"OH, SUSAN! -The St. Lukes Girl's Guild will hold a play entitled "Oh Susan!" in Quibell, on Mon- AUCTION SALE #2 Farm Implements and Tools, at 2 o'clock June 6, at W. Mar- tin's Farm, Glengoland, Waich failed to notice the approaching 3--Chorus--*"Hail to the Land", train, or else that a large amount of pulp wood was piled close to the track obstructed his view, so that he did not see 'the express till it was too late to stop, as there is a down-grade to the track. © The train was instantly stopped and the bodies of the vic- time conveyed to Dryden. The car was a total wreck. The late Ernest Gustave Spreng was one of th best known farmer- in the district, and for the pas twenty-five years he had liver with his family on his fine fain two miles north of Waldhof. He was never too busy, despite ths successful farm he operated, tr be interested in all affairs concers ing the welfare of his commmun: ity. . He was activ in politics, ard on of the most prominent men i: the Waldhof Co-operative Co. He was responsible for the telephon¢ system that Waldhof has, and a} so supervised' the installation of the present system in Dryden Mr Spreng was fifty-six year: old and was a native of Germany but a naturalized Canadian. Besides the bereaved widow he is survived by three sons Gerald, Court, and Leonard and two daughters May, Mrs Schram and Lily, Mrs McBain of Detroit Michigan.. The deepest sympathy is extended to these bereaved relatives and to Mrs © Schrani, whose infant child was the victim of so sad an accident. Funeral service was held from the Community Hall at Waldho! on Tuesday afternoon, and inter- ment took place at Waldhof Cem: etery. : : CENTRAL HOTEL & CAFL We have had a Frigidaire in- stalled, and can now supply Palm Ice Cream, in the fin est condition; Chop Suey; © Vanilla, Strawberry, Butter- Scotch. ICE COLD DRINKS, s¢ Try an Ice Cream Lunch in the Cafe. : PIE A LA MODE, 13¢ BANANA SPLIT, z5c. SUNDAES, 15¢ FRESH FRUIT SUNDAES 20¢ Special CHOCOLATES Hard] and Soft Centres; Peanut Clust? ers, Black Currant, Creams Fig Carmels, Wintergreens. Large variety: Per 1b s50¢. PREVENT FIR a Jas as Poss rousén flee PREVENT financial loss by 4--Two Songs-- "The Muffin Man" "Laughing Breeze" --Gordon Brampton, Evan Jones, Chas Reany 5--Address-- Rev. Father Me- Dougal 6.-~Folk Dance--""Children's Pol- ka"--Room II. : 7--English Folk Song--"Tally Ho"--Mickey and Vernon Pronger, Geo. Morettin, 8.--Address--Rev. Tindle 9.--Piaho Solo-- "Pleasure Spring"--Hazel Adair, 10.--Chorus--"John Bull's Child- J ren' : 11.--Address--Rev. Howes 12--Two Songs--*"I Saw A Ship" "Robin Hood"--Room III, boys : 13--Dance--*Trish .. Jig--Mari- lyn Wilson, and Marjorie Boomhower, 14.--Address--Rev. Bennett 15--Song--""There's A Land"'-- Vera Bailey, Pat Wright, Phyllis Barber. of 16.--Drill--"Raise the Flag" Room V. 17.--Medley--*"Canada"~~ Senior Girls. 18--"God Save The King!" THORSEN--BRYSON The wedding of Mr Steen Thor- son and Miss Nancy Bryson of Winnipeg was solemnized in St. Lukes church Fort Rouge on wednesday May 22 at two thirty Rev. Canon Heaney, officating. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Queenie Bryson and Mr Wm. Lewis of Dryden sup- ported the groom. The bride wore a smart tan chiffon frock with) close fitting hat and shoes and hose all in matching tones. Her costume was completed by a brown fox fur. The bridesmaid wore a french blue dress with a smart black hat. Following the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the brides parents, Mr and Mrs Bryson. Mr and Mrs THorson So, we think that when some fone asks you for one dollar to become a member of the Red Cross, that instead of badgering you, they are merely asking you erthood of humanity that has a duty to the other fellow. Our hospital has no pupil nurs- es, all the nurses are qualified graduates, and this of course, yet the perdiem cost has been low- er in Dryden than in any other out post. Why does the hospital go be- hind? : Because in this large territory many patients are unable to pay and although the government =on- tributes a certain sum of money for these people, this sum is only about sixty per cent of the actual cost. Money has to be found . some how, and this money come from generous givers. The heart in this district is generally very large. Let some- one be burned out, or meet with some misfortune and at once a neighbour gets out with a list, and the response is generous and gen- eral. ; Your one dollar membership of the Red Cross, multiplied many times, helps lessen the deficit and allows us to carry on. The proudest badge one can wear on July first, or similar to become one of the great broth-; makes the up-keep greater. And has to; The perdiem cost per patient is $3 :44; public ward patients $3:00 For indigent cases, the govern- ment pays $1:40 and 6o¢ Thig 6oc is recent, until lately the gov- ernment paid but soc. The daily deficit on public ward patients is 44 cents. : On indigents, $1 44. The uncollected accounts since the inception of the hospital amount to $3,414.42. 