ZEE-- VOL. VIII DRYDEN, Ontarie, January 25th, 1929 No. XXIV. Mrs A. Dingwall Passes + One of the dearest old ladies Dryden has ever known slipped away quietly and rather suddenly to her home Beyond on Friday afternoon, January, 18th. Grand- ma' Dingwall, the name by which nfs affectionately known came with her husband, Mr. Alexander Dingwall t © Dryden from Lan- ~ caster about seven years ago to reside with her son, Dr. D. (. wall. ec late on Spey, Inver ps, Scotland in 1837 and when Congregational Meetin gs. annual congregational meetin Dr. Morison acted as cussion. ye The session, Wwic young came to Canada to reside in Lancaster, Ont., Glen- garry County. There she met and married Mr. Alexander Dingwall and took up residence on a farm aear town. Here she brought up her five children, who all survive her. Then being all alone and growing older, Mr. and Mrs. meee -------- partments showed life and rest. The Ladies' Aid as wusua march of the church. Dy all came to Dryden ' to eX he remainder of their days with the Doctor. Here two years ago the family were once more united at the occassion of their golden wedding. 1 Lie was a noticeable feeling of friend. s The various officers were re cted by acclamation and ther hip and co-operation. 'The pastor, Rev. H A. Rivers Mrs. Dingwall was able to en- had been forced to remain at : : igave notice of his resignation, t= - P ry ¥ High Le i . : joy social functions and attend take effect in June. There was : church until recently, when she very active discussion over thie and those present did not wish tc | home and welcome the visitors who came. She was always gla of company and was so interes in every phase of the life of the town and so interesting that it was a pleasure to be in her com- last her intelect was keen and her mind alert and clear. The last : "heart made every moment full of anxiety. On Friday afternoon, 'about four-thirty she quietly passed away without a struggle. 1 Sunday afternoon the funeral service was conducted at the yhome of Dr. D. G. Dingwall, by ' Rev 0 A Rivers of Dryden Unit- "ed Church. He spoke from the itext: "I have fought a good fight, { 1 have finished the course, I have | b b a b ousness," 2 Tim. 4-7-8. Applyir the thought of this text to the life O ferment took place at Dryde cemetery. The pall bearers were A. E. dl "Berry, J. E. Gibson, ura . G. Wigle, nd all her five children, Dr. D.!]. G. Dingwall of Dryden; Dingwall of Kenora; Ont; J Dingwall of Sylvan Lake, Alta; Mrs. Macerimmon of Red Deer, Ita., and Mrs McLachlin of Lan-, tester, Ont ] accept it. four J I pany. Considering ; her age of tanglements were hound to occu Lr 7 ~ a Si] K . v Vw . Rinciy-onc years she had 4 TC iihat his resignation was in ns markable vitality, even to the very way any reflection' upon th : ;|consider Dryden his first hom: | month she became bed-r idden ne and had nothing but the friend the weakened condition of her liest feeling for everyone and th reluctnatly his res SO pkept the faith, henceforth there is Dryden, held their Annual Par tlaid up for me a crown of richte-|ochial meeting in the Parish hal. yon Friday, Jan. 11th. The report: tof the various organizations were { the dear, old sainty mother. In- encouraging and revealed an in terest and activity worthy thigh commedation. The following J. Hardie, and elected for the year--Rector's S. McFadyen, Thos Scott, "and warden, Mr: C. J. Wright ; fple's warden, Mr. A. J. Cole. Yest- ¢ Mrs. Dingwall is survived by i rymen--Dr P. H B. Wood, Ar J. "her husband, Alexander Dingwall E W. H.| Mr. Dan Wright, bottom and Mr. H F. 