Dryden Observer, 14 Feb 1930, p. 1

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VOL. IX DRYDEN, Ontario, February 14th, 1930 ® Pretty Wedding ~_SARVIS--SMITH A very v bretty wedding was solemn- ! ized af' the home of the bride, on Wedtlesday. afternoon, Rev._ owes, of Dryden United Church, officiating, when William Brues, only son of Mr and Mrs A. Sarvis, of Dryden and Violet May, only dau- ghter of Mrs C E Smith, also Dryden were united in the bonds of matrimony The bride who was attended by Miss Nellie Roshuk was very dainty in a frock of sapphire blue georget- te with shoes of the same shade and matching hose and a smart blue felt model hat to match. Her boug- et was of American Beauty roses, tied with large bows of tulle. holy J Wi of | Littla Local Lines R &' Pronger is away on a busi- ness visit to Toronto and o'her Eas- tern points. Famous Paintings "THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD" ..The third. in a series of mes- sages based on "FAMOUS P=» IN-, TINGS" will be given in the Bap:'- ist Church, Sunday evening by the IEICE Mrs H A Thomson of Ignace was Russell Lott has returnzd from a trip to Fort William ard Port Ar- thur. Ho'man Hunt | _ .. Tha artist of this famous picture was an Englishman. Holman Hunt was born in London, in 1827, where he grew un, intended by his father for commercial life. In his 17th year however, he gave up business and devoted himself to the study of art, Rev. J W Howes. of tha United Church, has prepared a special ser- vice for Curlers to be held Cs March 2nd. Alfred Pity is away on a business |tioner to the class of the ..The bridesmaid wore a pretty frock of poudre blue georgette with shoes and hose in a light shade and her bouquet was of pink roses. __ The groom was supported by Mr Walter Smith, brother of the bride. Following the ceremony, a racep- tion was held, the bride and greom being assisted ip receiving by Mrs Sm th, Mrs Snicer_ and Mrs Sarvis. About fifty were present for the weil- ding supper, after which a delight- ful evening was enioyed ..The bride's mother wore a dress of red and sand flat. crepe, while Mrs Sarvise's gown was eof black sd satin. The young couple who 1-ft on the west-bound .train for Winnipeg, were the recipients .of a hest of beautiful gifts. Upon returning from Winn peg, they will reside in Kenora. Regular MeCting-- The regular meeting of the Dry- den's Women's Institute will be held in the Town Hall, Friday, February 28th at 3 p:m: The Home Econom- ics Committee will have charge of the meeting 'There wll be prizes given for the best fancy. knitted 1930, to Prov. Comst. Thomas R and Mrs Wright, a daughter. At Dryden Red Cross Hospital, on ---February 4th, 1930, to- Mr and Mrs P. W. Carr, a daughter, _~ -- MARRIAGES -- i At Dryden, Ont., on Friday, January ; 31st, Edward Cech & Mae Spreng of Waldhof, Rev. J. W Howes, of _ Dryden United Church, officiating. | 7 MACHIN & DONLEY, Barris-! ters, Solicitors, etc., Office on! Main Floor, ~ Corner Matheson & First St. h. Kenora Ont. | POT eet du 1) al financial lo fire with s Sciont FIRE INSURANCE SNGWRE WITH J £. GIBBON, Agent, Dryden | from Winnipeg, { . :ember 31st, 1929: VALENTINE DANCE-- » Valentine Dance in the Mill Hal} ton ght (Friday), Fehruary 14. Re. freshments will be served, and musir by Russell's Ramblers. Donnelly Block, Dryden, in the District of Kenora, are required to send by post prepaid. and addresses and full particulars in writing, statements the nature of the securities, held by them. : AND TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that after the 5th day of Mar-h, {A:D: 1930, will proceed to distribute the assets of the said_deceased among the per- sons entitled thereto, having regard "only to the claims of which he sh-1l jthen have notice, and that the said administrator will not be liable for the maid assets or any part thereof .to any person of whoze claim he 'shall not then have received notice. day of February, A:D:, 17-14-21 trip; to Toronto and Montreal, Academy. He devoted himself prin. cipally to religious subiects and his S A Thorsen has returned | paint ngs of scenes of the life of where sho visited ' Chsis; have made him famous, and' he aunt Mrs J W Gabraith, who ac- have been eloquent exponents of | companied. Mrs Thorsen back. to Christianity. His wo ks are full of Dryden, for a short visit. relig ous emotion. 