to-night (Friday). The Freshmen Orchestra will supply the music. Guards Band to Play in Kenora:-- Under the auspices of the Kenora Legion, the famous Coldstream Guards Band will play in the Kenora rink on Monday, Aug. 23. This Band is now on a short tour of the Dominion for the first time since 1904 and is now on its way to Toronto to play at the Can- adian National Exhibition. AUCTION SALE Mr P. M. Clauson will sell all his cows and heifers at H. A. Wilson's Livery Yards on Saturday, August 21 at 3 p.m. No reserve an exception. celebration that has gone before. The Committee in charge citizens to assist in making the gratifying results to all concerned. are offered for the best decorated business house, also dwelling with the object of offering an incentive for the townspeople to dress the town in one blaze of color, The massed bands, of Eagle River, Waldhof and Dryden, in fact should prove a great attraction. the whole, in fact in every respect, September sixth should prove a Celebration to be best yet THE Coinmittee in charge of Labor Day celebration report that all arrangemeits to this end are working smoothly and that there is celebration on September 6th will surpass that of last year which is acknowledged to have greatly surpassed anything of that nature heretofore attempted. mile road race, which is to begin track, will be well filled and prove Considerable interest 1s being manifested in there are two or three runners, not many miles from Dryden, whe will make going hard for any- thing Dryden can produce in the way of long legged pedestrians. The fire works of last year were considered very good indeed, but this year it is understood that double the expense is being in- curred to make this feature of the programme a grand success. Those who have had the pleasure of dancing to the snappy music .of the "Freshmen" Orchestra, will realize that the dance will Generous prizes being offered as shown on the posters on exhibit, while it is anticipated that certain prizes to the farming community with Excepticnally generous prizes On Sioux Lookout Pays Fraternal Visit On Saturday last, Sioux Lookout Lodge No. 448, 1.0.0O.F., paid a frat- ernal visit to Dryden and were enter- tained by the local lodge. A party of Dryden Brothers met them at Quibell and drove by auto to Eagle River where the committee under Dr. Mor- ison had provided an excellent supper, and spent a couple of hours after which they proceeded to Dryden. In the evening the Sioux Lookout Degree Staff under P. G. Bro. L. M. Beath conferred the Third Degree in a very able manner. The Dryden Lodge also conferred the second degree upon a large clase of candidates. After degree work was conferred an excell- ent lunch was provided and the re- mainded of the evening spent in song and speeches. During the evening many excellent speeches were delivered by visiting and local Brothers which were greatly en- ioyed by a large gathering of seventy members. During the same evening a District Meeting was held and was presided over by D.D.G.M. Bro. W. J. Heaney, Kenora, and was attended by delegates from each Lodge in the district. Vari- cus business was disposed of and re- ports from delegates went to show that all Lodges in the district are in a flourishing condition and are enjoying excelient progress. At this meeting P. G. Bro. H. J. Adair of Dryden Lodge 417 was elected to the position of District Deputy Grand Warden for the coming year. All the visitors returned home on Sunday and thus concluded a: yery pleasant and enjoyable "trip. : These fraternal visits are very beni- ficial to the Order in the District and we trust that they shall contigfue. Among those present forth Sioux Lookout were: P.D.D.G.- Masters Bros. Cole and Travis, P.G. Bro. L. M. Beath, Bro. Dr Day and N.G. Bro. Harry Badges. A number of visitors were also pre- sent from Kenora and Keewatin among whom were D.D.G.M. Bro. J. Heaney N. G. Bro. John Peterson of Gold H:ll Lodge, Kenora, and P. Grands Bros. Davis, McMillan and McKellar of Minnitonka Lodge, Keewatin. Mr A. R. Pippy, Optician from D. R. Dingwalls, Winnipeg, will be in Dry- den Labour Day, Sept. 6 and the two following days. Make appointments with Dr Dingwall or at The Dryden Pharmacy. Citizens of Dryden: If Dryden is to hold it's standing as the centre of this fast growing district, it is essential that we show by our actions that we are worthy of that honour, and Labor Day, Sept. 6th, should not be Undoubtedly everyone will agree that Labosur Day celebration last year was a credit to the town and district. Let us, by all working together, make Labour Day this year surpass any appeal to all merchants and celebartion of September 6th a red letter day in the annals of Dryden and District. LABOR DAY SPORTS COMMITTEE A, E. BERREY, Chairman District Meetings A. D. George, Conservative candidate wijl speak at the follow- ing places: Aubrey, Mon., Aug. 23--2.30 p.m. Minnitaki Mon Aug. 23--4.30 p.m. Quibell Mon. Aug. 23--8.00 p.m. Pine Grove Tues. Aug. 24--2.30 Waldhof Tue. Aug. 24--4.30 p.m. Eagle River Tues. Aug. 24--8.00 Rugby Wed. Aug 25--2.30 p.m. Dryden Wed. Aug. 25--8.00 p.m. Britton Thur. Aug. 26 --2.30 p.m. Cairnbrogie, Thurs, Aug. 26--4.30 Wabigoon Thurs. Aug. 26--8.00 Dinorwic Fri. Aug. 27--1.30 p.m. Dyment Fri. Aug. 27--8.cop.m. Shallow Lake Sat. Aug. 28--2.30 Barclay Sal. Aug. 28--4.30 p.m. Oxdrift Sat. Aug. 28--8.00 p.m. Watch for Posters ETT, CELI Praise for Chautauqua To the Editor Dryden Observer Dear Sir--I think I am