Dryden Observer, 2 May 1930, p. 1

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-- Ror VOL. EX DRYDEN, Ontario, May 2nd 1930 a The Follies FOSSIBLY no show for the last few years put on in town by local talent, has created more favorable comment than the one given in the Pulp Mil last Friday in aid of and under the auspices of the the Tennis Club. The curtain raised at 8.07 and wen; down finally at 10.30. Practic- ally two hours and a half of uninter- rupted fun. There were twelve people in the ensemble, five ladies and seven men. Mr H Gammon and Mrs Cooper were the accompanists. : Now there is one thing the writer does not intend doing and that is particularise or , individualise, at least not to any detailed meticulous extent, This is sometimes dangerous and no: always in good taste. But of course one has to say somethng, or description would be fiat. Dryden has been fortunate from year to year in unexpected talent. No one dreamed when Mr and Mrs Rus- sell came to town last Fall that there would be a Foly Show this Spring, nor that these people would take part, nor thay they would add the artistic touch that Lifted the en- tertainment from the good amateur to the professional. Both dance, well; both sing well; both act well. Thank you Mr and Mrs Russell. The entertainment was of the usual nature, first the ensembles lasting nearly an hour, then for the balance - of the.time, a series of gkits. The costuming was from Toronto, the ladies in rwhite «ilk Pierrette dresses and the men in white linen Pierrot garb. The spot light was in charge of Sid Bartlett, and the stage had been ~ done is black and white to match the costumes with great pains and care by Miss Valerie Ray. : The promoter, leader and general "manager was Mr Humphreys. Now it is not to be dreaded that anyone will be jealous of Mr Humphreys, if we dwell upon him for ; moment. An excellent accountant in busi- ness life, the stage lost something | when he chose vocation. His verve balanced by his aplomb; gave snap to all and confidence to everybody. Mr Humphreys has a sister. mos: of us of course call her Mrs Brown- hill but occasionally we lose our cir- i cumgspection and -we affectionately say "Doris." And she, with her exquisite artistic temperament for- gives our Bohemian ways. Well we will not place her order of merit in the twelve, suffice it, that in skit or song; serious or gay; she was the consumate actress 'Doris. Now then this is fine so far, but what about the rest. Well there was Mrs Don Maunsell as pretty dnd chic as when we used to:hear her a few years ago, and we called her 'Queenie.' She was also in excellent voice. 4 And Dr Palmer Wood, tha Mayor. It is to be hoped that ne'ther Coun- cillors Klose, Bailey nor Pooudfoot were in the audience. If they were his influence as Mayor is gone le ever, beause they, with the writer will visualize him more as Ivan: Pulalotski the Volga Boatman, iha our dignified first citizen. Mr Tom Cy still rofelng al i a Frank McDonald is new, as well as Jack and Florence Pitt, to. Dryden audience. All did excellently. PREVENT FIRE as far asp ossible preventive Be PREVENT financial loss fire with sufficient INSURANCE 956% RE WITH Mrs Cooper and Harry Gammon rendered solos that received applause and encores. The choruses were well given and good precise enunciaiion was very apparent, mear.ny that when the twelve singers opened their mouths, the words were not mumbled, jumbl- ed or tumbled out of place, on the contrary were easly understood and owed. There was a finish to the whola show that lifted it from the medicore, A skit entitled, Old Man' has been criticised, because of its undue prominence on the bil- ling. And yet its principal actors HE Humphreys; SHE Mrs Jack P.tt pug over the subtleties to an ap- preciative aud'ence. The litile show was shown in onc of the principal London theatres, for many continuous months. It requires : fine geting, and an audience not {00 "obtuse. Both these were combined last Friday. The criticism of the Old Man has been kindly, because he wag 5 very sleepy old man, and too dzaf $0 hear unkind words. The sky Ezra was of gn untirely different natue. The country boy Ezra was acted by Bill Russell, the father was Mr Humphreys, the moth- er Mrs Brownhill. This playler was ir: three acts, and the scene of New York Streets, was drawn by Mrs Russell. Strange is iy not, what tal- ent can do. A strip of heavy build- ing paper, an artist's strokes and we