5 Patients are sometimes asked how they intend to pay. This mat- ter was taken up a year or so ago by the Hospital Committee and the matron was asked to make this question. The reason is obvious. Any patient admittedly indig- ent saves the hospital $1 40, which the government contributes Any patient a ad i i promising payment, | day, June 3rd. for Pes Somme BS RN PSR --_-- AL ia VOL. IX DRYDEN, Ontario, May 31st, 1929 N = a as Waldhof Resident] Empire Day Facts of the Locai Red Cross W. I. Meeting. |_Espenditures-- Expenses of Meetings, etc $ 54.30 Killed by Train. EMPIRE Dav on . 9 TE a ~ | Hospital --Flowers $21.15 : E Pls Dy puts itagy & - I'HE District Annual Mesting off Curicing 22.80 : | brated in the Public Sc RL the Diy 'omen's Institute] Wackin os wre 1 Se a THE sudden tragic death of Mr very comprehensive ; ae 2 3 I ; ee SRE 4 Smen pea Washing Machine 192100 Bl Sr yy Si i 0 (Continued from last week.) esting, and we would ask you to es held in the Lown Hall' on += 233.08 of Waldhof, on Saturday was a» the i ise TREY asked us to form a Red|cut these figures out and keep it hy Fo $0 The solaris Sele Ln Tie 107.55 terrible shock to the whole district Th or ha Cross Society, for reference. This is the record Seven hy on heer ty ond Con! Agricultural Society 5.00 y ; ne : 1e programme whic was Tl 5 1 % | for 1028 venors of Committees show & 1 Mr Spreng and the child, tw | amied out in fhe Public Scho] Lhe membership in this, costs| for 1928, ; ery satisf re Er ee fis 755 year old Richard Schram, wer: Ball wr dered and] ©7€ dollar, and this money is Major Operations ....... 53] Yery satisiaciory years work and, Balance on hand. ... 114.0% driving in a truck to the store a [ . rn Fon paee 30% kept in the district. They have| Minor Operations ....... 123) 18 8 Short address, the president rT Waldhof, when their car wa py Tnuch credit on the PUPS) fy piper agreed fo meet the yearly > Births 0 os Tin 55 thanked all the members for the $ 5 "slid ls Dy te COR cobrens and their teachers, who trained deficit of twenty-five hundred dol-] Admissions .......... . gop oth aeoplished duttng the i ty me train number Tres i the re on SE Py that the lars, provided we raise fifteen Hospital DIays cu iiian 3105 yeaw -- NOTICE! crossing in the village and they 24 pes ne afford sufficient hundred dollars of it, in othe-j From patient's fees: and contri- Special mention might be) Mrs Gratton the penis fo were instantly killed. The accid i) 4 i Powenis of the words, they will still continue giv batlons Lyi $7,673.40] Made of the work Jone' by |oh Tens Insts who ais yt) Tah oh es the concert was wor- Ing ws abot one thousand da. From. the Provincial Covers Home Economics Committee, : ver lectures in Dryden and IR rt thy of a large audience, ot een ment ave $1,797.00] Who do all the mending of linen other points in the drisirict has the store and post office in the| nC following is the program--| "Of 'course, besides this, wellobb Ln I $0,470.40 for the hospiial. heen called tn Tee Homme in oh tt Exercises-- Palm, | have to keep the SAA present. Total cost of moitennn oy The membership for the year east owing to the death of he: Spreng's attention was attracted Rev. Tindle able in painting and repairs, and' AS SR er $10,990.34} Was 55: Light regular meetings mother and all the Mestings have to the crowd so much that he] 2-- Chairman's Address--Mr M.