Co T 2 Rolls--per 1b Side Bacon--14- JELLIED TONGUE, COOKED HAM; mp're Back Bacon=per 1b _. whole or half _ fe Home por Bo aiiiits minis Bo PRZ--020 ID ol rimmed COOKED MEAT For the Holiday Week-end -- iil ass 193 :28 :22 JELLIED VEAL ROAST PORK; etc Phone A. baal EEC EL REE Dryden FERRE LEAL RL Singer drop-head treadle in Repair--Round Shuttle Singer--hznd good Repair 0 % shut price $95:00. White El condi tion. ectric Portable, new $85:00 Price S'nger Electrics, Be Forest Crosley, T7-tuabe vy, was $275.00. E) Wastinghouse; was $285:00; in perfect oder. Pro U ii Dr yen, LG coc te ote - moni foo be Special oi. 7-tube; all Electric: LOY a A good machine--Long nite Singer Cabinet-- T-drawevs-- drop boot d--Long Shuttle, runs like new 5-drawer Cabinet drop-head, le, runs like new. Regular Qur price-- in perfect now KL CTRIC RADIO BARGAINS -- Electric Qnterio Voy oe Soding! Machine Bibi 3 -- $17:00 imme $45:00 These Machines have been taken in part payment for New $98:00 Li $98:00 ger & Armstrong Son ) 4 a « 0) £e i Ai Ba 00 0VNH000000000 WACHIN & DONLEY, Barris ters, Solicitors, etc., Office on O GRANITE & MARBLE O O MONUMENTS CC O GEO. NOBLE, 0 2 Dryden, Ontario Oo NOQCO00000000000 3ain Fioor, Donnelly Block, Corner Matheson & First St. South, Kenora Ont. "The Best From the West" SEDALE COAL SCREENED UP TO A STANDARD -- Not Down to a Price A Hard Coal that will Stock Anywhere and All Lumps $13:50 per Ton the ELD MEATS; WICH "FILLERS ents for Salads. best procurable. PICKLES; To think of Picnics and these events Picknickers Can Rest Assured that the supplies they purchase here are FRUIT SYRUPS--for Drinks; ~All Kinds of FRESH FRUITS CANNED GOODS; SALAD DRESSING, & all the fresh Ingredi- mean good things to. eat. SAND- ¢ Ls = New Sample Sent, PRONGER & ARMSTRONG, Dist- rirt agents for Willis Piano Send Congratulations to Mr A. P Willis on his Eighty-fifth Birthday. PIONEER PIANO MERCHANT IN PERFECT HEALTH FOR id BIRTHDA ¥ To be in peprfect health and full of the joy of productive work after passing his 85th year is the enviable state of A. P. Willis, president of the Piano Company. This pioneer, Montreal ~merchans celebrated his birthday amfd the congragulat'ons of the members of the family and the officers of his company. At nine o'- clock he sat in his private office on St. Catherine street west, surrounded by baskets of beautiful roses which had been presented to him through Principal and Mrs A. G. Abbolt- i am as well as il ever was in my life', Mr Willis said when the long hours he devotes to the management of the company was recalled. 'I am at my desk at 8 o'clock every morn- ing, and I seldom leave befory 6 p.m. I have worked hard, but I have tak- en good care of myself. Hard work never hurt anyone. 'No, I have never played golf--in fact I have never indulged in out- daor sports, but I am a pedestrian. 1 walk the distance.between my home 'n Westmount and the office four times a day and that Is at least five miles' Mr Willis sa'd. His comnlex- { might envy, his hair is black, and his i keen blue eyes most elert. Born in Pictou County, N. 8, M: { Willis started , small business in St. § Antione stree; in 1871 when he came to Montreal. At first he sold sew- 'ng machines, but five years later when the population of Montreal was 130,000 he moved to the centre of the hrginess district in Notre Dame st, host and became a dealer in Pianos. 