Dryden Observer, 2 May 1930, p. 3

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THE DRYDEN OBSERVER TEER ar WA EI p-- PISCE SE sree « Ramey SI pe erm me NRE A TEEION oS cag CORNERS L!TTLE CORNER : Vol. 3 Map 2nd, 1930 No. 4 IE -GED (-EED ) ED ()-GRED ()S- () E-O): CER () GE ED (GR =a i em-- ------------ eT ism of a steam shovel. Frosh Engineer : Don'; kid me. You can't carry steam on But from the many jokes I hear, There certainly must & ¥ h B zl h Hot Stuff I never saw a horse- Dunlop. Grol nd id TV: Mechnics Professor pee . 2 : br -- Oil always on » 86 0d S yDescrtbe the mechan Si ope to see hand. Traffic is only as dense as the driver. at PRONGER'S This Season's Newest and Smartest of Tyeeds Just Received in a shovel. be, one | | . Various Smart Styles and Colourings. What about the new it : i : CANVAS FOOTWEAR--at our usual --LOW PRICES Harold Laifmer h drill, night as wel = puddin We have a Most Complete Stock of Running Shoes for all the McCormick-Deering sold Zaofiniey nav have aidan foe A 9 « members of the family, from the tiny tots to mother and dad, farm equipment 's good Tp en tae Li ey 22d or Spry of 5 ven A way i ide. 2 getting a good one. in both plain and fancy linces. equipment, no matter : These are only a few of the numbers we carry: : Monldarayd Band gave what kind of a mach- them a serenade on Our Win dow Cheer up! The less ¢iid's Brown Canvas Slippers--6 to ER 75 | ine you bu ; 5 11d's Brown Canvas Slippers-- 11 to tn IO yan buy. Bvesdny night and re- you have the more : a Cs 93 pori being royally en- thats J tn gi LE : __hild's White Canvas Oxfords -- 6 to OE ens beim :90 ih : tertained, Guess the Number Child's White Canvas Oxfords --11 £0 2-- --ormmmmmmmmmm ii Yor Is Yhe Ingur, Child's Brown Canvas Oxfords--~6 to 10-- «ior m :85 : ance--the older you ~ome in and see the Win A ur ew Women's two-tone Brown and Biege Canvas Oxfords, get the more it costs % : new 10-20 tractor; see --_-- [ Smart APPEATANCE -- mmm: + + mmmmmm mmm ten $1:20 you. : ad > may ngeth No pons GOLD SEAL CONGOLEUM RUG Women's Brown Slippers --3 to FAI ne $1:20 i Tor ne wigs olen, cae hall henting®, Te < pt AR Women's White Oxford, blue trim --3 to et aon BLES ne and the many other; FREE Women's Brown Oxfords-- 3 to RL T $1:05 ; McCormick-Deering : Wi lie: Oh, I'm wear features not seen on; re Women's Brown Laced Boot-- 3 to 7 -- +o v mmm mme $1.15 7 § cream separators 'urn ing my blak salt to: what funy Heasions : MENS and BOTS i easy, get all the cream day! 3 eT We give away a Ruz ox - Men's Extra Heavy Canvas Work Boots, all sizes, 6 to 10 $1:80 $7 look mice and wil last 32 : : Men's Oxfords-- White and Browd-- ..----v--memommme =m $1:00 | a lfe-time. Why McCormick-Deering ; LL Le $1:55 ? take chances on any When in need of a Dealer Men's Brown Outing Balmoral ------m--...mmmmt vmmmmmeee $2:55 | other. new tire, make it a Oxdrift, Ontario Boys Brown Outing Balmoral -----oo voor mom m mmm $1:9% § : Roys Speedster Balmoral-- a ee 21:00 a - : BO Simrad pminme SUED ) of hydrated lime, about one pound to pink, to scarlet dark brow: and : ' i ; , 2 ' i prs, 8 ' n ir St gy LE Bo-uterced mmm $1415 2 two square yards, every year or two yellow. Other flowers thay are also Durance Hardware vs ion --very natty, @ ---+--mmmmms + mmm mm 190 is advised. Lime is particularly es- recommended for their easiness of D he ht IN Cn cme oni $1000 sential where one is depending on culture include cosmos, arigolds, cal- Tydan, Ghy=D%--Grense Fhone 41 Ce Eo | commercial fertilizers, liopsis, phlox and coreopsis. 