|hold the equipment up to its high' Deficit contributed by the Red were held, with an average atten been cancelled. Fok i Cross, Totonte $1,519.94} dance of 32. One special meeting was held June first, at which ¢ were present, was addressed Lirs Miss Marks, Departmental Speak. Oxdriiv Oneario hi er. After all reports were oi ment of their daughter and the general husiness disposed A ta J C. Thompson, sox of, the following officers were elec of I Mrs A. Thompson ted for 1929-30. ¢ Ontario. : President--Mrs H. Morison, 0 take place Jur: First Vice-President--Mrs M.11Z, at two o'clock in Donalds Morris. second Vice-President--DMrs F.! iB ae nA announce Corivention. wention of the Womens Auxiliary liocese of Keewatin was held in Kenora thi: week and the fol'owing Dryden ladies represented the branch of St. Luke's--Mesdames D. Wright JE. Gibron, - D. E, McRae, F "Pinkerton, Tindiz and 7 {he annual ¢ Branch Directors--Mrs Hellem Mrs Zl AW itson, Mrs R. Ham- ilton, Mrs W. Wilkinson, Mrs W. Millroy, Mrs P. Klementic. Representatives to. District Annual Meeting, June 11th--Mrs J Morison, Mrs Hutchison, Mrs Lock, Mrs Wigle, Mrs Gibson. District Director--Mrs D. Hut- EER i TOWN OF DRYDEN but that is unable to make it pre- | chison. ; Court of Revision vents the hospital from receiving Auditors--Mrs A. Paterson, A COURT OF EEVISIGN FOR the government's $1 :40. This isi Mrs BM. Hall, the Town of Dryden, will be held ja common sense explanation © The financial statement for the in the Town Hall, on Wednesday a situation, that may have cause | year was given as follows--- Tu 1929, at tha hour of 8.ac comment, eceipls-- hear ard dctermine ap- i By the law of Ontario and th: law of Manitoba, governing hos . pitals, such as Toronto or Win i peg, every patient is required t¢ {pay in advance for one week. § This has never been i: on or even talked of, so fa: this hospital is concernsd. In conclusion the hospital at : the present time has two cases ofl men, transients in the district, not Ph EN i ¥ sports day, when the Red Cross under Working Men's Compensa- drive takes place is its button. The Local Committee is con- vinced of the usefulness of - the 'hospital, is proud of the efficiency and is grateful to the parent Red Cross for the past. Is not un- mindful, because these complaints as a rule, disappear when put under the merciless analysis of facts. There are 'certain laws laid down in the province of Ont- ario, governing hospitals. These are followed with leniency and with courtesy. The Red Cross has been gen-| erous to us. We cannot afford to be less generous to them. arrived in Dryden friday. The following items are inter- THE SLIM FIGURE BATH th Nothing harmless. GUARANTEED to REDUCE TWO TO FOUR POUNDS AFTER EACH TREATMENT. Reduco is a scientific preparation of minerals absolutely to Take.' fire with ienit FIRE INSURANCE 4 CNEOBDE WITH Dryden Pharmacy Lid. 1 board walk in #i Dryden, Ontario. i! iil ed at the : Dr WOOD, , tion, nor out of organized muni- _cipalities. § These men's cases involve four to six months, and the care 'of j these people falls directly upon our hospital. : . When the millenium dawns, there probably will be no broken humanity. Until that day, you and IT may be victims, who knows? What is our duty? In our health and strength, to respect the collector of such a good cause. TOWN OF DRYDEN, ONT. TENDERS FOR SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION PR ® (SEALED TENDERS, properly addressed to the Mr J. E. Gibson, | marked and Town Clerk, | Dryden, Ontario will be received "+ until 6:00 p.m. on Monday, the 17th of June, 1929 for the con- struction of approximately 73, , 000 square feet of concrete side- {walk and 3,200 lineal feet of the Town of { Plans and specifications may be seen and tender forms obtain- offices of the Town | Clerk, Dryden, and from Con- th suiting Engineers Toronto. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Mayor. Clerk | JAMES PROCTOR & RED FERN, Limited, Consulting Engineers 36 Toronto Street, TORONTO, 2; Ont. FOR GSALE--STAR SEDAN, in first class condition--Apply T. PROUDFOOT, Dryden. Cash on hand--May--Gen. 7. BE. GIRSON the Assessment Roll i Ee Salt $o3:22 £, 'ublic Health Committee. . 67:7: ; Bank Interest wo... 00.00 66; JFees and Grants... 16.758 FOR 8 J .: Musical Committee . 2006! One Arm and One Rocker : Lounge, leather covered 1s alsa Chear MEPHATLL Sale of Poppies "ives vale en School Committee ........135.75 Rack, bevelled Mirror. July First Committee ..... 196.80 . Cash.--Apply A. 53.5080 TREE is wonderful, self- your own satis- Ra re Poet 4 RES RRAG) 3 - f SAP) 1000500000006 0804 6260000 $ 2 B $ 38., sune 7 and 8th $ 4 ; © bearer to S3¢ worth $ the purchase of a 25¢ T- Lo bd ¢ Not good after BE 3 Bis : 2 i : {4 i) Sr eg ¢ b N 2 3 ' PIIOEIOBOI4 vu