THE DRYDEN OBSERVER A J £% 3 Par | £0 8 af " aa ¥ TwoNews Items of Extraordinary Interest Nearly 100 Women's Dresses made of Muslin Broadcloth, Voile Ratine, Prints and Ginghams, representing a clean up of our stock. All sizes from 34 to 42 Worth from $3.00 to $15.00 Divided into two lots: I lot of about 40 for $1.95 each lot of about 50 at half price These dresses are not returnable, as they can be fitted oh i the Store. Really, nearly everyone can afford one or more of these dresses, if saly for house dresses. These will be in the Dry Goods Window. Snags Rubbers and Overshoes We bought the sample pairs from one of the showrooms of the larg- est rubber concerns in Canada. Samples are in uniform sizes, so everyone cannot participate. Men's sizes are all 8s Women's--gs and 5s Boys'--3s Childs'--8s Misses'--13s We are selling these at 25 p.c. off the regular price, making an op- portunity for those whose feet conform to the sizes we have. These are in the Men's Window and also can be tried on, as they are not returnable. ALFRED PITT, Limited DRYDEN ONTARIO Church Services SUNDAY, October 31st, 1926. Drvden Baptist Church Morning Worship and Bible School © at 11.00 am. Evening, we begin with a service of songs at six fifty. voung people to join Thursday we meet for Prayer and Praise at 8.00 p.m. A service open to all. Pastor E. G. BAXTER will take ¢ .charge oi' the meetings. We welcome vou to all the meetings. ? "Come with us and we will do you x { rood. » 4 ST. LUKES, CHURCH, Dryden 4 F10. 00 a.m.-- Sunday School 11.00 a.m.--Morning Prayer & Sermon Subj:--"Saints Without Halos." 7.00 p.m.--FEvensong & Sermon 4 1 Subj: --"Faith Triumphant." This is the last Sunday that Cecil 'Ring will preach. Tuesday, at 8.00 p.m. the B.Y.P.U.'" iineets, and a hearty invitation is ex- | itended to any swith us. n the evening there will be special in- § i tercessions en behalf on the rector- FOR SALE--8 Acres Choice Garden elect for the difficult task which lies be- 'Tand and House, size 14x20, summer fore him in trying to overcome the kitchen at rear 12x12. Situate on main wholesale indifference and apathy to' ,north road, south of Cemetery. Clear 'church and church-going. "title to property when purchased. The sooner that men and women | ELI CAMPEAU, Dryden, realize that christianity is the one and, 2lo Swan Swanson's Camp, jouly remedy for all social evil and: ; inorwic, Ont. ' ezonomie problems ,the better for them- | selves, and the future of the world. G3 J. A, j Get back again to the old Gospel! STRUTT, "Ej Genera! Blacksmith and Woodworker here work is done 'Drvden United Church) to suit your Purse, Dryden, Ontario BARGAINS USED CARS 1922 Ford Touring, 11la.m.--Sunday School & Bible Class. 7 p.m.--Evening Worship. "A Brilliant Failure"'--Solomon. --OXDRIFT -- 1.45--Sunday School 2.45--Public Worship Notice--The Memorial Service will be held in Dryden Nov. 14th and not Nov. 8th as announced last week. vy Ey AO Sen $175.00 Sundsy, Nov. 8th Special 1924 Ford Touring, Tt Thanksgiving and Harvest Home! Starter .............. 225.00 Service in both Oxdrift and Dryden. 1922 Ford Touring The Dryden choir will render twoi Starter .............. 