see Fifth Avenue. beautifully acted. actress Mrs this ladies the Bride?'; leading Brownhill, again showed versatility. We have mentioned the Vion Boat- man this was the final sketch, Mr Tom Crawley was the Bathman, ani the act was pleaing, clever and a surprise to the audience. The show proper was through =at 10:30. Then , dance, musicat>d by Russell's Ramblers lasted until onc o'clock, and the met proceeds have put the Tennis Club in good finance. We went home to bed with tuneful melodies i, our heads, and waking 'ag usual at seven o'clock, found the bed clothes tangled, tossed, and on the floor to the tune of Happy Days are Here again. TOWN OF DRYDEN Telephone Operators Applications will be received by "he undersigned until 6 pm. May 13th next for Operators for the Telephone System in the Tow, Hall Shifts to be 8 hours each, seven days a week. 3 Aptlicanis to state salary expected. No applican; necessarily accepted. J: E. GIBSON, Clerk Town of Dryden. MARRIED-- _ 'He, She and the This again was "day they will lose not one pound Then another skit 'Why 'am I never ¢ that the story At St. Luke's Church, Dryden, on Tuesday, April 29th 1930, Mr George Ponton of Wabigoon and Miss Mar-' guerite Betts also of Wabigoon, were united in Marriage, Rev. W. R. Tindle officiating. . SPECIAL MEET Dryden Golf Clu ub Last week-end a well known resid- ent of Dryden returned to town af- ter being away for about three weeks, Sitting comfortably in the observation car he was looking of the window thinking of home and the nice juicy steak his wife would' 'have ready for him when he arrived. 'Jus: before the noticed a line of about 20 automob- 'iles neatly parked in the middle of the Mill farm. Astonished and curi- train stoppad. he ous he looked again and saw many persons walking around with eager intense looking on their faces, evid- ently in search of something. He was somewhat shert sighted and d'd not ! see the little red flag so he asked the conductor about this. Golf Club" was the answer, and no wonder he was amazed tha; all should have happened ip such short space of time. This Club has gone over big with everybody. If you don't believe it look in the various stores around the towyn and you will see great displays: of Golf Clubs, Bags and Balls. Some merchants are already distributing score cards gratis, as an adveriising medium. Numerous small boys hava fash'oned imitation golf clubs out of sticks and are trying the game ac- cording to their own rules, If there are any comfortably pro- portioned ladies who are taking the e'ghteen day diet, please be advised that if they play eighteen holes casional ball (who knows?) here let it be Right definitely understood of the player who searched for a los; ball on day until dark and then went to town and bor- rowed , flashlight--is not true, Al- so' it is finally settled that Bobby Jones has too many engagements to be able to come here this seasen. To ge; dowy to business the facts are these. Here is a chance to play or learn to play, the ancien; and hon- be glad to have you a card. e your name and issue NOTICE TO CADDIES Members needing caddies will en- gage them before leaving town as: no other boys are allowed on the; course. This was dea'ded ai a meet- ing held May 1st, 1930, ING-- A Special Directors meeting of the Dryden Agricultural Society will be held in the Town ont! "Dryden this T a; IR. i L. Pronger, % iy day, but two, and incidentally an oc- | etended the Hard Time Dance held ax Hall on Wendesday Ln Tth at 8 pm. ST. LUKE'S BOY SCOUT TROOPS The first meeting of the troops, | which was sponsored by the A: Y: P| A: was held on Monday evening at 7 pm: Nincteen boys of the church? were present and applied for memb- ! ership. Mr K Ray with the assistance of. have: volunteered to act as leaders. It was decided to meet every Mon-" day sand Thursday evenings at 7.00 o'clock sharp. The Troop Committee will meet shortly to decide a working program. Meanwhile the boys will receive in- structions, so that they can obtain hog Tenderfoot badges when . they become due. | * Orderlies for Thursday, May 1st-- Alexander, E. C; Baker, W T. i Ozderlies for Monday, May | . Crawley; C. Heard. 