3 i ? i i A great many of us will be look-: Mulch paper fs now being highly Ralph 3 Pr onge r i +7 ZINNIAS __ _MULCH PAPER ... | i 0 EE GED ERD) RO SEI) >) GD) D0 THE 0 CE Ying for an early flower which does recommended by Dominion Experi- | inoi require very special treatment or mental Farm authorities for use in > » ® i ° yo, ; ! a SET ypecta I Reductions Hints soil. In this connection, the zinuia the home garden. This fs simply : : ; joan be recommended. It comes in & heavy black paper especially prepar- 2 EE I REE . [great variety of colors and one can ed to withstand weathering. It comes - (Canadian Garden Service, 1930) 'also have small or dwarf types, in various widths and is tacked down AXES and AXE HANDLES, Very light soil will be benefitted medium sorts, as well as regular with wire staples between the rows HORSE BLANKETS, 'wiih plenty of strawy manure and 'giants. ~The Zinnia is an annual & lof vegetables. Naturally, this pre- HEATERS and 6-in STOVE the same treatment plus a small ap- it does particularly well in the new vents weed growth and the paper ¢ - PIPES To ~- plication of ashes for sand will loos- garden and also filling in the rather absorbes the sun's rays and so heats § Se Many other Seasonable Lines en up clay. Vegetable seeds cos but arge space in the perennial border up the ground. Water too is collec- } We A pp re Ci a te ; a few cents. Tt is a good plan to befor the regular flowers have de- ted and runs across the paper to the ¢ : : Eres GOOD SET SECOND-HAND ... plant a few rows of the hardyvarie- veloped to their fullest extent. This! rows of vegetables where ft is most 4 i sree Kodak TEAM SLEIGHS at __ ties such as spinach, radish, lettuce flower blooms early and continuously needed. Where this mulch is used, @ pa Ta Tonlonye fo our Hoen is : y Offer on May ist, and regret that carrots, peas and beets as soon as from early summer until frost. For ~rowih is materially hastened which . t v 1 ; : ha If frosts cust them down, very early bloom, it is advisable to is an important po'mt with those he supply allotted to us to be We also have a NeW Fresh given away was not sufficient to give possible. Stock of-- Hal J vd WE : hy ea : J the loss is really trivial whereas if start the seed indoors and trans- 'vegernbles such as Corn, Tomatoes, ; ; 3) i PAINT, VARNISH and... they come through ald three times plant outside outside after all danger Melons and similar things. Garden- 4 Ty child who attended on thes ; ALABASTINE -- wig , re ar (of, giOTUed a pianty aw ave advised to at least cover a ¢ a. : 4 For Early Spring Cleaning. ,out of five they will, even if sown of frost 15 OVOF, OF SiaTtea uous cin wen wrested ooo V3 webb) J A Ss g just as soon as the ground can be cap be purchased. For big individual portion of ther vegetable patchwith b] mn mar mm TT KC ER i : : t worked, a considerable gain has been flowers, it is well to pinch off half the new mulch, which in addition to 3 3 secured in earliness. {the side shoots and about the same the above advantages also eliminates 9 RM 9 AM 5 E : A K LOSE 5 Where the ground is inclined to be number of buds, having about three practically all cultivation on. import- 3 other S Day, 4 ray 1 I th : 2 9 sour, such as in low spots or shady flowers coming on at the same time. ani point where one goes away dur- ¢ i - Dryden Hg Ontario orners of the lawn, an application , Colors range from cream, mauve, & ing part of the summer. Remember her with the 2% of good £ ; j + & a a a RTF SCENE TR SOR NUR RRR ES 20 4 tate, i 4 ; ; € X > 3 ' ¢ Val ~ % Sheriff's Sale of Lands for Arrears of School Taxes A Box of Chacolates { School Section No. 1, in the Townsnip of Zealand Suitably bored for the soassior, HO % - Q have a very nice lime of Fancy boxe a o . . e Candy--Reasonably Priced. 