'Wm. Moorehouse, Mr Mr Virger and Mr F. Collins. However, Mr. Rivers ointed out that he will be here years and nine months une and thought this ordinaril, ras long enough for both parties ie went on to say certain en re c 11 hurch here, that he would alway: t re. So vei tier had «¢ est wishes for the fu Hi e accepted. The evening wound up with « cial cup of tea in the basemen nd everyone was able to be to ed by midnight. ST. LUKE'S CHURCH St. Luke's Anglican Church 50. hurch officials were = appointed peo- Gibson, Mr J. Hadley, Mf R. Pronger, Mr. G. N. Dechert, Mr. J. Winter- Moore. Boyle; M:. . F. Willard Sidesmen--Mzr. Wm. The United Church held its last Friday with a fair attendance. chairman and the reports of the various de- partments of the church were giv- en by the different officers, which reports were all adopted after dis- The business was handled in a the stewards Sun- day school, boys' and girls De- inte- : made large contribution to the The choir, under the leadership of Mrs. Riv- ers and Mrs. Gibson as organist, ame in for praise. The finances of the church are in good shape and the loan for the parsonage fund i: paid principal and interest to date Barker- Crosier Queen Contest Lr of Dryden, Ont, up close. which was solemnized at 2:30 o'- clock by Rev. H. A. Rivers of Dryden. © The ceremony took place beneath an arch of ever- has only started. Here's how stood last night. 3000; Valerie Ray, 20900 ; "MOQ 'e i , i eek 5 Mad * 3 . - . most excellent way and genera greens, white bells and pink ros- Berrey 2000, Oline Lewis. 2000 progress has been noted in theless. The bride, who entered . the! Ethel W right, 800; Gladys Ny room on her father's arm to the strains of Mendelsohn's: Wedding March, played by Mrs. H. A. mark, 8co. Don't forget there's skating and : : all kinds of fun on the program Rivers, Dryden, wore a charming! for Friday night and also remem- gown, which had silver lace over: her that refreshments will be sold, a tight-fitting bodice; the skirt so don't bother about showing uneven hemline; the veil | lunch. You might drop it anyway i being of embroidered silk net!when all the excitements starts, and held in place by a tiara of ! ¥ Orange blossoms. Her bouquet: : SILVER STAR CHAPTER was pink Ophelia roses and Lily + gi INSTALLATION of the Valley. The bride and , ister Ann ; -ruther 3 groom were unattended except Sister Annetta Carruthers, of Kenora, Grand Conductress of the Eastern Star of Ontario presided at the installation of officers Silver Star Chapter No. 177 OES, which was held last Wednesday evening. Sister Carruthers was as- sisted by Sister Jean Miller, Grand Marshall. ior Miss Aleveretta Crosier and Miss Florence Barker, sisters of the bride and groom, who signed -he register. During the siguing of the register Mrs. H. A. Rivers sang "Until." The groom's gift to the bride was a sterling silver compact. To Miss Crosier and Miss Barker sil- Ver compacts. Following the ceremony a dain- ty luncheon was served. At 8:30 a reception was held in 'he Community Hall, which was aso decorated in the bride's col ors, pink and white. The brid: wearing for the reception a dainty Iress of pink Crepe de Chene vith lace insets. Mrs. Crosier, mother of the bride chose a model gown of Seige georgette and hat of black satin, Mrs Barker, mother room wore a gown of black ~iepe back, satin trimmed with leep ecru lace and hat to match. Miss Alva Crosier, sister of the sride were a beige and sand gecrgette heavily embroidered in ratching tones and panne velvet rat. Miss Florece Barker, sister of 2 ier tion was completed past grand jewells were presented to the re-! tiring worthy 'matron and worthy patron by th newly inducted successors. Some speeches were Ziven refreshments served and a social chat and dance enjoyed for a couple of hours. i The following are the o oi Silver Star Chapter for 1929: Worthy matron, Agnes ook; worthy patron, A. Paterson; sociate matron, Martha son; associate patron, Milfor ook; conductress, Hughena Fo lis; associate ; Cat in €1r ficers 1T1( 1 O 1 Li of the i- 1 conductress erine Hutchinson; 'secre: Mary Hall; treasurer, As Beck; marshall, chaplain, Alice Baker: Gertrude Berry: Ada, Sweeney; © Ruth, Eliza Ba ; Esther, Sybil Saunders; Flecta, ries Death can never take away, Memories that will always linger While upon this earth we stay. In our hearts his memory lingers | Sweet and tender, fond and true, ; There is not a day, dear fathes, ; That we do not think of you. --Inserted by his family. by, Joe, of Minnedosa, Man. ; Mrs H. A. Rivers of Dryden and Mr. ad Mrs. R. B. Mableson, Kenora The Whitely Orchestra of Dryden provided the snappy mu- sic enjoyed by all in the evening and Mr. J. O. Gough served a dainty luncheon to 150 guests. The young people