Dryden Observer, 11 Apr 1930, p. 1

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AOME-COOKING SALE-- The Junior W: A: of St. Luke's church will hold a Sale of .Home- cooking at Pronger and Armstrong's Store on Saturday, April 19th from 3 to 6 p.m. A Silver Tea in aid of the Juma? C:C:I:T: will be held in the bes- ment of the United Church, Wo ines day, April 28rd from 3 to 8 Everybody Welcome. gr ms oe VOL. IX DRYDEN, Ontario, April 11th, 1830 on Vimy Dance That the Ridge commemoration dance would | be a success was anticipated but nov | to the extent it actually was. The assistance. of the newly formed | Ladies Auxiliary had largely to do with th s happy result. Taking charge of the refreshment department the ladies provided a supper that brought for the full measure of praise from everyone present. There may have been a time when the Dryden Branch thought they} could do without ¢he aid of the ladies * on such occasions, but mow it is realised how much their presence contributes to the success of such functions. Mrs J. Gordon, pres'dent of the Auxiliary, and the capable assistants are heartily thanked and congratulated. With a striking patriot ¢ effecy the Mill Hall was beautifully decorated and the favourable commen; there- on reached the profusive stage. For the decorations Comrades A. J. Cole was responsible and his helpful as- 'atants were Comrades E. Deavden iy C. Baker. Dancing commenced shortly hefore Nine o'Clock and before the half-hour the hall floor was well filed with happy couples, barely leaving adequ- ate room for dancing in eotafort. 1% was a joyous crowd, and rarely if ever has there been a more satisfiea one. The M. C. was Harry Gammon The presiden: of the Dryden Legion, Mr J. Winterbottom, presented the prizes, the winners being: Miss J. Milings (radio dance); Miss Carrie Weeks, special prize, (spot dance), donated by Mr W. B. Thorsen, and the two Jucky numbers Mz S. Bartlett and Mr G. Card. Always, on these occas' ons the Dryden Legion Vimy] i : which are being The Descent From . the Cross {THE tenth in a series of twelve mes- 'sages based on Famous Paintings given by the Past- or in the Baptist CHurch on Sunday 2venings. There is a story of a riotous mob in the French Revolution which burst into one of the great art gallerics and, rushing through on their mis- sion of destruction, plunged he=d- long into a large room at the end of .: last three years when she had been 'which hung Munkacsy's picture of "Christ Upon The Cross". The silent eloquence of that picture cnusz- ~d the mob to retreat and silimtly hut the door behind them, awed and the: by the spell of Saviour's look. Tt Is ceria'p that' Ruben's pleture 'The Descent From The Cross" has cast a spell over a multitude of hearts a spell of similer intensity. "The Descen: From the: Cross" was painted in 1612 just two | vears after the painting af ¥The Ascent to the Cross". Artist that this is one of the world's great- est art productions. It is utterly impossible to imagine "Ihe Descent syste wered Trom The Cross" otherw'se than as §H Tnhen has conceived it. He disesve ~d the unforgettable. He wrought out in the intensity of his own spiri- tual devotino, the unchangeable and definite form under which, as In a melodious and touching dirge, the , passion of Christ was to be fixed in the thought and feeling of men Nowhere does Rub ben's masiry of chiarodcuro manifest more LE and delightfully than in ith nnder our thought. In the ovigmalg he colors are dark gre n, "ack, pure black, dull red, and vhite Most of the prints that ome ees are not true to the eolor of the Tegion has to render LOTS OF THANKS and this time if is to Mr C. J. Wright, Messrs Pronger and Armstrong and to all the lad'es who provided the excellent bill of fare. "BLESS 'EM!" ~The music of the Russell Orchestra "is always good. On this oceas'on it was even better, which speaks vol- umes for the clever members of a first rate body of musicians. Oxdrift's 'New Church That "the day of miracles is not passed" is very pertinent in this distr ct. ne After worshipping in homes. schoolhouses ond community hall, for more than thirty years, the memb- ers, adherents and friends of Oxdriff United Church are now to have 2 beautiful little church. Plans have been submitt'd and selected 4 site very "generougly giv en by Mr R. Latimer, and now the building committee is 'expecting to commence operations in the carly summer. Nhe sum of approximately $3000. is to be spent on the building and furnishings The Mission Board of the