i, Rn hh 4 VOL. IX DRYDEN, Ontario, June 28th, 1929 0 Latest News. OMINION DAY CELEBRATION rae forms at Public School >:30, then proceeq throughout town hy Fair Grounds and around track for 1dging. boo Sports begin immediaetly after par- He judging. an - Races and Soft Ball, 2 p.m.--Busi- ess men versus Dryden Paper Co. | Council versus Bank Stak. ASEBALL, 3:00 p.m.--Dinorwic vs. Wabigoon, SOFT BALL Finals, 4:30 p.m. RAND FINALE--TUG-O-WAR. Admission to Grounds--Adults 50c. ; Children 25¢. iC DANCE AT NIGHT -- IN THE ULP MILL HALL--Admission $1. Agricultural Notes Special Donation of $20 offered by J. P. Earngey, M.P.P., will be giver to the family showing the larges® number and variety of exhibits, Th: exhibits must comprise something in each group, viz: Live Stock, Poultry, Roots, Grains and Grasses, Vegetakl:s Plants and Flowers, Dairy Produce, Domestic Science, Ladies Work, Ex- Libits by children in the Champion- ship Fair are not counted in this. The directors are sure that this splendid prize donated by Mr Eamm- gey, will be an incentive to bring out as many exhibits as possible, it will be worth trying for. Who will be the winner. The time to start working for it is NOW! The garden contest entries shoul! be handed to the secretary at once a: the = time for closing will soon be here. : @: Ww. I. MONTHLY MEET G The Oxdrift Women's Institute held heir monthly meeting in the Com- hunity Hall, June 20th, eleven mem-~ ers present. This was 2a very interesting meet- ho as the report was given from the istrict Annual, and the year's pro: .ramme planned; also a demonstra- jon on the Making of Bead Flowers The officers for the following year: irs H. Pateman, President; Mrs T. J. timer, Vice-President; Miss Marz- wer Latimer, Sec-Treasurer; Direct A large number of Special Prizes and 'greater value are being given this year, see next week's paper for the list. . If you are not a member, send $1 to A. J. Lock and be registered at once. ; Tarewell for Mr and Mrs Swanfon-- Names in order of merit-- Those who are equal marked--* Room 9--Teacher Miss M. E. Luc- as--FEnrance Class, 24 Pupils i ing; 12 pupils have completed work of the Jr IV and Sr. IV. in two years while 12 pupils have completed it in one year. Promotions from Jr. IV. to Sr IV, Tonours: Julia Makhuck, Barbara ter == Lloyd Wigle, Jean Wilson. Room 8--Teacher Miss Wyvill--J IV. to Sr. IV--Honours: Crawley.' Pass: Mary Livingston, Nona Proud foot, Yola Sfreddo, Evelyn Hudson, 3 : Margery rs, Mrs R, Amos, Mrs Jas. Spalding, Tiss Emma Latimer, and Mrs M. Mec Pavish. The July meeting will be held at home of Mrs H. Pateman, on the Srd "hursday. Everybody welcome. Come ind enjoy a social afternoon. Prog- .amme: a Demonstration on Tie Dy- ng, which promises to be very inter- esting. Last Friday afternoon the Bates Family assembled at the pland to spend their the 'few hours with Mr and Mrs G. A. Swanson, who were leaving that night for Carthage, NY., where Mr Swanson 'is to take charge of the Corporations manufacturing operations. : The early part of the afternoon was spent taking pictures, dancing & merry-making--then lunch was serv- CHURCH SERVICE ' ; ~ lad. And what a lunch! Those oirls Armivesary Church Service of Dry- jaye wonderful little cooks. If items Hen Lodge, L.0.L., will be held onjihey're just as expert at dorestic Sunday, July 7th, Brethren will meet at the Town Hall at 6:30 and will attend St. Luke's 'Church in a arts as they are at making Bates Valve Bags--of which, we'll have yout know, there are none whicher. Whether it was because the lunch hy. : was so tempting, or