THE DRYDEN OBSERVER The Church Supper The season for the church suppor andl tee festival is here. These delightful Prize Winners Feench, Margot Cole, May Bartlett. son, Vielet 'Moline, Gladys Vankough- nett. Primer Four samples of Basketry (colored --------; "L"--Ruby McGuire, Grant Buchan- an, Marie Heard, Willie Allan, Helen Chaschowy, Charlotte Davies. sk WE SA paper) mounted on large card.--PeLte slorettin, Lola Deane, Harold McQueen Wilfred Moore, Jim Vankoughnett, Lester Pronger. . Collection of Snaps taken by pupil in 1826--George Gough, Charlie Gammon Jim Rigbey. Half dozen Bran Muffins, girls ten vears and under--Grace French. Raisin Fie--Evelyn Adair, Rosaline IMadder, May Bartlett, Kathleen Wil- kkinson, Minnie Reid, Pearl Stefaniuk. ~ Hight entries. Half dozen Bran Muffins--May Bart lett, Gladys Vankoughnett, Grace Hardie, Betty Swanson, Eunice Gough. Three Desserts, other than pie (cup size)--May Bartlett, Lenore Stefaniuk. Box of Candy, girls ten years and lunder--Jean Hutchison, Adele Foulis, Carrie Doudiet, Gladys Vankoughnett. Box of Candy, girls over ten years-- 'Jeanette Reid, Phyllis Hawke, Eunice Gough, Ruby Reid, Patty Wright, Alice Halderson.--Eight entries. Box Containing School Lunch for one ~-Lily Lewis, Eunice Gough, Daisy Howarth, Rosaline Madder. Set of Dolls Clothes (hand sewn)-- G. Vankoughnett, Helen Chaschowy. Button Bag (hand sewn)--Gladys Vankoughnett, Carrie Doudiet, Dorothy 'Stratton, Charlotte Davis, Violet Moline Esther Mercer. Hd Iron or Pot Holder--Vera Bailey, Iael Adair, Violet Moline, Charlotte Davis, : Fancy Pin Cushion--Eunice Gough, Charlotte Davis, Esther Mercer. Girls I'ea Apron (Machine Made)-- events crowd the late summer and early autumn evenings. They come iz such numbers that a problem of selec- ton is oft times presented. The pity \|is that there is no clearing house to regulate the dates so that co-opeartion might eliminate compefition as I 'were. In this day and generation of so- called high speed existence when we seem to depend so largely on manu- factured enjoyment, it is indeed a re. freshing treat to attend the average county church supper or a grange festival. At these events there is to be found a wholesomeness and a plenty 1of food; and ' association fof greater value than' the price paid for the cket, These affairs are conducted r profit' of 'course, but is a broader rofit than micnetary gain alone. The ood folk, who sponsor and provide iem, add to the menu a measure of ood will that makes one always want tc come again. If thé movies loose their appeal, and enjoyment runs at a low ebb, if the appetite fails and life goes a little stale crank up the car and seek out one of these suppers. In this perscription you will find a tonic that will restore lost appetites, sooth jaded nerves and revitalize a low spirit all in one even- --Quibell-- Potatoes (Green Mountain), twelve ol lubers-- Henry Paradis, - Mary Ictom, Walter Icton, : ne Potatoes (Irish Cobblers), twelve tubers--¥. Moore, L. Moore W. Reed, : _ li. Heneley, S. Jarvenen, L. Boo. : Mangles (Giant White Sugar), five : roots--J. Allen, W. Icton. : ie Beets (Detroit Dark Red), six roots ---H. Narvinen, H. Paradis, E. Heneley G. Reed, V. Allen. - > X Carrots (Chantenay), six roots----IL. Narvinen, W. Reed, H. Paradis, J. Allen, M. Eobert, E. Heneley. - Onions (Yellow Globe Danvers), six specimens--F. Heneley, R. Martin, M. Robert, H. Paradis. Parsnips (Hollow Crown), six speci- mens.--M. Robert, H. Paradis. ; Best Collection of Vegetables from Seed Supplied from the Home Garden TY. Fourth Book Essay--FRlizabeth Turnbull, Gladys Noble, Frances Foulis, Minnie Reid, Dunean Mercer, Ronald Whiteley. ; Third Beek "The Life Story of a Ship."