'devout Christian and indefatigable . worker. In Palestine he studi.d ori- ; netal landscapes and figures to make Mrs A delegation of the local branch of Wallace L: O: L., Dryden, will pay a fraternal visit to Keewatin Lodge on Rio, life of Christ. His picture, "Find-{ . ing Christ in the Temple" broug™t: $30.000. and the "Shadow of Death" brought $50000. ._ He was buried The degree teat of the Rrovincial Grand Black Chapter wll vizit the local branch of the Recral Purplejin St: Pauls Cathedral in. 1910: . Reciptory Lodge, Saturday, Febrv-} with national honours. .... yom ary 23nd. uo... cri The picture 'The Light of the World" is his most widely known production. The original now hangs in Kebel College, Oxford. T+ ig val ed at $100,000...Rishep W Walsham How, author of the well-known hymn Library Report-- Patronage of the Dryden Public Library, from January 1st to Dec- 25th ABDniverSary of Contetrition--} Adult Juv:nile 0, Jesus Thou Art Stand ng Out- --St. Luke's Parish Church is hop- Philosophy _______ Bem mem --_jside The Fast Closed Doors _ based ing to observe the 25th Anniversary Religion 18] __ fF his hymn unen Hunt's picture, which of its Consecration on March 19th, Sociology ________ IB ees __j had just recently been completed ang to commemorate which, the Rector, Natural Science .. 30] es 58 was winning the admiration of the ¢ Rev. Rutherford T'ndle, is compil- Useful Arts __.__ HERE 10§ world. : : ing 'a brief hstorical sketch of the Fine Arts CRE Band : Hunt was devoted to realism and Parish in booklet form with pict-, Literature --_-___"61[_I "= qf this bieture. vividly. illustrates hs ures of former Rectors and records History & Travel _ wel i a 7¢ fd tendency in that direction. He was of those married in the church since Biography _______ 31] met 432 master of detail... The. under- 1905. _. Fiction _. 7143] 2630 § trowth of weeds and «I'nging vines The Dryden Observer is print-: | before the door, the intr cate em- ing a limted number, anyone wish- -- 7438| 2630] broidery worked on the robe which ing to procure , cony or copies, | 7438 f covers the shoulders of Chri-t; the should give their ord-r to the War- facets in the jewels that studs tho dens or direct to the Rector. i Total oi. 10,202} 'ontern which the Saviour holds in His left hand, the fruit on the ground, all of these details declare that Hunt is a master of technique Number of Members--351 a visitor to town this week. __ |Fastor. One hundred copies of the: { Mr J E Gibson was , business vis- | Picture will be given away at the litor to Kenora, Thursday. ..... service. x = being admitted in 1844 as a proba- {success in every detail. Royal ! I Successful Entertainment-- . He himself, _a! more realistic his paint'ngs from the i Nellie Rozhuk were jo'nt Lost:sses, 'ed with p'nk entertainment Rebekahs Enter' ! The first of a scries of Whist Drives anil dances, under the ausp- ces of Laster Lily Rebekah Lodge, fet wih] (great success, Wedn:sday i evening. HA a A splendid crowd a'tendal. the Whist Drive and the following wer= the w'nners of the prizes:-- Ladies, 1st MrsiL. alii Consolation Mrs D. Reid. Gents, 1st, T. Alex ander; Consola' ion, E. McMonagle,. | Following the cards tha floor war Aenrt and dancing to the excellent muss supplied by the High School. Orchestra' was muh enjoyed. Refreshments were served and the entire evening was a splendid Don't forget the next of the series Whist Drive and Dancing on March 12th, in the Town Hall, beginning at 8:30 pum: i Silver (Star Chaptey, Nu Im, O:L:S: , held a most succes fu' even. 'ng of on rertainment in the form of a Bean Feast, Cards and Dan ing on Saturday |evening. ~The feast was all that could be desired and the evening thoroughly | enjoyed by the large. n-mber who! atiended. The visitng Keewatin Corlers at- : tended as: well as the spectat rs who had been out to witness the game, +hus add'ng much to the success of > Shower for Bride-- _ 25 Miss Violet Sm'th whoss ma: ie tool: place th' s week was the hnnor- ed guest | at a miscellaneous chowar at the home of Mrs G. Anderson, at which Mrs Milo Upton and Miss Saturday even'ng. The *robms were "pretily ~dscorat- and wh te streamers and bells, and a delightful time wag enjoyed by the large number of girl friends of the br d3-to-be who were present. Casds and games and contests formed plharant end just before th- refreshments wre served, tha guest of honor was presented w'th a beau- tifully decorated basket full of gifts. ar rn imesh Art to wane enter AER : : : : 3 ..The Ladies Curling Club will hol: "PHE BLUFFERS"-- D. On February 28th, in the ral.. Mill Hall, the rupils of the Cone tinuation School wll pr sent a__ two-a~y Comedy, entitled "The... _ Admission article and for the best plan krit- Te tas o 3 Bluffers". There will aslo be on... ted article competition,. Oven to i the programme musical numbers. members of Institute only. Everyone SILVER TEA > ig = 0. 