because everyones was hungry will never be known, but the lunch did disappear. After lunch Mr and Mrs Swanso was presented with a club bag by the Bates Family. Mrs Swanson gave 2 AUCTICN SALE Sale of Farm Implements aa Lot 5 Cor. 4, Van Horne, on July 6th at One o'Clock, p.m. ~ 4-21-28 little talk, the nice, chummy kink thai only she can give, while Mr Swau- son stood near, smiling his confirma- tion to her words. Everyone wore smile, but was really having a des- perate time trying to swallow a lump that kept creeping up into the throat Without our being aware of it, M: and Mrs Swanson had taken complete possession of 5 corner, big enough for two, in our hearts. The party wound up 'in the nices? possible way, hearty cheers for the de parting manager, and another for Mr C. M. Witt, 'who is taking Mr Swanson's place, after which Murs Witt passed around the choeslates. JULY 12th CELEBRATION Dryden Lodge, 1.0.L., is busy mak- ing arrangements for a picaic on July 12th, at Oxdrift. A dance wiil be held in the evening at Dryden, a Tenders for Cleaning, Repairing, & KalSomining Bedworth School TENDERS will be received by the undersigned up to and includ- ing Friday; July sth, for clean- ing, repairing and kalsomining ol Bedworth School. : Lowest or any tender not nec esgarily accepted W WHITE, See-Treas. Bedworth, Onnt. a MACHIN & COMPANY, Barristers; Solicitors, etc, Office on Man floor, Donnelly Block, corner of ANOTHER BEAR STORY A good "Bear" yarn comes from Oxdrift: A farmer living near Ox drift returning home sees three v " Matheson & First St. South. j "Kenora, Ontario, THE CURLING RINK The Curling Rink has not been for- gotten, plans and specifications are being prepared and a meeting will be called shortly. Bears on his farm, and refuses to gc hack until informed by neighbour: that the Bears had been killed, and investigaling finds that the animals had eaten his dog, chewed a piece of one cow's back off, which was alive and devoured another, go TOWNSHIP OF VAN HORNE Clerk's Notice of First Posting of Voters' List. aaa NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I have complied with Section 7, of the Jim Vankoughnett, Dorothy Ankeney, Marion Beck, Ruby Reid, Esther Mer- cer, Winnie Boomhower, Fred Lap- age, Ellen Norgate, Jean son, Cyril Wright, Jim Ferugson, Gladys Vankoughnett, Lester Pronger Lily Lewis, Jessie Cole. , Recommended--Geneva Auren, Loro- thy Walmsley. Jr. IV. to Jr. IV. "a'--FElsie Asp- lund, Hazel Adair, Murray Neil, Mac Boomhower, M. Robertson, V. Wice, M. Blake, B. Wigle, M. Tarmowski. Room T--Teacher Miss 8. Thorpe 8p. TIL. to Jr. IV--Honours: Tessie So Chipman, Ines Sfreddo*, Kitty Hank er®, Alma Brisson, Jean Dempst Alexander, Neil Campbell, Lloyd Pol lock, Lila Buchanan. Pass-- Carrie Doudiet, Violet Mol- 'ne, Bonnalyn Kentner®, Clifford Mc- Guire*, Lillian Davis, Marion Asp- lund, Dunc Reid, Olga Steiner, Lila Allen, Robert Hawke, Lena McMaster Joe Koshon, Andy Volkmar®, Aubrey Pinkerton*, Colin Proudfoot, Isabelle Norgate, Gordon Fields, Brian Ba ber*, Jack Bartlett, Bert Watt. James McMonagle, Karnest Hutchi- son, Raymon Wice, Esther Robinson® Ray Hatch*, Orval Robertson, Muriel Bailey, Gladys Byington, Arnold Ny- mark, Mary McMonagle, Clayton Bailey. Room 6--Teacher Miss E. Gallaghe- Jr IIL. to Sr, III--Honours: How- ard Reany, Leila Foulis¥, Edie Mac Wright*, Mildred Ripley, Ruby Mec- Guire, Grace Taylor, Grant Buchanan Berthil Moline*, Christina Stovel® Alvin Hudson*, Edith Pollock, Mike Jemak. ! Pass--Emma Strutt, Bert Boom- ower, Harry Martinson, Bobby Me Oallum, Ethel Fido, Tommy Crawle: