Hassey- Hareis Implements THE FRESHMAN MASTER- piece, 5 tube set, Complete with highest grage of equipment, ready to tune in. Only ...... Nie viie. $737.20 TERMS -- $27.00 Cash Balance divided over one year to suit purchaser. This 2z-tube WESTINGHOUSE, complete, ready to tune in, forg head phone use only this set wil casily bring in Mexico City. Only $40.50 | POPES T ITP SI TE SE SF IB TERMS of 88.00 Cash Balance $5.00 per month This DEFOREST CROSLEY 5 tube set with best of equipment, ready to tune in. TERMS -- © $37.00 Cash Balance $12.00 per motnh. THE FAMOUS ATTWATER KENT, 6-tube, Master Control compact set, ready to tune dn. ONY eae eee $167.30 ERMS --$37.00 Cash. Balance $12.00 per month. x y The LU sets described here can be used with your car vattery for the winter months. This not only gives your hattery the very best kind of storages but deducts $17.50 from above prices. SHEET MUSIC 'We have just placed in stock Goo different titles of the well known il : 4 yr 5 - i <5 Cy or Lh 2 fe Century Standard Sheet Music, consisting ol--- [pa Pian Solos, Saxophone Solos, Piano duets, Saxophone and Piano duets, Mandolin and Guitar duets, Violin and Piano duets, Old-time Songs, Violin, Cello ad Piano duets, Sacred Songs, Graded Pupils Selections. ; : The music is well printed cn good heavy white paper, the price is 20¢. Per copy for the entire line. and To THE ELECTORS OF KENORA RIDING ---------- CE gaEiaa sl Xi] Ray Special--s-bs Creamery Butter $1.95 At a large and representative convention of Liberal- Conservatives of this constituency held at Dryden last March | I was selected as their candidate tc contest the riding at the coming election, T accepted the responsibility feeling that I could help to carry out the wishes of the people for a more aggressive development of this great district. The Government of Premier Ferguson has taken a step forward in the announcement of a sane measure of temperance legislation which will be passed if it is returned to power. Government control as applied to the liquor traffic will have my decided support, as I believe it to be in the best interest of all classes of our citizens, and particularly as a protection for the youth of the Provinces. At the plebiscite taken in October 1924, two years ago, the people of this constituency gave a majority of three to one in favor of Government Control. "Premier Ferguson now proposes to carry out your wishes, but hie can only do so, if his Government is returned to power. A vote for me is the only way you have of again expressing your approval of this policy. A vote for any other candidate is a vote against the Ferguson Government and a vote against Government Control. The Ferguson Government has had a notable record of achievement during the past three years. Left with a yearly deficit of $15,000,000.00 by the former Drury Government, it has, in the short space of three years been enabled to balance the Provincial budget. With this satisfactory condition of affairs it will now be able to undertake an aggressive program of development of this North Country. ; f elected I propose to join forces with the members for Rainy River, Fort William and Port Arthur for the rapid com- pletion of the portion of the Trans-Canada highway from Fort William west : and for the construction at once of the highway to Fort Frances to tap at that point the great tourist trafhc from the United States which is waiting to flow this way. Several miles of the road from Sioux Lookout, with a large bridge over Frog Rapids were constructed this yeat. This road will connect with the Trans-Canada highway, and it will be my effort to secure its rapid completion. It will thus permit of the tourist traffic reaching the Northern part of our District with its consequent benefits. The