THE DRYDEN ORSERVER : . p = i 3 so Fai : DRYDEN LODGE DRYDEN LODGE, Be, 10e: & : ; /} ih g PIE p 1.0.0.F. No. 417, meets in the L.O.L. Meets ths ¥izst end 90 Qrner § Litt Sy Orne ¥ pi &] Town Hall, Dryden, every Mon | Wednesday. of each month, af elgin February 22nd, 1929 No, 45 pm., in the Town Hall. Viadting brethren cordially invited. W. JONES, W.M. B. SMITH, Sec'. .day evening at 8:00 p.m, B.R. EVANS, NG: /. K. COLLINS, Rec.-Sec. "ANADIAN LEGION, B.ES.L. Vol 1 SOME wise dentist has discovered that bad Golden Stor Hodes PRYDEN BRANCE REGULAR MEETINGS WILL LF. & 4.5, be held in the Paper Mill Hall, Ta 484, GBC Meets in the Masonic Hall, Dryden the Second Tuesday of each rmomth Visitors Cordially Invited. F. FOULIB, WD. 4, E. BERLEY, Secretary Dryden, the first Friday of each month, at 8:00 pm, Visiting Comrades invited. . W. K. Edye, Pres. H. M. Davidson, Sec. ERS RADIO SALE § ay Prime PRONG DEMONSTRATION MODELS --Going for One-third Off. WESTINGHOUSE, all Electric Radio Set, with seven tubes, in walnut cabinet; complete with Cone Speak- er, was $200.00 SPECIAL for... FN WILLIAM'S, Super Electric Radio Set, including Seven Tubes, good speaker; Was $183.00 3 SPECIAL for ..... FEDERAL Orthosonic Radio Set, one dial control, with five tubes, including one 8 amph power tube; 3 heavy duty B Batteries, "A" battery Cone Speaker. : iy . $163.00 lias nd STER.00 w SPECIAL value, complete ...... valet win Drones TWO 5-Tube Radio Sets, for battery use, in good order. \ TOCILBAR ar each... FIRE Sa i Easy Confidential Terms may be secured if desired, or \/ could accept some Cord Wood as part payment, Our Specials in Gramophones W VICTOR Walnut Console Victrola, a beautiful piece of vi furniture, and as good as new mechanically. Formerly $225.00 i Will be sacrificed for $75.00 HANDSOME PHONTHITIC, Walnut, powerful motor. latest type reproducer, like new, regular price today is $115.00 SPECIAL--$75.00 COLUMP IA GRAMOPHONE, large mahogany cabinet, in perfect playing order, with forty used Records, SPECIAL 339.00 TABLE MODEL GRAMOPHONE, with Record Cabinet to v match, in perfect playing condition. i PRICE--315.00 BRUNSWICK GRAMOPHONE, Table Model, price new was $85.00. . TO CLEAR AT $18.00 TERMS --1If Desired. Iph J. Pronger Phone j5 ONTARIO 7 on Aron en Satie of real plow 's and hag yours plowed, LY A ng you a bigges ct time, ; king resulls dss plow bottom, ce bottoms are he for clesm . i) ar B Jong 8, ong ot Lift and ha make the Ns 0 easy Lo operate; do a good job of ite {i 0 ki wd B JAS moe £5,072 1 Ge Dryden, Ont. I i o Latha Store Vou Got 00 (Py é 2 abandoned unless *{earefully described teeth and insanity are closely, related. Sounds logical, We can remem. ber being almost crazy with a teothache. Now we look for someone {oc .use insanity as a de- fence for murdering a dentist. belt always If you want to find please. out which is the best 1 grain drill, ask amy Have you owner what he thinks of his MeCormick-Dece- ring, the ' answer wil come like a fash, There's only one and! that's the MecCormick- to be city ? quite says: "Now and then you'll eat a waffle that causes you to think the cook who made ness. ii that Oxdrift is Bye and bye. noticed getting a litle d weekly in the Interest of the People of Kenora Diserict. Or A Neetkie Hush little overshirt Bon't you ery; You'll 'make a dandy A pleased customer is like a bad penny, he comes McCormick -- Deer ng farm machines back always Come and see us, sce : our M'Cormick-Decrng | weight, with still more i sermg. farm machinery, ge' | time to cat, = Ni Gn a ony literature, L es Ea ge acquainted. We! Another train load of need you in our busi The manufacturers of | Thumbs Crossed The international iden of reducing armaments i as a step towards peace seems to be for each and every nation to have all the arms it i would need in case it needed them, Have you scen the new McCormick-Deer. ing ball bearing cream separator? It's a dandy The better way to re- | duce they say, is to | siumber sweet; but. "how can dearie lose in BABY CHICKS--Canada's- Brey- to -lay, 100 per cent Alive. Leghorns 317.00 per 100; Anconag, Barred Rocks, $18.00 per 100; Rhode I Feds, $19.00 per 100; Wyande $20.00 Cours: White Rocks, Buff Orptingtons, per 100. 