Dryden Observer, 22 Nov 1929, p. 1

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bh 43 a aes VOL. 64 DRYDEN, Ontatio, November 22nd, 1929 » ; QIUBELLy CONSOLIDATED. ) ; 2 « 4 : Rink to Open a Meetingof Interest] Sgt. Charles Ti JOUR Bane National Fish : iohted QUIBELL, November 16.--A new : A Four Act Play, emtitled "The pn a a ii -- so building consisting of two. class- 2 ET IAT fy un dB £ Madder bein Mondo Brodie a inthe Ww eck od Srey Oe ern rooms, science room, kitchen and |Per there was a conference of the! Shots : : i Schoolhouse at Mmnitald, by the is : AEE el ig i facilities for hot lunch, heated by a|School Districts, held in the Dryden Ane many outward manifestations Church Members on Friday, Novemb. 0 TAVIA, November 2. --Can- Wit Soar To the ost tg | stead pressure system ard ha ing a Town Hall.. [2 Sympathy and respect, the Tuner. er 6ta at 8 p.m., sharp. i Tetmal Fish Week" sheulq Gtly, fie Af elles Sie Ailton running water system will be opened : The following places were repres- a fo oh on Sund:y last, of the! This play is full of mystery and|S€¥ve to emphasize to the people the. EL a ey decided to] on Friday the 20th of November, | ented, Dinorwic, Wabigoon, Bed- late Sgt. Frank Charles Madder, 9th hag plenty of action in the way of Sra food value in fish eng er the burden and give the | TP¢ obening will be a dance and a [Worth Rice Lake, Cairnbrogle, Con SUB whe passed away on t he Trights, duels, love scenes, ete, ang] the Duet importance ; and great BEE tk fof ot thoe cog Wok social, goland, Wainwright, Britton, Aubr- 14th, Inst, m his 41st year, in the ] the characters are as follows: Poentinlithee of the Dominion's fish. The financial outlook is wore, a The school staff of William J. Hut. Jv, Oxdrift, Minn taki, Vermilicn Winnipeg General Hosp tal, after a! Oliver Montford, the villian--(. ans ton. PJ A. Cardin, Him that which is causing suicides on]tO% Principal, and Florence Craw-|Bavs Rugby and Din Grove. flong and painful illness, C. Watkins, i = Sonim and Fisheries, ra Wall Street, but they are Sey ford assistant, is sparing nether Practically the full Board of every : Tos service, largsly attended, was Harmon Van Dorm, the wealthy | Statement which he made in rsfez- tol Tine Be te rink will |18DOT or expense in making arrange. one of these places were present, be- ; Co by the Rev. J. W. Howes Artist, G. Howell, ence to the selection of the weal __ oven next week if the cold weather | €NtS to handle the monster crowd fSides Interested ratepayers. fof the Tutlel Church, who also per- Jack Minton, an Actor and Mont- | from Sgonninhee 22nd to 29th as tae : Forevails. that is expected to take advantage] The meeting was called at 4:30, formed the committal rites. fords ¥ ard-- G. Weare, Consdnagiin F ish Week for 1928, Season tickets will be on sale of the opportunity of enjoying the fe roll was read and responded to, | The remains were interred jn the | old Tey, der honestest ran effer Soteniate and dieticians™ Hon Mr. shortly and as this is the only 'tov evening, by dancing and inspecting | Alfred Pitt was chosen president 3 family plot at the Bryden Cemet- | --W. W. Howell, Cardin went on, "have wacoveped enue available for the operation of this new modern building, that is af 2nd Russell Pollard secretary. for The pall-bearers were: G. Hawkins, a servant--H, How- | facts in recent years which show & the rink, the purchase of one of] Yedit to the citizens of Redvers, The chairman in his introductory Wheeler, P. Currie, 0. H. Pronger, ell that fish are among the best of food these tickets is the least any one can | "4 Wabigoon Township Popa, outlined that the purpose W. Dempster, H. Davis and J. Mil. Bella, Van Dorn's Wife and Jack's | Pecause of their richness ip vitam- do to help the rink along. Even] A crew of skilled laborers, under i the meeting, was to endeavour ler, all ex-service men, and personal. Sister--Miss Bodger Ines and other elements, which are gif vou dont skate, i] up and] he supervision of D. Shannon, cf equalize the assessing, as between comrades of the deceased Lizzie, Jack's Wifd--Mrs = G. great aides to sound body-building buy one. It helps mointain the tik | Kenora, is working rapidly to com J Districts, { The principal