'Onderlies for Thursday, May 8h-- # # K: RAY, Leader. | LoxpRIFT SCHOOL REPORT-- Sri IV-- Dorothy Griffiths, Mary Corner, Cecila Spalding. Class I1I---Hazel Richardson, Viet- or Pollard, Jimmie Pateman, Grant McGonegal. Class II--Douglas Amos, Thomas Gr' fhiths, Irvin Skene, Stella Pollard Jimmie Spalding, Amy Corner; Hel- Iingten MecGonegal, Mary Cook Gil- bars Coutts. Jr HI--Jackie Coutts. Class. TI-- Burton Pollard Lawrence James; Will'e Amos, Ursula Cook. Pr Rena Skene Marion Coutts; George Lyle; Ivor Amos. hi 14 ars on f SHCEGOL RE-OPENS-- __ RICE---LAKE----School re-openad af- ter Faster with an increased attend ance, as the Vap is again running from Beaver ake Me es ii operations aftew runn'ng for about two weeks. The Misses Bertha and Jean Wilt- on and Lawrence spent pary of their . Britton, on April 25th. Mr and Mrs L Weaver have moved to town after spending the winter » here. i MUNICIPALITY "OF MINNITAKI i TENDERS are called for ths rais'ng of Minnitaki School Building, laying a cement wall one foot high and all repa'r work needed. The School : Board to supply all material and ilay ii on the School grounds. Full partieulars can be obtained from the secretary, A, E. RAND Minnitaki Tenders to close May 22nd 1930. Another [BEON, Agent, Beja Vemma naceas: CEng e SRSA ANE SERRE Supply of LE re er a NX IO the Fourteenth of May the B Ladies. Aid will entertain their i 5 "UNIQUE TEA friends to a SILVER GUEST TEA This will be in the basement of the ;church. In the course of the next 'few days, you will receive your in- | Messrs F Willard, and J Armstrong ig later. i St Luke's Girl Guides__ "from our Fregidaire Fountain Serv-i.f gifts were then presented i. DAVIDSON--SAUNDERS A quiet Easter wedding hols Place zt one o'clock on Sunday, fo 20th at ns home of the brid:, wh Hazel Mas i eliest daughter of Me and Mrs Job Saunders, Dryder, be- + Locals Mrs BM. S. Campbell and sons Ver- ne and Gordon have returned to their home in Ottawa Yer spending the Easter vacation A Mr and Mrs J.7a [Ye MeFayden. Ed came the pride of Mr Ayton Webster, Mi cs Ethel Willard of Pory Arthur clues son of Mr and Mre T. David- the ouest of Mrs 1B, Dearden. son, Barciay. The bride entered the recor which was tastefully decorated with white streamers, bolls an! Easter Lillies on the arm of her father. She was attired in lovely wedding gown, made in draping lines of white silk Di. G. McKellar of Keewatin was a business visitor to Dryden this week, Bud Offer has returned to his home in Brandon, after holidaying in Dryden. Dryden Lodge I.0.0.F. will hold a << Whist Drive and Dbnee in the Town canton crepe, trimmed with orange Hall on May 19th beginning at blossoms and an ornament of bril- 8:30 p.m. : __|Vants; her veil was of silk net deap- Russell's Ramblers will hold a : fully from a Juliet cap, dance fy the Paper Mill Hall on which was caught with a wreath of May 24th. orange blossoms. | Miss Muriel Martin, who attended the bride, wore a dress of royal blue georgette and velvet. The groom was assisted by his brother, James Davidson. The ceremony was pei- formed by the Rev. J. W Howes The grooms gift to the bride was a lovely mendan whi ol The Initia) menting of 3% 2a mond : wd Sneak white gold bar pl Girl Cu'des and Brownies was held fs A 1a ' with amethyst setting and to Wednedsay evening in the Parish; " hall with 18 Guides and twelve: groomsman 2 vellow gold signet ring Brownies and five leaders attending. } itn white fold engravings. TFollcwing the ceremony, the bridal Fev. W. R. Tindle gave some pre- ! liminary instruction in Guidng and} party sat down to a sumptors wed- | ding dinner, The date of the Dryden Branch of the W. I. Annual Meeting has been changed from May 23rd to May 80th. Further details ofwhich will be given wivi to Siizy Lote' 1738 drilled in cuidoor marching. The Erownies will meet in the Parish Hall Friday, afternoon the Second at 4:30 p.m. : WABIGOON--A_ miscellaneous shew- The Girl Guides will meet Wed- of was held a; the home of Mrs I. nesday the Seventh in the Parish Hall Johnson Saturday afternoon for Mios at 7:30 pam. i Marguerite Betts prior to her mar- riage to George Ponton, April 29. The living room was prettily dee- orated with pink streamers, the fior- al decora.. being pink snd red roses. A daiaty tea was served bv the hostess vhr was assisted by her sister Mrs Nystrom and Mrs Taft, and Mrs Krogan. A large =v %® TEER TR Na lea Cream Parlour WITH ihe advent of warm weather we are fully prepared to serve patrons with Ice Cream and Cold Drinks, ice. Try our Fruit and Nut Special | grated baby carriage and for w Subldae @o Cola, aia 25¢ she expressed her grateful tho: {Banana Split, Black and White ; Amongst those present and ourable game within a few minutes Tater hol'days Tithe her aunt, Mrs for Dad Harem ______..