-- A.--HKathleen Wilkinson, Charlie Gammon, Elmer Wice, Lyle Munroe, Albert Berrvey, Mildred Deane. B.--James: Rigbey, Elsie Hunter, Delores Falconer, Christine Collies David Mercer, Gordon Mackey. - Second Book : ~~ Essays A.--FEsther = Mercer, Lola Deane, Aubrey Pinkerton, Harold McQueen, Jim Vankoughnett, Allen Moore. B.--Mary Blake, Margery Crawley, Mamie Reaney, Fred Lappage, Philip Moline, Kathleen Millroy. First Book "How They Built Their Home" (pair «of Birds)--Hilda Davies, Jessie Chip- man, Gwendoline Faulconer, Jessie Cole, Clayton Bailey, Brian Barber. Collection of Pressed and Mounted PEARS PLUMS LFOMATOE SUCRABAPTLES Contest Packages--S. Jarvinen, Moeore, E. Henley. : ; Best Collection of Vegetables from = the Home Garden, not from Seed sup- : ing. ~ Such 'good food you have never Phyllis Hawke, Elsie Hunter, LilajfLeaves (Named)-- Arthur Doudiet, | vlied by the Department--E. Moore. : tasted, unless perchance you are a! Buchanan. ? dulius Volkmar, Elmer Wice, George| Best Mixed Bouquet, other than Tw "supper fan," and such quantities of it.! Crocheted Doilie--Phyllis Hawke. Gough, Mildred Dean. Qa Sant i fide The good folk, who willingly serve you} Best Hemstitched Handkerchief--§ Collection of Weed Plants indicating ® oy Senet Moors, W.. Boo, ie # pina h Lie - \ "tare never content until you cry quits May Bartlett. Bad Character of each-- Winkie Edgax, Henley. 3 WE ARE WELL SUPPLIED WITH ater having eaten your fill. And such| Best Darned Sock--May Bartlett. | Francis Foulis, I. Willard, Elizabeth| Cockerel, Barred Plymouth Rock-- ET 2 TI UBER eg elt Sr : delicacies as you will find--plenty of Ruby Reid. Turnbull, Nona Reany, Gladys Noble. |W. Booi. ~~ FALL AND WINTER FELTS food of course--but then added to it] Hand Embroidered Guest Towel--§ Collaction of Native Woods (Mount- Pen (Cne Cookarel Two Pullets, | nr ' mB will be crisp 'pickles and a sauce that: Phyllis Hawke, May Bartlett, Verajed on Cardboard and Named)-- Dick |_ a rg enia Smart Shapes : sharpens the appetite, tasty jellies, the Bailey. Cole, Arthur Doudiet, Elmer Wice, | Ted Plymouth Rock--L. Moore, H. i : fom Tut 0 ny all the latest Colours and with pride of some neighboring housewife, | Useful Articles made from Prize f Julius Volkmar. Narvinen, A. McEvan, W. Booi. jverhaps a dainty cottage - cheese and Ribbons wen in former years--Minnie dozens of little touches that the j Reid. : _ javerage meal lacks. 5% Ten Kinds of stitches, worked with 3 ; ; Lil E 3. . PT 1+v i Whi Tn 1 2 Ti ie VERY REASONABLY PRICED oi Added to this, one finds opportunity i White Thread on black materia Pen, two Hens and one Rooster from Eggs from the Dept. previous to 1926 --S. Jarvinen. One doz. White Eggs (Special )--H. Narvinen. 2 . One doz. Brown Eggs (Special )--E. Moore. 3 : One qt. Pickled Beets, girls under Special Urban School Fair Prize Lisst Jr. 1I---Oscar Nymark, Ernest Hutchi- son, Carrie Doudiet, Lila Buchanan, Jim Vankoughnett, Allan Moore. Jr. 111.--D. Falconer, P. Wright, V. Bailey, E. Strutt. J GR Sizes To Fit Every Head - {ior widening the circle of acquaintances Nena Reany. of knowing one's neighbors just 2! Any Article, handmade----Rosaline little better. We, who dwell in happi- | Madder, Evelyn Strutt, Vera Bailey, ness and material prosperity, know ; Violet Moline, Kathleen Wilkinson, «J there are nc better people to be found Jean Dempster. <2 Amt Pa. anywhere nor any better place to spend| Model Log House; with sills--Elmer Muy Bovtleth oo. 30 5 ; : one's appointed years than here in thie 'Wice. J ; Jim Righy oa an =. 