THE | SquarePStore Two News [tems of Extraordinary Interest Nearly 100 Women's Dresses made of Muslin Broadcloth, Voile Ratine, Prints and Ginghams, representing a clean up of our stock. All sizes from 34 to 42 "Worth from $3.00 to $15.00 I PO Divided into two lots: Ee lot of about 40 for $1.95 each 1 lot of about 50 at half price These dresses are not returnable, as they can be fitted on in the Store. : Really, nearly everyone can afford nhe or more of these dresses, if zaly for house dresses. These will be in the Dry Goods Window. Sample Rubbers d Overshoes We bought the sample pairs from one of the showrooms of the larg- est rubber concerns in Canada. Samples are in uniform sizes, so everyone cannot participate, Men's sizes are all 8s Women's--4s and 5s Boys'--3s Childs'--8s Misses' --13s We are selling these at 25 p.c. off the regular price, making an op- portunity for those whose feet conform to the sizes we have. These are in the Men's Window and also can be tried on, as they are not returnable. ALFRED PITT, Limited DRYDEN ONTARIO' | Church Services €'Drvden Baptist Church Gere 4 16.50 p.m.--Song Service € | TUESDAY, & p.m --B.Y.P.U. & | THURSDAY, PST. LUKES, CHURCH, Dryden | All so-called , thank God for time--time to get back : the father. y« Dryden Sunday, Desober 17th, "11 a.m.~--Sunday School and Church Service. Subj:--"WAS IT ROBBERY ?" 8 p.m. -- Meetinf for Prayer and Praise. Drvden United Church 11.00 a.m.--Sunday School and Bible Class 7.00 p.m.--Evening Worship week. --OXDRIFT-- 1.45 p.m.~--Sunday School 2.45 p.m.--~Public Worship zxasoey yt a Ho. 00 a.m.--Sunday School 111.00 a.m.--Morning Prayer : Sermon: --PLAIN BREAD & THE WICKET GATE" 7.00 p.m.--Evansong (Sung) Sermon ---"COME DOWN." . CECIL KING will perach at both i services, "Christianity has not been tried and found wanting, it has g difficult and not tired." been found church-goers ought to again into a living relationship with While Christ tarries there is time, but when he comes again the ; opportunity will be lost. DO IT NOW! CECIL KING, Special Advance Notice-- SUNDAY, October 31st. Ser vice-- Thanksgiving Harvest Home service. The choir are preparing , Special music for this service. Be sure you are present. Also Remember our Annual Memorial Service, Sunday, November 8th. This is a community service and we should all be present. These services, I am sure will be both helpful and inspiring. H. A. RIVERS, Pastor. HEMSTITCHING DONE AT VERY MODERATE PRICES--Mrs BARLEY : Kenora, Ontario. Friday "Where , has with one little beauty who ¢ Here iS a comedy of I NEWS Saturday Reginald Denny Was 1?' Bluebeard with all his wives never had as much trouble as Denny laimed to be his wife. the very highest order COMEDY Oh Boy! Monday "The Tuesday Sporting Lover" Conway Tearle & Barbara Bedford A Drury Lane Melodrama by Seymour Hicks and Ian Hay, adapt- ed from the story "Good Luck." Wednesday WOMAN A Li 1g Comedy Thursday Richard Dix HANDLED of western rahch life Inspiration from the Conference ori World Service being held during the lror SALE--3 Acres Choice Garden Land and House, size 14x20, summer kitchen at rear 12x12. Situate on main north road, south of Cemetery. Clear title to property when purchased. ELI CAMPEAU, Dryden, ¢jo Swan Swanson's Camp, Dinorwic, Ont. 2 J. A. STRUTT, i General Blacksmith and Woodworker Where work is done to suit your Purse. Dryden, Ontario SE A --- : BARGAINS USED | CARS 1922 Ford Touring, Era pr Me $175.00 1924 Ford Touring, 2 Er TS oi | 225.00 1922 Ford Touring BIATIEr «of asians aia 250.00 1923 Star Touring, a-I condi~ BOIL an eh 205.00 1922 Chevrolet Special, refinished ........... 295.00 DINGWALL MOTORS Ford Dealers ; SLX - ONTARIO Gon 's Confectionery SPECIAL per box $3.00 TOEAlY rt Sad te ce 10] TOKAY GRAPES, perth .. 