mourners. were, the! Weare, and are also protectors against cer- for the kids who are admitted for| ete the finishing details of the : Mr S. Shannon, School Inspector, widow and three children, Frank,' Mrs Dibble, a positive Widow -- tain diseases, especially perhaps, LI almost nothing, the price for a jun. | Puilding. or this area, was called upon, and Rosaline and Charlie, Mrs Madder, Mrs Ruete, children. And Canada is fortunate ior ticket is so small. inticipated by a general survey, the mother, and her three daughters Hannah, 5 servant--Mrs Howell. |in that her commercial fishing waters The no managers, Skillen and - IN MEMORIAM vhat agendg would be for discus- Mrs O. IH. Pronger, Mrs W. Dempst- | Admission: Adults 50c., children are not only enorinous but are il Willard are to congratulated on their STEPHENSON--In Loving Memory on at the adjournment for seven er and Dorothy. ; Other relatives from 10 to 16. years, 25c. Pohtted by food fishes of a quai' 2 courage in taking hold of the rink of our dear mother who departes clock. ] | : ors, Mrs H. Davis, Mrs Miller and® An Apron Sale will be held after unsurpassed anywhere in the wo ? and endeavouring to give the ont from this life, November 24, 1926 It was decided after argument that hos Smale The Dryden Branch of the play, and lunch will be served, a WA among author | people some sport, When citizen | "Just three years EAE speaking would not be confined the Canad an Legion, Was represent. Minnitaki School, Friday, December that food fis} all prove Im ni. , : s : ? o the Boards, but that ratepayers ed by many of its members. 6th, at 8 p.m., sharp, Hen to the purity and coldness generally show so little interest in tha dear mother passed away; 21a: squall k a > f jy > 'the tars in which they Ii provision of any recreation for the And though our hearts with sorrov- gi Spaly Tho pet EI eer SE EERIE WE WELCOME EVERYBODY Big = we hd 4 ye = 8 : =u e Department of Education's | i mm oe --e se '."dged by this standard Capadizn younger people. ache, she waits withi, the Gar. ales for School G tain-1or back of the railroad, th in A pl a al least equal i ality ¢ Let's get behind and give the boys den Gate. . o% Tanis So Siete Tle Tor mevmheng, the hesls UNITED CHURCH OF | ae onic oyun i quelity to a hand. Friends may think we've PANE d In a very interesting ,nd exhaus- of improved or cleared land be $15... CANADA, Dryden Ta best taat are taken anywhere, when at times they see us smil ve poy blet, And some of theseiPer acre, and Tprmproves Tal Cog) Sunday, November 23rd. 1¢ g nn by the Jrosent time the per OPEN MEETING-- But they Tittle Trou Go Ee vere distributed amongst the peo- | $5. per acre, also subjact to allow- Es vy 23rd, 1929 | vita consumption of fish in Cans. The tabmdl open a a to smile is hiding all the hile lei present. These pamphlets areiance for rock and swamp, 2 : Tay School 2:00 p.m, ua has notbeen large, rauch less for WI will be Loli bn Tn ee 2X) Weare iin foe ile Tons 0 simple, that no School Distr ct in | That this be the primary valua- Rov iy, wine Worship 3.00 p.m. | instance than the consumption in Li LE Rn a : Winking of the wo "uture should need worry, whether | tion, subject to the Assessors valu-i DPR $11 am, Chursh School, Great Britain Different factors have -- sharp This ating i es Dlotnngats AAs mean Fr not it gets its proper grant. tion of 60%." : 2 p.m. Divine Worship, contributed to this condition. Te- y form of a oro Lion Tor the Brides we saw you last." ? : At seven o'clock Mr Shannon ! Now this resclution binds none, More Impressions from abroad, A with Topreved methods of Process- 2% the Soa a hs: 4 Ted oy ih a "ool each District in turn, and show- ' and carinot be called law, nor can it Message to all Protestants on "The hs and < siribution bringing virtue ol LE eh a nr gi ~d comparison of the variance of the hold the Assessors, as they seeming- Reformation Monument at Geneva" J ally all cf . the mary varieties of "gin You oro cipecinlly invited COME ONE! COME ALL! |] lifferent assessors. {ly are a law to themselves, subject] Pictures at the close of Evening Cenedian fish within the reach of i g. -- specially invite "To the Pulp Mill Hull on Frida.) 