12 mont Poultry TAYLOR'S HATCHERY, 362 Furby Si, Winnipeg, Man. | FOR SALE--CNE COMPLETE Sz7T § £ 2 © rr EN Trey of the Book of Knowledge, in Geou' | 1 wUAG HE 4%, condition, --Apply to : Bone 5 rei Porat eit Bit MISS E. ROWE, Front & Wess MIB ITE Te Wetman, Oh Frost & Weed 00 LATIELTE. it 1, nu 4 COCHESEIT: 15/2/29 McCormick -- Deering tractors went west this week. Just another train load of satisfac. ! for sale. : : | Hi IRE FOR SALE--FARM, 80 ACRE iy % Co under cultivation; Lot 9, Con. iF Township. Easy lerms. Writ js LAW FPUBy BO JCHN BOTHW Yon resin 15|2|29 Eagle River, Ont. WEL IE WR iy i i al e a light frames FARM WANTED--WANTLD TO} 1g B or from owner having good 1: State particulors.-- The SERVICE FARM & BUR 17 Lav ONE should not be content wth the same flowers and vegeiables year after year. At least one new variety should be tried each season and often mn this way a certain previcusly. un- known flower or vegeiable will be 'ound - that is: particularly suited to the local climate and soil, Of courgs those flowers that have done eons i- ally well in the past should not some much } be cr quality scrt is wanted" In the Aw. er line, besides such well known sorts as zinn'as, marigolds, petunias and phlox, there are le-s'r Imown beauties like calliopsis, gode'in, cal- 'endula, lupins, annual larkspur, j scabiosa, salpiglossis, California pop- pies, scchizanthus, or Butterfly flow. er, and several others now Usicd anl in the bes: en | ogues, Some of these ze {trying in every garden. Air i vegetables one would do vell to e-. I periment with the cos lettuce, a new !spinach, asparagus, Brussels sprout, * cress, Swiss Chard. erdive, Lkchl ra : I vegetable marrow, - or some of the- herbs. j W ong un INDOOR PLANTING Many {ender 'bedding plants © Tor ithe window box and hanging bake can be grcwn by the amateur if start- ed indoors this month, while the hard. ier sorts, if given an earlier start in this way will come into bloom several weeks sooner than if planted direcily in the open, The same is true of many vegetales, such as tomatong, cabbages, lettuce, melons, and even a few beets, carrots, and hills of corn. Starting there indoors will materially hasten the time when they will be (ready for the table, A challow ¢'gar box or something similar is the bess thing to grow these in whire space is limited, of if there's plenty of room %3 ES a florist's "flat"--a shallow box 12 inches by 18--may be used. Purch the a few holes in the bottom of box to allew drainage, and add a 1 er of conders or goavel to serve same purpose. Get some fairly goad soil, and break it up fine, IMo'sten the earth, then mark off the rows, which need be only ore inch apart, sow. the recd, end cover the tcp of the box tightly with a piece of saci ing or burlap. = This keeps the read; in a warn, dark place, and when have pushed up through the soi i move the burlap, and give them full Unless there si a Lert ery sunlight, 8 twindow on cutside, back at least Don glass to av i perature. * HOW TO MAEDA IH: Where one has a larger iwanis to get off toean earl try and grow the V1 Secure a supply of fresh ure, which has beon turned every d vy Lor so to prevent burning, and slo: } €c 2 Tiim £10 1 512100 IRD Lore would make a fortune omietios dre ovate | don 15/229 BUREAU, Coico wa . . . : £, C € CYeis- . HE ia i ; in the tire repair busi. |¢ : | [Ea i ing so much these days ny Telia nd Cn aie Wi this iy 1 sheltera CY PY bi 4 pot it Dy tl ness, ER La : this im some . sheltered spot uot ; -irst, 'but by the f nls pulilisations \ ready to use, The hot bed should cooled down s When you need re- Toe y be io:ated where it will be conver ting. In cold w ; +. | have become regular \ : 3 : pairs for your McCor ey for he attendant, "and "ly and only on brigh days. i ui _ | powder magazines. : : mick-Deering Farm Piotecied fromm he north a ate a tittle every dev hy raising + machinery, see that Sik J. S. CORNER winds by fences, build or shrub- gash, hie, 3 open lo a they are stamped with Scotty Latimer was very. Make 'a pile of the manurs days o warner a Q I) a ; : : : : oO i Ld the I, H. C trade|up ; iii bi McCormick -Deering cighteen inches deep, and be sure he ores, , ® : 5 oy gf 3 i A . mark, which insur's ac | business for a 2 Dealer, It is well preesed down, If drainage off rame; wh 3 - 3 S } a s 4 i " -curate fit and durabil-| two the first o he SEnRwr. 