'Ever since that time we have been specialists.' Mr Will's said: "We have devoted all our time and money to one thing--the piano. We deal in other musical instruments. We believa in the piano as the basis musical instrument and we stand by it, We are entitled to use the Royal coat of arms of H. R H: the Duke of Connaught because during his re- gime as Governor-General of Canada he purchased a piano from us. Mr Willis, in addition to build ng up an Important Buginess, has giver "aely towards numerous philanthro- pic project. He is governor of the Montreal General Hosp'tal ihe West } orn, the Children's Memorial and th Protestant Hospital at Verdun, When he travels he usually goes some- : vhes, in Canada--either te the Paci: fie ons) of back te his birthplace ir Spring Suits --and-- --and the--- SEMI-READY GUARANTEE __ of SATISFACTION PROUDFOOT "The Dryden Tailor" ES 0) EN i] So from sleeping H FLOWERS BENEFICIAL IN ROOMS OF SICK beneficial rather than harmful in hos- pital and other sleeping rooms, is] |embodied in a statement issued hy 3 the department of Agriculure, re- || erring to the practice of removing i flowers at night. The belief that plants should be rooms - at night is entirely without foundation ed Ottawa, May T7--That flowers are i g | 30 H 5 the director of scientific work in. ion is one that 5 young woman of 25 CONTINUATION SCHOOL REP'T.- -- ore McRea 63:6; 59:4; Elmer Silver 59; 51; Alm, Larson 48.3. Form III--Alice Wilk'nson 70.5; Frank Whiteley 68.3; Arthur Doud- 'et 62.5; Mildred Dea, 60.; Wice 59.8; Patricia White 56 2; Charlie Gammon 55.4; Kalhleen Wil- Volkmar 46.5; Winkie Edgar 45.4; Ethel Darr 43.9. hazel Wilson 61.3--not ranked, Form II--Jim Rigbey 72.5; Effic Taylor 72.3; Bruce Collen 70.1; May Storey 69.3; Katie Ste'mer 64.3; Dick Cole 63.1; Ted McMonagle 61; Greta Hoffstrom : 5.95; George Nelson 57.6; Ry Wright 56.4; Eunice Gough 56; Claude Stansfield 55.6; Hildg i) 55.8;. Margot Cole 54.4; Howzed Wilson 51.6; Mabel King 51.6; Mar- garet Tucky 51.2; Bella Blake 49: :3; 3 Margaret Crerar 38.2, Form I--Mamie Reany 74.4; Kath- | leen Milroy 70.3; Fred Yawouski 64.7 ! Aylmer Wilson 61.4; Evelyn Strutt 160.7; Rose Yaworski 59:3; Fred! ! Aaron 59; Adolf Peterson 56 5; Garde ty Swanson 54; Beth Mercer Jessie Gardiner 52; Patty Wright 50 Frera Thompson 46.5; Martha Nel-- Wilkinsoy, 44; Earl McAlilster Arthur Taylor 40.1; Jessie 36.2; Nick Donger 85.6; Orville Ad- air 35; Alice Vankoughneit 34.3; William Petersoy 31.6, ATTEND DIVINE WORSHIP-- The 111th anniversary of the Ord- er of Oddfellows was observed on: Suryay, April 27, by attending div- ing worship in the Church. The Lodge responded by a large at- the theme 'The Bible versus Critic." He stressed the fact that if the Bible was what some people said it was , it would produce that particular type of people and spoke of the condition of Russia as the re- sult of the denial of the inspiration of the Bible, the Virgin Birth of Christ, and the need of accepting it as it was given. Op the other hand we see what it means to us, said the sastor, when we accept it as the in- spired Word of God. From i; is "aken the laws of every Christian Nation, r'tuals for almost every Lodge; the change that takes place n the foreign field when it is preach ad, and last but not least the change 'hat takes place ip, the life of the in- ¥vidual when the Christ is accepted 1s a personal Saviour. The church vas filled to capacity, extr, seating 7aving been provided by chairs and eats, kindly loaned the church from "he Hall. i At the vregelar meeting of the Lodge, a hearty vote of thanks was xtended to the pastor and choir for "he service. JTTAWA, May 