completion of these highways will add value to every bit of town property and farm lands throughout the entire district. Settlers' road extensions and improvements will also have my earnest support, in order that our agricultural development may go ahead hand mm hand with the industrial progress of such centres as Dryden, Sioux Lookout, Keewatin, Redditt, Kenora, and other points. During the past twenty years I have been on practically every deputation which has gone to Toronto or Ottawa to advance the interests of Kenora and district, and am therefore not unfamiliar with the work should you elect me to represent you in the Ontario Legislature. : Upon this reasonable platform I solicit your vote and influence. J. P. EARNGEY ER we alwa TAA k of all the ASE REMEMBER we always have a good stoc c Sk Fox Trots and Songs, with Ukulele accompaniment, and Stan dard Songs in keys to suit your Vv 5 ; ; tor Pade : z yOKS INCLUDE Instructors for lian OUR STOCK OF BOOKS INCL : ton Tas Citar, Ukulele, Banjo, Mandolin Harmonica, Cornet, Tenor Banjo, and many others. Song Folios, Dance Folios, other popular isntrument. : GET OUR PRICES AND TERMS On any musical instrument from a grand Fiano to a Jews we can give you a better deal. : as well as music Folios for every Harp, g. Hutter General Merchant, r.mateur nen OXDRIFT, ONTARIC | etc, etc. eam WALDHOF, P.O. Ontario pa -- -- Dealer in - RY GOODS, GROCERIES i SHOES PORTRAITS, GROUPS, BOOTS and D CHILDREN, etc. taken {I ARDWARE and : at your home. Daylight FARM PRODUCE or Flashlight Exposures. =e All Work Guaranteed by Long Don't for get our five per cent Experience. diccouric on $10.00 orders. Highest Grade = : Amateur Finishing Kindly leave your films for developing and printing with The Dryden Pharmacy. REASONABLE PRICE. BIG NEEDS For Now. - nen ROBT. SWEENEY 'General Blacksmith AGLINTS FOR CAXBON REMOVED FROM CYLINDER by Acetylene Burning HARNESS PARTS, ; COLLARS, s \ SWEAT PADS, W. A. W E A R E STRATS, BUCKLES, General Merchant Ete, Ete. AJINNITAKI, ONTARIO FOR YOUR FORD CAR i Try Our ' Highly Recommended CHATTER - FREE 1.UBRICATING OIL --Specially Made For Ford Engines. Avent For-- {UHN DEERE PLOW CO. "ere is John Deere Equipment for Every Farm Use. {tet QUALITY and SERVICE TIME PAYMENTS Aircnged 9 Suit Purchasers. E. A. KLOSE , LIITLE GRANGE IN WOOL SITUATION. i About fifty per cent of the domestic clip in the states has already gone to the manufacturers, and as ours here There is litle change in the Wool}is very similar Wool 'we expect that 'gituation, according to G. E. O'Brien, jthey will soon have to turn our way for Goneral Manager of the Canadian Co-fsuppiies. ~~ Present Boston and Phil- sperative Wool Growers, who with Col. jadelphia prices, while attractive Robt MeEwen, the President of thejenough on the other side of the line, Company, has just returned from agave not so interesting when translated visit to the Boston Wool: Market. The linto Canadia values. The duty of 3i recent advance in prices in the U. 8. ]cets per pound on a clean scoured basis has resulted in a momentary tendency famounts to approximately 17 cents on on the part of the buyers to hang back, | Eastern wools, and from 14 to 15 cents although a fair volume of wool has}ass an average on Western wools in the changed hands tc date. Holders are {natural greesy condition. Freight confident that they will be able to sell |averages about % of a cent. Prices stock at present values at least, and {will have to advance still further before point out that cenditions are likely tofwe can hope to do much business with improve with the recent United States | American buyers, concluded Mr CO eiections out of the way. Much depends { Brien. on the demand in overseas markets & the latest word from these is nop