25 5 ften years--V. Allen. . WEIR, district, the gem of the counties. To| Bird House, pupils ten years and Ellen Norgale oo. =20 4 One qt. Sweet Pickles--E. Moore. a Tsim 80% the most out of living is not such wnder--Rohert Corbett, Earnest Hutch: Thomas Terbull L015 3 One qt. Raspberry Preserves--. 8." a hard job after all. " There are plenty son, Bobbie Foote, Mickey Pronger. Kathleen Milroy = 10 2. Mayvl : ) cil of opportunities and thes countryside| Model Boat rigged for sailing-- Betty Swanson ._.__... W.- Fre events are part and parcel of them. |Charle Gammon. H-- One qt. Strawberry Jam--H. Narvin- y a county supper | Trinket Box with hinges and lock-- Kathleen Wilkinson ..__ 80 6 fen, BE. Moore. re passing up nl Wilby McQueen, Charlotte Dixon --........25 5 § ope qt. Canned Blueberries, girls * to add to life's{ Homemade Canoe and oar, II elags Edward McMonagle __. 20 4 under ten years--E. Moore E and under--Lloyd Wigla. Evelyn Adair __.__._ Bl 0g ei Tih * i Socks, Darned by boy--Dune Turner Jeanetie Reid --_._..__.. 10 2 Exhibit of Canning, other than that . OMS FOR RENT Cuncan Reid, Elmer Wice, Arthur Nesip Beony Zi on: 10 1 fgrown from Home Garden Contest--E. naa : Cl ¥ couple. = Reason- Doudiet, Hubert Bartlett, Norma §M.-- . Vinorn, Fi rl z a able rates. Appl Hunter an Barber 3 HE CHOCOLATES THAT ARE DIFFERENT T. 1. SORENSON, Boot and Hameed] ZUM ena oY 3} Raisin Pie--F. Thompson, J. Allen. : Gm be TRE j : "hop, at the late Willard Stand Ness! Premier and First Book Bike Semele fo 25 5 Box of Candy, girls ten years amd : at a Ts te Writing Book in Pencil, showing at Muriel Bailey -_.._... 20 4 vidon i OER 7. Moore : surgue eartdell the char m of their taste Joe \ Rn rhe Fa Heast two manths' work-- Hilda Davies... 15 3} Box of Cand ls or os years-- : sa NO a : ¥ A G ARDINET Sr. Pr.--Helen Chaschowy, Nora Ethel Fido __.. z fur Bh et, ii - iz NUTS HARD. CENTRES -- NUT TOP~CREAM 13 &- J. ? EE s~ BaD Minded Bolles, Buby Motiwive,] Non Bauer 30 1 Box Containing School Luncch for - Er Wg oe : A nara) Merchant" mma Strutt, Charlotte Davis. I i One--E. Mcore 2 : = Elo os i EE 3 a Jr., Pr---Annie Chaschowy, Alice Mary Bloke © =. =o i po Seanad ; : ; i ; A PA d TLE 5] 2 . 2 ; ) 5 b 0c. and SI GO i BY AGLE RIVE is Andrews, Addie Cole, Myrtle: Barber, Margery Crawley __.__.. 25 5 oD bab Clothes (Hor, Sewn . ® a - 5. sg 1 o . : ; . : 1. ; re XY ° ; 5 fii : Se i 3 ; Agent for Hus ell Haw ke, Mildred Ripley. Io eon lin oo) 20 4 Button Hag A hand - sown y= BE CK IT IF WE STOCK IT, IT'S GOOD i Frest & Weed IMPLEMENTS. bi Second Book Barbara Jones __ 3 Roberts, £. Verellen. a COCKSHUTT PLOW Coy. fii Writing Book in Ink showing atleast] Margaret Hunter 2 Fils Ton Aprin (Machine Made)-- : : Adi - : : two months' work. Lester Pronger - 10 1 R. Cooper, J. Allen = a mgr Sharple's' Cream Separators, ||, "= Lily Lewis, Ruby Reid, Barbare, E--Flizabeth Tursbull, Grace Hardie, Ten Kinds of Stitches worked with : : : i | Jones, Margery Crawley, Mary Dzioba Gladys Noble, Katie Steiner, Charlotte . 3 ST r-- b/ : 3 anel, hotnery ¥y y : Lis : white thread on black material (named) : oy : iE Raw FURS BOUGHT 2 LD 3 a Sella Gh Moline. nee Thompson, : 2 "1 B.o--dack Bartlett, Pete Morettine, § Le ; ~ G oO ig orf? s = He Peon ea Wowie, Ooi (oarah Trowell i 30 6 er he Handmade-- Helen pe a 5 AN DERSON & H ARR IS Wright, Olga Steiner. Do Ee eden Oe I ith Sills-- H w_onfectionery iran IREATARE Third Book Gileen Wigle __.__.__.. re RE el i : Aine Polo : i Jharlie Moore __..__._ fo 2 : ; . Y FUNER Al REG id gRs ; Ts Book 3 I RE Sh . I 2 or - 0 : Socks, Darted, by Boy--R. Martin. x Cwo moinhs' work--Ma artlett, Alice A EON } i ; DAY OR NIGHT CALLS Ialdersen, J Munroe oon Stefaniuk, Sgricultural Note Books--C.