__.. _ 25¢ who sent gifts included Mrs V from your home. Experience is not wr MeArihur, 3 sult Sundaes ood oad 15c Armstrong, Mrs Albert Johnson, Kis necessary and ninety per cent of the Tw, now ruck have recently been Tce Cream Sodas-- Ponton, Mrs W. Burns, Mrs Andy present members have never played .; hosed by members of this local- Al fI2VOrS ooo. von 10 Ponton; Miss Marie Johnson, Mrs ©. before. The fees are possibly tha Yon Cn Sad Corbett Mrs Betts, Mrs Froome Jicha : } re 5 lian = Ice Cream Sodas-- : lowent in Ontario. Fifteen do The Groves' brothers have been do- Large 15c SOT; Mrs R. Olson, Miss B Erickson; buys a membership ticket for man, 0 meer Tn Krickaso Me d Mre Jock ; {ing a rushin business hauling spruce Ar 5 : ans LIICKSOR; 17 and g and wife, all other individuals ten' Dyydon § Spruce lice Cream Malted Milk -----. 20% Frtant dnd Beviters Mo ond Mes dollars each for the season. There | Mize thet Morton visited with SOFT DRINKS--AIl Kinds Archie Wight; Miss Alice Wright; is no limit to the membership. If'peaq¢ at Quibell during her Easter Mrs W. Rhind and Winnifred; Ves you are ap all interested, T. Crawley, ¥. +: 0 The Central Hotel Rohirson and Exth; Mrs Nord--mm =» J. Fowlie or W. H Brownkill will i Several from this neighborhood at , . Mrs V. MNordrum, Mrs Lunamari, Mrs Tittle, Mrs J. Neill, Mrs C. Col- : ;len; Mrs Gabrielson and others. LBC Gas ie BIG DANCE PLANNED-- The Men's and Women's Carulis Miss Pat'v Wright of Drydesn who Clubs have combined to arrange @&,0as becn visiting her cousin, Marg. 'hig dence, which will he held in the juerite Merrill returned to her heme Lobe Mill Hal on Friday, May 9th, | Sunday. and they have spared ne pains or | Miss expense to make this affa'r ome of! Dyment « the best, and a fitting one to ark {sponding the the close of the first season of curl-! home here. ing in Dryden. The dance was; Miss Bayne retvrned from Poplar purposely delayed so a3 mot to clash Sunday afternoon. with other previously arranged af- 1 Anton Psunton took her little fairs, bus i 's certainly going to be ison fo Dryden Red Cross Hospital on a date to ke remembered. Everything Saturday to have his tonsils zemov- that goes to make an enjoyable|ed. dance wil be there--excellent musie, novelties, novelty, prize and al old time dances zs well" zs ihe popular dance music. miss this affair, and 'ue Crziers are counting on vou for yeue support. Both Robinson returned cn Sunday afternoon after Faster Holidays 2% her to Poi Frank Willams has undergone ai- other operation on Lis knee ip 'hc Winz'peg General Hospital. He will always have a stiff knee; but has prospects of being able to resmus work by next wirder -- Ton't itation. come along for hear a musie. pleas'ng programme of "note that the regular "in May a: three o'clock. WATERWORKS DEPARTMENT -- § Wil all parties desirous of Sewer § and Water Connections have their applications in the Clerk by May 15th extensions. ALFRED PITT, Chairman Water & Sewer Committee DRY wWOOD Delivered ~-Tamarae, per cord: oo... . --Mixed Fuel pef cord ..__$6:50__ -_Split Poplar, per cord____$5:50__ Prompt Delivery SWAN SWANSON __ Phong 16 Dryden. . May we ask that you give 2 the varicus hostess' your szpport ar' B a dainty lunch, and 2 The date, the 14th of May. § 'Members of the Ladies Aid please % meeting of § the Aid will be held in the basement £4 of the church on the first Wednesday # hands of the } so that the Council may be able to give prop- § er consideration to connections and % 3 BOE igi oe ge 27% "DE Nn DRYDEN WV C. O. SELF, Prop. Licensed as a Standard Hotel Under the Liquor-Control Act. RATES--$2:50 per day-- MEAL TICKETS $7:00 per week. Wi will be pleased to Cater to SMALL PARTIES of 6 to 12 persons in our Stiicily Private Dining-room. LIGHT LUNCHES--Served at all times except Meal Hours Eee Meny sx LIGHT LUNCHES CAKE & PASTRY-- SOUPS-- Cream of Tomato Soup..__ .15 Vegetable Soup EET 10 Apple Pie 5 SANDWICHES -- Balin Tie FT iF 08% fl a fat $m rm 9 come 8 0 i Ham Sandwiches --_____..__.10 Mince Pio REE Shlain 10 Cream Cocoanut Phieo___ .10 L Boal © oo minis. 520 Cale dent dems rst ral i Tomato = 10 ea a ne a ROE rea nh = Sr EEN NA nM | by ROTA a ee 2 8 3 on TOE ee 20 BD print mer ee vi Y, Sardines on Toast ----o--oo__ 20 Coffee mite 05 id Pork & Beans and Bread 21 Sr a eT Si / and Butter __..o.e..--_ .25 TEA Rw LT

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