al- together reassuring. . As half of the Canadian Hse clip eventually finds its way into American mills, naturally we are interested in their market, pointed out Mr O'Brien. | es 5 aa aa aa id == PIANOFORTE EVA WILES has wecancies for one or two more pupils. Phone 20 R 3 for appointments. axle ax TeV iTey TaN I aX Taira bia ext 18Yisey IT is a man's duty to try to conserve and preserve sight. Do not abuse, but try to to appreciate what sight does for you, by giving the Eyes the care and consideration they require. Do not tax them beyond what they can stand. When they become tired, rest them. If they need Glasses procure and wear them. Eyesight Specialist, of Kenora WILL BE AT SELF'S HOTEL, DRYDEN FOR ONE DAY ONLY Tonday, Bib FIRST MONDAY OF THE MONTH Have Your Eyes Examined Yearly Front Quarters, Beef, per ib .... .00 Side Pork, per db ....ovnvieninen Lo Stew Beef, three ths for ......... .25 Salt Pork, perib ......cocvn Ley Shortening, 3-1b pail ......c.c..... .63 Pure Lard, 1o-1b pails ... ..... $2.10 Saur Kraut, per quart ........... .25 Dill Pickles, per dozen .......... .50 Select Oysters, per quart ....... 1.25 Smoked Kippers, pertb ...... ; .25 Haddies, perib ...... sided i 18 i Se 25 Gold Eyes, per tb Phone No. 6 A, PATERSON, Pro; i TT: fm THA JAIL EE en Lumber Compar & © Successors to Anderson & Harris. BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS FULL STOCK OF LUMBER, SASH & DOORS SHINGLES, WOOD FIBRE BRICK, LIME AND CEMENT Estimates Freely Given OG OG CEES (Te (EE (Re GEE (MERE EE OE ) G0 63 TWO INCH, TWO & ONE HALF INCH, AND THREE INCH. » SHORT REACH-- ~ --LONG REACH CROSS CHAINS WITH SWINGING BOLSTERS --ALSO--r7y HEAVY LOGGING SLEIGHS, WITH WIDE TRACK Get our Prices and Literature, if in Need of a set of Sleighs. IE a. will pay you. [1 J. §. CORNER Oxdrift Ontario INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY OF CANADA, Ltd : TE J IM TL ll CASH GROCERY & Opposite the Town Hall i 'GOOD FOR ONE WEEK FROM SATURDAY Ms ING UNTIL NEXT FRIDAY, 26th of NOVEM | Shredded Cocoanut, per 1b ._._... 293Glace Cherries, per od ve = Peanut Butler, per Tb --...__. _.25 }King Oscar Sardines, per tin --.. .1 'Nabob Tea --..oomomeee 1280 nmed Plume, 081 4 ee iets | Salada Tea -o.m wmv 6S 1Quick Chine I'ciled Oats, per pk 'Red Rose it Rh MZ §Canns) 'tomatoes, perstin i... 37 Blue Ribbon ed ae 12 Choice Quality. a ant L-§Conned Peas, per tn wins Coffee, fresh ground, per 1 an... 43 Strawberry Jam, pure, per tin __ CO. H and ..... .B5iilaspberry Jam, pure, per tin ._.. 7: Dryden and Winnipeg Creamery Bulk Dates, two Ibs for ----em.o. 25 § Butter per 1 ooo 39 {Shelled Almonds, per 1 ----.----... 63 Rulk Scaa Biscuits, two tbs __... .35 {Shelled Walnuts, per 1] + RE 59 | Biscuits, any kind which is reg. Canned Pilchards, two tins for .. 35 48e., TOF viii mime 39 § cls, Lemon, per Beem 22 'Bulk Chocolates, reg. 55¢., for _ 050 OYONEE mipirrsmmiiiummis oY (Including Chocolate Buds) Chon Sn FRR ' Chocolate Bars, any kind, six for .. .. 25 |( hristie's Arrowroot Biscuits, Ib 27 "Flour, Purity No. 1, cee $4.98 51011 Pickles, per tin wives BE Lard, per 1h... a - .26 fT ork & Beans, Tins, med. size, "Shortening ( per T omc. 22 seven tins for wr imema 1.00 'Bacon, small cuts, per I iin 28 BE un Jam 4-T0tnE bili 45° 'Honey, 10 1D pails ----oeiemee-- 1.69 2 atches, per pkt of three boxes Eggs, 1m boxes, per dozen ----..----... 55 {BEYER} wma tsi Lion "Corn Flakes, two pkts for --... 25 ; Bulk Raising, per Beenie 16 APPLES--z0-th Boxes Raur Kraut, in 2% 1b tins, per tin 22 ells ........ Ean 'Fresh Roasted Peanuts, per --_. .19§z0-02 Pippins g Cleaned Currants, two Ibs for .. 34pkings, 0... 0000 anh * Holland Herring, in kegs -- cm LIS 2 TcIntosh Best cesses oe : Mincemeat, per 1 (bulk) meee. 17k iohnathans veeceeso 7 re