United Church is loaning $1007 and giving $500: as a gran to the congregation. This very generous interest and help is greatly appreciated. The building (it is expected) will be twenty-six feet by forty feet, with a ful-size basement and will seat 140 people. Minister and people are highly ela- original. The background is inten- sly black. It is night. All is over and glent: Christ looks lle some beautiful flower, plucked and wiher- od. Against the blackness there stands yut the dazzling whiteness the sud- rium, or winding sheet, in which ng lowered. The grief oi the pict- we is intense beyond the power of 'anguage. There is no voilent mani- "estation of it. There is no cries: "here are scarcely any tears. The ~cene is woeful and gripping . Every "hing is restrained, concise, laconic, ~s if it were a page of Holy Serip- ure. The Virgin does not sob, but "he intensity of her grief is shown her expression of umeonsolable | worrw. It is exquisite grief, 'eep for words, You are invited to hear 'he story ld by the Pastor in his message 'nn Sunday evening: what appeared to be dafeat was 'urned into a glorious victory for humanity, God's plan d¢'d no: mis- carry, but rather in the words of the Javiour, "The Sheph:rd giveth His Tife for the Sheep. God loves you, and has demonstrated this truth "Tor God =o loved the world 'hat He 1 ii A soever believeth in Him should not nerish, buy have everlasting life." "For God sent not His Sen "he world to condemn the world, hut thay the world through Him might be [oa 'eture wil be distributed at the saved , He that believeth on Him ie not condemned; but he that ted over this project, and look for- ward to a worthy edifice is which to worship Almighty God. {because he PREVENT FIRE 88 far as poss five NBER E WITH J €. GIBSON, Agent, Drydeo i lon Friday, ; i \ beliaverh mot is condemned, already hath not believed mn the name of the only begotien Son of 'God by permitting His Son 'to d'e .on the Cross, Cop'es of the above service. = will be distributed at, the close of the rman MEGA Curling Club Dancé-- "The biggest even: of the season; the first annual Curllmg Cluk dance will be held in the Paper Mil Hall Mav Oth. There will be a novel programme of new and old- tim, dances and prizes W 11 ba given Russell's Ramblers will supply music. nounced next week. WHIST DRIVE-- Whist Drive and Danze on April 23, in the Tow, Hall. Prizes for highest and lowest scores Ww: in awarded. There will for the one who holds the largest total score for the three evenings. Lunch will be Served. 0c. including tax be als 5 pictureg almost § J 1 i he limp body of the Saviour is be-. w 1:0 | Do you know Open meeting will be in Mrs ave Hig only begotten Son, thot who FX ty into i The Rebekah's will hold their third © the & Admiss'on Mary Ann Swindall THE death cccurred on Friday, April 4th of Mary Ann Swindall relict of the 'ate Joseph Henry Haire, in her 78th year, at the home of daughter, rr G Larson, Dryden, after an ill- ness of only three weeks. Deceased was born in Wolverhamp- © 4 ton, England on April 17th, 1852 and | had been a resident of Canada for twenty-four years, making her home 'n North Bay, Ontario, until the living with her daughter, Mrs G. Larson. The funeral was held on Monday, April Tth from the home of her daughter, a private service bein held at the house at two o'clock, £4) om thence to St Luke's Church, Rev. W. R. Tindle conducting both sey Interment was made in | Peter Cemetery. Surviving are two sons, William Johannesburg, South Africa; and ists agree James Noble, England and six daugh-, Proud' ters Mrs A. Shoiter, London, Eng- os Mrs G. Larson, Dryd n; Mrs = land y HE. Wi illiams, Calgary, Albert ta; Mrs 1, Ringle, Winnipeg, Man:, and Mrs A Trotter, formerly of North Bay, vt. Her husband pred:ceasing her twenty ihree years ago. The pall-bearers were: Messrs H Wilde, C. J Wright, Jas McFadyen, ! Thos Scott, BE. W Wice and W. D. Dickson. ' The floral tributes were many and beautiful, testfyng to the ecteem i, which the deceased was held. The out-of-town relatives for the funeral were, Mrs E. Williams, Cal- gary and Mrs H Ringle, Winnip g. J. BR Abbott of Detroit, Mch, other daughter, being unable to ER owing to illness. ns Le Wu 5 of Dryden Red Cross Society-- The annual general meeting of the above society will be held in Town Hall,, Dryden Friday, at 7:30 p.m. vited to attend --A J Lock, ® «1 ie Ser'y. Laster Pageant-- ihe C.G:IT Groups er Pageant "The Gifts of Easter" at Eleven o0'Clock on Easter Sunday morni ing--XKeep this In m