received many During the quiet social hour fol- beautiful gifts, showing the high esteem in which they are held by IN MEMORIAM ; It's beginning to get jreal interesting and the voting let re they ing i Minnie Reid, Alice taking - &° of : a i After the ceremony of installa. which was in record time. fring certain sewer and water- orks extensions, and all property ners who are interested in suc! Ixtensions are requested to file aplicagas with the undersigned ytcWhan February 4th, 1929. J. E. GIBSON, Clerk ENDERS FOR WOOD Tenders will be received by the adersistied until Fébradry 4th; 29, for twenty (20) cord of und, dry Tamarac wood to be delivered at the Town Hall, bryden not later than March ith, 1029. The lowest or any tender cessarily accepted. | j. E. GIBSON, Clerk TENDERS WANTED ETenders will be received by the idersigned for thirty cords of ind Tamarask wood to be ded on Continuation * School found. Al tenders to be in by 11th, 1929. Lowest or any iders not necessarily accepted. I A]. LOCK, Secretary ot ie not we r lowing the very happy and well attended meeting, refreshmets were served by the officers of the Women's and Girls' organizations Rev. W. Rutherford Tindle is Priest in charge. F. O. Anderson was el reeve of the Municipality of Machin by a majority of 21 votes at the election which was held on Monday, January 14. Messrs. Hampe, Lundeen, Murdicck and Crigger were elected as council- lors. The result of the poll was; as follows: Fof Reeve -- F.'O. An- derson 48; Wm. Ddvis pps A Spencer 23.- For Councillors--C. Hampe 64; W. Lundeen 51; FE. Murdick 49; A Crigger 42; J. Schultz 30; S. Wright 24. Dr. Dingwall, accompaniied by M. I, Cook paid a visit of med:- inspection to the camps of the Gold Rock Mining Syndicate a7 {the Manitou this week and mads 1 ] a record trip for winter travelling by getting there, a distance of some 48 miles in three hours, in a new Ford. It was easy sailing 1 the way and not one stop for drifts or anything else was nec 1 ai ected their many friends and acquaint- ances. The reception was brought to a close with the toast to the bride and singing of "For he's a jolly : good fellow." ; Sioux lookout and Dryden bovs has been postponed, owing t othe weather. rian <> es v2 {Two years have past, and still we: IN LOVING MEMORY Or, EDITH TAYLOR, beloved: . daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Taylor and grand-daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Kuesrvorst, Dyment, Ont, who died on January 27th, 1927. miss her, Never shall her memory fade, | Sweetest thoughts shall ever ling- er Round the place where she is laid. ! Town of Dryden PROCLAMATION NOTICE is hereby given that I will attend at the Town hall, Dryden, -on Friday, Jan. 25, 1920, between the hours of 7.30 p.m. and 8.30 p.m. to receive nomina- tions for one Councillor for the year 1920. Notice is also given that if more candidates than are required be nominated a poll will be held on Friday, Feb. 1st, 1029, between the hours of 9 am. and 5 p.m. J E. GIBSON, Clerk. Dryden, Jan. 16, 1920. § i essary in the long trip across the hi GOD SAVE THE KING From-- Mamma, Dada, Grand ! ma, Granddad. i i] NOTICE +#Golden*Star Lodge No. 484 A.| $1.50 per couple. will hold a whist drive home of Felix Sfreddo on Febru- ary 7th, at 8 o'clock. Prizes will be given. Admission soc. Everybody Found Frozen-- effect that Colin McLauckln, ifarmer at Oxds sen to death. Details were lacki F. & A.M. will hold a whist drive! and dance in the Masonic hall, Dryden, on Feb. 8 Admission, The Catholic Women's League | at the welcome Word has been received to the a iff, was fourd froz-! The Chevrolet The Rink | : @ 3 q > ~ 17 The home of M.'J. Crosier, Ox-] Are you all set for the big! Demonstration Tyg on i fei drift, Ont, was a charming sct-jcarnival next Friday night, Its iit Mr bri ane =f ing Wednasing, Jmunry 6, fovloning re the Dest time yet, <o ¥ Aluest 250 people attend d the that it is about Hnte 0 : Sel sie wedding of Mary Luella, sec jdon't nuss it. And the Queen con. "presentation" of the new "Chev- getting busy and doing soinethin 'ond daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. (test. Hurry up and poll your