5% folk dance, parade of the wood-__ welcome -. Silver Star Chapter, No. 177 en soldiersy and demonstration. he ~ I: S: wil hold a Silver Tea and of wands = = nna "7 Sale of Home Cooking at the de ~~ -- BIRTHS -- 2 = T At Dryden, Ont, on February 3rd, home of Mrs Rob-rt Foote, on NOTICE-- __ tt Friday, February 21st, from 3 to 5 p.m. To Owners of Cattle and Swine, "'ndly take note that after this date NOTICE TO CREDITORS Smiling Th¥ongh-- United Church of Canada, Dryden, The C: G: I: T: and TUXIS Will Present , 8 trows north and south MOST of us are amazed at the way ime flies. Though it seems only a few days since the year was usher- ed in, it is in reality fully 6 weeks. Spring wil approach at the same' speed, and soon we will be sallying see the last of the ice and frost, and eagerly welcoming the first green mist that appears among the wil- | lows. But there will be still more: § oot ata on when the brow. earth _ appears steaming through the last snowdrift if we have planned our' garden'ng act vities ahead, With a; pencil, a seed catalogue, a bulletin or two and our visions of gardens of lagt year. still lingering in our minds, it is a simple matter to lay | ou; a really master garden for 1930. ; Th's can be arranged so that we wll have plenty of flowers and veg- atables without interfering with our, regular work and recreation a; all * * The Vagttables-- St aight rows are Susan: ol in the | vegetable garden. It only takes a' few minutes' more time to use a' * * * sat'sfaction during the whole sez on in admiring our handiwork. Morco--- ev, there is a dstinct saving in spate where the rows are wii and cultivation is made easier. At full year's sunply of vegetables can: be ens'ly produced where tre gard- en is fairly large, and this usually applies to all places in the country, the village or the smaller towns, If there is rcom enough,full gized rows of from 30 inches to 4 feet are ad- salle, be taken of horse or garden tract or cult'vation. Such veg-table: : carrots, beets, lettuce, and sninach: tomatoes, cncumb-, require from while patatoes, ers, scuach and corn 3 to 4 fest. In the larger gardens bis be necessary to worry twill nog about conserving space by alternate rows of quickly maturing stuff, such | as letince, and spinach, which wi often taken off before the later" requ're the full room. But this does not mean that tomatoes, for rstoniea, chould be allowed to sprawl 1 over the ground...Staking of these plants is always advisable as the _§fruit matures earlier and is clean- er, and a neater apnearance is giv- en to the whole garden. Run the so that the CONCERT and ONE ACT PLAY n the MLL HALL, Drydsn on FRIDAY, March 7th, at 8:15 pm Admission: Children--25¢ § EH 3} Adults 50. - 4d prt Loe ---- -- § Ton you sean Norah's new even £514 frock EW what doss it look like? ..In the matter of the Estate of OLE.. JOHNSON,_ late of_ the Town of Dryden, in the District ..of Kenora, deceased. . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that 3 all persons having any claim or de-!| 'mands against the late Ole Johnson who died on or about the 23rd day of August 1929, at the Towp of or deliver to the undersigned, J. E . Gibson, administrator for the Estate of the said deceased, their names claims and accounts and if any of their of their fo the Internal and sa'd administrator 16 ounc a Safe and Efficient Antiseptic 4 ounce, 25¢c, - 8 cunce, 4QCc¢c "ebruary 1st, Scrvice Fees ave to Well, in many places it's very be strictly cash.--JAS BATCH .. like Norah.