dna Martinson, Nellie Sfreddo, Goo- rge Ernewein, Florence Dagg, Mar- Sh Dryden Public School Report Room Teacher No. enrolled 9--Miss M. E. Lucas 34 8--Miss M. Wyvill 383 7--DMiss S. Thorpe 43 6--Miss E. Gallagher 44 5--Miss M. McGonegal 44 4--Miss O. Reany 44 3--Mrs M, Heard 25 2--Miss W. Weeks 33 1--Miss J. Miller 44 Results of the June Promotion Examinations held at Dryden Public Schoul Wit Recommended--Margarct Andersor Hutehi-! Duncan Turner, May Howarth, Edde 7 a Average att. Aggregat: ath 33.00 627 3.57 714 42.84 814 43 68 230 42.63 810 48.46 807 34.00 646 37.59 720 41.84 795 i garet Nevius, Frank Brisson, Annis { Chaschowy, Billy Norris, Eileen Wigle | Agnes Blake, Nora Bauer, Bobby Cunningham, Charlie Robinson, Eile- en Cooper, Ann Smith, Hubert Bari- lett, Gladys Buchanan, Gordon Rob- angon*, Dorothy Stratton", Aubrey : Tioore, Jim Louttit, Gordon Nymark. i Room 5 Teacher Miss M. McGonegal Gy II. to Sr. I1I.---Honours: Annie : Malkuch, Myrtle Barber, Mickey Pron- an, Mildred Taylor, Mae Murray, Nor- ian Hardy, Bert Kellar, George Mor- ettin, Bobby Foote, Addie Cile®, Jiri mie Reid*. - ! Pass--Marie Heard, Minerva Mac- 'Monegal, Vernon Pronger, Beatrice Dagg®, Angus Allen®, Billie Vankougn edt, Hurhi Reid, Billi Yaworskt Norman Hunter, Alfred Kelso, Adel: Foulis, R. Adair, E. Wannacotit, E. Saunders, G. Moore, J. Brown, A. _ A. Bauer, BE. Beck, E. Smith, R. Du: . diet, John Robinson, Willie Allen. Jo2 | Cook, Lawrence Stratton, Helen Chas i chowy, Charlie Moore. : Recommended--Lloyd Adair. Qlauson, John: Klose, Ruth Norgate, > Weddings McKAY -- DAVIDSON A very pretty wedding took place he residence of Mr and Mrs H. M. § * J 'An Annual Event The installation of Officers of Gol- den Star Lodge for the ensuing year took place last Monday. tr A av Ub SL There was a very good and i - Davidson, on Wednesday at noon, 4g wo HER rs Po oS when their second daughter, Ethel ., - Rr oy M. Taylor made the installations. Worshipful Brother F. Foulis is the re- tiring Master and in his plage is Wor- shipful Brother F. Ccoper, assisted by Bro. F. O. Baker, as S.W, Bro. H. Morison, as J.W. Wor. Bro. G. Wice, as Chaplain, Wir. Bro. H. Humphreys, as Treas. Margaret, became the bride of Mr John Douglas McKay, son of Mi and Mrs J. McKay, of Dryden.: Rev. K. A. Bennett, of Dryden Biptist Church performed the ceremony, Which was | witnessed only by immediate friends of the bride and groom. q The bride looked very pretty in al = : Wor. Bro. A. E. Berrey, as Sec'y frock of palest, pink georgette, wilhj : Ty 88 hoy : oT y PA Mr Tor. Bro. F. Pinkerton, as Tyler. full skirt and draped colar with in- : Se % Bro. M. F, Cook, as S.D. serts of lace, and a matching hat of} p= Sly D silk mohair and lace and blonde shoes | 5,08 1.0, , J. BE. Gibson, as S.8. . C. J. Wright, as J.S. J Bro. H. Saunders, as T.G. i The auditors presented their report, a~d it is satisfactory to know that everything is in good condition, inter- and hose completed the ensemble. She carried a shower bouquet of roses tied with huge tulle bows. Mrs Charles Wright, sister of the bride, acted. as matron of honor. Her owt. was of pale yellow -and she Phe Te ° est and dchentures up too date | wore a picture , hat of yellow with oe Mian or : black, her bouquet was of pink car- A very optimistic spirit prevails fo: : the future. nations. 