2 Stes sees sees ee aaa Gough's Confectionery Just Arrived: -- LARGE RANGE OF HARD COAL, ali sizes, per ton COKE, per ton EI I SS SSS DRUMHELLAR LUMP, per ton LUMBER BUILD Service and Jas. Winterbottom, I I EP SRE SSR SS SE A SP ep EE 15.00 es eR RS SR 13.00 ERS SUPPLIES, ELC. Quality Ontario i aimiarn THE CHEA WEEKLY S P BAZAAR TORE NEWS Give yourself the benefit o Table Spoons, two for 2 Measuring Cups, each _.._... 2D Cups and SAUCE E, me umsimminormsimio lod Teaspoons, ._._ .05 eA PROFIT SAVING WEEK The sale where the Housew've's dollar goe twice as far f these mer Caving Prices. Towels __ 25 Knives & I'¢ ., two fOr micas 25 Wash Basiug, 25 Rubber Sponges -- ecco imi m 15 rT ha I a en CL and __.. 25 &.0z. Tumblers, three for --...._..._-.25 Jelly Cake pans 15 Salad Bowls .. 2H Cream Jugs 25 Handled Strainers ieee 25 Aluminum Saucepans --e..__oc--_ 25 Curtain Hangers, from __..._..._... .10 Coat Hangers 15 0 ema Bs 25 Towel Hangers, assorted --_..._..__.. 25 Use this Adv't., as FOR SALE--GOOD MAIL ORDERS Come in and Look around when in Town your Shopping List-- ACCEPTED BED and MATTRESS E. THORSEN & SON EVERYTHING FOR FALL Fail Suits Overcoats Boots, Shoes, AND Sweaters WEAR T. PROUDFOOT "The li rajlor) 1.0.O.F. DRYDEN LODGE, Ne 417 meets at the Town INITIATORY DEGREE will be conferred on Monday night F. G. ORR, Noble Grand. 1.J. MACPHERSON, Rec. Secs. 'now, per pair HOT HOUSE TOMATOES, peril Le enh .30 RIPE PEARS, per dozen .. 40! GRAPE FRUIT, each ...... 15% CELERY peril ..o0 lis a5) HEAD LETTUCE, per head .20 BANANAS, per dozen mins .50 ORANGES, per doz... .60 & .80 'COCOANUTS, two or Fis .25 LEMONS, per dozen ...... 50 WEALTHY APPLES, box $2.50. Three pounds for ....... 25 1 McINTOSH APPLES, RED WE just reccived a shipment of Misses and Ladies Slippers, and { Oxfords, which includes almost all sizes. You will notice that some "of these shoes have been selling tas high as $3.75. Selling price, $1.05 Ladies Coat Sweaters, in differ- ent shades, all pure wool, reg. sete evs ss ee $3.75. Selling price .... $2.70 Ladies Wool Stockings, in all shades, per pair ...0....... .58 Lumbermen's Rubber Boots, and black soles. red A few pair all swhite Rubbers, at $1.95 pair. If you are in need of a pair, now is your chance as they will not last long at this price. Men's Shoe Packs, each .... 1.75 Lined & unlined Mitts & Gloves POLS oh i iia h sa ates .29 Men's Fall & Winter Caps .. .95 and... a TE te 1.45 customer. These shirts are of good, heavyweight quality, big roomy make, at the low price ofpeaeh aE LE 95 Men's all-wool, flannel and check work shirts that will give you satisfaction, each 1.25 EE a a I Men's grey wool sox, the kind you ask for every day, 5 pr. ... 1.00 We also have other socks, pure WOOL UDAOL: «odie 70 Men's heavy wool pants .... 2.95 Men's Breeches ..........v: 2.95 Windbreakers in all shades and sizes, from 3.75 to ....... 5.50 Men's leather vests from ... 7.75 | BO hin we Be #8 bn bi 11.50 ® [Men's Coat Sweaters up to .. 4.95 Men's, Ladies' and Children's underwear, all wool, fleece and wool and cotton mixture at all prices. Men's heavy Mackinaw Coats from $5.75 to $8.50 Boys Mackinaw Coats, from $4.25 DE SE NUE Rr L.O x. DRYDEN LODGE No. 16% | meets the first Wednenasy , of each month, at eight p.m., :n the. Town Hall. Visiting Brethren ee: dially invited. D. ANDERSON, W.M. BADEN SMITH, Secy Golden Star Lodee AF. & AM, No. 484, G.R.C. Meets in the Masonic Hall, Dryden, the Second Tuesday of each month. | Visitors Cordially invited. TENE ae Sai $4.75 Boys', Girls' and Children's wool stockings rrom .40to ...... .60 4.8, DAITER, New and Second Hand Store. GEO. H. WICE, WM, | A B BERREY, Secs' .DRYDEN-- -- -- --ONTARIG Men's Work Shirts, only 3 to each . ! Faas ; Se Bh tet oi Lol Be RE et a ed