--Montreal Star Eg ae a a a a a a TE } ' } - Wampole's - 1 r External Use e, 73c ..Dated at Dryden, Ontario, this 5th 1930. J. E. GIBSON,___ Administrator of the Estate of Ole Johnson, Deceased. oa nd SERRE Re RRND 'the radish, will 15 iplewad under. sun sh'ne wll be evenly distribut- ved... After the early crops are har-! vested and the first of them, like be ready in from three weeks. to a_month. sow .a cover cron of clover, rye oats, or ae _ some other quickly growing thing, whch will cover the ground, keep tdeown the grass, add attractivness to the garden and also fertilize when Squash, and meclons can be grown along a ifence or on sloping ground, so that they will get the most sun for rip- ;ening and the fruits will xomrain dry. 'Ti is well to set aside the warmest and richest portions of the garden for su h things. Do not be content with just the ordinary run of veg- 5 but add two or three new year. Add to the 1 "4h of your s=ason. too, br plan- ting soveral yarietl es of ihe - th'ngs SCT ERR evary forth with rake and fork, glad to string, and there will be a sense of' so that full advantage can 7" Rr con be grown in the narrower rows, cucumbers « sautiful Gardens Big Pl ay daturday | February 16th, Dry- den theatre-goers will have tha hance of seeing the best Comedy ;of the season. The play "Welcome Home Jimmy" is just the kind kecp everybody laughing aod tha cast is well-kncwn in Dryden, ha- ing appeared some two years &7o hore in Mrs Temple's Telegram, rroduced by the Ingance Ilramatie Club. From all reports 'Welcoms | Home Jmmiy" is sure to make a 'hit and an invitation is given every- cne to see this enjoyable comedy. The Cast-- 3 i ju rs Brooks ______Mrs__ 7. Duncan. Lucille Brooks _____Mrs W. Duncan | Pear Sommers .....Miss BE. Deis ! Danny Banks {Val Gardiner cre" Alice Mr J. Paid fald McSwoop.M. G. Tuitiag Miss D. Sci m Thomas ir | George Piers __ Mr PF. Cunningt: ; Melinde Preston Mrs J. Etheriugton Er Apenymioly 'SUBMIT IT TO pro TORONTO, Ont, PLE-- 9 _ Feb. 11-- There will be 120 fi e-vea~ torr for Ontar'c zovernme~te without a mandate from the poonle _Of the. rreviace, Tuscuss mz. prediction of such a rensrye iy the Meuse Premier Fee. , FU om said: "Whatever. important oject the government has in mind, 'whether 't he a five-year term or lanythng else, we will submit it to the people. That wi policy. ponsibl se ill always be our It ig the very spirit of res- ment." TE ------ particulzily desired. Successicnal "ting wil also help in this esn- % Tor instance, I we select ¢ gove ion, ee varieties of corn and peas. -- 1 ear'y sort. a medium one and a 'te veriety and plant one-third of cach ay intervals of a week op ten days, we will extend the season for these vegetables over a much long- er period. Even the vegetable garden can he beautified by a few rows of flowers along the sides or clump in each corner. Popnies, consoms and other bright blooms are suitzble, In the vegetable gar- gon too, should be grown the Sweet Peas, which are not especially net- ed for ther foilage. Ed Ld * * Ed The Flowerz-- Sidi ek When we come to planting the flower garden, we must adopt =a different attitude entirely in regard to the rows...In very few cases is anything but clump planting sdvis- able. A much better show con Yi we produced where groups of ten plants of one variety are placed together with the smaller sorts, such as alys- sum, calendulag and simiar things si che front, with holivhorks, dahlias, cosmos, marigolds and ths larger zinnias at the rear. One must guard :ga'nst clashing colors and also a- gainst blind spots.__ That js, thers should be something blooming at all times. In the catalogues, wiil be found listed the different colors, the heights of the plants, and the season of blooming, so that thera wil be no trouble in laying oun; our garden 1 in advance of a i and if we ¢t2ke a little time with our pencil ani paper we should have ontimiens and pleasing bloom from late Sprine until frost, wel RR CL SD i SR NR SR TER EET ESSEC Curling Draw = Ending Feb. 17th sl, wi Sle dn | ha Friday,-- February 1843 ... ..._ 1--Taylor ¥S meee. Hamflton 2--Holtrof TB comers Comins misters Skillen 9:90 1.1, 1---Smith vs _.. McRae WALL eempian ml ATH Meggison 3 2 Saturday,--Fecbruary 15th PE -- = 2P:m: I NE 1--Winterbottom vs Taylor 2--Holtrof v8 . Tuck EI: 9. Pim; = Pi 3--Montieth mdi mmmmana Vi of Aitken 2--Pitt . ¥g ! i) Fowlie Sie Monday, February 17th prt For, --- Ppa: - -- 1-~NcRae vs : Skillen Br BIONLIBIN eo ei Se, Watt -- Be ad ®p:m: _ a rren Vs Fhillips milton vs Winterbottom

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