1a groom was supported by Chas. 3 AT THE STRAND THEATRE atarle ; The Strand Manager has secured a diately following the eerem- ibig thriller for July First "Gan: reception was held at the iwaw has plenty of a tion and thould bride's home, where the bride anal the actionloving theanre-go- oroom received their friends vniil the [ops Three Shows will be given, star- arrival of the two o'clock train, when 'ting at 3:00 p.m, 7:30 and 9:00 pe they departed to spend a short honey- This will give everybody & chance 6 reon in Winnipeg, ; Ltake in the fleld sports and show 2s Going away the bride wore a smart en, : vari-coleured clase-fitting hat with a Wack broadcloth coat, and light shoes and hose. Her travelling dress was a block: satin with red trimming. ony, FIRST DRYDEN ST. LUKE'S : Friday, June 28,-- EVANS -- CLAUSUN Hawk and Wolf Fa - The wedding of Agnes M ary, eldest in 'rolls meet at 78 t . : Room iv---Taecher Miss 0. Reany -- To Sr. 11 "a Honours: 'B rie? Salisbury, M. Archibald, .V. Hutchison §. Lock, W. Cole, Mike Cook, Doris Harris, Marjorie Boomhower, Stella; Liese, Gertrude Fleming, Robertson, Venice Morettin. : Pass--Hjalmar Moline, Dolly N il; Rhoda Davidson, Earl Tew, Tommy Cooper, Emina Fleming, Bernice: Bail- ev, Adelzid Pilkey, Audrey Tew, 2 To Sr. II. "b"--Honours-- Claire Ernewein, Ivadelle Bowes, Helen Nai- son, Mary Yaworski, Annie Donzer, Marilyn Wilson, Freda Box, Phyllis, Hewitson. | Pass-- Albert. Ferguson, Mariam Livingston, Frank Cullen, - Marytellns Wood, Mary Liese, Roy Evans, Frank, Olsen*, Nina Proudfioot®, Margaret | Ray", Fred: Clinker®, Ralph Smith, § Sherwood Robinson, Jean Noble. i Room 3--Teacher Mrs Henrd-- Trom I. to: Il..--Honours Mildred W ~ x ight, Hubert Parks, Bobby Taylor, corge McKellar, Mirven Irven, Bry- wn Crawley, Irene Stovel, Haz! B is-. jon, Gladys Auren®, Opal Pinkerton* Viyrtle Ankney®,- Mildred Acplund**, Telen Gough**, Albert Klose, Dou lang Hatch, Pass--Phyliis Davis, Georg? Barb-! sr, Annie Rophatynski, Jack Heard Ayville Ankney, Daisy Dempster, He sl McGuire, Walter Davis, Mac Wigle Jorothy Pollock, Rubena Wice, Gorge \[eMonegal, Marjory Sherwood, Paul Cook, Aaron Robinson, Lily Dempster = CTY ted up at my office at Dryden, on the 26th day of June, 1929 the lost of sil persons entitled to vote inthe said Township at Municipal Elections and 'Elections for members of Parliament and that such list remains there for 'your inspection. '4 And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have "any omissions or errors corrected ac- "cording to law, the last day of appeal eT | Loing July 17th, 1929. . FIRE INSURANC Dated at Dryden, this 26th day of June, 1929. « GMNSBRE WITH "J. £. GIBSON, Agent, Dryden ENT bi GEO. WICH, Clerk of the Township. Voters' List Act, and that I have pos-i IR\ 4 ZAR NO PULL ORS | ! 4 ps SSSI ) § FES SE MAKES SHAVING A PLEASURE DOES NOT IRRITATE THE SKIN FEWER STROKES WITH PAR 1.ATHERS FREELY AND QUICKLY LARGE SIZE TUBES--;0c. i LICE WITH PAR BG € .a large blue picture hat, blonde shoes TT ey +4 = Wait, sf 74 . Donald Goug is i Lillian John Hooker, | Thomas Hawke, ¥ anan, Wallace Parks, George Makuch tivation, all in timothy hay. iC = Hatch, Bert French, Leonard Smith. Parish Hall. Gs Inspection and Ne « stration for Camp. WW. R. TINDLE, SH. daughter of Mr and Mrs P. Clausen, snd George Norman Evans, of Dry- den was solemnized on Saturday even g, June 22nd, Rev./d. W. Howes of Dryden United Church, officiating. bride, who was attended by her Clausen, wore a ; pale blue taffetta made with ruffled skirt, with tulle Lands below the hem line. She wore of Mr and Mrs Aaron Thoripson, of Port Hope, Ontario. Rev. J. Irwin, per formed the ceremony, The bride who was. given in marii- age by her father, looked charming in a gown nf white georgelie. Her veil {was arranged in Queen Arn effect with a coronet of orang:a blosso her only ornament was!