role Six", which was held in the towards erecting a rs a J. Crosier, to Arthur Russell Bac- votes. Minnie Reid leads the list Masonic hall on Tuesday even- 'Owing to the ii very few hr nly on of Mr. and Mrs. so far but others are follow ing, uder the auspices of Durance 'spectators have Wiese pi of Xobert Barker iv har t Dros. and Co., the local Chevro-! resentatives. The outsiand-} mprovements and features of ! the games. But despite this handi-' cap a good number wwere out to se¢ the IZenora Intermediates and 'the Dryden Millionaires clash, Ifo, th first time this year, in one . the Chevrolet six were explained : and illustarted by some interest- ing moving picture and slides. Aiof the niost exciting games nl wie trip across Canada in a Chevrolet segs 1, which the Keora lads vo. were also very interesting, 'by a score of 32 Following the lecture and Pic-f During the fret session io tures refreshments were served. "looked as though the visitors :J. O. Gough attended to the cat-{ would not have a show, when at ering and the lunch was delight-1 he end of the first session the ful. | + : score stood at 1-0 for Dryden. Dancing then commenced, Th 2ut i cut in the second, the Kenora Freshmen orchestra members ex lads displayed some very fiae celled themselves, the music ww 1 work and managed to find + the keenest ever and four hous of an openig which resulted to their "enjoya'le dancing followed. Dur- getting their first goal in the ance s. are to be: congratu- early part of this pericd.. Th= result was that at the end of t= second the score stood 1-1. The final period was the most exciting part of the garie. Both teams were out, deterinined tc win, but the visitors showed thar they had plenty of "pep" left and scored two more goals, v. iiie the local boys were only able to find the net once. At the end of the game the score stood Kenora 3, Dryden 2 lated on the splendid success of the ¢ Nn fle. deere) geiian MINISTER OF LAROR will address a PUBLIC MEETING Paper Mill Hall ES. Jaa, 29 At 8:00 p.m. | er ne i1< Saturday of last week the Dinorwic All-Stars met the Dry- den Juniors in a fast and clean game of hockey, which resulicd * a score of 1-1. Owing to the | arrival of the visitors there no time for overtime play ree CING AFT Welcome--Everyth'ng Fre At Sioux Lookout on Satu /o ¢k Dryden lost to the Sioux boys, after an evertime od, by 2 score of 4-2. mo Sia 7 TR~ Everybody TAN 2 wr WW o Toa A877 e. ES ay = ATI TION ior the brevity ol] Ad 8 iG CY e Adv'ts. in this issue n Young Mur Advertisers very kindly allowed rg O Sl aed us to shorten them as the Machine HF ER a0 le ¢ down this morning and we for. 2d to set the copy for Bip P07 vice; warden, © Mary most of them by the old-fashioned Bi 5 en groom chose a dress of blue flat hy \ ar eden os ee SL es ; by the old-fashioned Uugey & Horncss crepe with flaring skirt. Mrs | -¢18hman; sentinel, Martha Tay- hand set way. Vill Be Seld By John O'Brien, sister of . the|l0n i Lan ET PUBLIC AUCTION bride wore a youthful gown of IN MEMORIAM Coal held nH at > Lk Ear 1 ror HE ir The wn {of the ow Sire heavy silk voile, showing uneven IN LOVING MEMORY OF The soi. of the new re sired | my, 5K ve Mg, . LIN V BAY wr x) y fre "ry i y Vyiirizintes 1g ex v iv gy hemline. ARTHUR ZOLLNER. our 2 1:30 this morning, brought] $15 3a EVOEY A 51 The out-of-town guests includ de 2 plies 1 ot oe ~ practically the whole town out. On ed Mr. O, BR, Tanner of Port Arf 50% Bhar Who qed Jan. 2% Fhefice vos in John Tardic's cont TUESDAY Jan 20 thur; Miss Alva Crosi i Pop 1920 shed and was quickly extinguist + ASERE ERLE: LE RPA thur; S " PLE TR juickly 8 ot : hid onto; Mrs. John O'Bri€n and ba: | Gene#rom us, but leaving memo- _cd-when the fire brigade arrived, ¥ dAtazo pm. seen at Fisher's ? Now be = > FEES aK [R= Fo] See the man. Is he buying a thunb brush? No, he #3 buving a tooth brush. $0 ge Then why d thumb wii ale Ballad is safe from Thunb Bt ers--if you use the br that polishes as it cleapg---- TI Tye al TEES TOO RUSHED Sterilized and Sealed for your protesiies] There's 2 Dr. West's Tooth Brush for every members @f the family: Child's, 28¢ Youth's, 35¢ Yous 35 ble 2 THE DRYDEN PHARMACY, Limited,