3 District of Kenora, Province of Ontario 8 ".- 4 fed 4y virtue of a Warrant under the hands of the Chairman and Secretary of School Section No. 1, Township of Zealand in the District of Kenora | % i O : G § dated the 10th day of March 1930, commanding the Sheriff to levy upon the lands here'nafter described for arrears of taxes respectively due there . ¢ ® a 2 Ty on, together with the costs incurred;" HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that pursuant to the Assessment Act, I shall on MONTIAY, the 4th day of Aug- 14 : @ a ust, 1930 at the hour of Eleven 0'Clock in the forenoon at the Sheriff'sOffic in the Town of Kenora, in the sz'd District of Kenora, proceed to hy sell by Public Auction, so much of the said lands as may be necessary for the payment of the said arrears and charges thereon unless such oh RT ANIA rears and charges shall have been sooner paid. Baia ; pn CRRA AEE BY aA o Td or LUTLE SELENE EEUU ELS PALSY: No. of Lot Con: Avrears Years in Arears Taxes Expenses Total Name of owner Address Un-ptd RRR ER ih FALL 3 - =p EF» ED Township of Zealand S% Lot 1, Parcel 4462 4 160 1921 to 1929 $137.26 $ 13.09 $150.35 " James Anderson, Pat > : inclusive Woodstock, Ont. =, SW. pt: Lot 3 2 : fie Grocery he) SN. ™y, Lot 3 1 83 1919 to 1929 $100.37 £10.60 $110.97 C. N Daly, pid ni aS Ip inclusive Guelph, Ont. THESE PRICES ave GOOD TOR MON, MAY 15th S Pt; Lot 2 1 136 1925 to, 1929 $ 56.80 5844 $ 65.24 Frel Smith Er Usn- Jelly Powders, Red and W hite--with genuine flavor, 6 pkts 35 : if inclusive " Wabigoon, Ont. Ptd. White Beans--Ontario Hand pickad-- 3-108 LOT --mummms 2m 1&5 S34 Jot 1, Parcel 6649 2 159% 1020 to 1929 $147.28 $ 12.95 $160.23 Isaac Wooodly Ptd Te olan excellent va ue SLICED in Syrup, Ne 2 tins inclusive : Moose Jaw, Sask. Co LIS TOT oe rons pints og 27 Townsite of Wabigoon Peanuy Brittle--nutty and crispy--- Tandy for the KWds--B. 2 ; Corn Starch--1-1bpkgs., always handy in the Kitchen ----. +1 Tot 1 Block 8 1919 to 1929 $ 13.00 _ $ 6.25 $ 19.25 Alfr.d Gooch, Kenora, Ont. Sodas--Fresh and Crisp--Patterson's Duiter cream, pkg -- 23 : ; inclusive ~ ORANGLib-- LEMONS--OUNIONS--& other Xresh Fruits and ® Lot 22, Block 9 1919 to 1929 $ 13.00 $ 6.25 $19.26 Lizzie C. Lumby, Wabigoon, Ont. Vegetables. Foe inclusive § TEA--Red & White Orange Pekoe, 1-1b packages -----.-- £5 Lot 28; Block 9 1919 to 1929 $ 13.00 $ 6.25 $ 19.25 W. A McCullough, Kenora, Ont =3 CCFFEE--Red & White--1-U vacuum tins, per Win. tor omnis #35 inclusive 1 Pp CKLES-- Sour; Sweet and Mustard; Quart Scaler ------ 42 Lot, 27; Block 21 = 1919 to 1929 $ 13.00 $ 6.25 $ 19.25 Jos J. Spencer, Wabigoon, Ont. gl DA TES--Golden; 2-16 PRES LOF mum: + mm rmmmmmmmm mmm © inclusive = -= . : : 3 SALMON--Faney Quality, Pink-- 1-10 4i0S -- wemmsmmer 129 Lot 2 & 2; Block 9 = COCOANUT--Finest Shredded--per IH = --= «mmm 0 Plan M-36 nl 1928 to 1929 $198.48 $ 15.52 $214.00 E: L: Drewry, Winnipeg, Man. Li IYE Gillett's--the Wonderworker--per till maee--smmm----w= i inclusive ; CLEESE--Majestic--214-1b boxes -----a..wommmmmommmm------e 53 f : JAM--Pure Strawberry; Raspberry; & Black i ; Township of Southworth : I IT pr aoe mnie S15 Lot 16 : Bue 159% 1926 to 1929 $, 46.68 $ 7.94 54.62 Albert A. Neil ma, DR | CORN---Cholce quality Golden Sweet; No 1; tins One tn inclusive i Welland, Ont. { Pons--Choee quality; No 4 sieve. No 2 tins of each 8 The adjourned Sale, if any, will be held at the same time and place two weeks later sblished in the Ontario Gazette, April 26th, May 3rd and May 17th; 1980. " - % JOHN W. HUMBLE, id . Sheriff of Kenora.

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