-- nr a a 5) Weasen L es ; ov : ; sen, J. 5 pit Y 5 . oo {Leaves (Named)--H. Martin. Le TT) CE OD) HT OEE () GS THES) CD -EE 0-€E5ED OED 0 PROMPTLY ATTENDED TG Patty Wright, Hvel Pi Gladys Noble, Olive Lewis Winkie , Sa : alin es AE 5a, A i iO GEE) in Ly Wright, Xvelyn Pinkerton. et ' : Collection of Native Woods (Mount-. : = P HON = Fourth Beok ¥idgar, Frances Foulis, Grace Hardie. ed on Cardboard and Named)--Allem a Day, 62 R 2; Night, 62 71 4 Writing Book in Ink showing at fi, AT) Noe oa Tt McEwan, Robert Martin. . Sr AW hs' w : re Sra fe : An wi Lenora Stefan. fred Yaworski, Lenore Stefaniuk, De- Fo == First Class tuk, Charlotte Dixon, Elsie Moorehouse Ly Sg, Mach in & Poph am SHOE REPAE RENN GG Pauline Pinkerton, Katie Steiner. any Saar Barri Sata : 2 Charlotte Dixon 30 6 arristers, Solicitors, etc. NEVER TOO LATE TO. MEND R CR fety, Hug Foren Wile Vookihouts or 25 5 HAC. MACHIN There is nothing so comortable as an bn rs i Sp Ape Bona Edna Buchanan __..__... 20 4 EARLE C. POPHAM % : nid or "SHOES fas am 7 Mildred Dean __.__.._ pgEeip Also Member Manitoba Bar. | : can make them look as geod gs new i ; ase ' Lily Moove ce... 10 2 7 ¥ o NTA CCOTIN Sn 0 > Dont throw -away your Shoes Six selections from work of year a! yin EEE FRE: | KE | ume FANE Bn | ON ACCOUNT OF BAD WEATHER CONDITIONS & THE just because you think they are |t¢hool, mounted on large sheet of Paper frm: aimed Pictures--Peto Morettin % y : TAILURE OF THE EASTERN PEACH CROP, OUR too far gone. Let me-have a look Minnie Reid, Evelyn Adair, Grace Feame Picture, Jr. II1--Dick Cole SOLVE ¥ OUR HEATING - ; : ; at them, and I will estimate the |Hardie, Nona Reany. Delores Falconer, James Righey, Patty TROUBLES. & aro ad of E astern Fruit cost seal them. 4 am gure' Third Class i Wright, Alice Halderson, Bella Blake. N pL iy er = you will be satisfied, and will also Six selections from work of vear at{ Basketry--Annie Chaschowy, Gordon Ow 1s tac time to have your - ADVERTISED TO ARRIVE EY Pony re Puy a foot school, mounted on large sheet of peper {Tields, dith Wright, Billy Yoworshi, Fone Ovesterisd i ; Ea comfor at no mew Boot cam |---Charltte Dixon, Arthur D diet, { Alice re { and put in FHIS WEEK, WILL NOT AR RIVE TILL give. ; Margaret Cole, SL Ty Bens I aD b erfect Order CHILDRENS BOOTS REPAIRED |Buchanan, Kathleen Wilkinson Wice, Helen Chaschowy, Emma Strutt, for 3 WwW : J ) . Wice, J vy, Emma Strutt, . ednesday After School Hours " Second Class Marie Dixon, Hugh Reid. J Next igi dp: LEAVE YOUR D = is Six selections from work of year at] "P" Cut.Outs--Billie Vankoughnett, soy Jn ORDERS EARLY 3. GR FER ELL school, mounted on large sheet of peper iDoward Reany, Annie Chaschowy, Rus- | A Practical Man, NEXT TO POST OFFICE ---Geo Moore, Ruby Reid, Lily Lewis, sell, Hawke, Myrtle Barber, Gordor | -M |Maimie Keaney, Lila Allan, Willie (Fields, ~~ Have your Eave Troughing re- i : ~ | Hardie. "P" Cut-outs--Willie Allan, Marie paired, and save the foundation p The scientist whe predicts that in First Class Heard, [Telen Chaschowy, EilleenWiglo | of your building. : . 7.7 ten years there will be ne servant girls Six selectiong of work of year at! Ruby McGuire, Nora Bauer. £ Sina : 4 : must have mailed it, ~ School, mounted on large sheet of] Paper Folding--FEmma Strutt, Eileen e. Jam e s Wri ght 2d hone Pardon the washwoman's delay. £he paper--Gorden' Moore, 'Gwendoline | Wigle, Marie Heard, Robert Clark, j S. RYDER No. 49 |jedw change a tive. Faulkner, Clayton Bailey, Jean Hutchi (Hiota Bauer; Ruby MeGuire. Li No. g