(a double lace of pearls. She carried a = k bouquet of ophelia roses and lily-of- the valley. The bridesmaid, Miss Jean Dowseli, and hose, . Miss Lila Clausen wore a dainty dress of noudre blue "crepe de chine, and a picture hat of the same shade. The groom was attended by Laur- nce Beaston of Vancouver. Mr and Mrs Hvans will reside in i { € Dryden. of Stoufiirle, wore a dainty dress oo Se flowered ch'Ton and a pieture } z ] 1 enifTon and icture hat of TTY 1 TC ral iT 5 8 yoga TIOMPSON -- CROSIER mohair. Fer bouguet was of pink Donlands: United Church, Toronto, roses. : was. ihe scene of a very pretty wed- ding on June ibth, when Alveretts, daughter of Mr and Mrs M. J. Grosi- er, of Oxdrift, Ontario, became the bride of Clarence Thompson, only son Mr Richard Haskell, ¢f Port Hope, supported the groom. 'the groom's ift to the bridesmaid was a silver compact, and to the grooms:i.an, green sold cuff links. During the.signing of the register, irs Herd sang "Betause' : Mrs Crosier, mother ! wore Thelma Hunter, Jack Norris, Delvin Skene. : Po ; Recommended--Elmer Robinson. Doom 2---Teacher, Miss W. Weeks --From I. to Ir. I1i--Honours: Char- lie Beany, Margaret: Ripley, Evany, Jones, Elsie Yaworski, Christine Mal Botty Brown, M. Robertson, foroom chose black satin with a hat Tosn Morettin, Barbara Humphreys, (of blak nwohair and sh Te - > Reany?, Isabel = Archibald" she wore a brown fox fur. Tra 18 id 3 is Ke ar ni ; Francis Reid, Lon Cellar, Following the «ceremony Gertrude Hutchison. of the bride, a French georgetic gown of reige and black, and mohair hat of - 17 dads er ca:ried a bouquet uck, a dainty uffet luncheon was ser A BH neh served a he . Pass--Joyee Winterbottom, Gordon' J plu maria 9% sin ewly-married couple's apartrnont Brampton, Matalia Gibb as. The room tt i Thue .j Fhe rooms were prettily deeorat-d ron Gane - Le PRO-ES, with blue and white and bowls of AE Swans indi Annie Swansen. roses and gladioli. im Nemo Sherwood, Gladys] Afar toncheos, Mr & Bive Thoin: lzem, Roger Dagg. dis gon left by motor fer Port Ho Y arin Gn Dp rid ] hy ) pe and Tom Sn Pr. to Jr. I--Hons, Carloiher eastern tolnte : . : The bride head, Jchn © Tarmouski, Malonichese a model gown of poudre blue rn, Agnes Robinson, Arthur sand sand coat, hat and cGuire, Douglas Anderson. shoes for rave . . telling. i P.ss--Russell Tuckey, Max Plone] Upon arriving at Port Hope, Mr & John Vanlkoughnett, Lester Moore, rs Thompson were greeted by ont Titha [out : Tot | Lo 3 oi h, Fredric Bowes, Victor | ona hundred friends, who presented them with 5 handsome China dinner set and other beautiful gifts. Mr and Mrs Thompson will reside at 183 Dowling Avenue, PaPrkdale, 8 Trom Pr. to First--Honours: Shirley} Prong.r, Alice Bacthelar, Margaret Bool, Merla Warren®, Donald Krne-. foil i! Rie ny i "IIE= fynon their return to Toronte, i wein®, Violet Davis, Muriel Ander- | FOUND-- Sum of Money; pr 28 Leonard Moline, ang pay for ad. --Box Hy rea Margaret Chaschowy, | ae : t FOR EXCHANGE--Farm, five niles Pass-- Gertrude Murray, Colin Mc- south east of Quib2ll Station in Wabi- on*, Evelyn Ripley*, Harry Lappage, Norgate, 2 Kellar, Mervyn Miller, Beth Winters- "goon Township, good road; house 28 J gill, Charlie Steiner, Mildred Ven! x24, Barn and Hayshed, 40x20, also Sickle, Frances Koshon, Lorne Buca-'chicken house. | 22 acres under cul- will } Rena Leishman, Audrey Winterbot-' trade for used 1928 Chevrolet or tom, Morley Wright, Norma Boilecy, Ford Car --Apply to nson, Phollis French. Harry TF. HOKALA, | 1 8-6-12-19p. [0 fog pL ATL DWE Siogx Lookout, Uni