nd. They will take ther Pageant to the Oxdrift Church in the af ernoon at 2:30 o'clock: Oxdrift please taka notice: TG HEAx FULAR MEETING-- Vo The Oxdrift Ladies Aid met at the home of MrsH. Pateman, Thurs- day April 3rd, when a pleasant and and profitable afternoon was spent. J. 8. members are All Corner's home. "5 April 1804 All interested ae in- of Dryden' United Church will present a, East- | Farewell to Miss | McEachren Miss Elizabeth McEachren, who hes been Matron of the Dryden Red Cross Hospital for the past four and a half years, left last Wednesday night to assume charge at the j Cagle Hosp tal at Kirilind Lake, the st important post of the Red Wf Organization, which is an ad- i vancement for Miss McEachren. It was felt that Miss McEachren's sterling qualities chould no go un- recogn'sed, and with this in view, a committ-e consisting of the Town Councillors wives, wives of the Hos- pital Board and the Women's Insti- day, the eve of Diss McEachren's departure. Gver eighty gathered between {eight o'clock and midnight. Mrs idye and Mrs C. J. Wright poured - tea and coffee, and other refresh- ments were served by ladies, Lock, oot, Bailey, Wilson and Mor- The music was in charge of Mrs I, Gibson, who accompanied the 'nging artists. Mr W. H. Brownh'll and H. Gam , mon were generous with piano music 'and lead'ng in commun ty singing. The singers were Miss Hopkins, and Mesdames Cooper, Hamilton, IManugell, McPherson and Mr Howes and Wood. The presentation of a fitted dies and hat box to was made by Dr Wood. who read a rart of his address some excellen: poetry, from Mrs Florence Humph- who not able to be present 'vrished to pay her tribute to her friendship. to Miss MsEaehren. Mr J. s s ging case, revs, iy nrerhotom made a further gift on shalf of the Canadian Legion and 'TT'cs McEachren made fitting reply tarhoh le poise. presentations with admir- The whole evening was very pleas- and largely successful fer 2 "impromptu, and none-invitat'on NOTICE-- EL Barber Shops Close at 12:30 roon every Thursday, beginning April frst. NOTICE-- Notice is hereby given that Gospel Services will begiy at Cairnbrogie on Easter Sunday, at 2:30 and continue avery other Sunday. All are cordi- ally invited: Time is short! Get right with God!--- J. T, MORTON Card of Thanks-- Red tute, arranged a farewell party at] 8 the home of Mrs Alfred Pitt, Tues- mateh, | Congratulates Mingitalki Mews achool Boa ra) MSI AKI -- In the Spring a lvoung man's fancy turns te though J. Hoag, Continuation School! .: igve ; pector visited the Dryden Con-t fhing ye vv = PEL L/ . in llavch, the fol i 38. ar {ar the fol-'. 3 beex, proven hers, for we 'owing oxcerpts {ror his repos Teor rumors of 2 wedding apd um- ory encouraging to ine 'Teac Hing f Gerst sand that two married men went Staff end Trustees, ard pe there.ore fishing and actually caught some passed on to the ratepayers who will! pon Nan 5 teh hen o, + 3: = kh Ei fie ip, the progress of George Ruste Tr, is wearing © "le Se Fo broad sm 1: Tiga davs, Boning best- I have raised the grading of one cp all the or cars out this spring or two poinis. I am glad to find: Mrs G re iS te a chower that an - additional classroom has been provided and a third teacher en- caged. In general the accomodations are in goad condition and are well her wrist, whch we These cared f I0Y. i glad te find the, In niending nic cely, ad we ali hope quipment adequete 2nd in good com- § that it continues so. lition. The discipling of the school Ceorge Howell was 28 uniucky, 's good and there is excellent GR Pr vo his elbow. from which we n the school. Good provision hasiall wish him a speedy recovery. heen made for supplimentary rend-{ Miss 17. Dodger, Principal of 8.-8. ng and the work ig carefully direc-iNo 2 soeni the week-end at her ted and supervised. Good use i# "-~mg in Keno Ta. mad, of the library by the pups Wiss Eva Howell and Mr E. Dow raising is given in the use of vel 5 eorvied off the first prizes, 2 snee hooks. The work of the joni 11 and My RK. Grossh: is good, above the average. at our recen; Mas uCL: His ro day in horor of Miss Nabel Launder an Easter bride-to-be. Mrs Davis was unfortunate enough to hragls am ~ 8 2A ag 15 I am, conic ng ~lad to find that now an excellent! dance. ~taff is in charge of tha school, that} Mrs Howell spent a few days 'here present among the students | Csaquan lately. suet of intevest, and that good in a A Social Evening will be spent ig nrogress is bong made. Tn perticu- | the School on Friday the ith, Ww 1 : : lar, I am