voicing the opinion of the majority in saying that some thanks are due the Committee who were responsible for the visit of Chautauqua to this town. As is well known there is a slight deficit on + ~ guarantee put up by these gentlemen which they are paying out of their own pockets, because some people are a little too skeptical (this be ing Chautauquas first appearance) and refrained from swelling the crowd. This should not be the case next year. I am sure there are a great many who having heard and seen first class artists in other parts of the world, will realize thai. we have just had in Dry- den an entertainment, of a very high standard. This would have been im- possibie, but for the Committee's guarantae and it is for this that I for one wish te thank them. If all those who have the opportunity of signing the guarantee for next year will do so, Chautauqua should be a complete sue- cess and on their next visit should be welcomed by everybody who apprecia- tes an intellectual treat. Yours truly, S. V. RIGBEY. -- School Results Following is a list of results of the Middle The subjects after the pupils names show where pupil failed: , Verne Campbell, Eng. Lit., Chemis- try, Latin Authors; Arthur Clempson; Bessie Harris; Norman Howe; Mildred McGonegal; Louise Monty; Warren Morden; Jessie Noble; Egan Ray; Myrtle Reaney, Latin Authors, Comp.; Olive Reaney; Eva Spears, History, ath, Ex. Sc.; Oscar Swanson; Wandie Weeks; Eric Whitely; George Wigle; Alex Wilson; Dwight Wright, French Authors and Comp.; Sidney Wright. Scheol Examinations. Red Cross Hospital, Dryden-- The fommittee beg to acknowledge with thanks the following donations to the Hospital during the month of July. Mrs Gibson, Flowers; Mrs H. Gam- mon, Vegetables and Rhubarb; Mr Parr, Meat and Ice Cream; Mr Daiter, Fogs; Bvelyn Adair, Flowers and berries; Mrs Maunsell, Strawberries. ¥. MADDER, Sec.-Treas. Quibell to Celebrate. Celebration in Aid of Quibell Hospital As a preliminary to the opening of their new $22,000 Conislidated School and Community Hall which will be held later in the season, the people of Qui- Liell have arranged for a baseball game between Sioux Lookout and Dryden. The grounds are now being put in shape and when completed promises to be one of the finest diamonds in the district. Nc effort is being spared on the part of the Committee to ha = everything prepared for a large atte: dance from all over the district. Q bell is justlv proud of their were | acheivement and are taking this oppe tunity to show what has been accom- plished. The roof is now on the build- ing and the floor will be laid .during the next few days. There will be ample space for all to try out the lat- est steps and the Freshmen orchestr:. from Dryden will provide the music i: their usual snappy style. Lunch will be served after the game. The prc- ceeds of the day will be in aid of th Quibell Red Cross Hospital. - Concert at Wabigoon The Dryden District Band, our new organization, are holding 'a concert and dance in the Oxdrift Community Hall on Friday, Aug. 27th. This is the first of a series of concerts to be given in the near future to meet the expenses of the new band who are procuring suits and doing everything to make it a lively organization of which the dis- trict may be proud. If the former concerts of Dryden Brass Band have heen a success, the entertainments of this new aggregation should be even more enjoyable with the valuable assis- tance of the district bandsmen. After the concert a dance will be held, so a geod time will be had by both dancers and music lovers. Lunch will be served at 12 o'clock. Come and do your part to support your District Band. The Freshman Orchestra have kindly offered their services in behalf of the Band. Peppy dancing to the most popular musie. SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS DISTRICT OF KENORA TO WIT: UNDER and by virtue of a Writ of Fiere Fucias issued out of the Supreme Court of Ontario, and to me directed and delivered at the Suit of Guido Zamarion, Fiaintiff, against Angela Furlane, Administratix of the estate of Louis Furlane, deceased, Defendant, have seized and taken in execution and will offer for sale by Public Auction at my office in the Court House in the Town of Kenora, in the District of Kenora, and Province of Ontario, on Saturday the 28th day of August, 1926, at the hour of Eleven O'Clock in the forenoon, all the equity of redemption, right, title and interest of the above named Defendant in, to and out of the following lands and tenements, name': Situate and lying in the Town of Si~ Lookout in the said District of Ken: being lot number 155, situate om - North Side of King Street in the Town of Sioux Lockout, containin: Twenty-two One-Hundredth of an acre more or less, being parcel 5930 in the Land Titles Office for the District of Kenora. Dated at the Sheriff's Office in the Town of Kenora, this 12th day of Biav. 1926. J. W. HUMBLE, Sheri of the District of Kenora. NYAL CREQPHOS also fortifies PER BOTTLE ® This valuable remedy posSesses unusual value in run-down con- ditions showing a loss of flesh and a tendency toward weak lungs. ° CREOSOTE is a most valuable antiseptic, and in this combination will be found most effective in chronic Bronchitis, lingering deep-set stubborn cotighs and asthmatic conditions. the system, enabling weak con- stitutions to sucessfully combat the inroads of disease germs, gives appetite, increases flesh and improves the general condition. $1.00 AT THE gin