7--The Dominion Bureau of Statisties at Ottawa re- rorts that the production of autome- iles in Canada during the month of Tarch numbered 20,730 cars. This mount was just about half of the otal number of cars manufactured in the corresponding year, Reports from the Customs show that 8,805 cars were imported into Canada and 6,630 cars were expect- ed during the same month. Of the total output during March, 16244 cars were made for sale in the coun- try and 4486 cars were intended foi export. <5 EE ---- = SD (1 CRT ()- BSED (3 CTT GTB (3 GO € LIVERY AND DRAY PROMPT SERVICE AT ALL HOURS A. WEAVER, Sryten, Ontario i! ERENT \NDERSON & k HARRIS ------ wbthatens DAY OR NIGHT CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENBED TQ PHONE- 'Day, 62 R 3 the Doprrtment of Pn In many hospitals it is the regular prac- tice to remove flowers and plants from the rooms at-night, because Night, eR 4 = it is thought that they are in some ; way injurous to the patients, Form IV--Nona Reany 63:8; Len- {3 Ronald Whilelay Bob Berrey | 2 Elmez kingon 54.6; Ab Revver 48.6; Julius Phyllis Hawke 63; Rutter 56.3; Vera Bailey 56.1; Bet-, 52.1; Kitchner Leach 59; Bill Baker 47.1; son 46.5; May Bartleit 45.2; Dillion, A451 Monty ; tendance and the pastor spoke from | the . FUNERAL DIREGTORS ¢ Srannk HSER SL EEL DDB SO HTH REN ANA TW 2 SVILIS ear g THT Romping, Bumping} Climbing; Sliding Youngsters! = How they burn up Shoe Leather. That's why it behooves 3 parents to buy Footwear of true tested.quality. We have Childrens Shoes--Solid leather throughout. In Botan Oxforda--Sizes 8:40 2 oi vamos tae $1:95 Gates Patronized by these wlio know Values SAREE ER RE EER EB DE DE RE I HE HTH EH HE HR RHE HINT 1:0:0:F:;, DRYDEN LODGE No. 417, meets in the Tewn Hall 8 p.m. G. R HAMILTON, N.G: C. ETTLES, Ree.-8ee i # i, 0. i DRYDEN LODGE, No, 1684 wiscts the First ad Thisd Wednesday of eaeh moth at eight Visiting CLEAN THE WHOLE WINDOW BY REMOVING TOP AND _ ! LOWER SASH a p.m, in the Town Hall. brethren cordially invited. R. McMONAGLE, WM the Second Tuesday of each memth. Visitors Cordially Invited. F. J. COOPER, W:M ag B. SMITH, Sec'y. GOLDEN STAR LODGE : AF: & A: M:, No. 484, G:R:C; q ! Meets in the Masonic Hall Dryden, i il BOTH 3@§HES RE- MOVE BY SLIGHT BUH IN THI3 remove loner sf Bf A. E. BERREY, Sec" LEER As : = HIE AEA OAOGOEEBIROO HIE g = ! = rE INTERIOR VIEW Fam J.A.GARDINE! Gensral HMeschest, CAGLE RIVER Agent for Frost & Weed IMPLEMENTS. COCKSHUTY PLOW COV. tees Sharple's Cream Separsters. ; RAW FURS BOUGHT & SGLY. ! : TTT Tr rr---- -- 1 ry Cleaning & 'Steam Pressing i BY A MODERN METHOD ! | P'HE MOST REVOLUTIONARY IMPROVEMENT OF A CENTURY IN WINDOW CONSTRUCTION _ Dryden Lumber Co. Ltd Dealers fp BUILDERS SUBFLIES LUMBER, EATH, . PLASTER, CEMENT, etc. i 5 ; Prompt Service on all Orders WOOD SAWING | and Work of the Highest Class, | BEGIN NOW BY HAVING YOUR WORK DONE AT A MODERN STEAM LAUNDRY A Call For Us Wili Result in Promp¢ Service. |] Leave Orders at Star Pool | room, Phone 108, or at my © house, (Queen S& | L. Whyte Street Laundry Mrs M. SMITH, Proprietress BAGESB EE RRR Canis. These Prices From our Soda Fountain LARGE SODA Ice Cream--any flavor IN PINT BRICKS ____. _ 35¢ BULK ICE CRZAM--Pints ____ 30c e--_-- BULK ICE CREAM-- Quarts____ 60¢ Choice of Flavors MALTED MILK ______.._._ Made with Fresh Whole Milk 20¢ Particular People INSIST CN THE BEST is That's Why -they buy our Bread. {& | IFILL ERAT AR NINE HELIA 0RCABORIRANENONANIE0TUET0NRRMIIIDIROSDIRNTIEONSD Dryden every Monday evening at