pleased with th, way injthe aitendants of the T, lea Holy Trinity which Princ pal has organized | 'church. ast "he school and distributed among the nembers docacas of the staff the various: ~ubjects of study, n order to over-, Min ister Ss An th siversary orie the handicaps of the earlier Splendid congregations both morzn- ing and evening greeted the Min ster and helped in celebrating on April Sth. The charges to hoth Minister and congress'ion were read and the Prayer of Induction offered as at the time of Induce ction one year ago. The Choir in quartette & anthem acquitted itse'f fittingly and Tn his message on "One Veov's iM nistry in Dryden" the Minister i~wed the year with its act vi and progress, and challenged congregation to greater efforts, a to fuller consecration on behalf »¥ Cods Kingdom. The speaker smd ie church was never healthier, bet: wer situated or more alive to its xe- sponsibilit es and privileges than it is today. wis of the year. 1 congratulate the Board of Ts. tees on their enterprise in a'ding a he rd teacher to the staff, and 'n pro- 2 for carrying paises of the r Seho ool subjects." Co Hour Service ag St. Luke' -- Begnning at 12 noon on Good Fri-* lav. 'he service will consist of a ser- § vx of services each of fifteen minu- "es periods and each ending with the singing of a hymn. ler that the Devotions will interrupted. visitors are asked tur or leave the church only at 3 time a hymn is being sung. Here | 'z an opvortunity given for all 'o pend at least fifteen minutes on Good Friday ip quiet meditation en 'he sufferings of Our Lord and Sav- our which He bore on thy cross. He 'd not come to judge the world He ¢.d not come to blame, Te did net even come to seek, It was to save He came; And whey we call Him Saviour, Wa: Tim by His Name. wm * 5d 3 o" Card of Thanks -- Ae "Tr ard Mrs G. Larson and fami desire tc thank all friends for their 'ndncss, during the Mness and gad Lovezvenient of the late Mm M. 4 Haire. i oT ACHIN & DONLEY, Barriz- ters, Solicitors, ete. (Mice on TORS SET The Dryden Red Seciety a SS @ Tekh wiedges wth ti o's the sum of Main Floor, Donucily Plock ar. FERYE ; Nir A 35:00, proceeds of the play put ony Corner Matheson & First St. By the C.' YY BD 0; ES RE ¢ South. Kenora Tint. CER I TR TT TE ER TTR BD; aily Ads requested to be present. , Mr and Mws D. F. McKenzie wish 2% Si Keep the following dates 'n reserve to thank all friends and neighbours, | West Boumd Fast Bound April 25th, . when Miss Baler will "who so kindly lent the'r assistance} Read Down : Read 4 put on a humorous programme; May | on the day of the fire at their resid- Winnipeg---.- --Calgary 4 24th, Gur Country Fair. | ence. Dryden Standooint ry Standpoint : : SEES RR wee TY, WRT DOE eine AR 1215 CT TE a 2 : 2 "fF ac.aU ML AR Regis, re nS LV 2.00 MT EN gpl BAOMT LV Ravine AR 7.95 MT i EET A eR AR Meoowe dow LV 6:26 MT E ; 3 54 a i ar eins ER LV Moose Jaw _.._..._. AR 6.35 MT oy f er an d e o ii BEM a rn AR Vode Bly eel LY 29 nr aS 1 I Po a SHE HLS eet LY Medicine Hat oo J BO I ee ier BR UREA Le i i Edmonten----.- Regina by D POT : BODREY miami, BY. Bloggin g y oF ] hb UY aL ay AT 1 { © £5 : To Car Se (a eel ST AR 18.05 MT oh : oo 4 EE ie AR N th Batt ov 5 © Fin ; lt Tr oe ort attleford ____ LV 15.15 MT Sh ocolate C hocnlate io 50 MT «eo * LV North Pattlefird ______AR 14 5 jy - , ol 12.39 1 EN er AR Edmonton Tw 12.1 i "oD 2 & lo 4 Ry ad i Eo at g 15 Mi | Eo gs Rabbits boxes Vs | AIR MAIL FOR NEW YORK 8 £8: TRAIN No. I- 7 ay Se. 10c. 8c. i = ae TRAIN Yo 2 iy 1 Dryden, 12.10, Mon. * Drvd 5.4 By 10¢ 20c. $1.00 % Winnipeg, 18.15, Mon. a Ra Yh 15c. 50e oh ; I Chi cago, 3.45, Wed. Albany, 14.80, Wed. ie: pa 4 ne York, 18. 40, Wed New York, 19.00, Wed. 25. 65¢. $3.00 Bs TRAIN No. 3-- --- TRAIN Ne. 4-- 4 Dryden, 2.46, Mon. D 50c. $5.00 Winnipeg, 8.45, Mon. Lael the ig Further details wil be an- $B Perfectly Fresh Wholesome : and Delicious os hg a prize 7 i % and West. Eo Toronto, 7.20, Wed. Albany, 14.30 Wed. New York 19.00, Wed. The above is the Daily, but bas a on Monday start. Air mail will leave Chicago iy to points North, South, E Chicago, 12.25, Tues. . Now York, 6.43, Wed. The following rates which include both sim and air onada Britain and all other places in the Brit'sh Empire, France and all other places be. pL Tn North and South America Comginent SH {Cther than Canada and th, U.S.A.) Te ifn Gther Countries-- 18e. 1de Fegistration, If Desired, Is Addit'onal to the Above. J. B. HARRIS, Postmaster

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