10: was own verter intereste ly only to a Court of Revision, at the] Service. Everybody Invited, all people 211 over the country. ang Y - GE 3 ET Tr re a Novevmber 29th at 8 pam. when that scarcely any District had the same time every school District Don't forget Wednesday Night at with scientists and health authorit. NOTICE TO CREDITORS the Tuxis Boys and C.GLT., offsame method of assessment. tng together, must be a good 8 o'clock, Praining Class. ies hearing inecressing testimony to the United Church, will provide] Live discussion took place for thing, and he would indeed he a WW. HOWES, Migieic; (1c Sigh va'uo of fch foods, there In the matter of the Estate of R.A.| 5 Weird and Wonderful Entertain-| nearly two hours, | foolish ran that would say the time ose cme { S0UL. be 2 steady lager eon umpe .. McKIE, late of the Township of ment, Tickets: Adults 50c,] It was a remarkably interesting was wasted. DRYDEN PARISH CHURCH Yon of fish in all parts of the Dom- Eton, District of Kenora, farmer, children 25. meeting. Taxes are not popular and' The suggestion that the various (St Luk" es) inion, : deceased. = if we could we all would do without Assessors meet from time to time - Most varieties of our fish are ob- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pur. CARD OF THANKS taxes. | should bear fruit. tained in different forms-- fresh, suant to Section 51 of the Trustees 1! and Mrs T. Miles wish to Most of us feel that we are paying. There was a small under-current dried, pickled, smoked, eenned--se Act, R.S.0., 1927, Chapter 150, that XPress thanks, for the kindness the whole thing, and that the other of op'nion outside the me ting, that 'hat fish may be on the table ateny all creditors & others having claims | 20d sympathy extended to taem fellow is not paying his share. jassessment should be made extra- season of the year and may be pre- or demands against the esta'e of the| 1 their recent sad bereavement. Notwithstanding this, the feeling locally, by say, a Provincial Assess- (Next Before Advent) ared Ly the hovsewi®s in mony diff ® writing of their claims, a statement said Robert A. McKie, who died on CARD OF THANK or about the 19th day of May, 1929, Nas Mrs Madder and family wish to *at Eton Township, are required on express their thanks for the or before the 15th day of December kindness shown them in their 11929, to send by post prepaid or de- recent bereavement, also to Jiver to M. J. Crosier, the Adminis- those who kindly loans ; trator of the deceased, thzir Christ- : 30 onaly loaned aang Es or, but this never came u cussion in the meeting itself. Mr Shannon should be gratified that so nuh interest was taken, and the mesting so well attended. The Trustees should be pleased, * that so mu-h illumination was was good, no particular selfishness was in evidence, and Mr Shannon is entitled to a good deal of credit for his efforts towards standardiza- tion. Finally a motion and an amend- § ment was put to the meeting. The ian names and surnames, addresses, MARRIAGES and descriptions, full particulars 'n MeCARTHUR-STEPHENSON--- At Dryden, Ont., on November 18th 1929, Rev. J. W. Howes, os Dry- den United Church, officiating, Viola Stephenson and Angus J. McCarthur, of Dryden, a of their accounts, and the nature of 2 the security (if any) held by them. AND TAKE NOTICE, that after _ such last-mentioned date, the said "administrator will proceed to distrib- ute the assets of the said deceased {NORRIS 'among the parties entitled thereto, | Hospital, on November 11th, 1929 "having regard only to the claims of to Mz vd Mrs Vols Novalis = which he shall then have notice, and dnuahiiog : 2 that the said administrator will __ oo : not. be liable for the said assets or, 'any part thereof to any person or | persons of whose claim notice shall not have heen received by him at the time of such distribution, ; -M. J. CROSIER, Administrator Dated at Dryden, Ont., this 20th day of November. 