0 is geod, a hole may be dug and the to the hot bed only ity, weel. ' wl. manure placed in this. On top of manure, before beine CANADIAN GARDENING SERVICE 3 ie 1 OF 152 Assurances in force (net) An Increase of $408,925,000 New Assurances Paid for o 441,244 G30 An Increase of $112,836,000 Towmilveime 5 oo S50 144,747,000 An Increase of $41,972,000 | Surplus 'earne during the Years on FR Te 40,264,000 Payments to Policyhold and Beneficiaries oy - Rémorve '. . ~ = £6,938,000 ; Pree o VE HIS An Increase of $9,137,000 Total Liabilities {Including Paid up Capital) Assets, at December An Increase of $87,652,000 Rate of Interest earned' mean invested assets (net) DIVIDENDS TO POLICYHOLDERS INCREASED ESSIVE YEAR The Company kas also inaugurated the practice of paying a special walurily dividend on participating policies, fen or more FOR NINTH SU oo i 31st, 8 - $1,896,915,000 ers - 49,920,000 422,020,000 / 1628 488,958,000 on : 6.5897 0 CSR years in force, terininating by death oy mafarily, i i Fl ! NEE EXTRACTS FROM DIRECTORS' REPORT : : yi After deducting amounts re-assured, the total to $1,896,915,934. assurances in force now amount an incrbase of $408,925,254.43, number 633,240, and in addition 1 of assurance are held by employees of corporations and firms under the group plan. While every field of operation c share to these impressive opment of our business fying, our record and services, ... Theamount tion, together their security or benefit, exceeds ! : 2 amount received from them in premiums by $1 11,373,229.10. The strength and resources of the Company have been still further enhanced. The net rate of vested assets, after expenses, has risen creases, bonuses and s many of the Company's holdings, stantially to this gratifying result. A net profit of 311 risen to high premiums, The securities listed in the assets at figures substantially below the them by the Government. This u our securities represéats an 1 against pessible adver tional to the reserves specifically that contingency. Wegse again able to report that preferred stocks listed in the assets, not one dellar, advances, the rapid devel- I ; in Great Britain and the uU nited States is especially noteworthy, The generous reception of our, Company in countries served by powertal domestic institutions is part as testifying to widespread paid to policyholders with the amolnt at pre interest earned on the mean in- making provision for investment to 6.58 per cent. tock privileges, : ©11,028,854.59 has been realized from the redemption or sale of securities which had > marker fl ctuations, addi- due either 25 interest asingle day; whila tle eed by able on the smn The surpi values give $33.52, $10,000,000. has bien deducted f heavily marked down value of se tional provision against pos "creasing the amount so set as "The special amowift set asic provide for unforesee: tained al $72,500,600. 322,329.65 has been paid 'uolders during the ) 57, Policies in force 36,293 certificates : dolla : at the time of ontributed its full rly grati- appreciation of : organiza- hd tia EO the ging the toval oy accounts, and capita stock, to § he continued prosperity of th your Directors to announce, {i year, a substantial incre. be distributed to particip the ensuing year. In addition, your Dividend in- accruing on contributed sub- principle of ga y pating policies m turing after has Ak ten years or longer. This 1 have been valued policyholders or beneficiaries : i valued occasioned by the maturity of poli Ba participate in tha a dd not as yet been 'The effort to provide life a net cost 'obtainalle has been increas ly appt ated. Our policyholders will be gratified by further evidence 'of oir desire that the Cos prosperity shall be fully shared by its mem ant provided against on the bonds and Bos SUN COM I " E U FE AS SURADR 3s ote CF