250.00 beautiful anthems in the evening ser- 1923 Star Touring, a-1 condi- vice. Be sure to be at these services. tat ie CE ¢.. 205.00 H. A. RIVERS, Pastor. 1922 Chevrolet Special, refinished .......0. x 295.00 DINGWALL MOTORS Ford Dealers wy Div IN - ----" NY ONTARIO Friday -- HOUSE "COM BAT" A STORY OF A HARD-HITTING LUMBERJACK Added attraction--"Only a Country Lass", a beautiful fable in color RED EMPRESS GRAPES, Saturday SRE "RS Gough 's Confectionery SPECIAL CALIFORNIA TOMATOES, pend sa .25 N EWS COMEDY twolbs for... Lab 45 EE .|RIPE PEARS, per dozen .. .40 : GRAPE FRUIT, each ...... 15 in tr : ; Monday Tuesday CELERY, per ib... viunis 151 Coming next week: "Footioose Widows"? BANANAS, per dozen ...... 50% "The UNWANTED?" A real big picture that every Britisher should see. : the battlefields of the war. NO EXTRA CHARGE ORANGES, per doz. ... .60 &. 80} WITH COCOANUTS, two for Pe 25, e ° LEMONS, per dozen ...... 50% ronan Fezenda & Jacqueline Logan wrarTHY APPLES, box $2.50. + This is screamingly funny and the ladies will particularly enjoy it. Ht "RED 38 Comedy-- "Broken China" per bo% ...ii La, ak $3. oo! = NE RA .10} Wednesday -- Thursday rn A BRITISH PRODUCTION Gough's Confectionery Real scenes of Just Arrived :-- LARGE RANGE OF HARD COAL, all sizes, per ton . COKE, per ton ....... Ran, Service an Dryden : y 9 [ ] "Cohens and Kellys" ; Fail Suits LUMBER BUILDERS SUPPLIES, ElC, Jas. Winterbottom, Overcoats Boots, ! i 1.1 i | THE CHEAP BAZAAR WEEKLY STORE NEWS Sn aI $20.50 Shoes, Ee I 15.00 AND EE i a 13.00 Sweaters - EVERYTHING FOR FALL WEAR ate LY. PROUDEONT Wien The Diyos Tailor.' L.O.O.F, DRYDEN LODGE, Ne 417 meets at the Town every Monday night. Give yourself the benefit of iTable Spoons, two for ..__.__.__. .25 Towels __ _ he de ee WDD Y 0. 168 Measuring Cups, each i. 20 Knives & Tr ovo fOr By wm inss 25 L.O.L. Pr ind tie) aga y «Cups and Saucers, _.__.__. --15 Wash Basins, _. __.__...___.__. 25 Tisels the Ars ahaa TOnSPOONg, Liisi JB. Rubber Sponges... oid .15§of each month, at eight p.m., in the | onl dor Lona ds es and __. 25{Town Hall. Visiting Brethren eer- | 1 8.0z. Tumblers, three for 2 : Salad Bowls «ooo 2B Cream Jugs _ se D 'Handled Strainers oo. = -26 Aluminum Saucepans __.__.__.__ 25 -. D. ANDERSON, WAL i Curtain Hangers, from __._ we 10 Cont Wongery i 15 BADEN SMITH, Secy 2 EOE Cn EC IRR SB oy Hangers, assorted _....__..__...25 PROFIT SAVING WEEK The sale where the Housewbve's dollar goe twice as far --immreme 25 Jelly Cake pans _ Visitors Cordially Invited FIRST DEGREE, Monday, Nov. 1st. F. G. ORR, Noble Grand. I.J. MACPHERSON, Rec. Secy. these man~ "aving Prices. mmm meme 15 dilly invited. Use this Advi, as y MAIL ORDERS Come in and Look around when in Tewn FOR BAL Be=g00n Yep and MATTRESS W. E. THORSEN & AF. & AM, No. 484, G.R.C. Meets in the Masonic Hall, Dryden, the Second Tuesday of each month Visitors Cordially invited. ; GEO. H. WICE, W.M. SON | our Shopping List ACCEPTED 4 B DERRY, Golden Star Lodse x 3 § Just Returned from a Buying Trip COMPLETE LIST Published NEXT WEEK DAITER, New and Second Hand Store. DRYDEN-- -- -- -- ONTARI( : i Qo