1929 § ¥ ANNOUNCEMENT Mrs Charles Skene announces the engagement of her sister, Emma, youngest daughter of Mr Robert Latimer of Oxdrift, Ont. to Mr J. F. Hooper, eldest son of Mr and Mrs J. B. Hooper, of Mount Royal, Que. The mar- = EK: 1 Ling basis of assessment be recom- At the Dryden Red Cross mended to the Inspector: found. The Ratepayers should be, happy, if they are able to pay their taxes, The Assessors should be re- signed to anything that was said a- bout them. The chairman is tickled that evey 'h'ng went off so nicely, that only a- bout once did everyone try to talk at once. motion of D. Blake, which was sec- onded by H. McMillan, carried by a good majority. The motion reads as follows: "WHEREAS this meeting feels that 'there is unequal assessment in this District, it resolves that the follow- fl That in school districts along the railroad, the bas's of improved or cleared land be $20. per acre, and unimproved land at $6 per acre, sub ject to allowance for rock & swamp. That in school districts away frem nosed to do all the work, and get no thanks. And so everybrdy went home, or at least they started. hh at eds mieten thin See and Hear MACHIN & DONLEY, Barrie. ters, Solicitors, etc, Office on ~~ Main Floor, Donnelly Block, NOTICE 1 § Corner Matheson & First St. South, Kenora Ont. i Re: Sale of Lands for Arrears of. f.._School Taxes, due School Section 1, Township of Southworth and 3 Hartman, Dist. of Kenora ; NOTICE is hereby given that the Sale of Lands for Arrears of Taxes which appeared in the. Ontario Gaz- place 'in the Sheriff's Office, Kenora, on Wednesday the 6th day of Nov- the 20th day of November, 1929, at ithe hour of Eleven o'clock, at the | Sheriff's Office, Kenora, has again i day, the Ath day of December, 1929, at the same hour and place. J. W. HUMBLE, Sheriff of Kenora, Dated at the Sheriff's Office, Kenora, this 22nd, day of i November, 1929, : so. BL THE ANNUAL BAZAAR OF St. Luke's W. A., will be held on November 27: suse. cme SES RE WIT & E. GIBSON, Agent, Dryden | riage to take place in December. b 2 tq La Sette and Dryden Observer to take ember, 1929, and was postponed until : {been further postponed until Mon- The New Brunswick Radio A demonstration will convince you of its worth. I.et us show you the beautiful Walnut cabinets fashioned by Brunswick master cabinet makers. Let us demonstrate the new Brunswick Radio and tell you why the tone is so pure, the selec- tivity so fine, and the volume so astounding. The new Brunswick Radio is entirely designed nnd built by Brunswick radio engincers and master craftsmen in Brunswick's own laboratories nd factories. SPECIFICATIONS OF CHASSIS Vernier for selective tuning; Single control; 9-tubes; Illuminated dial; Dynamic Speaker; Operates from electric light socket A: Demonstration wll convince you. cof its worth May we send one to your home for your approval ? v for dis~ 10 am. SUNDAY scHoOL H And the secretary--well who ever' tharks a. secretary, he ig alavs sup-; 11 am--HOLY COMMUNION 7 p.m.--BYENSCNG. W. R. TINDLE, Rector. D erent ways. health. and strength, RYDEN BAPTIST CHURCH 10 a.m.--Bible School, 11 a.m --Morning: Worship ; 6.50 p.m.--Gospel Service. Sermon theme : " FIVE LITTLE FOXR3" You should hear this Message, : All Are Welcome Rev TE McALLISTER, Pastor WOOD SAWING A Colt-For Us Will Result in Prompt Service. ; Leave Orders at Star Pool- room, Phone 102, or at- my house, Queen-St.. ,. Ii BAUER It is to be said alse that, in suany cases ag least, fish are cheaper than other foods. From the standpoint of purse as well og it ia a good rule to have fish frequently op tha family menu." "POOR FATHER" --. St. Lukes A.Y.P.A, will present yPoor Father" in the Pulp MR Hal Friday, Deceniber 6th, at 8080 pm, Admission 5c. - i ERT YT REY Lal RII Tw Winners in "tock Judsing Conteai: Hubert Howell, Oscar Swansoi, seorge "Vilien and William Saunde ers and Jams Tuckey, the winness of the Stork Judging Contest in this District, loft Sunday fer Torents where they earned g free trip to the little Royal Winter Show there. The shield for the highest numb- er 5 Cer of points in the judging was wen by Hubert Howell, ; Tell ONLY BY A COMPLETE E WHICH LEAVE NO ROOM The Result is a Positive .agnosis Indicating exact type of Lens you requ.re. THE CONDITION. OF. YOUR EYES. CAN BE DITERMINED XAMIN ATION, "WHICH ELIMINATES GUESS-WORK WE USE SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE AND METHODS, FOR DOUBT Fo e th WILL BE AT O. G. SNYDER, R.O. (Optometrist) SELF"S HOTEL Saturday, Decermbe R bs Dr td) 7 : i i v 7th & RL ET SP A ata ey-nit Sptn 408

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